i somewhere read that "PageStream" was mentioned to be published as an os4.1 version.
Considering the state of the PageStream "development" in the past four years, I simply don't believe it. It could well be that A-EON had asked Deron for an OS4 version, and he promised it to them - hence the mention of it at AmiWest. But we all know that Deron will promise anything to anybody just to draw some money from their pockets. Remember all those users who paid for PgS/OS4, and never got a working release? Remember how he gobbled up DiscreetFX's money for the Alladin port, and never delivered anything? Isn't it a little strange that the "flagship" Windows version - the only decently working version of PgS 5 - was last updated in 2010? He's simply not to be trusted.