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Posted on 27-Jun-2013 19:31:41
#1 ]
Super Member
Joined: 26-Mar-2004
Posts: 1184
From: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

I've been trying to join They say they aren't accepting new members. It sounds like an exclusive country club. I'm sure they have legitimate reasons for not letting me join. I'm wondering if anyone else has had problems joining

X5000 / microA1(OS4.1 FE U2) / CodeBench / Imagine / Blender
Lightwave 2019 / Microsoft Visual C++

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Re: Joining
Posted on 27-Jun-2013 19:33:04
#2 ]
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Joined: 7-Mar-2003
Posts: 3060
From: Unknown


As an Amigans mod, we are accepting members, PM me privately, I'll sort it

No cause is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it.

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Re: Joining
Posted on 27-Jun-2013 19:42:20
#3 ]
AROS Core Developer
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can't be that exclusive they let me in. :)

Support AROS sponsor a developer.

"AROS is prolly illegal ~ Evert Carton" intentionally quoted out of context for dramatic effect

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Re: Joining
Posted on 27-Jun-2013 20:41:18
#4 ]
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Joined: 10-Jan-2004
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From: United Kingdom


And let alone let MikeyC be a mod ;)

Cross-developer on Windows, OS3, OS4, Linux; Current Projects:-
Nephele Cloud App OS4
UserProfile System OS4
AmigaOneXE OS4.1.6

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Re: Joining
Posted on 27-Jun-2013 20:43:37
#5 ]
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Joined: 21-Jun-2003
Posts: 3205
From: Beds, UK


New member registrations were stopped because of the ridiculous amount of spammers that were signing up.

I'm sure there's a better fix but, hey, not my call.

"Miracles we do at once, the impossible takes a little longer" - AJS on Hyperion
Avatar is Tabitha by Eric W Schwartz

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Re: Joining
Posted on 28-Jun-2013 8:45:11
#6 ]
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Joined: 21-Aug-2007
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From: Finland


My personal favorite antispammer mechanism so far have been on page i forgot the name already, but idea was that it was asking your whole name and adress and all when you were joining that forum, but after all the full name, adress etc. it read "Leave all these empty, these are to recognise spam bots".

In practice you were only supposed to fill your username and password, if you filled anything else, your account was automatically refused.

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Re: Joining
Posted on 28-Jun-2013 14:29:16
#7 ]
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Joined: 21-Jun-2003
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From: Beds, UK



Bugala wrote:

My personal favorite antispammer mechanism so far have been on page i forgot the name already, but idea was that it was asking your whole name and adress and all when you were joining that forum, but after all the full name, adress etc. it read "Leave all these empty, these are to recognise spam bots".

In practice you were only supposed to fill your username and password, if you filled anything else, your account was automatically refused.

That's a great idea! I have a registration thing on one of my sites, and loads of spambots register - but thankfully hardly any can figure out how to actually do spamming. The user database is ridiculous, and as I don't actually use the email address field for anything, blocking anybody who actually fills that in (alongside an appropriate warning) sounds like a perfect solution.

"Miracles we do at once, the impossible takes a little longer" - AJS on Hyperion
Avatar is Tabitha by Eric W Schwartz

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Re: Joining
Posted on 28-Jun-2013 18:35:13
#8 ]
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Still awaiting your PM

No cause is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it.

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Re: Joining
Posted on 29-Jun-2013 3:13:33
#9 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 6-May-2007
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From: Greensborough, Australia


At first I thought you may be having trouble. Then I thought you may be leaving us for them. Now I see you want to be part of both. Good call.

I considered joining as well but there are only so many forums and email groups you can be part of. I'm also on but hardly look there now. Especially when they tried to modernize it and stuffed up the quoting system in replies which I have never got to work like on here.

AmigaWorld may be getting old by comparison, but at least it works without anyone needing a degree in postology, and so I stay!

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Re: Joining
Posted on 29-Jun-2013 3:45:06
#10 ]
Joined: 27-Feb-2010
Posts: 78
From: Australia


You don't even need to make it that complex. Since a spambot wil, scan a page and fill in any found text boxes, you can have a normal membership page which has the extra text input fields but don't display them to the user. The bot will still find them in the html and fill them out so you know it is a bot.

I know a few people who have used this method. Helps stop spambots and also keeps the sign in page looking nice and simple without requiring the extra boxes.

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Re: Joining
Posted on 15-Jul-2013 15:02:09
#11 ]
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Joined: 26-Mar-2004
Posts: 1184
From: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

@ thread

Mikey_C helpfully assured me he would "sort it out". He doesn't seem to be getting my PM's. I think he was expecting a PM the next day, which never happened. I'd never leave Amigaworld. We're family. With all the drama that goes along with it.

X5000 / microA1(OS4.1 FE U2) / CodeBench / Imagine / Blender
Lightwave 2019 / Microsoft Visual C++

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Re: Joining
Posted on 15-Jul-2013 18:15:16
#12 ]
Super Member
Joined: 21-Dec-2003
Posts: 1058
From: At home (probably)


I have also sent him a PM asking about how to go about joining Amigans but have also not yet received a reply. Maybe he is as you said having problems with his PMs

Live Long and keep Amigaing!

A1200, Power Tower, TF1260 128MB RAM, 68060 Rev 6, OS3.9 BB2, HD-Floppy, Mediator TX+ PCI, Voodoo 3 3000, Soundblaster 4.1, TV Card, Spider USB, 100MBit Ethernet, 16GB CF HD, 52xCDRom.

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Re: Joining
Posted on 17-Jul-2013 19:20:05
#13 ]
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Joined: 30-Jan-2005
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@thinkchip & Amiboy
You can contact Orgin via IRC to get registered on

That thread also gives a bit more info on why it's currently like this.

Author of the PortablE programming language.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue...

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Re: Joining
Posted on 17-Jul-2013 19:55:50
#14 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 7-Mar-2003
Posts: 3060
From: Unknown


Apologies, but after some digging, we currently cannot accept any more new members. The spamming is out of hand, its ridiculous!!

Steps are being taken to upgrade the site, please bear with us.

No cause is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it.

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Re: Joining
Posted on 27-Jul-2013 11:20:04
#15 ]
Super Member
Joined: 21-Dec-2003
Posts: 1058
From: At home (probably)


Any sign of new users being able to sign up? Now that I finally have a Sam460 i'm eager to join.

Live Long and keep Amigaing!

A1200, Power Tower, TF1260 128MB RAM, 68060 Rev 6, OS3.9 BB2, HD-Floppy, Mediator TX+ PCI, Voodoo 3 3000, Soundblaster 4.1, TV Card, Spider USB, 100MBit Ethernet, 16GB CF HD, 52xCDRom.

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Re: Joining
Posted on 19-Sep-2013 18:36:17
#16 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 7-Mar-2003
Posts: 3060
From: Unknown


(With all respect to Amigaworld and its staff, I hope they won't mind me posting this here)

Hopefully Good news: Site being upgraded, full details


No cause is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it.

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Re: Joining
Posted on 20-Sep-2013 4:02:05
#17 ]
Joined: 9-Sep-2013
Posts: 29
From: Missouri USA


As a returning Amigaphile, I looked at as a possible resource, but since it appeared that no enrollments were being accepted, I assumed that it was one of the many dead Amiga-related sites.
If that is not so, I am also interested in subscribing. (By the way, what is the meaning of "PM" in this context?)

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Re: Joining
Posted on 20-Sep-2013 4:42:04
#18 ]
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Joined: 26-Mar-2004
Posts: 1184
From: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA


It means "dream on".

X5000 / microA1(OS4.1 FE U2) / CodeBench / Imagine / Blender
Lightwave 2019 / Microsoft Visual C++

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Re: Joining
Posted on 20-Sep-2013 7:29:51
#19 ]
Team Member
Joined: 8-Oct-2004
Posts: 2043
From: France, on an ADSL line


(By the way, what is the meaning of "PM" in this context?)

'PM' stands for 'Private Message'. You can access the private messaging system here at the top left of your screen. To send Mikey_C a message here on (and he is very good about replying, usually the same day,) simply click on his profile link at the bottom of his post above, click on 'PM' just under his e-mail on his profile, compose your message, click 'submit' and and voilą! is a rich resource that focusses on AmigaOS 4.x, although they have many classic users and enthusiasts as well. Both our site here and will give you a good re-introduction into our hobby/passion with access to a helpful and knowledgeable membership and the sites really do complement each other very nicely (in my opinion.)


No problems

¤¤ Official Hyperion Zealot ¤¤

(No, I didn't type that with a straight face.)

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Re: Joining
Posted on 20-Sep-2013 10:04:07
#20 ]
Super Member
Joined: 21-Dec-2003
Posts: 1058
From: At home (probably)


Brill! Will sign up as soon as the site is ready.

Live Long and keep Amigaing!

A1200, Power Tower, TF1260 128MB RAM, 68060 Rev 6, OS3.9 BB2, HD-Floppy, Mediator TX+ PCI, Voodoo 3 3000, Soundblaster 4.1, TV Card, Spider USB, 100MBit Ethernet, 16GB CF HD, 52xCDRom.

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