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      /  Re: Dave Haynie expresses thoughts on Natami and X1000
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Re: Dave Haynie expresses thoughts on Natami and X1000
Posted on 17-Apr-2011 12:12:40
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 30-Sep-2009
Posts: 2790
From: Italy

X1000 must be released ASAP (no questions about it) and should spark the necessary SW developments (both OS side, and applications side).
If they manage to sell out all they can make (given the "finite" number of PA6T avaialble) it would then mean two things A) There is some market, B) "We need a new System as we can't make these anymore"

I hope all of the above will take place in the next two years (tops) and that discussion of an NG system based on the modernized AOS"x", will take place together with additional investors.

QorlQ CPUs like any other, cost less the more you order, thus depending on what money will be on the table then, the price of the (supposedly) cheaper AmigaOne will be defined.

Whow knows if CUSA will drop in some of their fathomed "millions" and make an AmigaOS machine together with current involved parties (doubtful, but what do we know )

SamFlex Complete 800Mhz System + AmigaOS 4.1 Update 4
Amiga 2000 DKB 2MB ChipRam GVP G-Force040 Picasso 2 OS3.9 BB2
AmigaCD 32

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      Re: Dave Haynie expresses thoughts on Natami and X1000eXec17-Apr-2011 12:27:12
          Re: Dave Haynie expresses thoughts on Natami and X1000DAX17-Apr-2011 13:28:00

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