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DVD+RW made in OS4, read on OS3.9?
Posted on 25-Feb-2008 18:09:21
#1 ]
Super Member
Joined: 18-Jun-2003
Posts: 1442
From: Leavenworth, KS USA

Just curious if it would be possible to somehow read/write to a DVD+RW created using the SmartFilesystem-based format that OS4 supported? I've got a disk which had been created on my now-defunct A1 that I would like to read somehow on my OS3.9 WinUAE setup, but haven't been able to figure out how to make it happen yet. I tried creating a mountfile that accessed the drive with SmartFileSystem (current OS 3.9 version from Joerg's website), but it fails to recognize the disk.

I suppose another way would be to create a disk image file and mount that, but I don't know if there are any utils in OS3.9 that can read a disk image which is larger than 4 GB (which this would be). I do have access to a linux box with a DVD burner, so could make the image there if need be, then set it up as an HDF in UAE if I have to, but I'd rather be able to access the disk directly in the emulation if at all possible.

So, anyone have any ideas on how to do this?

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Re: DVD+RW made in OS4, read on OS3.9?
Posted on 25-Feb-2008 19:09:38
#2 ]
Super Member
Joined: 12-Jan-2004
Posts: 1174
From: Larisa, Greece


I remember reading that the DVD+-RW format was custom to OS4... I suspect it depends on the CDFS too, not just SFS.

And may the AmigaGuide you!

AmigaOne G3-SE, OS4 Final (July 2007 update), Debian Sarge, 512 MB RAM, 20 + 80 GB hard disks, NEC 3540 DVD writer, LG DVD reader, Radeon 9250, SB Live, Intracom Netfaster router, PCI USB card (NEC - OHCI/EHCI)

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Re: DVD+RW made in OS4, read on OS3.9?
Posted on 25-Feb-2008 21:07:37
#3 ]
Super Member
Joined: 18-Jun-2003
Posts: 1442
From: Leavenworth, KS USA


Not good.

I'm hoping that Joerg will chime in soon? Don't know if he looks at the Classic forums, though.

Maybe I should have put this in the OS4 forums?

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Re: DVD+RW made in OS4, read on OS3.9?
Posted on 25-Feb-2008 21:19:34
#4 ]
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Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 457
From: Denmark


He don't have an account here, you have a much better getting an anser on


Debugging is a state of mind

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Re: DVD+RW made in OS4, read on OS3.9?
Posted on 25-Feb-2008 21:51:57
#5 ]
Super Member
Joined: 18-Jun-2003
Posts: 1442
From: Leavenworth, KS USA


What? When did that happen?

Man, I need to pay more attention here.

OK, starting a thread on then.

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