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PicShow can't handle large images
Posted on 18-Sep-2007 12:36:46
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 14-May-2003
Posts: 4237
From: Sweden


I can't use PicShow for viewing modern (8Mpx+) digicam pictures because my AmigaOne will lock up all the time

Is this the same kind of lockups I have with 3D perhaps? SoundBlaster + a lot of Radeon traffic makes the A1 lock up? Or is it a bug in PicShow? It has been like this in all versions I can remember. Why I think it may be a PicShow bug is because if I set number of pics to preload to 0 and picture cache to 1 I can sometimes view a few pictures before locks up, otherwise it locks up when loading the next picture(s) in the pre-load process. Why I think it may be an A1 bug is because if one such large image loads successfully, the computer will still immediately lock up if I try to move it around using the mouse. (I have pics set to always load in 1:1 aspect, meaning they are a lot larger than my screen.)

Sometimes the screen just switches off and goes into stand-by but mostly I just get a lockup and have to push the button on the case.

Is there an aid for this? It gets quite annoying since newer cameras have like 10Mpx.

I have 512MB RAM and 256MB on my Radeon9250. I am not out of memory! If I am, it's clearly a PicShow bug. PicShow has been known to not be able to handle low-mem situations before. I think most of that have been fixed though.

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Re: PicShow can't handle large images
Posted on 18-Sep-2007 13:29:00
#2 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 19-Aug-2003
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From: Gloucestershire UK


Picshow displays my 10.1mp (3648x2736) pictures with no problems, for example I took this photo a couple of weeks ago, it displays fine on my µa1-c (R7000 32mb) with 512mb ram

OS4 Rocks
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Re: PicShow can't handle large images
Posted on 18-Sep-2007 13:40:24
#3 ]
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From: Oullins, France


I think it's the same problem for me with WarpView. My cam takes 10Mpixels pictures (4MB sized) and the only way I can watch them is with AmiPhoto (ou Multiview), I cannot use WarpView to see a fullscreen slideshoww.

I suspect a lack of Ram.

@Severin: your picture a low size (713kB), ours are way bigger.

PowerMac G5 2,7Ghz - 2GB - Radeon 9650 - MorphOS 3.14
AmigaONE X1000, 2GB, Sapphire Radeon HD 7700
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Re: PicShow can't handle large images
Posted on 18-Sep-2007 13:53:42
#4 ]
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From: Gloucestershire UK


it's highly compressed for the webspace, but it expands to the same raw size as the original 4.3mb file as compressed size means nothing, it's still X times Y times Depth no matter if the file is 700k or 4mb

I've shown far bigger with no problems like this (24889 x 1838) picture of mine.

OS4 Rocks
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Re: PicShow can't handle large images
Posted on 18-Sep-2007 14:00:18
#5 ]
Elite Member
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From: ..Pederburgh .. Iceni


I have an image in my backdrops dir thats 5200 x 4858 x 24 that picshow displays no problems.. Takes a few seconds to load it but you can scroll round the image (of Australia) no worries.

I believe THIS is the image I'm talking about. ( I just googled it)

I dont suffer from Insanity - I enjoy it


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Re: PicShow can't handle large images
Posted on 18-Sep-2007 14:03:16
#6 ]
Elite Member
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From: ..Pederburgh .. Iceni


@ Your pic

Aaah laddie... I remember when this twas six foot under water..........

Them were the days,

Now nip "t" chippy for nice piece addock for us tea !!

Your link just bombed my A1

I clicked on it and it starte loading but then I got a DSI error... but it continued loading...... Then I got a "Programs: is not validated" error so I clicked reboot OS in grim reaper (I had left it sitting there) and now my A1 starts up but no graphics output or hard drive whirring up.

I know.. I know...

Change the ferkin battery !!

Last edited by The_Editor on 18-Sep-2007 at 02:15 PM.

I dont suffer from Insanity - I enjoy it


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Re: PicShow can't handle large images
Posted on 18-Sep-2007 14:17:22
#7 ]
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From: Gloucestershire UK



The_Editor wrote:

I believe THIS is the image I'm talking about. ( I just googled it)


You don't have permission to access /gallery/albums/Space_widescreen_wallpaper/Australia.jpg on this server.

OS4 Rocks
X1000 beta tester, Sam440 Flex (733)

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Re: PicShow can't handle large images
Posted on 18-Sep-2007 14:19:19
#8 ]
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From: ..Pederburgh .. Iceni


It hath returned !!

I dont suffer from Insanity - I enjoy it


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Re: PicShow can't handle large images
Posted on 18-Sep-2007 14:21:32
#9 ]
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From: Kristianstad, Sweden


Try reload, worked for me

Site admins are people too..pooff!

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Re: PicShow can't handle large images
Posted on 18-Sep-2007 14:27:07
#10 ]
Elite Member
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From: Sydney (of course)


That "24889x1838" pic takes out PicShow here. I downloaded it into RAM: then pointed PicShow at it. After several seconds and temporary lockups, I got a requester saying "Cannot load panaroma.jpg. Layout failed".

This is the latest PicShow (31.403).


Hyperion Support Forum:

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Re: PicShow can't handle large images
Posted on 18-Sep-2007 14:42:10
#11 ]
Elite Member
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From: Gloucestershire UK


Displays fine here with PicShow 31.396, maybe it's a recently introduced bug.


Just downloaded and tried with 31.403 and it displays fine and preloads the other panoramas in the same drawer.

Last edited by Severin on 18-Sep-2007 at 02:53 PM.

OS4 Rocks
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Re: PicShow can't handle large images
Posted on 18-Sep-2007 15:28:20
#12 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 5-Oct-2003
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From: Manitoba, Canada


10 meg images load fine here in picshow. using A1XE 512 mb ram and radeon 9250.


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Re: PicShow can't handle large images
Posted on 18-Sep-2007 16:35:13
#13 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 19-Jun-2004
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From: Sweden

Severins 10mb picture loads fine here in picshow.
A1G4XE 800mhz 512mb nonregistered ram, Radeon9200(nonSE)

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Re: PicShow can't handle large images
Posted on 18-Sep-2007 17:02:15
#14 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 20-Jun-2003
Posts: 2163
From: Long Riston, East Yorkshire


Severins 10mb picture loads fine here in picshow.
A1G4XE 800mhz 512mb nonregistered ram, Radeon9200(nonSE)

Locks up my A1, with the busy icon every time, although I onl have a G3..

Peter Swallow.
A1XEG3-800 [IBM 750FX PowerPC], running OS4.1FE, using ac97 onboard sound.

"There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't."

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Re: PicShow can't handle large images
Posted on 18-Sep-2007 17:40:23
#15 ]
Elite Member
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From: Gloucestershire UK


I only have a G3 too. just in case it makes a difference I'm using registered warp datatypes.

OS4 Rocks
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Re: PicShow can't handle large images
Posted on 18-Sep-2007 17:52:49
#16 ]
Super Member
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From: Germany

Temporary lockups can happen when the picture is scaled to another size in the background. If the picture needs more than 10 seconds to load, it will probably need a similar amount of time to be scaled to screen size. More if interpolation is used. So just wait a little, perhaps it unlocks again.

These lockups are Picass96's fault. P96 locks the entire computer instead of just the bitmap which is accessed when using LockBitMapTags(). It does not happen with Cybergraphics.

PicShow was never meant to display such huge images. However, a complete redesign of it is currently being planned. It can only be a matter of years until it's ready

Layout failed

This happens on low-memory conditions. If you don't manage to quit PicShow, there usually is no other way out but a reboot. This is a known problem (bad design).



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Re: PicShow can't handle large images
Posted on 18-Sep-2007 18:04:41
#17 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 9-Jun-2004
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From: Norway


Maybe it better to scale the image in fast memory, and then copy the image over to the bitmap image after words, that will solve the stupid Picasso issue.

Scaling the image should be where quick task to do, maybe the code is not optimized correctly.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 18-Sep-2007 at 06:08 PM.

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Re: PicShow can't handle large images
Posted on 18-Sep-2007 20:25:44
#18 ]
Super Member
Joined: 24-Jun-2004
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From: the Clouds


Australia.jpg works here but panorama02.jpg locks up. I have to reboot then.
But I have only a radeon 7000

A1-XE 768MB, Radeon 7000 64MB. There is spare 7500 but 64MB too AFAIR.

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Re: PicShow can't handle large images
Posted on 18-Sep-2007 20:47:09
#19 ]
Elite Member
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From: Gloucestershire UK


I only have a 32mb Radeon 7000.

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Re: PicShow can't handle large images
Posted on 18-Sep-2007 20:47:57
#20 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 28-Nov-2003
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From: Perugia, ITALY


Here too same problem...
When loading big pictures My A1SE (Radeon9250 256MB), locksup and monitor goes black(in stand by)...
Only thing I can do was to reset(I dont remember if soft or hard...)

Any suggestion?

Simone"Tuxedo"Monsignori, Perugia, ITALY.

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