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Is youtube broken with OWB?
Posted on 23-Sep-2013 19:06:53
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 25-Jul-2003
Posts: 4286
From: Unknown

I finally got MOS to run on my ibook, so i decided to try some youtube and i keep getting the error "this video is not available".
I tried to activate the youtube scripts, including the fullscreen fix one and it just plays back the video for 1 seconds and then switches to that same damn error message.
If i activate html5 trial it will work with the occasional video while rest just moans about me needing flash player, even though it plays the video for a few seconds...

Last edited by Tomas on 23-Sep-2013 at 07:09 PM.

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Re: Is youtube broken with OWB?
Posted on 23-Sep-2013 19:54:42
#2 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 28-Jan-2010
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From: Tarnów


1. What version of YouTube script?
2. Did you "turn the script on" (the checkmark in lower left corner of the "Windows/Scripts" window)?
3. Can you give us a link to an example broken video?

Last edited by recedent on 23-Sep-2013 at 07:55 PM.

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Re: Is youtube broken with OWB?
Posted on 23-Sep-2013 20:03:30
#3 ]
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I am using the scripts that came out with the recently released MorphOS 3.3 and the newest version of swfdec.
All scripts have been added and enabled. I have gotten it working with 720p videos now after spoofing safari, but any other quality setting gives me no sound...
What is odd is how every single video seems to playback fine for the first 3-5 seconds and then the player reloads..

Edit: My fault.. Seems like there was a newer version of the script and now it seems to be working fine so far.
I have one more question though. Is there anyway to get real fullscreen instead of it filling just the browser window?

Last edited by Tomas on 23-Sep-2013 at 08:14 PM.
Last edited by Tomas on 23-Sep-2013 at 08:13 PM.

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Re: Is youtube broken with OWB?
Posted on 23-Sep-2013 21:16:22
#4 ]
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Joined: 28-Jul-2012
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From: Amiga land


i have the same problem here... i "fixed" spoofing as ipad and for have enjoyable video i change the setting of Owb in decoding "skipping" H264 frames...

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Re: Is youtube broken with OWB?
Posted on 23-Sep-2013 22:19:16
#5 ]
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From: Kingston upon Hull, UK



Tomas wrote:
I have one more question though. Is there anyway to get real fullscreen instead of it filling just the browser window?

You can press F11 for 'fake' full-screen, but alas there is no borderless fullscreen overlay.

Troll - n., A disenfranchised former potential customer who remains interested enough to stay informed and express critical opinions.
opp., the vast majority who voted silently with their feet.

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Re: Is youtube broken with OWB?
Posted on 24-Sep-2013 12:50:59
#6 ]
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Just to be a bit more precise on the topic, Youtube just heavily sucks, and making it work in HTML5 video is not that easy, even when the browser supports it perfectly... During the last months, they progressively installed a real nightmare regarding flash/html5 modes.

A couple examples:
SOMETIMES, even when HTML5 cookie/trial is not enabled, they try to be smart and instanciate the HTML5 player, but fail badly at it and use an experimental HTML5 concept called mediasource (not implemented by all mainstream browsers), which leads to not working playback, because the video url can't be accessed.

SOMETIMES, when HTML5 is available and cookie/trial is enabled, or when they find appropriate to use HTML5, they instanciate the HTML5 player and play the contents (which is fine), BUT then suddenly, for some insane reason, they still display the "You need Flash" message above it. Why? Absolutely no idea.

SOMETIMES, the advertised HTML5 video links (mp4/webm...) return empty contents, which leads to no working playback, obviously.

The list could grow a lot, but well... :)

In any case, in order to have Youtube working in Odyssey, you need latest userscripts to fix Youtube's mess, and you also need the Flash plugin (to counter their smart strategies leading to "you have no flash" even though HTML5 is behind and already playing...).

Regarding a real fullscreen mode, it could be done, but there's a conceptual issue doing this : imagine you switch back to workbench/odyssey window during playback. What would i show there? It's not that easy to handle.

In the current overlay mode + fullscreen mode (triggered by F11 or fullscreen from view menu entry), you can at least hide the controls with mmb. The tabs/borders are still visible, but maybe i'll find a way to hide that somehow, who knows.

Last edited by Fab on 24-Sep-2013 at 12:58 PM.
Last edited by Fab on 24-Sep-2013 at 12:52 PM.

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Re: Is youtube broken with OWB?
Posted on 26-Feb-2014 4:29:51
#7 ]
Super Member
Joined: 14-Feb-2006
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From: Kingston upon Hull, UK


Fab wrote:
Just to be a bit more precise on the topic, Youtube just heavily sucks, and making it work in HTML5 video is not that easy, even when the browser supports it perfectly... During the last months, they progressively installed a real nightmare regarding flash/html5 modes.

Youtube Centre should save you all that annoying work in the future Fab, and seems to be actively maintained.

(EDIT: Download the script from the dropbox link on the page referenced above - clicking on the 'source code' tab of this page seems to send Odyssey into some codeset-related loop.)

Youtube Centre is a richly-featured, and highly configurable Youtube-html5 interface which works unaltered on OWB, and replaces both youtube.js and youtube_ezdownload.js. (Download buttons are integrated into page below video)

Fullscreenfix script is still required for fullscreen though.

It also works with Vevo vids and Vimeo, and so far I haven't found a Youtube video I can't play.


For reference, to install:
Download the script (or copy/paste into an ed window and save) as sys:applications/OWB/scripts/YoutubeCentre.js
Launch Odyssey, open scripts window (RMB>Windows>Scripts).
Add YoutubeCentre.js and remove/deactivate youtube.js and youtube_ezdownload.js (gadgets at bottom left of window).
Restart the browser (or at least create new tabs).

Last edited by Boot_WB on 26-Feb-2014 at 04:35 AM.

Troll - n., A disenfranchised former potential customer who remains interested enough to stay informed and express critical opinions.
opp., the vast majority who voted silently with their feet.

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Re: Is youtube broken with OWB?
Posted on 26-Feb-2014 14:41:17
#8 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 11-Apr-2005
Posts: 830
From: .fi


Wow, incredible that that massive script works straight away on OWB! Great, lots of options there although a bit bloated for many. I forced all videos to HTML5 with it, don't know if that automatic setting would work too... anyway, all lately problematic videos do work now again.

BTW. Fab updated his YouTube script today too. It's lighter and should do the job too.

Last edited by jPV on 26-Feb-2014 at 02:45 PM.
Last edited by jPV on 26-Feb-2014 at 02:43 PM.

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