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The Third Annual Festive Amiga Game Making Competition (2011)
Posted on 26-Oct-2011 9:58:41
#1 ]
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From: Australia

Seasons greetings, one and all! Well, it's approaching that time of year again when we put our personal lives on hold and ignore our health as we rekindle our imaginations and use our skills and talents to create exciting new games to enter into the traditional Festive Amiga Game Making Competition. While in previous years the focus of the competition was on producing games for original Amiga hardware only, this year we are including two categories: Classic Amiga and Next Generation Amiga. The NG category includes games made for AmigaOS4, MorphOS, Aros or RTG OS3 systems. The Classic category requires the game to run on at least an Amiga 1200 with extra RAM or an accelerator. If it requires a 060 and a graphics card, it'll go in the NG category. Also this year we will have a panel of experienced judges who will play and rate the games, and then combine and tally the results to find our two major prize winners. Games will be rated on the usual aspects of gameplay, graphics, sound, but also on originality, good use of the hardware, or anything else that clearly shows the effort that has gone into making the game.

The rules for this year's competition are different to the two previous years, where the goal was to produce a Christmas, Winter or Holiday-themed game. This time we thought we'd try something a bit more fun, giving people a chance to try something they may have wanted to make for a while but never got around to it.

Remember back to when you were younger. Christmas time was when all the publishers would rush their development teams to get their games on the shelves, and often the big sellers at this time of year were adaptions of the latest silverscreen blockbuster. What if you were one of those game developers, and it was up to you to create an adaption of a popular franchise intended to be the number one seller at Christmas time? How would you do it?

This year's Festive Amiga Game Making Competition's rule is this: Create an Amiga game adaption of the film, television or book franchise of your choice! The only exception is you cannot make a game based on something that was already made into an Amiga game. Also, please let us know in the thread what you are going to base your game on so hopefully others can choose something different. If you are unsure if there already is an Amiga game of the series you're considering, please check the Hall of Light -

Think about all the brilliant games we got that would never have been if it weren't for a movie or a comic book being popular enough for an adaption. But also remember the awful games based on series which should never have had games made about them at all, and try not to make the same mistake.

You will have two months to produce something, and it doesn't have to be a full game. It can be a single level, or an incomplete game, but make sure it is at least playable, and of course more complete games will probably be rated higher. On December 24th you should upload what you have completed so far of your game to an online host where we can download it from and re-host it on the Amiga Christmas Tree website (where the competition details will also be hosted).

You can use any language or tools you like to create your game. This includes programming and compiling your own code, designing it with a GUI-based game-editor tool, or even producing it in some multimedia presentation software, as long as it can be run from an icon, CLI or booted from a disk.

Details on the prizes for each of the categories will follow. We'd appreciate any donations to the prize pool, and remember the more tempting the prizes the more likely our talented community is to come up with something fun for us and our families and friends to enjoy this holiday season.

Thanks for reading, everyone, and good luck to anyone interested in entering. I hope you like the theme, I think most of us could think of a story we enjoyed that we thought could be made into a game. If you have any questions, please ask.

Have fun!


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Re: The Third Annual Festive Amiga Game Making Competition (2011)
Posted on 26-Oct-2011 16:29:21
#2 ]
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From: Waterbury, Connecticut (USA)

@Cammy / @mods

could we post this as a news article so it doesn't drop off of the front page? i consider this an important event.

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Re: The Third Annual Festive Amiga Game Making Competition (2011)
Posted on 26-Oct-2011 18:27:44
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Last edited by whose on 26-Oct-2011 at 06:28 PM.

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Re: The Third Annual Festive Amiga Game Making Competition (2011)
Posted on 26-Oct-2011 19:03:22
#4 ]
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From: Australia

Thanks guys, I would be happy for the thread to be made into a news post, I'd love to get more of the community involved this year.

I forgot to mention that people are allowed to team up, so if you're good with graphics ask around for a programmer and submit a game as a team, it could increase your chances of winning, you'd just have to share the prizes with each other.

I have compiled a list of resources and software that could be helpful with making an Amiga game on my temporary competition page:

Thanks for your interest in the competition and good luck to anyone who wants to enter!

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Re: The Third Annual Festive Amiga Game Making Competition (2011)
Posted on 26-Oct-2011 19:21:41
#5 ]
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Hmm, thinks I may have to take part this year :)

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Re: The Third Annual Festive Amiga Game Making Competition (2011)
Posted on 26-Oct-2011 20:15:38
#6 ]
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From: Sweden


I take on your challenge. So it should be based on a film/TV-Show that haven't
alreday been made for the Amiga platform. I think I have an idea.
I will hook up with a GFX-guy and use my new game engine for Amiga NG I will finalize before christmas.
Great work Cammy. :)

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Re: The Third Annual Festive Amiga Game Making Competition (2011)
Posted on 26-Oct-2011 21:07:31
#7 ]
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Not sure but I think Cammy is looking for games that can be played on "Classic" Amiga's and not just NG ones (which would limit the people able to use them). Might be best for Cammy to clarify this in case you start writing something NG based and it's no part of the criteria...

Good luck with the compo Cammy, if you need someone to cover the shipping costs for prizes let me know as last year it cost me zilch...


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Re: The Third Annual Festive Amiga Game Making Competition (2011)
Posted on 26-Oct-2011 21:11:50
#8 ]
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Done. Should be there now.

Test sig (new)

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Re: The Third Annual Festive Amiga Game Making Competition (2011)
Posted on 26-Oct-2011 21:25:14
#9 ]
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From: Australia

While it was true that the two previous years competitions were for classic Amiga games only, this year we are having two separate categories with their own prizes: Classic Amiga and NG Amiga. So anyone is welcome to write a game for any Amiga system they like (although bonus points would go to anyone who has multiple ports), and if it runs on a 68k Amiga using the chipset it will be in the Classic category, but if it requires RTG and runs on OS4, MorphOS, Aros, or OS3/UAE then it will be entered in the Next Generation category.

This increases the chances of winning a first prize, and we intend on collecting a nice prize pack to give away to the winners. Unfortunately though we're going on donations this year because we don't have an official sponsor donating any hardware, but I think we have enough friendly members in the community who may not be able to make games but have some unused Amiga stuff they could give away to encourage more development.

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Re: The Third Annual Festive Amiga Game Making Competition (2011)
Posted on 26-Oct-2011 21:39:58
#10 ]
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I am looking for a coder!
On my "todo before i die list" is make a awesome Amiga game : )

I am still dreaming of a Silpheed clone for 68k Amigas.

I can create graphics and render the background animations.

If no one is interested i would like to now if someone has AMOS skills.
If yes:
Can AMOS handle this:

if yes:
This is what i wan't on my Amiga

I found a AMOS video demo... so videos are possible. But what about video in background and sprites in front? Yes sprites, not polygons. Well polygons would be cool but i think prerendered stuff looks the same but is easier to handle.

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Re: The Third Annual Festive Amiga Game Making Competition (2011)
Posted on 27-Oct-2011 1:22:41
#11 ]
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i actually got that game i think, bought a sega mega cd II but never really used it(apart from normal cartridge games)


do you want the suggestions of projects in this thread

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Re: The Third Annual Festive Amiga Game Making Competition (2011)
Posted on 27-Oct-2011 2:17:08
#12 ]
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From: Minnesota, USA



phoenixkonsole wrote:
I am looking for a coder!
On my "todo before i die list" is make a awesome Amiga game : )

I am still dreaming of a Silpheed clone for 68k Amigas.

I can create graphics and render the background animations.

If no one is interested i would like to now if someone has AMOS skills.
If yes:
Can AMOS handle this:

if yes:
This is what i wan't on my Amiga

I found a AMOS video demo... so videos are possible. But what about video in background and sprites in front? Yes sprites, not polygons. Well polygons would be cool but i think prerendered stuff looks the same but is easier to handle.

Amos cannot handle AGA very well. Almost all of the features are ECS limited. You'd be better off trying some other language. Blitz Basic would be a better candidate.

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Re: The Third Annual Festive Amiga Game Making Competition (2011)
Posted on 27-Oct-2011 15:59:12
#13 ]
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Right heres my project suggestion based on my fav Tv show, Stargate SG-1 :)

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Re: The Third Annual Festive Amiga Game Making Competition (2011)
Posted on 27-Oct-2011 16:54:33
#14 ]
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Well i am now in ECS land : )
A600 with 030

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Re: The Third Annual Festive Amiga Game Making Competition (2011)
Posted on 27-Oct-2011 19:27:20
#15 ]
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It's a stretch, but ECS can actually do non-textured polygons and I have an algorithm to speed them up. Maybe we can get it done in time for the 2012 contest.

In case you've lost my email, I'll PM it to you so we can take this discussion offline.

Last edited by Samurai_Crow on 27-Oct-2011 at 07:28 PM.

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Re: The Third Annual Festive Amiga Game Making Competition (2011)
Posted on 27-Oct-2011 19:31:14
#16 ]
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Can be cartoons/anime adapted too? :)


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Re: The Third Annual Festive Amiga Game Making Competition (2011)
Posted on 28-Oct-2011 6:32:11
#17 ]
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Animes are Films too, so yeah, should be okay.

Comics? Depends how broad a term book goes for Cammy and also wether she forgot it or not.

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Re: The Third Annual Festive Amiga Game Making Competition (2011)
Posted on 28-Oct-2011 7:34:37
#18 ]
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Actually, what I meant with cartoons were animated films and tv series, I have probably chosen the wrong term.


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Re: The Third Annual Festive Amiga Game Making Competition (2011)
Posted on 29-Oct-2011 1:34:13
#19 ]
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Cartoons are TV shows and comics are books, so they're all okay!

Great ideas so far guys, I've wanted a Stargate SG-1 game forever! I imagine something like Codename Hell Squad where it's like a point & click adventure game where you can switch between characters (Sam, Jack, Daniel and Teal'c, maybe Vala and Cam too) with combat sections too.

Like this:

Crossed with this:

Slipheed is an awesome looking Mega CD game and I was always amazed how many polygons it seemed to be throwing around, but is this because it's actually spooling prerendered animations from the CD the same way Microcosm does?

Last edited by Cammy on 29-Oct-2011 at 02:31 AM.
Last edited by Cammy on 29-Oct-2011 at 01:36 AM.
Last edited by Cammy on 29-Oct-2011 at 01:34 AM.

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Re: The Third Annual Festive Amiga Game Making Competition (2011)
Posted on 29-Oct-2011 2:45:59
#20 ]
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Hehe yep spot on, im a fan of old dos games that never really made it to amiga like Batman Returns, Bat2 (amiga has a lores version), Return to Zork, so yes point and click/pre-rendered scene type game. I had the exact same idea of changing between characters like the Amiga game MegaTraveller 1, indeed small fight scenes again prob point at the enemy that pops out :). I'm prob gonna be way over my head on this in terms of time, but il have a good time trying.

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