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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 6-Feb-2012 21:50:09
#81 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 8-May-2007
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From: USA, The World Police

Not too sure if you guys ever saw that "FedEx driver delivering the owners monitor to his house" video. The guy just lobbed the monitor over the closed fence and walked away. Hate to say it, but you get some pretty low quality workers in both FedEx and UPS. I'd recommend insurance next time as well. Good to see Amiga Kit is working with you.

What was the total price to buy the AmigaOne X1000 and ship it to the states? AmigaKit doesn't even show the X1000 anymore on their website. Thanks.


Amiga 1200 - ACA 1233 68030 128MB Ram
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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 6-Feb-2012 22:11:32
#82 ]
Team Member
Joined: 20-Aug-2003
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From: County Yakima, WA State, USA


Not too sure if you guys ever saw that "FedEx driver delivering the owners monitor to his house" video. The guy just lobbed the monitor over the closed fence and walked away.

Yes, the link to that video is listed in Post 57.

AmigaOne X1000
AmigaOne XE G4
I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.

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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 6-Feb-2012 23:17:47
#83 ]
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To California about $31xx.xx with shipping for all the bells and whistles.


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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 7-Feb-2012 0:04:04
#84 ]
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From: County Yakima, WA State, USA


I was outfitting one online the other day and OUCH! it was $3,100 USD plus before shipping.

I'd still like to get one, but I don't know.

When the "early bird" A1 XE G4 was announced I was one of the first to order. As old as my XE is now it is still running great. I'll probably wait until the last minute to make a decision..

I also want to see how good the netbook turns out to be.

AmigaOne X1000
AmigaOne XE G4
I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.

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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 7-Feb-2012 18:31:14
#85 ]
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You know what I find really interesting, the last video I made showing the X1000 booting for the 1st time has over 15K hits on YouTube.

For a platform that supposedly died back in the 1990s, I think there is still tons of interest in this little platform we call Amiga.

Nothing about the quality of the video is responsible for this and to me just appears there is quite a bit of folks in the world that have Amiga on their minds.


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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 7-Feb-2012 19:01:16
#86 ]
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From: Ohrid, Macedonia


If only 1% of those viewers would order one...

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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 7-Feb-2012 19:05:38
#87 ]
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I think that has already been met or close to it. My guess between beta owners and now the FC owners, we hit your 1%.

15K x 1% = 150

I could be wrong but I have seen a number of places the FC was 100 total??? Then beta owners.

I don't think we are far off.


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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 7-Feb-2012 19:16:54
#88 ]
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...removing the 2gb memory limit, doublecore use...

Doubt there`ll ever be a contiguous 4gb block of memory, I`m guessing the RAM above 2Gb will be accessible only by the other core which will be called as some kind of co-processor, eventually.


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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 7-Feb-2012 20:29:37
#89 ]
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From: S.Wales


Probably 3.5gb with the remaining address space being reserved for PCI and so on, like in XP.

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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 7-Feb-2012 20:58:43
#90 ]
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From: Ylikiiminki, Finland

To support more than 2GB is in the "roadmap".
It's another reason for x1000 to exist, to expand beyond 32bit, otherwise it would not have 4sockets for RAM and 16...32GB address space.
It would be pretty usable if the RAM above 4GB could be used for as SWAP, cache and RAM/RAD disk at least.

And MP is also in the roadmap....
oldies goldies:
"Is it ever going to be possible to get memory protection for new OS4 apps, even if old OS3 apps can't take advantage of it?

Probably, yes. This is, in fact, one of the things we are looking at for future versions of the OS. It's an active research topic right now, but it's high priority "

"Do you have future plans for AmigaOS?

Yes, there's several things we have planned. I can't of course talk about all of it, but we plan on bringing some new concepts into the system. The graphics layer is one of the most urgent ones, and with 4.1, we've started addressing that. Other areas include the kernel, OpenGL support, and others.

We'll also be focusing on enabling technologies, like, for example, Java. "

Last edited by KimmoK on 04-Mar-2012 at 12:53 PM.

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
// Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?

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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 7-Feb-2012 20:58:47
#91 ]
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From: Ohrid, Macedonia


Hmm... seems that beer and math still is not a good combination. So lets pull that 1% up to at least 10% .

I hereby stand corrected.

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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 7-Feb-2012 21:10:53
#92 ]
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mmmmmmm, beeeer.


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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 7-Feb-2012 23:40:25
#93 ]
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From: nyc


To support more than 2GB is in the "roadmap"

Id love to know what application takes advantage or needs anything in excess of 1gb ram??

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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 8-Feb-2012 6:57:41
#94 ]
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From: Ohrid, Macedonia


In the Wintel world, applications like the Gimp eat memory like fresh baked cookies. I guess it's not much different with Gimp on Amiga. If the X1000 is used for Linux as well, then having 2+ GB of memory in the machine isn't that silly either.

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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 8-Feb-2012 7:28:02
#95 ]
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Joined: 30-Aug-2003
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d love to know what application takes advantage or needs anything in excess of 1gb ram??

It not a question of apps needing all that memory. Open a browser & open tabs with web sites that have a lot of graphics, your system will slow to a crawl. Having a ton of memory allows the system to swap things around in memory without the system getting slow. Memory does get fragmemted, so the more you have, the smother & faster the system runs. All OS's work the same way, thats why you see 64 bit window systems with over 4GB of ram.

Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 8-Feb-2012 13:01:22
#96 ]
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From: London, UK (ex-pat; originally from Norway)


Once people get a taste for opening lots of tabs in Timberwolf, using in excess of 1GB RAM will be a breeze...

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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 4-Mar-2012 12:58:20
#97 ]
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"Id love to know what application takes advantage or needs anything in excess of 1gb ram?? "
Video editor and DVD handling (rip+convert in RAM).

In theory x1000 can handle video data 40x faster from RAM than from HDD.
It should be very nice feature for video editing.

And in case one wants to play with emulators ... mainstream OSs need the 1Gb. And when you want to run several of them at once...

Last edited by KimmoK on 04-Mar-2012 at 01:00 PM.

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
// Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?

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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 4-Mar-2012 13:39:41
#98 ]
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In uncompounded video takes a lot of RAM, every time you compress and decompress you lose details, and you wast CPU cycles, I think be a good thing to have a raid setup, whit lots of RAM.

There are some games that also ate a lot of RAM like Quake3, high quality textures take a lot of space.

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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 4-Mar-2012 16:53:34
#99 ]
AROS Core Developer
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on AROS Maker3d needs 2 gigs to run. That being said iirc AROS already addresses 3.8 gigs. :)

So more than 2 gigs is useful and maybe once AmigaOS addresses more than 2 gigs of ram and gets a full mesa port it can get apps like maker3d. :)

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"AROS is prolly illegal ~ Evert Carton" intentionally quoted out of context for dramatic effect

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Re: Holy Cow! My X1000 arrived today in USA !!!
Posted on 4-Mar-2012 18:03:27
#100 ]
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Nothing about the quality of the video is responsible for this

You could always hire some professional video team, and stun us all with your next video

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