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Software News   Software News : DvPlayer 0.49 Released
   posted by COBRA on 26-Oct-2005 21:15:21 (6937 reads)
A new version of DvPlayer has just been released and is available from the DvPlayer Website.

This new version fixes a bug in skin loading, which caused bad graphics corruptions/crashes on some systems. Thanks to Szymon Tomzik, the creator of the famous blackboing skin, for helping me find this bug!

Registered users should have received their copy by E-Mail. If you have registered but you have not received this update, please contact me as there might be a problem with sending to your E-Mail account.

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Re: DvPlayer 0.49 Released
Posted on 27-Oct-2005 16:47:14
#21 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
Posts: 2755
From: Alberta, Canada

These files are damaged. Do not use these files for testing purposes...

Regardless, I think DvPlayer should do its best not to crash but I understand how difficult it is to be robust and fast at the same time especially when dealing with streams of data.

ExecSG Team Lead

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Re: DvPlayer 0.49 Released
Posted on 27-Oct-2005 16:53:30
#22 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 21-Mar-2005
Posts: 152
From: Copenhagen ,Denmark


I've been email'ing with Stephen Fellner from the DVPlayer team,
about the missing sound on DVD's in DVplayer,
I think we need to upgrade to OS4.0 update 3.
I'm doing this soon, the sound should work under Upd.3
Or have you already upgraded?



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Re: DvPlayer 0.49 Released
Posted on 27-Oct-2005 16:59:26
#23 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 25-Mar-2005
Posts: 11602
From: In the village


I AGREE with you. @Xenic and I strangely posted simultaneously (and without
consulting with one another) concerning how users might react considering
that our browsers and media players and OS are "intertwined".
How one of these is perceived may well reflect on how the others are perceived.

To be clear I repeat:
A place to input data concerning codecs (similar to what is illustrated in the
MPlayer link I supplied in my previous post) is valuable from -one- standpoint.
It will show:
(1)What codecs the program supports
(2)What codecs the programs supports but are not -currently active- at the
current state of development
(3)AOS4/linux differences regarding support/behavior

This does -not- preclude the reporting of non-functioning codecs or flatout
"bad" files.

Both are important ways we can improve the overall codec situation, IMO.

Edit(Added):If such documentation is available to all, then a user might be able
to determine (by himself) why a file does not currently "play" as he had hoped.
This knowledge, in turn, might help to eliminate the -constant- reporting of the
same codec being "bad" or "unplayable".
It might actually free up more time for developers to concentrate on their programs,
instead of having to come here and repeat the same statements over and over about
these codecs.

Best Wishes,

Last edited by number6 on 27-Oct-2005 at 05:13 PM.

This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: DvPlayer 0.49 Released
Posted on 27-Oct-2005 17:35:04
#24 ]
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Joined: 11-Mar-2003
Posts: 315
From: tellus

the latest (last?) froggerng(s) had the support for the XAnim Codecs removed
and the latest froggerng(s) also had the 'bagage' of the inferior avcodec indeo 3.x code per default (and it's internal so it takes precedence over any external... or the author of froggerng had gotten a call from the XAnim/Intel author(s) )

Softcinema 0.18 also supported the XAnim codecs.

is a video in IV50 format and it plays perfectly for me

but... you must have the XAnim codecs AND you can't use the latest Froggerng
it MUST be 2.05 or older (or softcinema)

AMP also plays it (with the help of the XAnim Codecs)

MicroSoft Game Studios ==

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Re: DvPlayer 0.49 Released
Posted on 27-Oct-2005 17:51:21
#25 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 25-Mar-2005
Posts: 11602
From: In the village


Thanks for the post. Curious...
Do you have anything more recent than the program & codecs from the 2.07 archive
for Frogger? Mine shows both the codec and mention in documentation for support
of iv3. Tested here with iv3. Flawless on the files I have tested.

Mention was made at the time of iv4 and iv5 being an issue in relation to what
you have stated regarding Xanim/Intel. This is still my current understanding
regarding lack of support for these codecs within Frogger. Do you have any
more on this issue?

As to the balance of the info you posted. Thanks. But it seems to further
illustrate the problem regarding "across the board" support for codecs.
WMV9/10 -may- fall into this category as well.

Best Wishes,

This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: DvPlayer 0.49 Released
Posted on 27-Oct-2005 19:36:33
#26 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 18-Feb-2004
Posts: 540
From: Eldorado, ON

Thanks for the info. No I have not upgraded to the Update3. I don't have the time to mess around for days if something goes wrong, so I am waiting for Christmas for the final. I'll have more time to go to the dealer if there is a problem over Christmas. Right now the machine works and I am still loving it. I can watch my DVD's on our home theatre system. Can you PM me if your upgrade does the trick for you?
John Paul

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Re: DvPlayer 0.49 Released
Posted on 28-Oct-2005 2:07:36
#27 ]
Super Member
Joined: 2-Feb-2004
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From: Pennsylvania, USA


You are misinterpreting what I am saying.

Apparently I did. Such a list of codecs and example files that use them would be a good idea. It might even be nice to have a program that would check A/V files and report their type. It would be even nicer if the inventors of all these codecs would include a method of checking the integrity of files incorporating said codecs without attempting to play them and failing.

X1000 with 2GB memory & OS4.1FE

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Re: DvPlayer 0.49 Released
Posted on 28-Oct-2005 2:15:38
#28 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 2007
From: Noranda Canada

Half hour ago, I registered DvPlayer.


µA1-C 750GX@800 using OS4.1

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Re: DvPlayer 0.49 Released
Posted on 28-Oct-2005 3:16:50
#29 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 25-Mar-2005
Posts: 11602
From: In the village


Quote:"It might even be nice to have a program that would check A/V files and
report their type."

We have partial coverage here. Use Frogger(WOS) with verbose mode active and
it will show a text output of the audio codec, video codec, etc.

Also MPlayer from the shell, as recommended in most of our testing also does
this. The current problem with MPlayer, though, is that certain failed codecs
also "grim". Not a problem if you are logging codec info, though. The shell
outputs the recognition data -before- the A/V file is launched. So, even after
the cases that produce a "grim", you can still see the info and take notes.

Frankly, since MPlayer is, IMO, more advanced (if I might use that term), I put
a little more faith in the codec recognition it produces. Also, it is more
-detailed- than with Frogger(WOS).

"Broken" files, as opposed to non-functioning or "broken" codecs is a different
issue. I don't have an opinion on that except to say that I agree it should not
bring down a system.

Best Wishes,

This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: DvPlayer 0.49 Released
Posted on 28-Oct-2005 6:39:11
#30 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 11-Mar-2003
Posts: 315
From: tellus

mencoder and ffmpeg should also do it, with ffmpeg you supply this line

ffmpeg -i file:'file name'

it will state that 'you need a output stream for bla. bla. bla' but it gives the file type and etc.

regarding newer froggerng, the author said that he should compile a 2.0.8 of his latest (last?) source, but this was quite some time ago so...

otherwise simply use AMP from amidog it's freeware, open-source and handles the xanim and Real codecs (don't remember if Real was working, or if it was WIP), but at least froggerng handles upto G2 Real format videos (it doesn't support the audio codecs).

MicroSoft Game Studios ==

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Re: DvPlayer 0.49 Released
Posted on 28-Oct-2005 10:09:54
#31 ]
Super Member
Joined: 26-Apr-2004
Posts: 1809
From: Auckland, New Zealand


Update 3 has countless bug fixes and improvements and Warp3D. If you don't update, you're missing out on all the fun!

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Re: DvPlayer 0.49 Released
Posted on 28-Oct-2005 15:18:50
#32 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 18-Feb-2004
Posts: 540
From: Eldorado, ON

If you don't update, you're missing out on all the fun!

Yeah I know, but IF I run into problems then I would have to find the time to fix them and yes I know I would have lots of help. My life which is really busy got up'd a notch by a battle with a neighbour's dog kennel petitions and council meetings and phone calls to government officials. If I had extra time I would plant my two acres of garlic and get firewood in.
My Christmas present will be installing the final. I'll have my fun then. Right now I have a machine that is soooo much better than the A3000 o40 I was using and it gets the job done.
JOhn Paul

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Re: DvPlayer 0.49 Released
Posted on 28-Oct-2005 23:24:48
#33 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 2007
From: Noranda Canada

Received the registered version today and it rocks.


µA1-C 750GX@800 using OS4.1

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