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Re: AEROS for Pi beta 3 available on SD-card Posted on 9-Jul-2013 15:43:28
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 10-Jul-2005 Posts: 9679
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| Good work!
However, seems to be too slow to be really useable (application loading, GFX redraw etc.).
How fast is DosBox on Pi? Could you try DHRY2OD benchmark (See post 57)? Last edited by pavlor on 09-Jul-2013 at 03:43 PM.
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Re: AEROS for Pi beta 3 available on SD-card Posted on 9-Jul-2013 18:50:13
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Super Member  |
Joined: 8-Nov-2009 Posts: 1772
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| Ok will try it.
Remember: This is arm soft float. Hard float will be 10-20% faster. Raspi's GPU isn't supported for 2D accelerated desktop stuff. This will change with Wayland/Xwayland -> and this fixes the problem.
The A8 cortex in the Efika MX matches the SAM440 @733 under debian. The pi's ARM11 cpu matches more a Pentium II 200. Maybe 400 when overclocked.
I will posts some results in a few minutes. _________________ AROS Broadway - AEROS - Aminux - AmiCloud - indieGO! Appstore - AmiWallet - VAN lossless video codec - AMC Amiga media Center -KrypUnite - LibertyNet - MinX - amigaNX
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Re: AEROS for Pi beta 3 available on SD-card Posted on 9-Jul-2013 19:09:45
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 10-Jul-2005 Posts: 9679
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| @phoenixkonsole
Raspi's GPU isn't supported for 2D accelerated desktop stuff. |
Ah, that explains not so fluent GFX. Then, it wasn´t that bad. Maybe with faster disk access, it could be useable. As I read in some book about PC hardware (published in 1991): fast GFX and fast HDD are most important factor, if you want built computer with "fast" feeling. True even in 2013.
The A8 cortex in the Efika MX matches the SAM440 @733 under debian. |
The pi's ARM11 cpu matches more a Pentium II 200. Maybe 400 when overclocked. |
According to some benchmarks under RiscOS is Pi comparable to Pentium II 300-350 MHz, still only half as fast as SAM440.
I will posts some results in a few minutes. |
Thanks! |
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Re: AEROS for Pi beta 3 available on SD-card Posted on 9-Jul-2013 19:11:49
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Super Member  |
Joined: 8-Nov-2009 Posts: 1772
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| Here we go:
-------------------- ----------------------------------- Dhrystone Benchmark Version 2.1 (Language: C++)
Month run 7/2013 PC model Raspberry revA CPU ARM11 Clock MHz 700 Cache 32 Options OS/DOS DOSBBOX 074 Compiler Watcom C/C++ 10.5 Dos4GW OptLevel No optimisation Run by Phoenixkonsole From Ares Compter Mail
Final values (* implementation-dependent):
Int_Glob: O.K. 5 Bool_Glob: O.K. 1 Ch_1_Glob: O.K. A Ch_2_Glob: O.K. B Arr_1_Glob[8]: O.K. 7 Arr_2_Glob8/7: O.K. 10010 Ptr_Glob-> Ptr_Comp: * 1450128 Discr: O.K. 0 Enum_Comp: O.K. 2 Int_Comp: O.K. 17 Str_Comp: O.K. DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, SOME STRING Next_Ptr_Glob-> Ptr_Comp: * 1450128 same as above Discr: O.K. 0 Enum_Comp: O.K. 1 Int_Comp: O.K. 18 Str_Comp: O.K. DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, SOME STRING Int_1_Loc: O.K. 5 Int_2_Loc: O.K. 13 Int_3_Loc: O.K. 7 Enum_Loc: O.K. 1 Str_1_Loc: O.K. DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 1'ST STRING Str_2_Loc: O.K. DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 2'ND STRING
Register option Not selected.
Microseconds 1 loop: 6641.00 Dhrystones / second: 151 VAX MIPS rating: 0.09
_________________ AROS Broadway - AEROS - Aminux - AmiCloud - indieGO! Appstore - AmiWallet - VAN lossless video codec - AMC Amiga media Center -KrypUnite - LibertyNet - MinX - amigaNX
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Re: AEROS for Pi beta 3 available on SD-card Posted on 9-Jul-2013 19:18:12
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 10-Jul-2005 Posts: 9679
From: Unknown | | |
| @phoenixkonsole
Thanks. It seems this DosBox port doesn´t like cycles=max setting. 0.09 DMIPS is in 8 bit territory (roughly equal to fixed setting of 60 CPU cycles). 
Hard to say, what fixed CPU cycles settings would be ideal. Maybe somewhere between 1500 and 2500 CPU cycles. |
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Re: AEROS for Pi beta 3 available on SD-card Posted on 9-Jul-2013 19:19:11
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Super Member  |
Joined: 8-Nov-2009 Posts: 1772
From: Unknown | | |
| Ups used wrong exe ; ) Was drhy2nd..
now drhy2od: Quote:
-------------------- ----------------------------------- Dhrystone Benchmark Version 2.1 (Language: C++)
Month run 7/2013 PC model Raspberry revA CPU ARM11 Clock MHz 700 Cache 32 Options OS/DOS DOSBBOX 074 Compiler Watcom C/C++ 10.5 Dos4GW OptLevel No optimisation Run by Phoenixkonsole From Ares Compter Mail
Final values (* implementation-dependent):
Int_Glob: O.K. 5 Bool_Glob: O.K. 1 Ch_1_Glob: O.K. A Ch_2_Glob: O.K. B Arr_1_Glob[8]: O.K. 7 Arr_2_Glob8/7: O.K. 10010 Ptr_Glob-> Ptr_Comp: * 1450128 Discr: O.K. 0 Enum_Comp: O.K. 2 Int_Comp: O.K. 17 Str_Comp: O.K. DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, SOME STRING Next_Ptr_Glob-> Ptr_Comp: * 1450128 same as above Discr: O.K. 0 Enum_Comp: O.K. 1 Int_Comp: O.K. 18 Str_Comp: O.K. DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, SOME STRING Int_1_Loc: O.K. 5 Int_2_Loc: O.K. 13 Int_3_Loc: O.K. 7 Enum_Loc: O.K. 1 Str_1_Loc: O.K. DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 1'ST STRING Str_2_Loc: O.K. DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 2'ND STRING
Register option Not selected.
Microseconds 1 loop: 6641.00 Dhrystones / second: 151 VAX MIPS rating: 0.09
-------------------- ----------------------------------- Dhrystone Benchmark Version 2.1 (Language: C++)
Month run 7/2013 PC model Raspberry Pi CPU ARM11 Clock MHz 700 Cache 32 Options OS/DOS Compiler Watcom C/C++ 10.5 Dos4GW OptLevel -otexan -zp8 -5r -ms Run by From Mail
Final values (* implementation-dependent):
Int_Glob: O.K. 5 Bool_Glob: O.K. 1 Ch_1_Glob: O.K. A Ch_2_Glob: O.K. B Arr_1_Glob[8]: O.K. 7 Arr_2_Glob8/7: O.K. 10010 Ptr_Glob-> Ptr_Comp: * 1450128 Discr: O.K. 0 Enum_Comp: O.K. 2 Int_Comp: O.K. 17 Str_Comp: O.K. DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, SOME STRING Next_Ptr_Glob-> Ptr_Comp: * 1450128 same as above Discr: O.K. 0 Enum_Comp: O.K. 1 Int_Comp: O.K. 18 Str_Comp: O.K. DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, SOME STRING Int_1_Loc: O.K. 5 Int_2_Loc: O.K. 13 Int_3_Loc: O.K. 7 Enum_Loc: O.K. 1 Str_1_Loc: O.K. DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 1'ST STRING Str_2_Loc: O.K. DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 2'ND STRING
Register option Not selected.
Microseconds 1 loop: 2526.00 Dhrystones / second: 396 VAX MIPS rating: 0.23
What is the difference?Last edited by phoenixkonsole on 09-Jul-2013 at 07:19 PM.
_________________ AROS Broadway - AEROS - Aminux - AmiCloud - indieGO! Appstore - AmiWallet - VAN lossless video codec - AMC Amiga media Center -KrypUnite - LibertyNet - MinX - amigaNX
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Re: AEROS for Pi beta 3 available on SD-card Posted on 9-Jul-2013 19:27:55
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 10-Jul-2005 Posts: 9679
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| @phoenixkonsole
DHRY2OD uses all possible optimalisations, DHRY2ND uses no optimalisations.
Again, thanks for your time.
0.23 DMIPS. That is exactly 8088 4.77 MHz (or 150 CPU cycles). As I wrote, it seems cycles=max setting is not ideal for this port of DosBox, fixed setting could give better results, but it is hard to fine tune desired value (eg. I run some of my games with good music and increase CPU cycles by ctrl-F12 until sound starts to be wrong). |
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Re: AEROS for Pi beta 3 available on SD-card Posted on 10-Jul-2013 0:31:19
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 4-Apr-2005 Posts: 782
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| Patiently awaiting a version for Ouya if that is ever possible. Thanx  _________________ Wanna try a wonderfull magical Amiga strategy game? Total Chaos AGA
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Re: AEROS for Pi beta 3 available on SD-card Posted on 10-Jul-2013 6:36:30
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Super Member  |
Joined: 8-Nov-2009 Posts: 1772
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| Sorry I can't support a competitor. It is against my nature ; ) _________________ AROS Broadway - AEROS - Aminux - AmiCloud - indieGO! Appstore - AmiWallet - VAN lossless video codec - AMC Amiga media Center -KrypUnite - LibertyNet - MinX - amigaNX
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