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Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5
Posted on 30-Mar-2009 12:51:46
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 2-Nov-2004
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From: Rhode Island



BigD wrote:

Good points

I just really don't understand why Sony has made such a fuss of 'Home'. They've obviously spent years developing it but as a media hub it is just a gimmicky interface/Sims rip off where the socially inept can mess around, insult each other, or annoy people by breaking the rules in chess/pool, etc.

Nintendo are now pretty much a focused hardware company. The only software they're pushing is Wii Sports (still)!!! They just releasedMario Power Tennis and yet their still plugging Wii Sports! Consoles and computers should be valued for their range of games, but I fear the Wii is a one trick pony which will burn the software industry now pinning their hopes on it!

FPS games like COD:WaW are better (aka more fun) on the Wii than the PS3 according to sales figures. One trick pony indeed. Also, Guitar Hero World Tour sold best on Wii than 360 or PS3. Even Madden is more fun on the Wii than 360/PS3 but the graphics whore will buy the HD version... Too each their own.

It seems user interfaces rule...this includes controls. Wii has best controllers followed by 360 then the (no-different-than-PS1) PS3. Gameplay>graphics. Gameplay translates to the controller. If I want pretty graphics, I turn on my PC. No need over overpriced hardware that is not upgradable and will be obselete in a couple of years...or is subject to fail.

Heck is I want prettier graphics on Wii games, I just run the Wii emulator I linked above... Now what?

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      Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5Lou30-Mar-2009 12:57:53

Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5
Posted on 31-Mar-2009 2:00:25
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 30-Sep-2003
Posts: 8111
From: Minneapolis, MN, USA

I just really don't understand why Sony has made such a fuss of 'Home'.
Because it has lots of potential. I'm beginning to feel that 'potential' is code for 'Beta'.

I fear the Wii is a one trick pony
I think I understand. Nintendo needs to expand their marketing outside the casual gaming market. The Wii is a capable console. And if you want Blu-Ray buying a BR Player + Wii is cheaper than a PS3.

You are welcome. Top 10 complaints for each console was a good read. For the $100 WiFi adapter for the 360 that is if one buys the Microsoft brand. Other ethernet to wifi adapters are half the price and do work. I do agree that Microsoft should cut the WiFi adapter price in half, if not include it in the Elite.

I think Final Fantasy moving to cross platform highlights some of the losses the PS3 has experienced in exclusivity. Even with the PS3 beating the 360 in Japan Square Enix said last Nov they expect the 360 to continue to gain market share in Japan.

I don't care too much for the naming issues
They are kinda important if you correctly want to reflect the technology in use. Someone claiming they have a 'Vette when it's a cheVETTE and not a CorVETTE obviously gets laughed at...

Not really, exclusives need to be earned.
One accomplishes that through market penetration. Being #1 is very helpful. Being the lower cost and higher profit for developers is also very helpful. The PS3 is neither of these things. So what we are seeing is HD games on dual concoles and even a few PS3 games, Monster Hunter 3 for example, only coming on the Wii. Even the Sony owned licensing for Ghost Busters was smart enough to let it go multi-platform.

Well, a texture fetch would stall RSX's pixel shader operations.
A few pages back if not a thread back I posted some recent comparisions of cross platform titles. While the PS3 is improving into 360 terrority it appears textures are still superior on the 360. Not to discount the PS3 it does have some lighting superiorities. But, of course the PS3 has other superiorites, just not all of them as some would expect.

Last edited by BrianK on 31-Mar-2009 at 02:01 AM.

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      Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5BrianK31-Mar-2009 2:21:32

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