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      /  PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5
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Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5
Posted on 3-Apr-2009 13:03:51
#1 ]
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Joined: 25-Feb-2004
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From: Italy



BigD wrote:

Let PS3 battle X360 the HW specs battle while the Wii brings true innovation.

It's a badly implimented gimmick! Where's a decent light sabre game! Why is Mario Tennis a awfully implemented version of Wii Sports?

The Wii cannot provide Streetfighter IV/Red Alert 3 visuals or next gen experiences. The machine is an Eyetoy on acid but the Eye Toy was a fad and so is this! I don't care how many consoles are sold, casual gamers don't buy many games and an over focus on the Wii (if it ever happened) would make the gaming industry into a gimmick ridden/casual gamer focused joke of its former self. You can't even RENT Wii titles for goodness sake because of licensing issues!! Nintendo don't care about Europe and now don't care about their core fans = misery for anyone other than casual gamers!

Now we are back on track!

Decent lightsabre game? For now Force Unleashed is more than decent.
When WiiMotionPlus will come out we will see something better.

I know Wii cannot provide these visuals, that is clear right now. But please define "Next Gen Experience".
Should it be translated into "Better GFX and Sound than your console/PC/whatever" forever?
I surely hope not.
To me Next Gen is something innovative as Amiga was at it's times. Amiga was Next gen.
Nvidia was Nextgen when brought to the gaming world the first proper 3D GPU by creating the GeForce.
Play3 and X360 are just the same thing but more powerful and with some eyecandy function more.
3D Glasses would have been nextgen and they will hopefully be in the very next years.
But for now, the only contender that brought true innovations is Ninthendo with it's new controllers.

I'm ok with you: 90% of Wii games are totally crap. Most of the owners buy 1-2 party games and then let the console accumulate dust. Nintendo itself took several discutible decisions (Your license issues, promoting and investing in such a crap like WiiMusic...)
but they brought the true NextGen to us, that's clear.
You see, from now on I'll never be able to play an FPS on my PC without wishing a Wii like input mode.
And what about survival horrors? Lot of potentiality also there! Having to mimic gestures with both hands gets you more involved in the situation than pressing buttons on a joypad.
Let's not even talk about Golf, Tennis and Boxing games, even more potentiality here.
With this I'm not telling that the controls are perfectly implemented in games: programmers yet have to learn how to properly use them and the first array of games clearly reflects this fact, but the road is open nonetheless, future will hopefully bring us better controllers and more accustomized programmers.

So, is the Wii the true Nextgen? Yes
Is the Wii showing us all it's potential? Nope.

Last edited by ErikBauer on 03-Apr-2009 at 01:04 PM.

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      Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5Lou3-Apr-2009 14:13:13

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