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      /  PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5
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Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5
Posted on 5-May-2009 12:37:19
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 30-Sep-2003
Posts: 8111
From: Minneapolis, MN, USA


Regarding sales, IMO that's not the most important aspect from the consumer perspective.
Sales are an important aspect from the consumer perspective. A more common platform means.. More likely to bring games to a friend's house. Typically a lower cost console and games for a more common console. More used games at lower costs on the market. Typically the sales leader, example PS2, has many more exclusive games.

Sales is of course important to corporate profits both the company and the 3rd party game makers.

Outselling the PS1 as is currently stil the case would IMO certainly be a great achievement for a high spec console.
I don't consider this as great as you make it out to be. The consumer market for consoles has grown. As an example all 3 consoles are outselling the PS1. Undoubtably this is due to the populatrity and growth within the gaming marketplace. Since the # of interested consumers has grown I don't think it 'a great acheivement' to outsell the 2 previous generations which had an overall smaller interested parties. Simply put gaming has become more mainstream. I think it'd be sad to not see a console outsell the PS1.

IMO much more important is the quality of the games which are being released, like the NES has significantly outperformed the Amiga 500, the NES had many horrible versions compared to on the Amiga.
An interesting comparison. Here we see not only a lower quality but, horrible, gaming NES against the Amiga 500. I believe the NES sold slightly less than the Amiga 500. Yet the higher quality approach produced a product in the marketplace that is, for all practial purposes, dead. The lower quality approach has provided for a profitable company that even now is leading the race with the lower quality, graphically at least, approach.

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      Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5Lou5-May-2009 13:28:00
      Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5MikeB5-May-2009 16:41:14
          Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5tomazkid5-May-2009 16:54:32
              Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5MikeB5-May-2009 17:19:39
                  Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5Lou5-May-2009 18:01:16
                      Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5ErikBauer5-May-2009 19:18:46

Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5
Posted on 6-May-2009 1:30:18
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 29-Nov-2004
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MikeB wrote:

Regarding sales, IMO that's not the most important aspect from the consumer perspective. Outselling the PS1 as is currently stil the case would IMO certainly be a great achievement for a high spec console.

Except of course, games go to the *winning* consoles with a larger install base. PS3 is 3rd out of 3. Hardly an achievement there, and a net loss to consumers, into a win, regardless of your spin on it.


There will always be people who prefer something solid in their hands coming supplied in a nice box (of course most retailers and rental store services will put their power behind this), the alternatives should IMO be looked at as value add for owning a HDTV. Like Aminet didn't near completely kill disk based Amiga software development (that was due to the Commodore bankruptcy and piracy).

Actually commercial Amiga software development could benefit from Aminet, through game demos and downloadable additional (such as user created) content. Similarly the internet benefits Blu-Ray as well with added functionality, or for example through Playstation Pulse or Playstation Qore on the PSN.

Commercial development? For Amiga? A bit late on that boat, Mike, although I agree with the general idea (downloadable demos for free, easily found/downloaded), but that's hardly unique to PS3, either.

Regarding DVR, I think this should be applauded, just like other alternatives (also supported by the PS3).

Except, they're not. The 360 allows NetFlix streaming, at no additional cost over a basic NetFlix subscription. Sony remains arrogant and overpriced with their own on demand service. I've bought a Roku player at *additional* cost to do what 360 users can do essentially for free. 'Media center of the living room'? Fail, at least for mine.

Are we not done with the same silly arguments and flames yet??!

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      Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5MikeB6-May-2009 9:44:48
          Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5MikeB6-May-2009 21:08:01
              Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5Lou7-May-2009 12:18:14
                  Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5MikeB7-May-2009 19:16:31
                      Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5Lou7-May-2009 20:28:41
                      Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5BrianK8-May-2009 13:49:28
                          Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5MikeB8-May-2009 16:14:33
                              Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5fairlanefastback8-May-2009 18:07:09
                                  Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5MikeB8-May-2009 21:39:13
                                      Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5MikeB9-May-2009 17:32:54
              Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5Lou7-May-2009 12:50:08
                  Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5ErikBauer7-May-2009 12:56:20
          Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5BrianK7-May-2009 3:13:03

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