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      /  PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5
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Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5
Posted on 29-Aug-2009 18:25:12
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 30-Sep-2003
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From: Minneapolis, MN, USA


I think it's roughly in line with expectations so far.
A bit of cherry picking in there MikeB. I believe you were with me that PS3 would have a better 2008 showing than the 360, for one example. That didn't come to fruition. Also, I believe you stated several times that the 'play beyond' aspect means the 360 and Wii are doomed. This didn't come to fruition either. Well and the thought that this could be leveraged for a killer Amiga, won't happen.

But, I agree not all of your predictions have played out. Mine is the lower priced 360 and PS3 will make this Christmas difficult for the Wii. Next year with the new PS3 controller and Natal came out it'll be interesting to see what impact those have.

As for no price drops that's not quite right. It depends on how one slices the question. The launch price was announced in Japan and dropped just before the console launched. The console has changed it's configuration which changed pricing. If the later is not a price drop then the $299 price for another configuration change isn't one either.

Last edited by BrianK on 29-Aug-2009 at 06:25 PM.

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      Re: PS3, Wii, XBox: The Neverending Story, Part 5MikeB29-Aug-2009 19:59:01

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