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FeaturesMain »» OS4 Screenshots
Emulators for OS 4 (17-Mar-2004) (Read 20216 times) | Next to an AmigaOS4 native port of UAE 0.8.25 various other emulators have already been ported to AmigaOS4. The following two screenshots show the c64 emulator Frodo and the arcade emulator xMame.
Other emulator software which has been ported are:
- WarpSNES - AmiGenerator - GBE - tgemu - SMSPlus - FCE - MESS - NeoMame (only V 0.77.1 right now) - CpMame (only V 0.77.1 right now)
Note however that at this point of time not everything is complete yet. For example most of these ports are still missing sound and joystick support. Frodo includes the Frodo GUI.
View / Add Comments - MikeB
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