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PNG icons database Popular
Description: Website collecting PNG icons for use with AmigaOS and its clones.
Last Update: 25-Sep-2004 21:51:47 Hits: 2361 Rating: 6.80 (5 votes)
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Amiga Animations Popular
Description: A collection of Amiga Animations. This is the only site where you can see them online.
Last Update: 12-Jun-2005 20:34:40 Hits: 2340 Rating: 8.40 (10 votes)
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MasonIcons Popular
Description: AISS (Amiga Image Storage System) and lots of PNG icons created by Martin "Mason" Merz.

...and a new logo link:
Last Update: 16-Sep-2006 0:16:56 Hits: 1806 Rating: 7.33 (15 votes)
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Ars Logo Design: Professional logo design services Popular
Description: Affordable, professional logo design services. Get a customized logo.
Last Update: 23-Feb-2003 13:32:45 Hits: 1651 Rating: 5.50 (8 votes)
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Imagine 3D / Cad Technologies Popular
Description: Cad Technologies are the official worldwide distributors of Imagine 3D for the Amiga.
Last Update: 1-May-2005 11:45:17 Hits: 1642 Rating: 6.00 (6 votes)
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Amiga Scala Mail Group Popular
Description: This list is designed to be a support forum for the Amiga Scala Multimedia program. MM200, MM300, MM400 and Info Channel....

Last Update: 20-Jul-2004 11:07:59 Hits: 1270 Rating: 2.33 (3 votes)
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