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Re: OS4.1 system uptime!
Posted on 6-Feb-2011 3:48:48
#81 ]
Super Member
Joined: 18-Jun-2003
Posts: 1442
From: Leavenworth, KS USA

Well, I had to reboot the AmigaOne. Mostly because I had AmiVNC4 do something wierd and I couldn't exit from it like normal, which then locked up Workbench.

But, here's what my uptime got to:

Saturday 02/05/2011 9:06 PM
System has been up since 11/07/2010 7:54 PM (total uptime 90 days, 01:11:57)

Not too bad, considering what happened with AmiVNC4 was my fault. I always ran it as a Workbench task, which I never could get to exit cleanly when I needed to. When I tried killing it from Scout, then Workbench locked up. I've fixed that by starting it from a script inside IconX, which with Scout sending a break signal to the process works like a charm for killing it when I need to.

Last edited by DWolfman on 06-Feb-2011 at 03:49 AM.

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