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Final OS4 update stability survey
Posted on 31-Dec-2006 12:58:23
#1 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 23-Feb-2004
Posts: 192
From: Somewhere in Northern Italy

I'm wondering if the final OS4 update has brought more stability to the OS.

Is the system stability at the same point of update 4?
Bad software still can crash the whole operating system?
When a grim reaper occurs a crash can happen?

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Re: Final OS4 update stability survey
Posted on 31-Dec-2006 13:00:27
#2 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
Posts: 8042


for me it is a lot harder to really lock the machine up theese days.

though there is always some stuff that simply just does a ISI and more or less ends with that you have to reboot in order to make sure the system is actually working as it should.

See my blog and collection website! .

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Re: Final OS4 update stability survey
Posted on 31-Dec-2006 14:01:45
#3 ]
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Joined: 5-Oct-2003
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From: Manitoba, Canada


As I reported in another thread- This is the least stable version of os4 I have run. Unpredictable dsi errors here and there never know when they'll show up.
But Guru meditation or grim reaper works better on this version. It needs to.
have yet to find a diskette thaht a2floppy can use. cannpt format cylinder 9 errors on a dozen hd and dd floppies
A grim reaper can appear at anytime any prgram. Amidisk and diropus ibrowse arteffects the list goes on.


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Re: Final OS4 update stability survey
Posted on 31-Dec-2006 14:08:29
#4 ]
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From: Swindon, UK, Earth somewhere in the galaxy


Its so unstable for me I can hardly believe its the same OS as update 4, I'm having no luck at all just never ending DSI erros.

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Re: Final OS4 update stability survey
Posted on 31-Dec-2006 14:14:00
#5 ]
OS4 Core Developer
Joined: 14-Jul-2003
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You are doing something wrong then. This version of OS 4 is more stable than anything before. I would guess you are using some outdated programs.

Did you install from scratch, or try to update?

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Re: Final OS4 update stability survey
Posted on 31-Dec-2006 14:55:52
#6 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 28-Nov-2003
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From: Perugia, ITALY


Here stability was rather same as on Upd4...
Only USB was bad than before butunfortunately on my A1SE hw was rateher bad
Got some problem with some programs but many of these was updated so I hope that more updated programs come in next days...
However OS4updates was betas than on final we all must expect that some parts was changed and, maybe, not o compatible with beta parts...
Or not?


Simone"Tuxedo"Monsignori, Perugia, ITALY.

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Re: Final OS4 update stability survey
Posted on 31-Dec-2006 15:23:29
#7 ]
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Joined: 30-Dec-2004
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From: Wellington


I installed OS4.0 Final on an A1-XE and Micro A1-C without problem, performing a clean install both times.

On the A1-XE I reinstalled all the programs and utilities and all went fine. I attempted to short cut this on the Micro A1-C by just copying the files from my system back up directory. Needless to say I managed to screw up the installation due to my lazyness.

So as a perverse kind of test I decided to re-install the final release over the top of the previous corrupted installation. After re-installation I experienced great instability. DSI's everwhere and real problems with setting up my internet/network link. I couldn't connect to my home network no matter what settings I choose. Interestingly when I checked the version of the ETH3COM.device it reported 51.12 (an earlier version) even though the correct device (52.1) was installed and initially reported on first booting up the machine. I presume there was some conflict with files from the earlier installation? In fact just trying to start-up the network created all kinds of problems and made the system extremely unstable and completely unusable.

I have just performed another clean install and surprise, surprise all is now working OK again. Configuring and starting the network was a breeze! Stability is back to normal. Interestingly I had to set up a netinterface with a Static I.P. address rather than a dynamic DHCP address. My home network is connected to a BT Broadband Modem/Router. The A1-XE is set to Dynamic DHCP.


No, I don't need no reason, I'm just breezin'

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Re: Final OS4 update stability survey
Posted on 31-Dec-2006 15:27:25
#8 ]
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From: Unknown


This is the stablest version for me. Nothing has brought the system down yet and GR's are very rare - and, BTW, always caused by M68k programs, except by a harmless DSI error by AWeb that happened just twice.
Sidenote: I installed the system by hand (mounted the ISO and substitued/modified the files as needed), and it worked perfectly right from the start.


RETREAM - retro dreams for Amiga, Commodore 64 and PC

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Re: Final OS4 update stability survey
Posted on 31-Dec-2006 15:38:01
#9 ]
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More stable here, although using older versions of programs did seem to cause more errors. They go away with the updated versions.

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Re: Final OS4 update stability survey
Posted on 31-Dec-2006 16:06:00
#10 ]
Joined: 20-Mar-2005
Posts: 92
From: Behind the Moon


This is definetly the most stable version of the OS. The only lockup I have experienced so far is when starting the game "Apricot" from os4depot. And that is not every time either...


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Re: Final OS4 update stability survey
Posted on 31-Dec-2006 16:09:01
#11 ]
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From: Manitoba, Canada


I did clean install on newly formatted partition.
then carefully copied over libraries prefs/envarc that were needed for my progs to run. I was careful not to overwrite any os4 final files.
I run Ibrowse 2.4 the registered version.
the latest version of Aweb and simplemail
True most of my apps are 68k but that's because there are no os4 apps to replace them(Arteffects, pagestream, imagine, wordsworth, amigawriter, imagefx4.5, fxpaint, turboprint7, penpartner), Amidisk is os4 and it gives gurus on trying to display text files, dvdplayer and mplayer seem to work both os4 pgms.
Often after quiting one program to then starting anoth i get gurus. Next time I'll try capture crashlog but so far have not been successfull can grim be taught to copy crashlog to hd rather than ram?
OS typemanger gurus evertiome it is quit. Dsi error.


Last edited by painter on 31-Dec-2006 at 04:41 PM.

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Re: Final OS4 update stability survey
Posted on 31-Dec-2006 16:26:49
#12 ]
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Joined: 16-Nov-2003
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From: Sherborne, UK


It's pretty much rock-solid here. I formatted my hd then did a clean install and copied back various missing bits and bobs that had been added over the past year or so and all is good.


AmigaOne XE-G4, 512MB RAM (AmigaOS 4.1)
Radeon 9250, Terratec Aureon 5.1

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Re: Final OS4 update stability survey
Posted on 31-Dec-2006 16:49:34
#13 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 7-Nov-2003
Posts: 633
From: the Netherlands


> I'm wondering if the final OS4 update has brought more stability to the OS.

OS4 final is rock solid here. The only things that crash is some third party software. When something crashes, I can usually kill the crashed program and continue to do what I was doing, or at least save my work before I have to reboot.

Kind regards,


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Re: Final OS4 update stability survey
Posted on 31-Dec-2006 16:51:44
#14 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


then carefully copied over libraries prefs/envarc that were needed for my progs to run.

That's no guarantee for safety or for avoiding conflicts/duplication.
If you copy all your libraries back, for example, you would get newlib.library,
which is now a kmod and not needed. Imagine what would happen if (not this), but
something got "called" that wasn't needed and caused a conflict?


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: Final OS4 update stability survey
Posted on 31-Dec-2006 17:05:30
#15 ]
Super Member
Joined: 21-Mar-2003
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From: The Netherlands


The majority of 68k apps contain bugs that only show now on OS4 Final because of the improved protection. It's annoying indeed when your favourite unsupported 68k program becomes unstable, but the problem is really not in OS4, but in the apps. I'm afraid that's the price we have to pay. But bear this in mind: these apps were already faulty in OS3, you just didn't notice it directly.

Audio Evolution

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Re: Final OS4 update stability survey
Posted on 31-Dec-2006 17:39:44
#16 ]
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Joined: 1-Aug-2003
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From: Unknown


Very stable here; the only programs crashing are those "known" to be buggy.
In most cases, it's the program itself crashing and doesn't bring down the whole system.

I have some "random" crashes but I know they're caused by bad hardware.

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Re: Final OS4 update stability survey
Posted on 31-Dec-2006 17:49:51
#17 ]
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From: Central, NY USA


For me Final is much more unstable than Update 4. I get the reaper frequently but more often I get a total system Freeze. The freezes are usually triggered by clicking on a link in IBrowse and often after a reboot I get another freeze immediately. At this point I'm almost afraid to touch it.

I did a clean wipe of the drive and a full reinstall with no issues. The install worked flawlessly on the first try. The first thing I added was the Wireless network drivers so I could get on the net and start downloading. I haven't added much to the core system at this point other than wireless and MUI classes for SimpleMail.

Could this be a problem with the Wireless drivers? I can leave my machine running DNetc all day with no issues and then as soon as I start using IBrowse my number is up.

Micro A1 866 Mhz and AmigaOS 4.1
PowerMac G4 1.4 Ghz and MorphOS 2.7

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Re: Final OS4 update stability survey
Posted on 31-Dec-2006 17:55:07
#18 ]
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From: Valencia,Spain 8-)


It appears to me that most lockups on my machine are done because the wireless card i have here.I stop using it and there's a rock solid machine.

Cuida tus piedras gordas.

A1200/030 32Mb

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Re: Final OS4 update stability survey
Posted on 31-Dec-2006 18:01:55
#19 ]
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Joined: 9-Apr-2004
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From: Central, NY USA


Damn, thats what I was afraid of. I live in an apartment right now and I have no was to get a network connection to my A1.

I wonder if it is a hardware or driver problem. I'll do some testing today to confirm.

Micro A1 866 Mhz and AmigaOS 4.1
PowerMac G4 1.4 Ghz and MorphOS 2.7

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Re: Final OS4 update stability survey
Posted on 31-Dec-2006 18:25:40
#20 ]
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Joined: 29-Apr-2005
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From: UK

I'd say about the same as pre-release 4, I do seem to be crashing it more, but then i am setting it up again, and having a good play with it,

"For nothing is good if you don't play with it"- George Clinton

EDITED TO ADD: after re-reading the top question: dodgy programs still bring the OS system down.

Last edited by Stephen_Robinson on 31-Dec-2006 at 07:46 PM.

Rage quited 29th May 2011

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