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Re: OS 4.1 Update 3 Released
Posted on 30-Aug-2011 20:22:33
#160 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 14-May-2003
Posts: 4237
From: Sweden


I've never understood why such slow and simple devices were forced to go the complex USB route. But then again, there much more that I don't understand.

Yes, it's kind of silly. But I suppose it happened for two reasons:
1. Get rid of two ports.
2. Add new abilities like tiny displays in the keyboard, USB hub and stuff like that.

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Re: OS 4.1 Update 3 Released
Posted on 30-Aug-2011 20:32:56
#161 ]
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@OS4 Devs

Installed since 2 hours and i haven't had a single glitch yet... thanks again!
Among other things, i also like the new black boot screen...

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Re: OS 4.1 Update 3 Released
Posted on 30-Aug-2011 21:24:50
#162 ]
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From: me To: you


i see you conviniently ignored the fact all MUI issues are to do with an incomplete/incorrect install of MUI, as stated on this very thread, just to suit your own interpretation.

I am entertained by all the people here and elsewhere with thier "RAWR!!!11 YOU SEE!!11 OS4 TEH SUXX!!!11" meaning they have never used any sort of computer in thier life before, and if they are involved in IT then they best get out asap.

oh wait, they know exactly what they are doing... forget it, nothing to see here...


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Re: OS 4.1 Update 3 Released
Posted on 30-Aug-2011 22:04:38
#163 ]
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But even wiping out my MUI drawer totally, copying the one from the Os 4.1.2 iso and then updating the files from update 3 still results in the same for me.

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Re: OS 4.1 Update 3 Released
Posted on 30-Aug-2011 22:10:12
#164 ]
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From: me To: you


thats assuming all the MUI files you need are the ones just from update 2. there was an update 1 iso as base remember.

if your MUI files are old, then they have either not been copied in the first place, or written over by old versions somehow.


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Re: OS 4.1 Update 3 Released
Posted on 30-Aug-2011 22:14:15
#165 ]
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From: New Zealand



danwood wrote:

But even wiping out my MUI drawer totally, copying the one from the Os 4.1.2 iso and then updating the files from update 3 still results in the same for me.

From a post on the AmigaOS 4.x support forum ([url=this thread):
The new MUI is incompatible with some older settings and will cause crashes and other funny artifacts, like help bubbles looking wierd perhaps.

If you have a problem with an app, delete its MUI settings. At the moment I thing it is the .config part, not the .prefs part in ENVARC:mui/ (and ENV:mui/ too unless you reboot). Then try again.

Try getting rid of your old MUI settings.


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Re: OS 4.1 Update 3 Released
Posted on 30-Aug-2011 22:14:43
#166 ]
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I have TOTALLY 100% deleted my entire MUI drawer and everything contained within it, I then copied all the contents of MUI to a new drawer sys:mui from update 2, I then copied the files from update 3 into the drawer too, same result. There are no old files remaining, same result.

I'm now backing up my install to zap my system disk and do a fresh install :( Annoying as I'd nicely customised my look/feel.

Last edited by danwood on 30-Aug-2011 at 10:16 PM.

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Re: OS 4.1 Update 3 Released
Posted on 30-Aug-2011 22:15:20
#167 ]
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Tried that twice, renaming Envarc:mui to mui_old, crashes remain.

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Re: OS 4.1 Update 3 Released
Posted on 30-Aug-2011 22:15:58
#168 ]
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From: Stockholm, Sweden


I guess that there will be an update 4 . On the good side though, it is faster and feels better. Regarding the black screen at startup I got it after reboot, something had changed regarding the screensettings and I got no picture from my DVI port but from the VGA port instead. So I switched cable, launched screemode in prefs, ticked the DDC box, saved, restarted and picture was back. Then changed the tooltypes in the monitor file to the settings that I use.

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Re: OS 4.1 Update 3 Released
Posted on 30-Aug-2011 22:17:27
#169 ]
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From: New Zealand



danwood wrote:

Tried that twice, renaming Envarc:mui to mui_old, crashes remain.

Did you reset before trying again (I assume yes, but it's worth asking)? Could some apps be storing their prefs elsewhere? Very likely, I think.

EDIT: If you still cannot get it working, then it might be worth using Snoopy to try to track down what it's loading up. If you find anything unusual, post it to the official support forum.


Last edited by Hans on 30-Aug-2011 at 10:18 PM.

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Re: OS 4.1 Update 3 Released
Posted on 30-Aug-2011 22:24:10
#170 ]
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Yeah I have rebooted several times, removed everything MUI related and restored from update 2/3 files only. I think there's some system library or handler causing some unknown incompatibility, or some app both I and Voodoo (who is experiencing identical crashes) have installed.

I've reached the end of my patience, I'm wiping out my entire system and starting a fresh install.

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Re: OS 4.1 Update 3 Released
Posted on 30-Aug-2011 22:31:30
#171 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 9-Jun-2004
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From: Norway


First I suggest you do RAM test, you are one of few people experiences this amount of problems, from what I can read from the forum.

Some tips:

1. Download newest Snoopy from
2. Start Snoopy
3. Under output, select “show only Failing calls”
4. start the application you have problems whit.

A list of failures should be displayed in Snoopy.

If you get DSI error press “More” then “Write crash log”, and then “Kill program”,then post the crash log her.

(OS4Depot also has crash log page, you can post it there)

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 30-Aug-2011 at 10:34 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 30-Aug-2011 at 10:33 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 30-Aug-2011 at 10:32 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 30-Aug-2011 at 10:32 PM.

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Re: OS 4.1 Update 3 Released
Posted on 30-Aug-2011 22:42:39
#172 ]
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From: In the village


Do you have multiple boot partitions? Just curious...


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: OS 4.1 Update 3 Released
Posted on 30-Aug-2011 22:48:00
#173 ]
Cult Member
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From: me To: you


muimaster.library V20.2290

if its still happening, and on your crashlog it still has the abover version of muimaster.library, then you have not removed the old versions.

what version is on your current crashlog.


noticed his last message, so may not get that crashlog as hes doing a reinstall

Last edited by Derfs on 30-Aug-2011 at 10:49 PM.


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Re: OS 4.1 Update 3 Released
Posted on 30-Aug-2011 22:59:33
#174 ]
Elite Member
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From: Belgrade, Serbia

hotrod wrote: I guess that there will be an update 4 . .

Beside some new bugs that surely will have to be cleaned,
RadeonHD driver is only thing really missing from the update. Lets hope it will
be released before the OS 4.2

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Re: OS 4.1 Update 3 Released
Posted on 30-Aug-2011 23:27:48
#175 ]
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Way don't you sign up as beta tester for Hans.

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Re: OS 4.1 Update 3 Released
Posted on 30-Aug-2011 23:33:26
#176 ]
Elite Member
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From: Stockholm, Sweden


Yes I was thi.king about bugfixes. there where 5 updates released foor 4.0 right?. I'm getting the fealing that some issues won't evwr be resolved like the half VRAM issue. Seems like it is time to move on to new hardware and lets hoe that it has less issues than the A1.

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Re: OS 4.1 Update 3 Released
Posted on 30-Aug-2011 23:46:59
#177 ]
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From: Australia


Actually I tested some MUI apps and OS4 nor the program authors are to blame but a broken MUI installation is. And by broken I mean 68k versions of MUI file were installed!

good to hear! but isint this what betatesters are soppoused to pick up? maybe u should be head beta tester :)

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Re: OS 4.1 Update 3 Released
Posted on 30-Aug-2011 23:55:51
#178 ]
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We got to the bottom of it, a rogue installer appears to have installed an older version is sys:libs ! The system will use this over MUI: first.

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Re: OS 4.1 Update 3 Released
Posted on 31-Aug-2011 0:01:55
#179 ]
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From: Norway


I don't see how this is possible, the update installer should overwrite any old library or mui class, unless some one has write protected files or created some strange assigns that include some thing from else where, (I guess if 68k versions of files has higher version number they might not be replaced.)

I know there are some people whit paranoid custom setups.

SYS:MUI/MUI application should display version numbers for loaded MUI classes.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 31-Aug-2011 at 12:02 AM.

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