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Re: A Chistmas gift: what is status of OS4.2?
Posted on 30-Dec-2015 15:44:21
#61 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 18-Dec-2007
Posts: 2112
From: N-Space


For X11, well, it's too much for my memory. I had some experience around 1994-96 with HP Apollo, Sun, and IRIS graphic workstations, but I don't remember any lower button.

I'm writing this post on an X11 system, so my recollection is pretty good.

It is common for X11 window managers to lower windows by middle clicking the title bar, which is an acceptable alternative for me. The only X11 window manger that I know of with a depth button is amiwm.

The first computer I used much at all was an Amiga 1000, so I got used to having some way to lower windows with the mouse, and I would have a hard time giving that up!

The other very un-Amiga like thing that most modern systems do is raise windows when the client area of the window is clicked, but I won't start on that...

"Unix is supposed to fix that." -- Jay Miner

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Re: A Chistmas gift: what is status of OS4.2?
Posted on 31-Dec-2015 7:36:26
#62 ]
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From: Germany

@bison: so I think we can say that Amiga o.s. first introduced the lowering of windows using a proper button in the window frame. The most simple, direct, and intuitive way.

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Re: A Chistmas gift: what is status of OS4.2?
Posted on 10-Jan-2016 19:10:25
#63 ]
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Re: A Chistmas gift: what is status of OS4.2?
Posted on 10-Jan-2016 23:50:26
#64 ]
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Awwwwwwww... c'mon dudes.. It's just been xmas. Give the dev coders some space, won't you?

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Re: A Chistmas gift: what is status of OS4.2?
Posted on 11-Jan-2016 10:56:51
#65 ]
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Last time I used X11 (on Solaris) this could be quite well configured. I think I made it such that it would raise a window only when left-clicking any part of the window border. Can't remember if I could lower windows at that time, but quite possibly by middle-clicking the border or title

On my Amiga I use the 4th mouse button to lower the active window by clicking anywhere and a left+right-click to raise windows which I click on. Don't like double-click.

- Don't get fooled by my avatar, I'm not like that (anymore, mostly... maybe only sometimes)
> Amiga Classic and OS4 developer for OnyxSoft.

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Re: A Chistmas gift: what is status of OS4.2?
Posted on 11-Jan-2016 14:41:24
#66 ]
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From: N-Space


Last time I used X11 (on Solaris) this could be quite well configured. I think I made it such that it would raise a window only when left-clicking any part of the window border. Can't remember if I could lower windows at that time, but quite possibly by middle-clicking the border or title

That sounds like mwm (Motif Window Manager). I used that at work, back in the nineties -- 96-2000 I think. I used Solaris at another job in 2006-2008, and by that time they had switched to Gnome. My knowledge of Solaris is beginning to fade, but not as quickly as Solaris itself.

"Unix is supposed to fix that." -- Jay Miner

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Re: A Chistmas gift: what is status of OS4.2?
Posted on 11-Jan-2016 14:51:29
#67 ]
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bison wrote:

Last time I used X11 (on Solaris) this could be quite well configured. I think I made it such that it would raise a window only when left-clicking any part of the window border. Can't remember if I could lower windows at that time, but quite possibly by middle-clicking the border or title

That sounds like mwm (Motif Window Manager). I used that at work, back in the nineties -- 96-2000 I think. I used Solaris at another job in 2006-2008, and by that time they had switched to Gnome. My knowledge of Solaris is beginning to fade, but not as quickly as Solaris itself.

Close. Toolkit is called Motif but wm was called CDE. Nowdays it's open sourced and to refresh memories you can get it from .

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Re: A Chistmas gift: what is status of OS4.2?
Posted on 13-Jan-2016 14:34:20
#68 ]
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"Unix is supposed to fix that." -- Jay Miner

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Re: A Chistmas gift: what is status of OS4.2?
Posted on 13-Jan-2016 14:39:59
#69 ]
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bison wrote:

Yup. But default desktop on Solaris was CDE. It was also default wm on few other big boy unix flavors so there would be some kind of standard to make porting software between them easier. Before CDE default manager was olvwm.

Last edited by Rose on 13-Jan-2016 at 03:19 PM.

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Re: A Chistmas gift: what is status of OS4.2?
Posted on 13-Jan-2016 17:52:36
#70 ]
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Joined: 22-Dec-2004
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From: Freedom world



so I think we can say that Amiga o.s. first introduced the lowering of windows using a proper button in the window frame. The most simple, direct, and intuitive way.

But this button was removed in 2.0 and now you have to click on the depth gadget with shift key pressed. New users are not going to find it. And honestly, Kickstart 1.3 had too many buttons there.

I think the best feature that windows are not moved automatically to front when clicked/activated. You can rearrange windows without screwing up their relative z order. And of course that blocking dialogs won't prevent managing their parent window...

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Re: A Chistmas gift: what is status of OS4.2?
Posted on 13-Jan-2016 18:43:16
#71 ]
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Joined: 29-Oct-2012
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From: Germany

@itix: yes, it's more comfortable and pratical this way.

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