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Re: Hyperion Entertainment - Reorg/Restructure
Posted on 14-Oct-2022 17:47:07
#221 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


Re:prior posts

There was a lot to read and understand, but this seems to be the upshot:

I have no way to determine whether the minority share holders either relinquished their shares, had them merely removed through some means, etc.

Perhaps we'll get some clarity after the shows.


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: Hyperion Entertainment - Reorg/Restructure
Posted on 14-Oct-2022 21:00:50
#222 ]
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Joined: 14-Mar-2007
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From: Kansas

#6 Quote:

I have no way to determine whether the minority share holders either relinquished their shares, had them merely removed through some means, etc.

The other Hyperion shareholders were Timothy De Groote and Trevor Dickinson? I suppose it is possible they relinquished their shares as Ben Hermans increases business capital while indirectly paying himself for legal services which dilutes their shares while distributing cash to himself instead of paying a dividend which would go to all shareholders. I don't know if it is possible for Ben to gain 100% ownership from diluting their shares so far that they round to 0% (depends on local business laws?). The advantages of relinquishing their stock that I can see would be to try to disassociate from Hyperion but I doubt this provides legal protection from existing lawsuits. It could be useful in Trevor's situation to try to repair his Amiga image and hide his involvement with Hyperion. The other advantage is just simpler taxes which probably applies more to Timothy than Trevor who likely needs a tax preparer anyway. I would think Timothy would hold out trying to get payed for his shares though. It is possible that Ben has diluted them down far enough that they are more than willing to be bought out before their ownership was diluted further. As majority owner, Ben should be able to force them to sell their shares although resorting to this is a pain (may need a business appraisal and long legal process). Hyperion has cash from 68k AmigaOS sales so could have simply bought them out which simplifies ownership. Maybe Ben obtained 100% ownership to make a strategic move with Hyperion which it would simplify, especially where Timothy and Trevor may not be cooperative after having their ownership diluted while Ben indirectly receives cash from Hyperion. Their ownership was more like a lien for debts owed anyway. Liens are payed off before strategic business moves. It may be a sign that something is happening with Hyperion like selling the business or a merger.

#6 Quote:

Perhaps we'll get some clarity after the shows.

Yes, maybe it is a positive sign that the Amiga businesses are finally back to the bargaining table about the lawsuits and trying to work out some kind of deal. An Amiga show would be a good place to finalize any deals and make announcements.

Last edited by matthey on 14-Oct-2022 at 09:04 PM.

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment - Reorg/Restructure
Posted on 14-Oct-2022 22:43:27
#223 ]
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From: In the village


I admire your optimism, but frankly when I referred to clarity I did and do not expect that to be uttered in public.
Perhaps during those late night drinking sessions at AmiWest? (evil grin)


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Re: Hyperion Entertainment - Reorg/Restructure
Posted on 15-Oct-2022 1:05:28
#224 ]
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Posts: 1200


matthey wrote:

The conflict between J.R. and Bobby escalates when Bobby refuses to step down as president of Ewing Oil. Jock finds himself caught in the middle of the conflict between his two sons but after Miss Ellie demands that Bobby stay in Dallas Jock supports Bobby. Bobby seems to be doing a better job for Ewing Oil, even making a deal for Venezuelan oil to the new refinery, but quickly discovers he's being undercut in Dallas' business community by a vengeful J.R. Pam continues to search for her mother. Lucy introduces Mitch to her friends with disastrous results. The sinking of an oil tanker and the loss of 600,000 gallons of crude oil has J.R. delighted, but to Bobby, it is only an inconvenience. Then he discovers that the oil was not insured and the loss could total over $18,000,000 for Ewing Oil. Ray greets a very unwelcome guest, his father, whom he hasn't seen or heard from since he was a kid. Amos Krebbs has some very disturbing news for the entire Ewing family: Ray's biological father is Jock Ewing!


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Re: Hyperion Entertainment - Reorg/Restructure
Posted on 15-Oct-2022 2:54:32
#225 ]
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Joined: 14-Mar-2007
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From: Kansas

Please, I didn't write that. I'm enough of an oil man myself to spot oil in "gallons" which is suspect. Oil is sold in barrels which are 42 gallons.

600,000/42=14,285 barrels of oil


That is some high priced oil even by today's standards. The "gallons" should be barrels.


That sounds cheap but WTI oil futures for May 2020 hit -$40/barrel on April 20, 2020 allowing Trump to cheaply fill up the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). Two years later under Biden the WTI spot price is about $86, the SPR is about 40% depleted and we have 8.2% inflation. No worries though. Democrats passed the Inflation Reduction Act which is more spending on green energy and taxation.

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment - Reorg/Restructure
Posted on 5-May-2023 4:59:15
#226 ]
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From: In the village


I suppose this could be it's own thread, but it does seem to fit within this current topic:

Any comments from the elite?


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Re: Hyperion Entertainment - Reorg/Restructure
Posted on 5-May-2023 6:12:24
#227 ]
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From: Figueira da Foz - Portugal


And yet people still buy things from them, unbelievable!

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment - Reorg/Restructure
Posted on 5-May-2023 11:22:53
#228 ]
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What does it say?


Hyperion Support Forum:

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment - Reorg/Restructure
Posted on 5-May-2023 12:05:45
#229 ]
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On April 18, 2023 there appeared a tweet that
Received an interesting trove of documents. Stay tuned (and feel free to send more)!

This is obviously the beginning of the postings related to that posting. They are obviously from "inside" since they mention numerous documents/agreements of a highly egregious nature, imo.

I prefer to wait to see what follows, but if someone else wishes to post the contents from last night, that's up to them.

If you are having issues with twitter displaying content? I'm not sure why. This site is entirely public.
There is advice on twitter issues you can google, if it's not working at all for you.


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Re: Hyperion Entertainment - Reorg/Restructure
Posted on 5-May-2023 13:57:14
#230 ]
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From: In the village


Now one of the agreements mentioned has been posted.



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Re: Hyperion Entertainment - Reorg/Restructure
Posted on 5-May-2023 15:45:15
#231 ]
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From: Canada


I agree. I even used a magifying glass to read the document, just to make sure.


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Re: Hyperion Entertainment - Reorg/Restructure
Posted on 5-May-2023 16:02:33
#232 ]
Joined: 8-Jun-2020
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In all fairness, the only thing those tweets reveal (or underline once again) is the heavily biased mindset of the person who named himself "Amiga Documents", no more no less. No conspiracy anywhere.

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment - Reorg/Restructure
Posted on 5-May-2023 16:06:39
#233 ]
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From: Waterbury, Connecticut (USA)


This guy also has a real anger towards Trevor that I've never quite understood. He seems to think that Trevor is funding Hyperion's legal defense against Cloanto's lawsuits and that, therefore, is a conspiracy against Cloanto -- despite Cloanto being the party that sued Hyperion.

Just yet more drama. That said he's an excellent source of primary material. People can make up their own minds based on that.

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment - Reorg/Restructure
Posted on 5-May-2023 16:39:24
#234 ]
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I believe all the posters so far have some familiarity with the topic.
I include this solely for anyone who has not followed the history and wishes additional 1st hand context:

This is 1 of 2 retellings by Trevor that I am aware of.


Edit (added additional reference):

Another Edit (added additional reference to comment section):

Last edited by number6 on 05-May-2023 at 04:53 PM.
Last edited by number6 on 05-May-2023 at 04:43 PM.

This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: Hyperion Entertainment - Reorg/Restructure
Posted on 5-May-2023 16:57:13
#235 ]
Amiga Developer Team
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From: Czech Republic


The story that Ben stole from the A-EON money is old news, and the document only confirms Trevor's version of the story, which he published in the Amiga Future magazine. I, too, fail to understand how exactly the material proves that the dark forces of Hyperion and A-EON "have been conspiring for years against Cloanto and Amiga".

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment - Reorg/Restructure
Posted on 5-May-2023 20:52:25
#236 ]
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Instead of doing the reasonable thing and kick Ben out of business once and for all, he is kept afloat, just barely… for what purpose? Perhaps to step on some toes? To do the dirty work?

Exactly how long has A-EON/AmigaKit been talking and writing about Extension Pack for OS3/68k? Have anyone actually seen anything of it? System54/68k?


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Re: Hyperion Entertainment - Reorg/Restructure
Posted on 6-May-2023 14:38:26
#237 ]
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The question is. Who leaked this confidential paper

I respectfully disagree.

I feel the question should be "why now?"


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Re: Hyperion Entertainment - Reorg/Restructure
Posted on 10-May-2023 9:42:35
#238 ]
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It had been in an envelope marked as classified in an ex-US President's garage. The FBI leaked it when they found no value in raising criminal charges of treason and collusion with foreign parties.

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Re: Hyperion Entertainment - Reorg/Restructure
Posted on 29-Mar-2024 17:24:44
#239 ]
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Opening of bankruptcy procedure (Ben Hermans B.V.)

further detail courtesy


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Re: Hyperion Entertainment - Reorg/Restructure
Posted on 29-Mar-2024 17:57:56
#240 ]
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Groundhog day!!!

It's Amiga, so being almost 2 months late counts as "on schedule and rocking"

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