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Retrospective: Amiga-Meeting Nord (in Germany)
Posted on 19-Nov-2023 14:23:32
#1 ]
Super Member
Joined: 3-Aug-2015
Posts: 1057
From: Unknown

The Amiga Meeting North took place on the first weekend in November. Co-organizer Thorsten Mampel not only published two videos about this - Matthias 'Matze' Heinrichs' presentation on his hardware projects and Simon Neumann's presentation on Alinea computer products - but also kindly wrote us a short report:

"Since 2000, the Amiga Meeting has been held once a year in the far north, between Hamburg and Kiel. For a few years it has always been the first weekend in November, this year it took place from November 3rd to 5th.

For most participants who have been attending the meeting for years, arriving feels a bit like “arriving again.” People know each other and often have fixed regular places. The “Kiek-In” event location in Neumünster now knows us very well and prepares our space perfectly.

This year the number of participants was again pleasingly large, almost all places were occupied. There were 2 shops on site. Matthias Goldisch from HobbyRaum - In addition to many Amiga products, your retro partner also offered products for other retro systems and a lot of merchandising. Alinea was also there and had seven new hardware products for the Amiga and presented them individually in a presentation on Saturday. The offers and products were very well received by all participants.

The guest of honor at the meeting this year was Matthias Heinrichs, known as Matze from the A1k forum. In an extremely entertaining presentation, he presented almost all of his hardware projects from the last few years and told exciting stories about how it came about and what his motivation was.

At this year's game competition we played the new reshoot Proxima 3. Marcel / Paradise once again provided his great Amiga gaming machine. The three best players were happy about great prizes.

This year the demo show by Endee, who has watched many demo competitions throughout the year and put together a great compilation, provided the perfect evening entertainment on Saturday. As befits the situation, these were played on real Amigas, many of them directly from diskettes.

From Sunday afternoon onwards, things were slowly dismantled and all participants went back to everyday life.

Next year we have 25 years of Amiga Meeting to celebrate. October 31st It falls on a Thursday and is a public holiday in many federal states, so we have the opportunity to celebrate the anniversary over 4 days. This time slot has already been reserved at the hotel. All further information will follow in good time.”

As participants and Steffen Häuser reported to us, updated versions of Heretic II ( reported) and SiN for AmigaOS 4 and a first version of Heretic II for 68k were also shown. (DR)

(Translation by Google)

Last edited by OneTimer1 on 19-Nov-2023 at 02:25 PM.
Last edited by OneTimer1 on 19-Nov-2023 at 02:24 PM.

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