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In continuance of the AROS wanted by BBRV thread...
Posted on 5-Apr-2005 14:46:46
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 29-Jul-2003
Posts: 6739
From: Unknown

This is something I would never do, but for the sake of the truth I am compelled to act. This will get me in trouble by my superiors, however, for the sake of the site's integrity, I will post what has been written as way of NOT CLEARING MY OWN NAME, but of the site's.

As stated, this thread concerns itself with the AROS wanted by BBRV thread. The thread was locked, as you will read:

After the thread had been locked, takemehomegrandma's post (which had obviously not been completed by the time the thread was locked) was inserted into the thread. I read this post, and I decided that it was not necessary that the post remain, for the following reason:

Although the post was not trollish (IMO), I deemed it necessary to have deleted the post as a way of not giving rise to malcontent between the members of this site as the post may have been misconstrued.

After reading the linked thread, I would ask that you now read takemehomegrandma's post:



Maybe you didn't know this, but they have *always* wanted to have AROS running on the Pegasos. That's like ... forever!

@ EntilZha & Rogue

BBRV was (as was others, like Fleecy, Ben Hermans, Alan Redhouse, etc, etc) very present in Amiga forums some year back or so. And you, of all people, should know how impossible it is to post things, outline new directions, suggest things, etc on public forums in this community, without upsetting a lot of people. It is simply not possible. Whatever certain people say, there is always some people who will get upset in some way and throw #### at you in one way or another. This community is so full of strong egos with narrow views of every single subject, and lots of emotions attached as well, which makes it impossible to do something without stepping on someones toes. A mistake that BBRV (as well as Ben Hermans, Alan Redhouse, Fleecy, etc) perhaps did, was to let that #### provoce some replies from time to time that perhaps wasn't wrapped up in silk and velvet. That is the nature of people in this community; they can call people the most horrible things, spend their entire days vomiting on them, and then, when they get a *reply* containing even *a fraction* of the original writing style, they go ballistic. Some people with great egos think they have the right to say whatever they like or feel, in the meanest ways, but when they get a reply in the same way they see that as a first time attack on their person. That whole situation is quite mad, if you ask me, but it's the way it is. The mistakes people did (BBRV, Ben Hermans, Alan Redhouse, Fleecy, etc, etc) was simply to allow themselves to get provoced, which in a way lowered themselves to a personal level that is not expected from corporate representatives.

However, you two seems to be of the opinion that this is something that goes for BBRV only (and I think we all can understand why). But that is not fair IMHO. There is not a single corporate representative in this community that hasn't contributed with their share of annoyances in the community. Whatever you say about BBRV, I can easily mirror it back to Ben Hermans, Alan Redhouse, Fleecy, etc, etc. They have all been pretty much the same online, when it comes to annoying people in the community. But if you hadn't noticed - things has become *much* better during the last year(s). That goes both for Ben Hermans and BBRV. They have all become quite good at restraining themselves online, which is kind of welcome to everyone I think. But then there is this little group of people, of which you two seems to be included, that simply ignores this and constantly repeats this "mantra" that no-one should want to have anything to do with BBRV (and BBRV only!) because of their cunduct online, even if their conduct online has been quite flawless for a very long time by now. Out of 11 comments in this thread, 4 is saying that message. But that is perhaps part of the nature of this site - if you repeat something enough times, it becomes the truth. And some people wants it to be the truth, even today, and they wants this order to last in the future as well. Why? Perhaps because they believe they will gain something from doing that, I don't know. But I must say that I think it is a little ugly, and it gives a bad aftertaste, to see you two (as the corporate representatives you are, and for OS4 as well) descending down to the level I talked about above by constantly repeating that mantra of yours at every single chance you get, fueling any fires that would have burnt out long time ago if only some people wouldn't prevent that by constantly fueling them.

It pains me to subject you all to this sort of cr4p, and indeed is a slap in the face of both my moderating capacity within this site as well as a stomping over everyone's trust.

I have not taken the matter personally even in lieu of takemehomegrandma's post over at moobunny, and more specifically here:

But it really does get me riled when I see untruths being posted about not only my fellow team members, but also and more especially against the users of this site, as well as the fact that people must nag like four year olds over at other sites when they don't have it their way.

Again I ask for your forgiveness in this matter.

A note: This thread will not be moderated, locked, edited or taken off the front page or moved to another forum section by me, nor will I process any Abuse Reports. Why? Coz I dislike the phrase used against this site: "Censorhip Portal"...


Last edited by Theodosius on 05-Apr-2005 at 02:48 PM.


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Re: In continuance of the AROS wanted by BBRV thread...
Posted on 5-Apr-2005 15:13:36
# ]



That thread on moobunny is amazing, its full of mistruths, more than I can poke a stick at.

Even if the rest of the site team have been sucessfully smeared by the propagandists perhaps two of the
new people ( Eric_S and Coder ? ) can speak up if any of the crap posted in that thread
is true.

This is especially laughable


On amigaworld it is the *site admins* who have an agenda,



and if you don't whole-heartedly agrees to it, then you are out.

Oh thats right, thats why you still have an account on here, as does Neko, Kronos etc etc etc and many people from all over the place
that would not have a natural fit with how you paint moderation staffs views.

What exactly is it about _Steve_, Mark, Sibbi and DaveyD do you find to back up this amazing assertion?


If you browse the site for a couple of days, chances are big that you will see
someone badmouthing BBRV, Genesi, the Pegasos, the MorphOS, often in a way that
breaks the site rules.

Heres the thing, see Report Abuse button? Hit the f**king thing! It is what it is there for! The history of whom hit what and for what link
is recorded and there are VERY FEW report abuse buttons hit over anything negative towards Genesi/BBRV or the Pegasos from
what I last saw.

You know, when I was on the staff, I saw thread after thread on the staff forum agonizing over how to treat all sides fairly and
how each moderation decision might put off various factions from the site and guess what - they needn't have bothered because it seems to
me regardless of how concientious they are, how fair they are and how much they moderate to protect one or two people who hold unpopular views
( and I am thinking of Gary_C here for example ) when they moderate against those people they get it in the neck. Every single goddamn time.

When they moderate in their favour, it gets conveniently forgotten.

Who has the agenda here? To me the rotten stink comes from those who look at the site through a
selective filter and CHOOSE to remember only moderation in a certain direction who CHOOSE to create these
fantasies that they then chew over on moobunny who CHOOSE to come to a site that, if they believe their own hype,
they have so much goddamn disdain for.


These posts are most often left untouched.
But otherwise you could almost wonder if the site admins have some kind of commission to edit/remove posts, lock threads down or banning people they don't like. It sure looks that way.

You are one two faced hypocrite takemehomegrandma, that remark is seriously uncalled for, and if you truly believe it
don't let me keep you here.

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Re: In continuance of the AROS wanted by BBRV thread...
Posted on 5-Apr-2005 15:16:20
# ]



I think posting this thread just fuels the fire. Turn the other cheek here. By now, nobody is going to change their opinions about "the other side".This post or the one you've quoted will change nobodies mind about this website or any of the people quoted.
Any trolling will be seen as just that by all who have a brain.

Really though, I retired from what I though was childish tantrums when I left the music biz. But really, everyone who trolls on these forums is worse. Why don't all you kids just go home and play with your teddy bears?

Delete this thread. You know it makes sense.

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Re: In continuance of the AROS wanted by BBRV thread...
Posted on 5-Apr-2005 15:21:18
# ]



Funny thing was, when it was at its worst with campaigns to get all links to removed from other sites and the site made an outcast the visitors to the site just kept growing and growing at an ever faster pace, along with site traffic.

Fortunately most people make their own minds up, rather than have them made up for them by one or two insane but voluable proponents of the latest popular propaganda BS.

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Re: In continuance of the AROS wanted by BBRV thread...
Posted on 5-Apr-2005 15:30:08
#5 ]
Team Member
Joined: 15-May-2003
Posts: 4523
From: The Netherlands


It hardly matters what we say since some people just want to say those things. Like I was instructed to say this. One of the things you always hear is that critisism is not allowed. Like on Amiga Inc. and Eyetech for example. Some people might recall just that in my posts. Saying that I am not happy with certain things and it does not get moderated. Mind you I do not use the f word or any other such words. Everything is being discussed with the staff. Like for example Gary_c, it is being discussed by all of us and decisions are being made by us.

Some people just do not believe we (staff) work together on problems and that no one has his own agenda. You really think if all that crap people are saying is true I would stay on the staff team? The only people that have an agenda are the ones saying that about the staff. Trying to put us in a bad daylight.


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Re: In continuance of the AROS wanted by BBRV thread...
Posted on 5-Apr-2005 15:37:56
# ]



Well if it annoys everyone so much, why don't we just end it now? I have 18th century dueling pistols and a very quiet part of the world.

Why don't we just let you kill each other in more pointless bickering?


OK, I'm going to find every troll's address and send them letter bombs. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. I'll mutilate some innocents, but fcuk, that hasn't stopped any trolls from mutilating the innocent community. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. I have been saving up my "He was such a quiet person" points. I think I qualify to go biserk with a hunting rifle. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. I'm coming to kill you all! All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


Or you could just delete the thread

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Re: In continuance of the AROS wanted by BBRV thread...
Posted on 5-Apr-2005 15:40:34
# ]



Bung the pistols over here, I'm game if they are.

Anyhow, I can't delete any threads I am an ex-staff member.

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Re: In continuance of the AROS wanted by BBRV thread...
Posted on 5-Apr-2005 16:12:41
#8 ]
Super Member
Joined: 28-Apr-2003
Posts: 1797
From: Perth Australia

Amigaworld was for me and is for many others I suspect a refuge, a refuge from FUD and trolling. Also from just bad manners and pointless rudeness. We will never get it 100% right as moderators, we would be kidding ourselves if we thought we could.

Hence no matter what we do, if we do anything at all we are easy targets. The childish, nastiness at moobunny is bound to get under your skin, some people there have only a fleeting acquaintence with truth at the best of times.

As for the post you quote, which by the way, because of the accusations made on moobunny, it is good that you do publish it here in full, well there a grains of truth in it, but I see your response as reasonable and imminently defensible.

The quote post is an opinion and fair enough and as the poster can't answer to anything it would be wrong to reply to it. So instead I will reply to the general idea that both sides are equally to blame in the horrible history of the last few years.

For the readers of this thread I will pose a simple question. If things had been so even handed as the post quoted makes out (even fault on both sides) why are there over 3,000 of us this site as a refuge? Did we come here and embrace moderation because both sides were playing dirty equally? Why would over 3,000 come here if that was the case?

And no I am not having a go at Pegasos users or MorphOS users, they have never been a problem, they are amigans, I am having a go at a tiny minority that adheres to one side but does not rightly belong to it, people who are more interested in petty fights than Amiga anything. As far as I am concerned our sister site is MorphZone, and they are a fine bunch of people and always have been, not that they are always perfect, but who is?

Now sometimes you cannot pick either your enemy or your allies -- this is the problem that produced so many other problems. The MorphOS and Pegasos users and developers did not want trolling allies but they got them, and we got the recieving end, but no-one should mix trolls up with users or developers, they are not of either world.

See these are the really big questions that often is neglected when accusations are made about this site and trolling in general -- if things are so bad here, and so good everywhere else -- why is this the biggest site by far? Does it take a genius to work out that many of us are here to escape the sledging that occurs elsewhere? If so many of us are in the one place does that supply pretty good evidence that the majority of this sledging comes from one direction?

Put two and two together and it makes four everytime. Trolls are our mutual enemy whether we are MorphOS or OS4 users. Don't blame the former for those who ally to them simply to beat up on us.

Nobody is perfect, we have all said things here and elsewhere that we may now have second thoughts about, we will make mistakes from time to time (a have a good few to my credit), we will over-react, intervene too late, or too early, moderate when there is no real reason to do so -- such is life.

@Theodosius rest easy, there is no problem here, I must have been through the same thing seven or more times at Moobunny, its always the same chant, just a differnet verse chucked in here or ther.

Greg Schofield, Perth Australia

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Re: In continuance of the AROS wanted by BBRV thread...
Posted on 5-Apr-2005 16:30:25
#9 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
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From: Alberta, Canada

The one thing I remember most about when it started up was the feeling of relief. No more stalking talk, lawyer wannabes, searches for the ultimate truth and such. I know I'm still sick and tired of it which is why I continue to return. It's not that I don't want to know the outcome of the court case or whatever dirt of the day. It's just that every other site out there has it covered from head to toe we don't need yet another site full of it.

Seriously. Take any 'controversial' subject in any forum. Take a look at what names have posted against that subject. See the pattern. Like moths to the flame. It's not worth it. Let them be.

Please, don't wreck with threads like this one no matter what 'they' say. Keep focused on AmigaOS computing.

ExecSG Team Lead

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Re: In continuance of the AROS wanted by BBRV thread...
Posted on 5-Apr-2005 16:41:23
# ]




Heres the thing, see Report Abuse button? Hit the f**king thing! It is what it is there for! The history of whom hit what and for what link
is recorded and there are VERY FEW report abuse buttons hit over anything negative towards Genesi/BBRV or the Pegasos from
what I last saw.

I heard pressing the Abuse-button could cause an urge to masturbate fearlessly till your foreskin glows the color of purple. I am not touching that with a five-feet pole!!

Now just waiting for abuse-report because
a) masturbating is against someones religion
b) somone misunderstood me that I am dissing midget polish-persons
c) somebody probably thinks the whole sentence is bad humor or gross even, and therefore need to be reported
d) somebody will not understand it as it was meant, irony and/or humour
e) hell, maybe someone don't like purple
f) damn it! I sweared in e) :/ that alone will earn me a couple reports

I have had three or was it four abuse-reports, of which two stood. The ones I was generously let to keep were because I was, simply, misunderstood. It's so easy to press the button if you don't agree with the writer. And it doesn't even offer a change to explain why you are reporting someone.

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Re: In continuance of the AROS wanted by BBRV thread...
Posted on 5-Apr-2005 16:48:47
#11 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 11-Mar-2003
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From: Essex, UK


I heard pressing the Abuse-button could cause an urge to masturbate fearlessly till your foreskin glows the color of purple

So that's what it does What happens if you don't have a foreskin we need options

Last edited by sicky on 05-Apr-2005 at 04:49 PM.

SAM 460 with 2GB or RAM, 1000GB HD, 4 port SATA, DVDRW drive and Radeon HD 4650 GFX card.

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Re: In continuance of the AROS wanted by BBRV thread...
Posted on 5-Apr-2005 16:50:40
# ]




What happens if you don't have a foreskin

Then you're immune \o/

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Re: In continuance of the AROS wanted by BBRV thread...
Posted on 5-Apr-2005 16:53:52
#13 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
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maybe u can try it and tell me what it actually do?

See my blog and collection website! .

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Re: In continuance of the AROS wanted by BBRV thread...
Posted on 5-Apr-2005 16:58:47
#14 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 11-Mar-2003
Posts: 2843
From: Essex, UK


maybe u can try it and tell me what it actually do?

Oh no, too scared, just like being a youngster again wondering what will happen

SAM 460 with 2GB or RAM, 1000GB HD, 4 port SATA, DVDRW drive and Radeon HD 4650 GFX card.

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Re: In continuance of the AROS wanted by BBRV thread...
Posted on 5-Apr-2005 16:58:47
#15 ]
Super Member
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
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From: The City of Xebec's Demise


What happens if you don't have a foreskin we need options

Uh, what - you mean like an artificial one?


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Re: In continuance of the AROS wanted by BBRV thread...
Posted on 5-Apr-2005 17:05:10
#16 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 5-Nov-2003
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From: Trondheim, Norway


The topic is really misleading...

Nicolas Mendoza

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Re: In continuance of the AROS wanted by BBRV thread...
Posted on 5-Apr-2005 17:46:58
# ]



Who cares?

Worrying about what people think on Moobunny is like worry about what a chav thinks of you as he drives by with his pregnent 14-year-old girlfriend in his tarted up H reg VW Golf. It's not worth the time of day.

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Re: In continuance of the AROS wanted by BBRV thread...
Posted on 5-Apr-2005 18:16:49
#18 ]
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Joined: 12-Mar-2003
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From: Stockholm/Sweden


Why bother what other say? Bother what we say who visit this site daily! And I say that this is almost my sanctuary in the amigaworld. Sometime I even want more moderation. But I guess you (the moderators) feel the pressure from other sites and people to loosen up a bit. Don’t! I came here for a reason! And I guess that almost all the other that visit this site frequently came for the same reason. To have some peace and tranquillity! Don’t change that! This site is unique in the amigaworld, thats why we are here.

So again, remeber what made this site so popular. And keep moderating.

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds" - Albert Einstein

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Re: In continuance of the AROS wanted by BBRV thread...
Posted on 5-Apr-2005 18:29:53
#19 ]
Super Member
Joined: 29-Mar-2004
Posts: 1812
From: a place & time long long ago, when things mattered.


That thread on moobunny is amazing, its full of mistruths, more than I can poke a stick at.

Long time ago Moobunny used to be fun. Then it became a battleground, and yes I did get involved in the battle. It was one of the few places that I could get replys from BBRV, foolish as many were. Moobunny changed under BBRV's control. I no longer feel comfortable posting there.

On amigaworld it is the *site admins* who have an agenda,

Thats a true statement. Just the "word" agenda is the wrong word.

AW doesn't want flamewars, and thats fair enough.

"The system no longer works " -- Young Anakin Skywalker

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Re: In continuance of the AROS wanted by BBRV thread...
Posted on 5-Apr-2005 18:46:08
#20 ]
Super Member
Joined: 29-Mar-2004
Posts: 1812
From: a place & time long long ago, when things mattered.


Maybe you didn't know this, but they have *always* wanted to have AROS running on the Pegasos. That's like ... forever!

ahhh! Too bad, would have enjoyed learning this story if any.

"The system no longer works " -- Young Anakin Skywalker

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