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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 3-Apr-2007 18:45:32
# ]



Quite right I might add, Dual shock controllers have been around for quite some time.

And N64 rumble for even longer.

But putting it that way we can say graphics are not the next-generation feature. We've had graphics since the first consoles. I think we should remove them and replace them with text.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 3-Apr-2007 18:49:03
# ]



What did you expect? 173K PS3 sales every 2 days like during launch weekend?

Like I said: I'd expect a continued high demand if it were a truly successful launch like the Wii and the 360. It's somewhat balanced by the high initial numbers, but that's been my point all along: The PS3 launch meant very little in sheer numbers, because there's the whole supply and demand issue. It seems the initial demand has largely been met now.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 3-Apr-2007 18:53:36
#163 ]
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Yes, certainly the PSP has been pwning the DS. Oh wait...

In terms of direct comparison the PSP is more powerful and offers better graphics. I agree they are aimed at a different market segment, that why we own two Nintendo DSs, although I may buy a PSP when I can access my PS3 content from other locations as is being planned.

By any measure? Really?

In Phil's defense he was talking for Sony USA with regard to the US market and you of all people complain about out of context quoting...

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 3-Apr-2007 18:55:14
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In Phil's defense he was talking for Sony USA with regard to the US market and you of all people complain about out of context quoting...

He said the launch. US and Japanese launch was "simultaneous". Besides that I would have dug out the US numbers, but that section of the site isn't up yet at the redesigned VGChartz.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 3-Apr-2007 18:56:04
# ]



In terms of direct comparison the PSP is more powerful and offers better graphics.

And just how much did that help it? Take a look at reality and then look at Harrison's quote again.

For further Harrison fun and games click here.

Last edited by Trezzer on 03-Apr-2007 at 06:57 PM.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 3-Apr-2007 18:58:44
#166 ]
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But putting it that way we can say graphics are not the next-generation feature. We've had graphics since the first consoles. I think we should remove them and replace them with text.

You are wrong, he stated he didn't think it was *the* feature. Meaning rumble isn't a reason to switch from PS2 to PS3, although motion sensing they believe is and will be. I think he's right.

Of course good graphics are important for many people, but not everyone (Nintendo Wii) and likewise is rumble to other people (myself excluded).

You can demonize Phil and/or Sony anyway you want, but I think only the most zealous will read the worst in such harmless statements.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 3-Apr-2007 19:00:25
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although motion sensing they believe is and will be.

No, that's a reason to get a Wii.

As a physical therapist I don't understand why you're not worried about the RSI potential we're seeing with the PS3 controller.

And yeah, obviously his wording was very careful. He clearly feels motion sensing is the next generation feature now that they nicked it all by themselves. That's the reason for the use of "the" in his sentence. That doesn't change that he's trying to downplay a feature that's extremely important in many games these days. Trying Virtua Tennis 3 without rumble was an eye-opener. It feels so empty when you're used to proper feedback.

That Sony tried to make it seem like it was impossible to use rumble and motion sensing was even more ridiculous since Nintendo already had a working solution out.

Last edited by Trezzer on 03-Apr-2007 at 07:04 PM.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 3-Apr-2007 19:03:19
#168 ]
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And just how much did that help it? Take a look at reality and then look at Harrison's quote again

I would imagine quite a lot, if they positioned the PSP in direct competition with the Nintendo DS by offering only on par graphics and feature set I think they would never have been able to sell beyond 20 million PSPs worldwide.

The differences have ensured in more competitive success than any other company has been able to pull off since the Nintendo's success with the original Gameboy.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 3-Apr-2007 19:11:03
#169 ]
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No, that's a reason to get a Wii.

Maybe for you.

As a physical therapist I don't understand why you're not worried about the RSI potential we're seeing with the PS3 controller.

That's possible, some people get this from using a mouse in wrong ways. But for instance my girlfriend doesn't have problems with the PS3 controller, yet received cramps while playing on the XBox 360.

That Sony tried to make it seem like it was impossible to use rumble and motion sensing was even more ridiculous since Nintendo already had a working solution out.

Nothing is impossible in this sense (maybe it would be harder as rumble may distort motion sensing precision), I don't think they've made such claims. However I am glad that with the current Sixaxis this hasn't been included from the start, surely the controller would have gone up in weight and drain the battery more quickly.

Last edited by MikeB on 03-Apr-2007 at 07:20 PM.
Last edited by MikeB on 03-Apr-2007 at 07:12 PM.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 3-Apr-2007 19:18:52
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That's possible, some people get this from using a mouse in wrong ways. But for instance my girlfriend doesn't have problems with the PS3 controller, yet received cramps while playing on the XBox 360.

Cramps and RSI are of course different things. I wouldn't stress my hands with a regular controller in a fighting game either (I believe you said it was with DOA4?).

The positioning of the two analogue sticks in relation to the shoulder buttons also forces a somewhat unfortunate grip for most people with average sized hands.

I still weep on the inside when I think about how great the original dual analog controller was compared to the eventual dual shock.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 3-Apr-2007 19:20:17
#171 ]
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No, but most people prefer good graphics + good gameplay. For the PS3 LittleBigPlanet would be a good example, the game is simple and fun, although the graphics are like something you would expect from a Nintendo game, the graphics and physics are way beyond what would have been possible on a Nintendo Wii.

But the thing is that the ps3 is still the same old beneath all the new shiny graphics. More and more people are getting tired of the same old games and just want a new way to play the games. The way you play games has basically not changed since the 80s, which is why i think the wii has gathered such a interest, since the wiimote provides a entirely new way of playing games.
I myself have been waiting for virtual reality to mature, but it sadly never seemed to happen and we are still stuck with 2d graphics and gamepads today. Atleast the wii changes the latter part, though it is yet to be seen if it is a flop.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 3-Apr-2007 19:22:56
#172 ]
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Nothing is impossible in this sense (maybe it would be harder as rumble may distort motion sensing precision),

It would appear as noise at a known frequence, hence it would be a piece of cake to filter out, as Nintendo proved *before* Sony announced he SixAxis.


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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 3-Apr-2007 19:25:08
#173 ]
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Have a look at this HD trailer of Ratchet and Clank for the PS3, it looks really next gen. Zelda looks good, but is that really a big step up from the last-gen GameCube version? I don't think so.

It is infact identical to the gamecube version, with the exception of controls and graphics being mirrored. This is as i said the case with most wii games that has been released so far, and thus they will not be able to demonstrate what the wii is really capable of showing when it comes to graphics. You just cannot say that the wii graphics sucks by judging the current games.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 3-Apr-2007 19:29:21
#174 ]
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Cramps and RSI are of course different things

They are very much related though. RSI is a larger group of problems in relation to overuse or wrong usage of tools, devices and such. If you get cramps, you could see it as a first sympton which may eventually develop into becoming RSI, if you're not careful.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 3-Apr-2007 19:32:42
#175 ]
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Trezzer wrote:

See for yourself:

I have. Note how it's snipped from a larger context - more specifically the beginning is missing.

The video is 720p actually.

It is 29,95 FPS / 852*480 / 3243,32 kbit/s.

Perhaps you should just stick with Wii. It seems 480p will be more than enough for you

Are you running vista or something?
Because the video is infact 1280x720 like MikeB claimed. I just tested in videolan client... If your sis 852x480, then it has been downscaled on your side.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 3-Apr-2007 19:37:45
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Are you running vista or something?

OS X actually.

I downloaded the file from the link and opened in Quicktime player which has full stream information. I then dragged the window over the corresponding streaming window and the size was the same.

If there's a 720p version then I'm not getting it from the direct link to the trailer O_o. I'll have another look.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 3-Apr-2007 19:42:18
#177 ]
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If there's a 720p version then I'm not getting it from the direct link to the trailer O_o. I'll have another look.

That is very odd indeed. What if you try open the wmv into a seperate player like vlc? The direct link to the video itself is: link

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 3-Apr-2007 19:44:20
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Yeah I just downloaded it, and once you download the wmv you get a 720p video. The default streaming video (as per the original link) and the Quicktime downloads are 480p - so I stand partially corrected . I wonder if they stream different streams based on the client OS.

Last edited by Trezzer on 03-Apr-2007 at 07:46 PM.
Last edited by Trezzer on 03-Apr-2007 at 07:44 PM.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 3-Apr-2007 19:51:36
#179 ]
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From: Minneapolis, MN, USA


“Our job is to grow the market. Our job is to lead, and our job is to innovate.”

I guess it's time they followed up on that then ;)

What a funny quote I missed that one before. As for growing the market I wonder if the PS3 sold have been sold to PS2 owners or new people to the videogame field. My safe bet is the vast majority were prior console owners and a handful at best are new users that would constitute growth. I bet the Wii has grown the market more then the PS3. They lead? Sure they have shipped more blu-ray players then any other company now so I suppose that's how they led. Sony has been innovative they've brought the Wii controller, second life, 360 quality graphics and bios upgrade ability all into 1 PS3 unit.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 3-Apr-2007 20:01:49
#180 ]
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From: Minneapolis, MN, USA


New Microsoft 360 repair polices.

Return and replacement on scratched games for any reason. It appears that if your 9 month old uses your Viva Pinata for a chew toy Microsoft will replace it. So no magical coating as in the PS3 but nearly as good if one can live for a bit without their favourite game.

Repairs shipping and return to be paid by Microsoft. Any repairs to console outside of warranty give you another 1 year warranty.

Adding staff to repair center to ensure quicker turn around times.

I'm one original Xbox and Xbox360 launch owner without returns. But I'm on my 3rd PS2.

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