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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 1-Apr-2007 13:34:46
# ]



A friend of mine told me that the PS3 he has been playing around with seems to be pretty sensitive to fingerprints on the blu-ray discs. Have you run into that yet?

On a different note he said the machine had been running Folding@Home for 3 hours and by that time it made as much noise as a 360. When he stopped it to play Motorstorm the noise levels just continued.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 1-Apr-2007 14:36:06
#42 ]
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MikeB wrote:

So why then does the PS3 version have a better sense of speed? Do RR7 have faster cars or something?

The driving just seems to capture more the sense of speed, also added effects on the nitrous using screen blurs around the edges and the camera shakes around to just give you a sense that you are using some crazy high speed boosting.

I can swear the motion blurring was present in RR6 as well? I dont know about camera shaking though.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 1-Apr-2007 14:37:04
#43 ]
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By the way.. Has anyone got to test out need for speed carbon? The xbox 360 version there seemed to suffer varying frame rate, which was the same case with most wanted as well.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 1-Apr-2007 14:53:59
#44 ]
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From: Minneapolis, MN, USA


view the Blu-Ray drive as a long term benefit to allow software developers more freedom in making bigger, more impressive games.
Definitely the PS3 wins for drive space for games. But really for games unless there's lots of FMV DVD is overkill. Look at Oblivion for example 200 hours of gameplay and very good graphics on 1 DVD. There will certainly be games that need Blu-Ray but this will be a handful at best.

* Wireless Internet support: Xbox 360 Wireless Adapter -- $99.99
There are much cheaper adapters from 3rd parties. I just got an ethernet to wireless b on close out for $10.99. What if your network is N?

The XBox 360 already comes with a huge external powersupply
Which fits fine in my cabinet behind the 360. What doesn't fit with my system is needing a Blu-Ray remote to play media on the PS3 why could they not include IR so my universal remote would work? Now I've gotta use the fugly Sony remote.

You need both?
Yes. Most people have a SDTV only today and the component is needed. When they upgrade to HDTV then they'll need the HDMI.

Xbox Live Gold
Sales can be found I now have paid 3 years out by finding Xbox Live Gold on sale for $15.99.

120GB drives suited for PS3 usage are currently aleady listed below 100 dollar
Where? Of course ensure this is the 2.5" harddrive as the 3.5" are not suited for PS3 usage. Remember you hate the external power brick of the 360. So having an external harddrive case, extra power supply, extra cabling will too be an eyesore in your rack so only the 2.5" drive is suited in your requirements.

Newer DVD drives are quieter. Lemmings? Can't you just use your Amiga?

On a different note he said the machine had been running Folding@Home for 3 hours and by that time it made as much noise as a 360. When he stopped it to play Motorstorm the noise levels just continued.

My friend's PS3 seems to have some sort of fan issue at times it sounds like a jet on take off. The 360 playing live or HD DVD is quieter then the P3 at full on. It appears Sony has low or loud settings for fans not the adjustability of the 360.

Last edited by BrianK on 01-Apr-2007 at 03:08 PM.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 1-Apr-2007 14:57:56
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Trailer for the coming Dirt game: trailer

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 1-Apr-2007 15:17:43
#46 ]
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"PS3 Has a Major CPU Advantage
The GPUs on the Xbox 360 and PS3 are roughly equivalent, with the Xbox 360 arguably having a slight edge. The difference in CPU power, however, is far greater with the PS3 enjoying the advantage. The PS3’s eight parallel CPUs (one primary “PPU” and seven Cell processors) give it potentially far more computing power than the three parallel CPUs in the Xbox 360. Just about any tech programmer will tell you that the PS3’s CPUs are significantly more powerful.

Of course the games can't use all 7SPEs. 1 is mandated to be owned for the OS. 1 is supposed to be able to be freed up for OS uses. Part of the PPE is used too. So out of 7 there's really only 5 which could be counted on fully w/ parial use of a 6th. Also don't forget the PS3 has less available memory because the OS takes up more then the 360 OS. Yikes Microsoft made the smaller OS? Amazing!

The problem is that it has been challenging thus far to take advantage of the Cell’s parallel architecture.
This is about the only point where they were spot on. Step back one generation and look at the PS2 being twice the power of the Xbox yet games rarely reflected this advantage. This generation these 2 consoles are even closer in power. Making efficent use of the power is always the challenge and if the PS3 is unable to do this effectively then we won't see any more then a few games which best the 360 instead the vast majority of titles will be about equal.

Yes you can make the RR7 vs RR6 claims but these improvements were from the developers going back and reworking the games. I'm more then a bit dubious that if RR8 was made for the 360 off of reworked RR6 sources it couldn't look or play better then RR7. The point is here the difference is the development cycle of game not the power of the console.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 1-Apr-2007 15:20:03
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There's one word that describes NFS Carbon: "blows".

I think the same about Most Wanted although some people enjoyed that for reasons I fail to comprehend.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 1-Apr-2007 15:23:24
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Yikes Microsoft made the smaller OS? Amazing!

And only a single digit percentage of the second and third core capability are reserved for OS operations. The OS fits within 32 MB and gives you all the Live benefits - with room for expansion.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 1-Apr-2007 15:26:33
#49 ]
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I am happy i am not alone in feeling this. I have read plenty of reviews that are good, so i find it very puzzling that the game seems so bad to me.
Is not only the stuttering graphics, but the game itself seems rather boring as well and i think the downfall came with underground.. The game seems more about showing off your car by putting on flashy neon lights and so on than actual racing.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 1-Apr-2007 15:57:32
#50 ]
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jtsiren wrote:

It's pretty interesting with the darkness/brightness thing. I guess you have one hooked up with component and one with HDMI?

Yes, PS3 on HDMI and Xbox 360 on component. I do have a PS2 component cable somewhere here, so maybe I'll try and check out the PS3 image on component one of these days!

Tried PS3 with component, no change. Component looks pretty much exactly like HDMI, I couldn't tell a difference in sharpness, nor brightness. Xbox 360 is darker on my setup plain and simple. Obviously something that a calibration session would be able to equalize (don't know which way would be best, maybe middle of both or something), but the difference does exist.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 1-Apr-2007 15:59:34
#51 ]
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A friend of mine told me that the PS3 he has been playing around with seems to be pretty sensitive to fingerprints on the blu-ray discs. Have you run into that yet?

No. Only issue I've had with dust, scratches and the sort ever I think has been playing some rental DVDs on a PS2 slimline, that is quite a picky drive. I can't really remember ever having any other issues (maybe breaking one CD-ROM with scissors accidentally years, years ago).

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 1-Apr-2007 16:02:03
#52 ]
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My friend's PS3 seems to have some sort of fan issue at times it sounds like a jet on take off.

PS3 is not quiet, plain and simple. It doesn't suffer from the jet-engine disc drive, but its fans are quite loud. It is far louder than the iMac I'm writing this on, for example.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 1-Apr-2007 16:09:03
#53 ]
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Are you interested in the Logitech gamepad I pointed to earlier or will you want to wait for rumble? For me and my girlfriend the Sixaxis is excellent though, especially in a game like Flow we appreciate the lightness of the controller. For me rumble most of the time was an unwelcome distraction, I would hate rumble in Flow, in Flow I simply seem to forget about the contoller while playing the game!

I'd have to see those live, the pictures didn't feel all that inviting. I've shied away from most third party console controllers because they often seem to be cheaper alternatives from the regular controllers. Also, I don't want to buy another controller until the rumble issue is cleared out. I'll just have to wait.

I love rumble, I need rumble. It is good to have to option to turn it off, but to miss it entirely from the controller is just stupid really.

So, you agree the cheapshots at the game during launch were uncalled for?

Depends on what cheapshots you are talking about. Perhaps I can comment if you give specifics, I don't remember what was discussed. Anyway, my recommendation is based quite a lot on are you going to run 720p or 1080p. Latter, go PS3, the lack of anti-aliasing is offset by the better resolution and in this case more resolution would seem to equal better visuals. Going to do 720p? The non-anti-aliased jaggie-mania on PS3 is clearly inferior to Xbox 360, so there Xbox 360 seems to win.

That tunnel track I showed pictures of before. And don't you agree the new tracks are prettier than those RR6 tracks?

I'll have to do more comparing about those new vs. old tracks. Do you remember which track that tunnel was from? I can try to search for it later, but if you do remember it off the top of your hat that would speed me up.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 1-Apr-2007 22:46:49
#54 ]
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Because you want it to perhaps?

IMO you are quite a prejudger. I don't understand after all your postings that you really don't want to check if any of your rantings had any foundation to them or was just based on heavily distorted hearsay. I can't imagine you actually writing reviews, it looks as if you know beforehand if a game like RR7 on the PS3 wouldn't be worth it, without even having played the game yourself. Similar prejudgements with regard to Resistance (vs Gears of War, just because more people would likely be impressed by Gears' graphics)....

Last edited by MikeB on 01-Apr-2007 at 11:07 PM.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 1-Apr-2007 22:56:10
#55 ]
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Depends on what cheapshots you are talking about. Perhaps I can comment if you give specifics, I don't remember what was discussed.

Claims of worse graphics and performance, serious bugs and such. I am sure you remember the comparison article of someone taking pictures of two computer screens (so no actual screenshots), one of which showed a minor bug. This was the start of claims that RR6 is much better than RR7, I am sure the mass campaigns have negatively impacted Namco's and Sony's sales. Was that really justified, why not Madden instead? The PS3 version adds very little new and isn't even on par with the XBox 360 version, Namco did improve and change (lighting, which is better depends on personal taste) quite a few things.

Last edited by MikeB on 01-Apr-2007 at 11:14 PM.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 1-Apr-2007 23:04:06
#56 ]
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Namco did improve and change (lighting, which is better depends on personal taste) quite a few things.

They did indeed improve on quite a few things, but there are also places where RR6 is better.. According to the gamespot reviews, the ps3 version suffers from frame rate problems in 1080p and a bit more jaggies than RR6.
Lowering the graphics to 720p would fix the frame rate problems, but would make the graphics much worse including the jaggies.

RR7 did however improve both gameplay, add extra tracks and had some sharper textures here and there.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 1-Apr-2007 23:24:32
#57 ]
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According to the gamespot reviews, the ps3 version suffers from frame rate problems in 1080p

I think much talk about bad frame rates have been greatly exaggerated, I think most people may not actually notice anything. I don't think Ridge Racer 7 displayed in native 1080p does not have noticeably worse frame rates compared to 720p.

IMO RR7 is a good launch title, sure if they had more time with final dev kits the game could have been more polished.

Last edited by MikeB on 01-Apr-2007 at 11:27 PM.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 1-Apr-2007 23:38:21
#58 ]
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Oh, and BTW I was right with regard to Resistance: Fall of Man going past 1 million sales within March! I think the game will continue to sell reasonably well for many months to come. Hopefully Motorstorm will be the second PS3 game being able to do this.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 1-Apr-2007 23:43:03
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IMO you are quite a prejudger.

I think you have difficulty separating talk of gameplay versus technicalities. I have not discussed the gameplay merits besides what has been reported elsewhere, since I have not played the games myself (although one can of course read reviews and see what is / is not different). It is, however, possible to judge visuals when seen side by side.

I don't understand after all your postings that you really don't want to check if any of your rantings had any foundation to them or was just based on heavily distorted hearsay.

I don't need to verify what I can already see. Some things I am curious about such as how Motorstorm plays and so on. From descriptions of the game I'm far less curious to see Ridge Racer 7 run since all reviews say the gameplay changes are relatively minor (which is standard fare for the series).

Besides I don't consider various reviews or first person reports from acquaintances "heavily distorted hearsay" - although I have no doubt some would consider it such if praise is not given to the almighty PS3.

Similar prejudgements with regard to Resistance (vs Gears of War, just because more people would likely be impressed by Gears' graphics)....

As I've stated previously I have relatively little interest in first person shooters. I'm marginally interested in seeing Resistance because 1) the scenario is fairly interesting and 2) it's been the poster child for PS3 fanboys.

I still don't feel the urge to run out and try it - especially since I have no idea where to even go look for a machine. I know of no-one who has one within several hundred kilometers of my location (I'm sure there are some, but I don't know anyone with one). Nor am I curious enough to actually go hunt for display machines if there even are any.

When I happen to pass one I'll naturally give it a go. But again: I have more than enough games to play. I still have shrink wrapped titles due to lack of time. Just why should I run out to try a machine that's late for the party? Especially when friends with both platforms are mostly just disappointed in the PS3 or at best unimpressed.

I can't imagine you actually writing reviews

And I can't imagine anyone wanting to do business with you, so I suppose that makes us even. I do, however, write for one of the most thorough and non-compromising sites in Denmark, and regardless of what you think, I have absolutely no doubts about the quality of my reviews - and according to our feedback functionality, nor do the readers.

Last edited by Trezzer on 02-Apr-2007 at 12:45 AM.
Last edited by Trezzer on 01-Apr-2007 at 11:46 PM.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 2-Apr-2007 0:14:30
#60 ]
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IMO RR7 is a good launch title, sure if they had more time with final dev kits the game could have been more polished.

Totally agree there. But then again, i have always been fond of the ridge racer series.

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