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Poll : Sony PS3 vs Microsoft XBox 360 - christmas 2007 - Which will \\\\\\\"win\\\\\\\"?
Sony Playstation 3
Microsoft XBox 360
Re: [Poll] Sony PS3 vs Microsoft XBox 360 - christmas 2007 Which will "win"?
Posted on 28-Dec-2006 14:22:40
# ]



"Each paid dl game can be shared abound 5 times on 5 different consoles/profiles, its like ms's saftey if your console ever broke you could redownload it to that profile. PSN is more open though and alows 5 different ps3's to download a file paid for once."

How is that more open?

I can visit someone with an Xbox 360, sign in with my gamertag and download the games I've purchased - as many times as I want. If I leave my login details on there he/she will be able to play the games while logged in with their gamertag.

This goes for all downloadable content including tv-series. There's no limit of 5 downloads (which one could use up fast enough with a couple of HD upgrades and the obligatory dead Sony console).

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Re: [Poll] Sony PS3 vs Microsoft XBox 360 - christmas 2007 Which will "win"?
Posted on 28-Dec-2006 14:28:59
# ]



No, for me it's like comparing First Samurai played on the Amiga vs the c64 version. The Amiga version looks much better and couldn't be done on a c64...

So you can't see the jaggies that are clearly still there? The PS2 level textures? Have you even played GT4?

There are some very slight improvements in the lights department, but the single biggest difference (like with Tekken DR) is that GT HD is higher resolution - and the PS2 version was already capable of 1080i - I haven't been able to find a screenshot of it though, so I had to settle for the ones above which show the same level of anti-aliasing - even if the resolution is lower.

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Re: [Poll] Sony PS3 vs Microsoft XBox 360 - christmas 2007 Which will "win"?
Posted on 28-Dec-2006 14:32:05
#563 ]
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Sorry I don't recall those comments made by me. Do you have a posting # I could reference and I'll be glad to go back and see what the conversation was at that time.

As for the 360 controller to me it seems to be Dreamcast derived with some additions from the PS1/2 series.


Each paid dl game can be shared abound 5 times on 5 different consoles ...PSN is more open though and alows 5 different ps3's to download a file paid for once..
Of course this is worse then the 360 which allows unlimited downloads by your gamertag and the # of different 360s is unlimited.

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Re: [Poll] Sony PS3 vs Microsoft XBox 360 - christmas 2007 Which will "win"?
Posted on 28-Dec-2006 14:35:41
#564 ]
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He means different profiles can share software. You can download as many times you want using your own profile. People are currently swapping PS3 game downloads.

An interesting comment from IGN:

"Wii launched to massive mainstream applause and a lot of hope has been placed in the potential for gaming innovation via the console's unique controller. Nintendo disappointed some, however, by choosing not embrace HDTV or to compete with Sony and Microsoft in processing power. The Wii can't even play normal DVDs.

Judging the consoles based upon a broad perspective that includes software now available and coming in the future an entirely different argument could be formulated. However, from a hardware perspective, the PS3 is by far the more interesting console. Though the launch software hasn't blown anyone away, the 360's launch titles were equally unimpressive, and the system will certainly mature. Sony's embrace of the PS3 as a computer rather than just a console, and the availability of supported Linux distributions for the console will also develop and will likely bear entirely unexpected fruit in future."

Thumbs up for their independent outlook and not be influenced too much by the Doom and Gloom reports from other media.

Last edited by MikeB on 28-Dec-2006 at 02:36 PM.

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Re: [Poll] Sony PS3 vs Microsoft XBox 360 - christmas 2007 Which will "win"?
Posted on 28-Dec-2006 14:45:26
# ]



Apologies Brian - it was supposed to be a reply to MikeB. It's the first-name + initial thing!


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Re: [Poll] Sony PS3 vs Microsoft XBox 360 - christmas 2007 Which will "win"?
Posted on 28-Dec-2006 14:53:49
#566 ]
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I haven't been able to find a screenshot of it though, so I had to settle for the ones above which show the same level of anti-aliasing - even if the resolution is lower.

I found one:

Yes, fewer jaggies. But IMO it's still a big difference compared to what is shown in the GTHD Demo @ 1080p/66fps.

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Re: [Poll] Sony PS3 vs Microsoft XBox 360 - christmas 2007 Which will "win"?
Posted on 28-Dec-2006 15:03:50
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I can't argue with IGN's point of view there. Of couse the Wii would be better if it were more powerful and played DVDs (that may become an extra as it did with the original XBox) The PS3 is a nice machine. If I was looking for a desktop for my spare room, a PS3, Linux and a nice TV would be an ideal choice.

It doesn't make it any more of an "independent outlook" than someone who is unimpressed by the PS3 though.


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Re: [Poll] Sony PS3 vs Microsoft XBox 360 - christmas 2007 Which will "win"?
Posted on 28-Dec-2006 15:37:05
#568 ]
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I meant they don't seem much affected by other media. I have read destructive reports from media which didn't even test the PS3.

@ Trezzer

Comparison shots side by side

Last edited by MikeB on 28-Dec-2006 at 03:38 PM.

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Re: [Poll] Sony PS3 vs Microsoft XBox 360 - christmas 2007 Which will "win"?
Posted on 28-Dec-2006 16:16:49
# ]



He means different profiles can share software. You can download as many times you want using your own profile.

Ah, so it's almost as free on the 360 then - except it's still an unlimited number of downloaded games shared across profiles on the 360 instead of 5.

Wii launched to massive mainstream applause and a lot of hope has been placed in the potential for gaming innovation via the console's unique controller. Nintendo disappointed some, however, by choosing not embrace HDTV or to compete with Sony and Microsoft in processing power. The Wii can't even play normal DVDs.

Yeah. The same was said about the DS. As we all know it performed horribly

Though the launch software hasn't blown anyone away, the 360's launch titles were equally unimpressive

I just did a quick average of the launch titles to compare with 360 launch titles.

PS3 has an average of 7.2 (rounded up) for titles in November (16) and 360 had an average of 7.8 (IGN's rounding - 18 titles).

I guess he doesn't remember too well.

However, from a hardware perspective, the PS3 is by far the more interesting console.

It's hard to argue that it's not interesting - whether it's for potential or lack thereof in various areas. It should be an interesting pointer as to which direction future development in consoles will be headed.

the availability of supported Linux distributions for the console will also develop and will likely bear entirely unexpected fruit in future.

Certainly a possibility. We already saw the Bluray dumping... Once the hardware is no longer ahead of the pack I find it hard to imagine what would be useful on the PS3 that can't be done on a normal computer, though.

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Re: [Poll] Sony PS3 vs Microsoft XBox 360 - christmas 2007 Which will "win"?
Posted on 28-Dec-2006 16:19:03
# ]



Comparison shots side by side

I still wish there were proper screenshots rather than tv photographs. They tend to screw things up in one way or another.

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Re: [Poll] Sony PS3 vs Microsoft XBox 360 - christmas 2007 Which will "win"?
Posted on 28-Dec-2006 16:23:45
#571 ]
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From: Minneapolis, MN, USA


Comparison shots side by side.
Picture is quite small and a bit hard to see for depth.

Check out these images from the Playstation MsgBoard. You can see jaggies on the cars which seem to be gone in your linked photo. Also, the cars in game don't seem to be as reflective of their environment as your linked photo. It appears the image was from replay mode, which renders the cars better then the actual game, or even worse in one of the display screens, which would be a prerendered image.

Considering the two I give the board more weight on actual in game play images.

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Re: [Poll] Sony PS3 vs Microsoft XBox 360 - christmas 2007 Which will "win"?
Posted on 28-Dec-2006 16:47:17
#572 ]
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Ah, so it's almost as free on the 360 then - except it's still an unlimited number of downloaded games shared across profiles on the 360 instead of 5.

If that's the case how do software developers expect to make money? If anyone can easily download any content? For instance for Invasion or Warblade I am only able to download bought goods through one account.

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Re: [Poll] Sony PS3 vs Microsoft XBox 360 - christmas 2007 Which will "win"?
Posted on 28-Dec-2006 16:53:48
#573 ]
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Picture is quite small and a bit hard to see for depth.

You can click the magnify glass.

Check out these images from the Playstation MsgBoard

The car models have improved since May 2006.

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Re: [Poll] Sony PS3 vs Microsoft XBox 360 - christmas 2007 Which will "win"?
Posted on 28-Dec-2006 17:02:09
#574 ]
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You can click the magnify glass.

Which does help for that image but doesn't help one determine where he took this photo from. It doesn't appear to be gameplay but perhaps replay. It looks to me it's more likely an opening screen shot of a prerendered image. The reflection is coming off the side of the car which leads me to think the later is the case.

Here's a newer video and yes improved from March: GTHD Gameplay . However these car models don't look as good as that picture you linked to, which leads me to believe his photo isn't in game play.

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Re: [Poll] Sony PS3 vs Microsoft XBox 360 - christmas 2007 Which will "win"?
Posted on 28-Dec-2006 17:20:20
#575 ]
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Some more Tekken DR TV photos: (IMO looks pretty good)

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Re: [Poll] Sony PS3 vs Microsoft XBox 360 - christmas 2007 Which will "win"?
Posted on 28-Dec-2006 17:44:18
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If that's the case how do software developers expect to make money? If anyone can easily download any content?

I guess they're being realistic about it. If I log in at a friend's place to download something I'd delete the account again before leaving. I think most would. Actually I'm not 100% sure what happens to the content once the account is deleted from the box, but I think it reverts to trial versions for the downloaded games.

At the end of the day it's kind of like bringing your games or dvds to a friend - maybe you just play/watch and take them home with you again or maybe they get to borrow it for a while if you trust them.

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Re: [Poll] Sony PS3 vs Microsoft XBox 360 - christmas 2007 Which will "win"?
Posted on 28-Dec-2006 17:46:16
# ]



Some more Tekken DR TV photos: (IMO looks pretty good)

Yeah, looks great on a PSP. One of the prettiest titles on the platform so far.

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Re: [Poll] Sony PS3 vs Microsoft XBox 360 - christmas 2007 Which will "win"?
Posted on 28-Dec-2006 18:13:13
#578 ]
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"Boston, MA (PRWEB) December 28, 2006 -- Nearby Networks today revealed the top ten most sought-after items of the 2006 holiday season by online shoppers. Topping the list is the Sony PlayStation® 3 (PS3), garnering a sales price often more than double the manufacturers’ suggested retail price of $499.99. Other items on the list, ranging from TMXTM Tickle Me Elmo to Nintendo’s WiiTM to "Boondock Saints" movie merchandise, had shoppers searching and paying high premiums for hard-to-find items.
Not surprisingly, the ‘always available’ deals were often the ‘worst deals’ because game consoles were very, very scarce—and those deals were at the auction sites, where some of the most passionate gamers were willing to pay huge premiums over retail price

The full list of sought-after items in the online arena includes:

1. Sony PlayStation 3
2. TMX Tickle Me Elmo
3. Nissan® Maxima
4. Nintendo Wii
5. Boondock Saints movie merchandise
6. Subaru® WRX
7. Xbox 360
9. Apple® iPods
9. Suzuki® GSXR
10. Computers"

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Re: [Poll] Sony PS3 vs Microsoft XBox 360 - christmas 2007 Which will "win"?
Posted on 28-Dec-2006 19:16:38
#579 ]
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Actually I'm not 100% sure what happens to the content once the account is deleted from the box, but I think it reverts to trial versions for the downloaded games.

"Games downloaded from the PS Store will be priced at $14.99 or less. The store also includes trailers and will eventually have full-length movies. The games that are downloaded can be played on up to five additional PS3s so you can share with your friends."

I think 5 friends is (maybe more than) enough, else it's not interesting enough to developers.

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Re: [Poll] Sony PS3 vs Microsoft XBox 360 - christmas 2007 Which will "win"?
Posted on 28-Dec-2006 19:43:14
#580 ]
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I still do not get what exactly you want to achieve here, other than self-assurance that your choice of system was wise.


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