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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 13-Apr-2007 13:51:07
#581 ]
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From: Canberra, Australia



Hammer wrote:

But can that $400 setup play Oblivion as well as the 360 or PS3?

Compare the following screenshots.

In playing Obilvion PC edition, one needs two Geforce 7900GTs to beat one Radeon 1900XTX (running screen res @ 1600x1200 and 1920x1200) .

Wow. Those screenshots really put things into perspective. I didn't realize the console versions "blurred" quite a bit of the distant detail.

Amiga 4000 CSPPC [retired]
Intel i7 3930K @ 4.3Ghz / Corsair H100 / Asus Rampage IV Extreme / 16 GB / 2 x 240GB Corsair Force GT SSD / 2 x EVGA 2GB 680GTX SC Sig / 3 x Benq XL2420T
27" iMac / i7 @ 3.4 / 680mx / 3TB Fusion / 32GB RAM

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 13-Apr-2007 14:12:04
#582 ]
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Today it was in the news that the PS3 sales have fallen significantly in UK and the ps3 is infact selling way lower than expected now.
The number for the first week was: 165.000
second week: 34.000
third week: 17.000

The article also says that it has nothing to do with bad supply either, and that there infact higher supply than demand for the ps3.

Last edited by Tomas on 13-Apr-2007 at 02:13 PM.
Last edited by Tomas on 13-Apr-2007 at 02:13 PM.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 13-Apr-2007 14:26:29
#583 ]
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From: Minneapolis, MN, USA

The 8800GTS is a whole generation over the RSX,

Yes it is. The RSX of the PS3 is a modified G70. It has some larger caches and buffers which likeliy help speed it up. How it directly compares to other cards in the G70 series I'm not sure but I'd fully expect the G80 to beat the RSX.

Replace IGP equiped motherboard with IGP-less motherboard

IGP equiped motherboards still come with PCI-E slots so if you want to add a better videocard you can do that.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 13-Apr-2007 14:44:47
#584 ]
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From: Minneapolis, MN, USA


Today it was in the news that the PS3 sales have fallen significantly in UK and the ps3 is infact selling way lower than expected now...
third week: 17.000
From what I can find the UK has PS3s available meaning this is a fall in demand not created from lack of product. Ouch! Not much off from the ~11.000/wk the 360 does and it's more then a year after it's release. If this keeps up not only will the Wii beat the PS3 the 360 will in the UK too. Luckily the PS2 is still popular in the UK and will help Sony Europe Gaming Division profits. No doubt as a company you wouldn't necessarily want to cancel the PS2 as the last-gen console is still selling lots and still making profits.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 13-Apr-2007 15:04:00
#585 ]
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From: Rhode Island



Hammer wrote:
Why ATI Radeon X1650 XT?

Refer to
For ATI Radeon X1900GT.

Replace IGP equiped motherboard with IGP-less motherboard.

IT was the first one I found on Tiger for under $200 that was descent.

What's IGP stand for?

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 13-Apr-2007 15:11:07
#586 ]
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From: Rhode Island



Tomas wrote:
Today it was in the news that the PS3 sales have fallen significantly in UK and the ps3 is infact selling way lower than expected now.
The number for the first week was: 165.000
second week: 34.000
third week: 17.000

The article also says that it has nothing to do with bad supply either, and that there infact higher supply than demand for the ps3.

Is this a suprise? It only happened in North America and Japan before the European launch. As if consumers are any more or less savy in different parts of this GLOBAL economy...

My 500k sell through on launch day was spot on and I predicted the 1 million wouldn't sell out in the PS3 thread about the announce Euro launch date...

Hello jiyong!

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 13-Apr-2007 15:11:29
#587 ]
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From: Europe


You seem so hell bent on discrediting the competitors while fighting every single possible negative post against the PS3 that it isn't funny anymore. The mask of objectivity doesn't apply anymore, an objective person does not see the item of liking as golden and everything else as droppings straight out of a cows ass.

No I am not "hell bent on discreting the competition", I've said enough nice things about the Nintendo Wii and XBox 360 in the past. I won't claim any moral high ground with regard to objectivity, my opinions are heavily influenced by personal experience and the things I've read on the internet. I simply post the things I think have relevance towards justifying my general point of view, you should try it sometime!

The user experience I quote was posted today and as this user has an Amiga background, I thought I would share his experiences.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 13-Apr-2007 15:17:42
#588 ]
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From: Europe


I've heard about the batch which make some high pitch noise. The serial numbers are known, IMO if someone experience this problem and are worried about this, return the PS3 to your dealer and ask for a replacement or ask for your money back.

From the article you link to:

"Even though PlayStation 3 consoles have been on the market barely six months, reliability data thus far has been quite good, especially when compared to the competition."

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 13-Apr-2007 16:04:23
#589 ]
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I simply post the things I think have relevance towards justifying my general point of view, you should try it sometime!

Ie. anything that shows the xbox360 in a bad light and PS3 in a great light. Sorry, I'll pass. I've explained my point of view in the first 3 threads and you ignored it, so I don't think that there's any reason for me to believe that you won't ignore it this time. Somehow, you and plus4 got into that weird mode thinking that I'm an XBox 360 lover, even though I don't have one nor plan on getting one and even though all issues I ever posted affect both consoles.


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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 13-Apr-2007 16:42:36
#590 ]
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From: Rhode Island

Japanese hardware numbers for last week.
All Nintendo products go up. The UK bought more PS3's than Japan did last week...
Previous week is in parenthesis.

DS—110,935 (80,012)
Wii—52,583 (51,365)
PSP—31,503 (39,077)
PS3—14,520 (16,889)
PS2—14,234 (17,787)
Xbox 360—2,963 (3,889)
Game Boy Advance—1,357 (1,206)
GameCube—255 (205)

I think Super Paper Mario comes out this week or next in Japan. I bought my copy on Tuesday and it should easily be the Wii's next million-unit-seller...

Last edited by Lou on 13-Apr-2007 at 04:44 PM.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 13-Apr-2007 16:58:40
#591 ]
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From: Europe


No, I was saying I would prefer you try to backup your perspectives a bit more, whatever they may be.

Let me give you an example, some people at AmigaWorld implied the release of the PS3 would be the start of the end for Sony. I replied that IMO Sony looks at the device for the long run and for instance the PS3 may drive Sony HDTV sales and improved Sony's future outlook with regard to Blu-Ray as a movie format. I stated that IMO Sony wasn't really in trouble by a long shot.

Some food for thought, why I look at Sony from a larger perspective:

"Shares in Sony climbed to a five-year high on Friday after a newspaper predicted a sixfold increase in its profits for the current year."

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 13-Apr-2007 18:30:40
#592 ]
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Joined: 25-Oct-2003
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From: Lelystad, The Netherlands



Lou wrote:


You really have a strange memory.

No, people like you just love to put words in my mouth.

Just show me where I did this...
Do note I only wrote in that list things you said. It might be that I used different words, but the meaning is the same.

I have a good memory, apparently you don't.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 13-Apr-2007 18:32:52
#593 ]
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From: Europe


The discussion you were most upset about in the past regarded 1080p games, while I agreed 1080p graphics are more demanding I stated that I expect future 1080p games to be graphically very impressive.

Lair is a very complex game with environments of 32 quare kilometers per level. Here's a nice (but gory) gameplay video:

This is Factor5 first PS3 game, imagine how much they learned and be able to push a second generation game! I hope you understand why I don't and didn't share your point of view.

Last edited by MikeB on 14-Apr-2007 at 02:10 PM.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 13-Apr-2007 18:59:02
#594 ]
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From: Lelystad, The Netherlands


Could you give the link for that article?

I haven't seen stories of UK getting new batches of PS3.
Doesn't mean it hasn't happened, but perhaps anyone else can find an article about that?

Let's do some math.

First batch for UK: 220.000

Sold: 165.000 + 34.000 + 17.000 = 216.000

Let's just say the first batch has been sold in the UK.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 13-Apr-2007 19:20:12
#595 ]
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First batch for UK: 220.000

Sold: 165.000 + 34.000 + 17.000 = 216.000

Let's just say the first batch has been sold in the UK.

I agree. Sony's figure with regard to the UK launch is a little higher though, about 172K. So they are most likely beyond the 220K sold and shipped, maybe up to or beyond 280K shipped for the UK right now. AFAIK new shipment(s) for the UK have been done.

Last edited by MikeB on 13-Apr-2007 at 07:22 PM.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 13-Apr-2007 19:23:45
#596 ]
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The articles is in danish and norwegian.
First batch for UK: 220.000

Sold: 165.000 + 34.000 + 17.000 = 216.000

Let's just say the first batch has been sold in the UK.

Well, they still have it in stock from what i heard, so that just cannot be correct.
Are you sure they have not gotten another supply? Here they seem to have already gotten some new units, as some stores that previously was out of stock now have them in stock again.

Last edited by Tomas on 13-Apr-2007 at 07:27 PM.

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 13-Apr-2007 19:59:08
#597 ]
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From: Rhode Island



jiyong wrote:


Lou wrote:

You really have a strange memory.

No, people like you just love to put words in my mouth.

Just show me where I did this...
Do note I only wrote in that list things you said. It might be that I used different words, but the meaning is the same.

I have a good memory, apparently you don't.[/quote]

Key word is that you wrote from memory and didn't quote me. So in essence you are putting words in my mouth especially with the specific dates you put in there.

You are really learning alot from MikeB... Actually, nevermind, I give him more credit than you...

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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 13-Apr-2007 20:34:00
#598 ]
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No, I was saying I would prefer you try to backup your perspectives a bit more, whatever they may be.

The things I did post were common sense, logic, general knowledge regarding GPUs, plus reading up on the specs of the RSX, Cell, Xenos and Xenon. The things you posted were quotes from various PR people and biased developers posting marketing info about your project. I refuse to fall to the level of eating marketing information raw, both the PS3 and XBox 360 developers will post that their respective systems are the best thing since sliced bread and post a few things they did with them. Without any specific knowledge about this, you just end up believing it all as it is without questioning it at all.

The only reason I am interested in those 2 consoles myself is that at last, studios will go a bit further up the game complexity ladder, which is good for everyone, especially PCs, of which the hardware used to be grossly underutilised because games had to be developed so that they could run on the PS2 and other old consoles.


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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 13-Apr-2007 20:36:00
#599 ]
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The discussion you were most upset about in the past regarded 1080p games, while I agreed 1080p graphics are more demanding I stated that I expect future 1080p games to be graphically very impressive.

If that's what you got out of all my arguments regarding GPUs and graphics then there is no reason for me to talk to you at all: You do not listen.


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Re: PS3 and Xbox 360 (gaming) comparisons
Posted on 13-Apr-2007 20:37:44
#600 ]
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Guys, chill out.

Moreover, what was said earlier about quoting was not just for MikeB, it was for everyone: Do no misquote.


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