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Re: New mac mini
Posted on 12-Jan-2005 0:36:47
#61 ]
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Though I must add I find Mac Community a pain in the arse for I find everyone to be a fan boy. And I find Mac Fan boys even worse than our own

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Re: New mac mini
Posted on 12-Jan-2005 0:39:50
#62 ]
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From: South of Heaven


Comes with the territory...the inferiority complex of constantly being the underdog or something

Now i have to decide whether to get an iMac G5 or an iCute to replace my iCube!

Last edited by JKD on 12-Jan-2005 at 12:40 AM.

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Re: New mac mini
Posted on 12-Jan-2005 0:45:32
#63 ]
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Seer wrote:

Im not entirely sure how tax works .


You work; you pay your gov for that honor..
You buy stuff; you pay your gov for that honor..
You die; you pay your gov for that honor..

Ok, that's the short version..

I like this Maccie a lot, tho I doubt I'll buy it. Hm.. As a mousemat stand... Good excuse..

I think hes trying to wing it so he can get the tax to pay for it... Yes I need a mousemat stand too

/me starts selling on ebay

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Re: New mac mini
Posted on 12-Jan-2005 0:49:54
#64 ]
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like 7000 for a bit higher price?

Sigh... are we comparing Apple with Eyetech prices again ?

How many times does somebody have to explain economy of scales.... ?

And the price _IS_ to high for a stupid 9200....

And the case is UGLY

Last edited by EntilZha on 12-Jan-2005 at 12:50 AM.

Thomas, the kernel guy

"I don't have a frigging clue. I'm norwegian" -- Ole-Egil

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Re: New mac mini
Posted on 12-Jan-2005 0:53:24
#65 ]
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Now Macs are cheaper... and with the larger software base.

And PC's are cheaper than Mac's, with a much larger software base...

I can't really understand how people now start to think of this as a competition to the Amiga ? I mean, come on, PC's for under 500 euros have been around for years, and nobody was arguing about their pricing... Now Apple comes out with a PPC based box, and people start to see it as a price-wise competition to the AmigaOne.

Economy of scales....

Thomas, the kernel guy

"I don't have a frigging clue. I'm norwegian" -- Ole-Egil

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Re: New mac mini
Posted on 12-Jan-2005 0:53:29
#66 ]
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like 7000 for a bit higher price?

I never said I like the 7000 in the Micro.

However, there is a slight difference between Apple and Eyetech (mostly a few zeros at the end of the yearly gross income), so a 9200 is actually quite a let-down for a company that sells a few million units a year.

Seriously, if you want to contact me do not bother sending me a PM here. Write me a mail

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Re: New mac mini
Posted on 12-Jan-2005 0:53:51
#67 ]
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Ppl understand econonomies of scale - I understand why the Amiga One costs what it costs - and am not disputing that, but in the bigger picture, the grander scheme mini mac has the potential to really devistate. To really rock the market - to take windows head on, as well as attract ppl who are currently on the OS 4 fence.

It is a very tempting piece of kit.

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Re: New mac mini
Posted on 12-Jan-2005 0:56:26
#68 ]
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EntilZha wrote:

Now Macs are cheaper... and with the larger software base.

And PC's are cheaper than Mac's, with a much larger software base...

I can't really understand how people now start to think of this as a competition to the Amiga ? I mean, come on, PC's for under 500 euros have been around for years, and nobody was arguing about their pricing... Now Apple comes out with a PPC based box, and people start to see it as a price-wise competition to the AmigaOne.

Economy of scales....

You missed my point - the user benefits of the Amiga eg security are there within Mac OS. One of the selling points touted of OS 4 was its security - no virus, critical updates etc. Mac OS has this, as well as being cheaper, and has the software base. It will be seen as a viable alternative to windows boxes. From an unskilled user point of view that is. It is competition when you take into account possible sales to china - logic would dicatate "oh I can get a mac cheaper and it does the same job" which would hurt the economies of scales further, and thus we dont get the savings passed onto us. So it does hurt us, albeit indirectly.

Last edited by Bobsonsirjonny on 12-Jan-2005 at 12:58 AM.

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Re: New mac mini
Posted on 12-Jan-2005 0:56:52
#69 ]
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In how far is a Mac at $500 more attractive than a Wintel PC at $300? Why does that rock any market?

The competitional hardware has always been there, in the form of cheap mainboards and CPU's for Wintel. In how far is that going to make a difference? This is something I really don't get.

In the end, this has the expandability of an A1200.

Oh, and did I mention that it is UGLY AS SIN

Seriously, if you want to contact me do not bother sending me a PM here. Write me a mail

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Re: New mac mini
Posted on 12-Jan-2005 0:57:53
#70 ]
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but in the bigger picture, the grander scheme mini mac has the potential to really devistate

Sorry, in the grander scheme ? Not one single bit! The "grander scheme" gives a rat's a** about Apple, or Amiga.

to take windows head on

Nothing takes Windows head on... Not Linux, not Amiga, and sure as hell not Mac.

It is a very tempting piece of kit.

If you really want a PPC, it might... but people looking at _prices_ don't buy Amiga nor Apple... they buy a stupid PC mainboard and be done with it.

Sorry, but you're all overestimating this... it will change nothing.

Thomas, the kernel guy

"I don't have a frigging clue. I'm norwegian" -- Ole-Egil

All opinions expressed are my own and do not necessarily represent those of Hyperion Entertainment

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Re: New mac mini
Posted on 12-Jan-2005 1:02:10
#71 ]
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Rogue wrote:

In how far is a Mac at $500 more attractive than a Wintel PC at $300? Why does that rock any market?

The competitional hardware has always been there, in the form of cheap mainboards and CPU's for Wintel. In how far is that going to make a difference? This is something I really don't get.

In the end, this has the expandability of an A1200.

Oh, and did I mention that it is UGLY AS SIN

Ok - take my Dad. Pissed off at loosing data due to virus, pissed off at downloading critical updates. He will happily pay an extra $200 to be free of that. But he wouldnt have paid an extra $500. As for a cheap PC mainboard, you and I have the skills to install and configure such a thing. My Dad doesnt. Likewise my Dad doesnt want to expand - he wants to plug in and go. When ppl see Mac OS X they will convert from windows. They can ride the momentum of the iPod

As they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder

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Re: New mac mini
Posted on 12-Jan-2005 1:05:31
#72 ]
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EntilZha wrote:

but in the bigger picture, the grander scheme mini mac has the potential to really devistate

Sorry, in the grander scheme ? Not one single bit! The "grander scheme" gives a rat's a** about Apple, or Amiga.

to take windows head on

Nothing takes Windows head on... Not Linux, not Amiga, and sure as hell not Mac.

It is a very tempting piece of kit.

If you really want a PPC, it might... but people looking at _prices_ don't buy Amiga nor Apple... they buy a stupid PC mainboard and be done with it.

Sorry, but you're all overestimating this... it will change nothing.

I really dont think I am overestimating this. Apple is a design icon. You and I know about computers - Jo bloggs doesnt. Marketing counts. IPOD gets the name out. Jo bloggs walks into generic PC shop - he sees mac hes sees PC. He sees $200 difference - its not that big a difference to make a difference. Word of mac benefits spread etc.. and before you know it mac has market share.

Last edited by Bobsonsirjonny on 12-Jan-2005 at 01:17 AM.

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Re: New mac mini
Posted on 12-Jan-2005 1:21:58
#73 ]
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From: Iceland


Take a quick peak at


And smile a little

Yes it's nice there is a non pc computer available at the magical $499 price tag. It will probably sell quite a few copies, sadly mostly to people that already have a mac, and people that like alternitives.

It won't cause a revolution overnight however.


I disagree that it will change nothing. If people even glance at it, and think about swapping their x86 boxes with a Mac, the whole new thought that maybe Windows isn't needed for your computing needs might spread a little, and that's a good thing.


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Re: New mac mini
Posted on 12-Jan-2005 1:22:15
#74 ]
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From: Göteborg, Sweden


perhaps we can all appeal to Amiga Inc for the right to get AmigaOS 4 on Mac Hardware.

Firstly, I guess someone should have to remind us here that OS4 isn't ready for the AOne so porting to Mac hardware might be a bit premature just yet.

Secondly, my guess is that this is aimed at Mac OSX and therefore they will not be overly forthcoming with hardware specs to a "high roller" like Amiga Inc.

Last but not least a port must certainly take a bit of time and that will detract from further developement of the OS for a bit, but otoh if it would lead to millions of sales of OS4 then I guess that would compensate for the time lost in the end!


And what about 6.1, for instance The Lord of the Rings, or does it simply transfer the digital audio stream to the receiver?

The surround audio is encoded in the stereo signal so if you have a proper amplifier that can decode the signal in question then you should not have any problems.

@ Rogue

but IMO it's DROP DEAD UGLY. Ugh! *shudder*. Looks like a tissue box

Well the ultimate in minimalism would be total invisibility so just short of that, I guess, would be a tissue box sitting on the edge of your desk?

Fixed A1G4XE 7455 RX933PC with fried CPU
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Re: New mac mini
Posted on 12-Jan-2005 1:25:26
#75 ]
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iProduct is exactly my point! That is exactly how it is. Marketing dude - thats what marketing is about

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Re: New mac mini
Posted on 12-Jan-2005 1:39:06
#76 ]
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If this is overpriced, then what is the amigaone?
PPC platform has always been more expensive than the x86, you just cannot compare those two.. The x86 design has sucked since beginning and still sucks today...

Sorrie... I just have a major problem with what Apple charges.

Just looked up the specs on the eMac with built in 17 inch CRT. It was on special for less than $800 US.

The specs of the new mini mac are about the basically you are paying 300 dollars for the crt.

Another thing.... 40 gig hard drive!! Didn't think they even made those last one just purchased in dec was a seagate 120gig. Don't even ask what I paid for don't want to know.

"The system no longer works " -- Young Anakin Skywalker

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Re: New mac mini
Posted on 12-Jan-2005 1:43:27
#77 ]
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If you really want a PPC, it might... but people looking at _prices_ don't buy Amiga nor Apple... they buy a stupid PC mainboard and be done with it.

People who look at prices will buy an Apple or Amiga if you make it cheap and keep the specs reasonable. Apple have just acheived that.

I don't think the Mac Mini will impact sales of A1s at the moment, because only determined AmigaOS fans are buying them, but if we don't get cheaper hardware in the future potential customers who are not quite as hard-core on AOS may not be convinced.

Compare the Mac Mini and the uA1 -- the Mac is half the price and probably about twice as powerful. Is OS4 really that much better than OS X that it justifies such a huge value gap? For me, and for most people reading this, the answer is yes. For anyone outside the few-thousand strong group of AmigaOS die-hards, probably not.

And once there are millions of these things in circulation, you know someone is going to try and get OS4 running on it. MOL was possible, so why not AOM? Running such a setup would be illegal, but so is running OS X via MOL and that never stopped anyone for doing it...

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Re: New mac mini
Posted on 12-Jan-2005 1:43:36
#78 ]
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From: Göteborg, Sweden


Did I mention that I find this product quite atttactive? I mean interesting wise.

I probably agree with Rogue in that it will not in itself drastically change things but I think it may influence many people whom have been on the verge of buying a Mac before but have hesitated just because the price has been too high.

These would not be diehard mac fans but users with a bit of computer savvy but still unwilling to invest in a system that might not fill all their needs. Everyone knows that windoze systems have ALL the software, not to mention hardware.

These days computer processing power exceeds most of what joe normal needs for everyday use and the constant upgrade spiral isn't as necessary as it was a few years ago. The extra gHz don't give that much in return.

Still I think dealers can sell these machines to newbies easily if they only want to. New computer users really don't know the difference just as long as someone tells them that it will work.

The price differences aren't really that much anyway (if you disregard the specs). I hope everyone remembers when Amigas were only a fraction of the cost of a pc and still were more expensive than this!

Fixed A1G4XE 7455 RX933PC with fried CPU
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Re: New mac mini
Posted on 12-Jan-2005 1:44:40
#79 ]
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Anyone know how these little things are cooled?

Bearing in mind that the ICube had some trouble with overheating, and the trouble with A1 and cooling.

Site admins are people too..pooff!

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Re: New mac mini
Posted on 12-Jan-2005 1:53:58
#80 ]
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Taking a look at the back, there seem to be ventilation slots in the case.

Taking a look at the Design Page it seems it's air cooled.

But that's just assumptions.


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