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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 15-Jul-2012 15:47:05
#101 ]
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regarding terminills comment and others, if you have lurked here you would have realized all kinds goog doers and initiatives pop up, not backed up by anything reliable. people grew seceptical about such, especially when someone appears out of nowhere making major claims.

the question you have to ask yourself is what do you expect of us, and what you can show us, because why otherwise would you be posting?

Last edited by wawa on 15-Jul-2012 at 03:48 PM.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 15-Jul-2012 15:50:41
#102 ]
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especially when someone appears out of nowhere making major claims.

Actually results are the same even if you come here with stated credentials, prepare and post market research, cross post to various communities, etc.

one of many


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 15-Jul-2012 15:55:21
#103 ]
Joined: 7-Mar-2012
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Hi! I'm Jason McMullan, one of the AROS m68k developers.

Can you at least tell me *which* system level routines you improved, so that I can also improve them on my own time?

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 15-Jul-2012 16:00:13
#104 ]
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Yeah, okay. Hope you are willing to swallow those words collectively in front of everyone when you see what i've done.

But i'm going to give you and the naysayers an offer. And i'm 100% serious on this. Tell me what you exactly want Aros to do.

If I can implement it, I will invoice you from PayPal what it is worth of my time, and upon completion, you have the code. I will post it at a public location for you and anyone else who wants to download and examine my code. I will even revise it for you.

If I don't deliver, file a complaint through PayPal, you'll get your money back. You will have my real name and identity, because PayPal obviously had to verify it.

If I am full of sh*t, then you can humiliate me publicly on the net for all eternity.

Whip out your credit card and prove me a liar.

If you aren't willing to step up and prove that i'm full of it, then please sit back and wait while I better figure out how to help the community.


Manu wrote:
I'm totally with fransexy & terminills here.

Sorry cod3r if youre for real but I think you're just yanking our chain here.
And I did so already after the first page of this thread.

No need to clean up the Aros code before you post a link to what fixes
you had to do to it. We have lot's of Aros experts here that maybe even could
improve your code or help you, for example Jason and Toni.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 15-Jul-2012 16:02:09
#105 ]
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aah, that selfmade ppc board project? afair an obvious utopia from the firs post on, isnt that the guy has been suspended from work or got in financial trouble with his enterprise and disappear? thats exactly a perfect example of bold claims and nothing as result.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 15-Jul-2012 16:02:27
#106 ]
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Thank you for clarifying that. These people act like 68k Aros actually works like the original OS.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 15-Jul-2012 16:03:41
#107 ]
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Point taken, you are correct. Apologies to anyone I offended.


OlafS25 wrote:

"botched-up Aros code"

others also work in their spare-time for it so please stay politely (as you expect of others)

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 15-Jul-2012 16:07:52
#108 ]
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accepted, so I change my answer too

Last edited by OlafS25 on 15-Jul-2012 at 04:08 PM.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 15-Jul-2012 16:10:20
#109 ]
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Thank you for clarifying that. These people act like 68k Aros actually works like the original OS.

who?? ive never seen anyone claim that. and im apparently one of few that actually use and test it, and therefore can tell. but of course aros68k aims at possibly full amiga compatibility.

aros 68k is noticeably slower in comparison to aos, of course not in executing 68k code at itself, but when the code has to call the system, for example loading executables, gui and the like.

btw, ezrec who posted above, is one of the two main aros68k branch developers. if you want to help, please assist him where possible.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 15-Jul-2012 16:12:45
#110 ]
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Fantastic project! Congratulations getting this far!

I rarely ever post on these forums as I often find these threads lose their focus and descend into circular argumentation or fanboy blindness where any technical conversation rapidly gets hijacked by "experts" with bizarrely distorted one-sided reasoning - often with limited knowledge of a narrow field.

Please ignore all the criticisms - I think the community has been disappointed too many times to be anything other than cynical - so take their comments with a grain of salt and understand that once you have something to share with the world, that they can look at, touch and play with, you will not only be accepted, you will become a minor deity :)

I personally am hardware agnostic and still love the amiga - I do not own any NG hardware as it as yet does not fulfill the needs of what I require from a machine.

I love playing some of my old games and apps but choose to do this via emulation.

The things I loved about amiga was it's integration with its hardware and that the OS ran very fast. To this day the OS is much more responsive that OSX or W8, but that is possibly down to the limitations of the system such as limited internet / network access, lower complexity applications and generally less levels of abstraction between languages. Also, due to the dedicated assembly written kernel and system subsets of amiga systems the main API is incredibly fast and in many ways unique.

These things should remain part of the amiga legacy, and even if you decide to do a custom AROS machine, with highly optimized AROS code and preferably a new version of Wanderer (workbench) that brings the experience up to at least the levels of linux, then I would say that qualifies as a new Amiga and you would have a customer in me so long as the price was appropriate.

You could always chat with trevordick if you want to be part of the "official" amiga future, but I fear that the proprietary AmigaOS4 would not be flexible enough to be developed at any rate that the community could maintain interest about. As much as I love old code, I would prefer something open, scalable and dedicated.

Stick at your project (even if it just for your own fun!) and know that there are lots of non-cynical hackers out here that support your endeavor and will help you get closer to your goals :)

Good luck :)

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 15-Jul-2012 16:13:26
#111 ]
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Not sure I understand you, so I apologize in advance if I misunderstood the question.

Are you interested in buying the prototype design? If so, I cannot sell it, because it isn't mine. It is the IP of my employer.

Now if you mean making custom software for Aros, I could possibly make drivers, depending on the hardware. Obviously, I would need to have datasheets and specs for whatever the target hardware is. I would welcome the opportunity for some freelance work.


phoenixkonsole wrote:

back to topic..
How do you support us and how should we support you?
If you have a design tell us the price and i tell you a price for the needed drivers and software.

Deal? You show what you have, we show what we have.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 15-Jul-2012 16:18:09
#112 ]
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so instead to proof each other how superior we are compared to the other we should better talk how we can help each other.

I have created a distribution based on Aros 68k and tested a lot of software so I know that it is not "buggy" from application-view. And that many games not run is not because of Aros 68k but because of the Kickstart Replacement and the way many games were programmed (but that is in work). Many applications run.

If you say you have improved aros-routines you can help Jason with it. On the other hand the community could help you with your project.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 15-Jul-2012 16:24:01
#113 ]
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I think as I am working on it every day I can judge it a little. It is certainly not as responsive as AOS (68k) on slow hardware but on fast enough hardware (f.e. emulated) it is very fast and is executing code already very good. Have you looked on the links I posted? So it is a matter of optimizing code for slow hardware, nothing else.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 15-Jul-2012 16:32:39
#114 ]
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Yeah, okay. Hope you are willing to swallow those words collectively in front of everyone when you see what i've done.

But i'm going to give you and the naysayers an offer. And i'm 100% serious on this. Tell me what you exactly want Aros to do.

If I can implement it, I will invoice you from PayPal what it is worth of my time, and upon completion, you have the code. I will post it at a public location for you and anyone else who wants to download and examine my code. I will even revise it for you.

If I don't deliver, file a complaint through PayPal, you'll get your money back. You will have my real name and identity, because PayPal obviously had to verify it.

If I am full of sh*t, then you can humiliate me publicly on the net for all eternity.

Whip out your credit card and prove me a liar.

If you aren't willing to step up and prove that i'm full of it, then please sit back and wait while I better figure out how to help the community.

i have another proposition, hand just one of your aros patches over to ezrec as example to examine and build it into the current compile. show your skill.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 15-Jul-2012 16:35:58
#115 ]
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I don't see how what i'm saying is really that major, an Amiga 500 FPGA based emulator with advanced capabilities? Gee, it has already been done! Add a usb port here, SD card there, more memory, etc... but all of us have done pretty much the same thing. It not like I am the first. It has even been mentioned that a ColdFire Amiga solution was done over 5 years ago!

I don't want to name company names, but one of the major Amiga providers announced something that never materialized, but Amiga fans still buy hardware to support its products faithfully and without criticism.

I really don't get this. I have worked on a major web browser, and never got anywhere near the cynicism I received here.

Obviously, if I can't provide what I said I could, I would humiliate myself and lose all credibility.

And maybe I did pop-up out of nowhere, but please understand-I have a real name, a real life, a real career and hardly ANY of this stuff is going to be beneficial to me at all.

Ask yourself, would you put your hard-earned name, reputation and career on the net to appease a bunch of people who doubt what your abilities are? Especially for a non-profitable endeavor done in your free time?

I do have pride and a solid background. And honestly, this is starting not to feel very worth it. It would be easier to just target Raspberry Pi and work wonders on a much more popular platform.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 15-Jul-2012 16:37:58
#116 ]
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Hi Jason! I would be happy to share my insights with you. I'll go over my notes and inbox you the info.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 15-Jul-2012 16:41:36
#117 ]
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Dude, if you're ever in the States, allow me to buy you a beer. Thanks for getting it. Really.

Glad someone understands that I am just a person who is interested in the community and wants to contribute. I never proclaimed to be the son of Commodore or rose back from bankruptcy.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 15-Jul-2012 16:43:47
#118 ]
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"target Raspberry Pi"

too late, Aros already runs there too

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 15-Jul-2012 16:56:04
#119 ]
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im not criticizing you, with "bold claims" i addressed several initiatives that drove into sand, also trying to achieve existing companies support. search this site for instance for "spotify" in this regard. and in most cases the problem is not about the initiators. there might be plenty of good will at their part. its just the reality of the situation. of course some things get finally into fruition, like x1k of trevor dick here, despite all drawbacks, but consider the solidity of arguments behind it and enormous support it receives from the target audience. im talking about money. therefore im rather skeptical, if you succeed to get your company to release amigalike hardware.

but cool thing is if you get in touch with jason. thats what hope the most.

Last edited by wawa on 15-Jul-2012 at 05:00 PM.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 15-Jul-2012 17:04:41
#120 ]
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I originally wrote this below, but ignore it-I know you aren't trying to bash my efforts. I'll look up spotify and see what I can learn. No hard feelings, really.
OMG, not only does my character get insulted, now you are demanding that I hand my code over for free to prove myself?

Let me establish this: I don't like being pressured. My job pressures me, gives me demands and deadlines. But they pay me. So if you are going to pressure me, do the same. Pay me. Otherwise, let me give what I choose to at my leisure.

You can't demand ANYTHING from anyone on your request unless you are paying them. Can I demand that you what you do for a living for free? Of course not.

So please don't demand that I release anything i'm not ready to show yet. The code exists. I'm not sure I want to contribute it to Aros as-is. I wrote my own code to totally replace parts of it. That code is 100% original. Maybe I might want to do something else with it?

I originally said I have worked on a ColdFire based prototype and got it to run Amiga software, and was wondering if I could get my company to market it for that purpose. Where does it say that I want to be a full-time Aros contributor?

Yes, Aros is open-source and if I did release my "product", the source code including my patches would have to be released. But who's to say that I want to give that code away prior to releasing my idea? Perhaps I am not interested in directly supporting Aros.


wawa wrote:


Yeah, okay. Hope you are willing to swallow those words collectively in front of everyone when you see what i've done.

But i'm going to give you and the naysayers an offer. And i'm 100% serious on this. Tell me what you exactly want Aros to do.

If I can implement it, I will invoice you from PayPal what it is worth of my time, and upon completion, you have the code. I will post it at a public location for you and anyone else who wants to download and examine my code. I will even revise it for you.

If I don't deliver, file a complaint through PayPal, you'll get your money back. You will have my real name and identity, because PayPal obviously had to verify it.

If I am full of sh*t, then you can humiliate me publicly on the net for all eternity.

Whip out your credit card and prove me a liar.

If you aren't willing to step up and prove that i'm full of it, then please sit back and wait while I better figure out how to help the community.

i have another proposition, hand just one of your aros patches over to ezrec as example to examine and build it into the current compile. show your skill.

Last edited by Cod3r on 15-Jul-2012 at 05:17 PM.

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