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Poll : How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Own one already (or will own one within the comings months)
Waiting for announced "killer" game or feature (PS3 Home, MGS, FF, etc)
Waiting for price drop or Slimline version
Only interested if AmigaOS4 (or an other OS woul be be ported)
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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 14-Mar-2007 13:29:39
#161 ]
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Joined: 3-Mar-2003
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From: Europe


Except that games created from XNA GSE/GSPro are not quite multiplatform.

No, but I don't expect major multi-platform games like Oblivion or Unreal Tournament 3 to be developed with XNA.

It’s either Sony’s PS3 Home (mainly data content sharing) vs Microsoft’s XNA GSE (mainy games/content sharing) approach.

Within Home you will be able to launch multiplayer games and after finishing playing the game you return back together with your buddies into your or someone else's private space. Also within Home's virtual world you will be able to play various games, for instance join a game of pool bijards. Gaming plays an important role within the PS3 Home service, only its potential goes far beyond this alone.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 14-Mar-2007 14:03:14
#162 ]
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From: Minneapolis, MN, USA


Within Home you will be able to launch multiplayer games and after finishing playing the game you return back together with your buddies into your or someone else's private space. Also within Home's virtual world you will be able to play various games, for instance join a game of pool bijards. Gaming plays an important role within the PS3 Home service, only its potential goes far beyond this alone.

Looking at the PS3 home it seems to be 2nd life / SIMS extended with hooks into gaming. SIMS is fairly popular so likely the concept will work for them.

Sony is still playing the FUD game.
..It is a truly interactive, global community of users. Xbox Live is a static, 2D, text-heavy environment that can’t match the rich community features found in Home. Xbox Live community interaction is much more passive...
Someone might want to tell Sony that Xbox Live interaction isn't passive. Text and voice messages are a bit passive but there's real time voice and real time Video messaging and chat -- these are hardly passive.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 14-Mar-2007 15:56:22
#163 ]
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Sony is still playing the FUD game.

It seems to be a common practise amongst all players including Microsoft and Nintendo to downplay the competition and underline (sometimes exaggerates) the advantages their own products provide.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 14-Mar-2007 16:54:18
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Can you actually find examples of that from Nintendo?
- except Reggie's off-hand remark at the keynote that is

Last edited by Trezzer on 14-Mar-2007 at 04:54 PM.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 14-Mar-2007 18:17:06
#165 ]
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From: Minneapolis, MN, USA



Sony is still playing the FUD game.

It seems to be a common practise amongst all players including Microsoft and Nintendo to downplay the competition and underline (sometimes exaggerates) the advantages their own products provide.

Perhaps but it seems this time that Sony is spending more time smack talking then the other companies.

Here are responses to PS3 Home.
"This is an example of Sony's 'Mii-too' approach," said a Nintendo spokesperson

& Microsoft
I think they've definitely taken some concepts that we originated like achievements, but I think they're pushing in a different direction and we've sort of fundamentally got two different approaches going on here. I think theres is very much a vision that people see it and it looks cool but it's fundamentally separate from the games - or at least what they've shown so far," Satchell continued. "It's a cool world but it's like a little game by itself. Our approach is the other way around; it's that games are the center and that's the star of the show, that's what people buy the console for."
-- This seems pretty fair.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 14-Mar-2007 19:09:15
#166 ]
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"When asked of the company's thoughts on Sony's online plans, Nintendo told CVG: "This is an example of Sony's "Mii-too" approach. But as Mr. Miyamoto states, Nintendo years ago considered and rejected the type of approach Sony is now taking".

"Nintendo shrugged off the similarities, with a spokesperson saying "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"

"GameDailyBiz quoted Nintendo UK's David Yarnton as saying. "I don't know what their decision-making process is, but I think if you look back, any innovation that has come in game play has come from us."

I don't see Singstar, Eyetoy, Dance Revolution Pad, Guitar Hero, etc on the Nintendo. Surely Nintendo plays an important part within the gaming industry. Probably the first of the three to release a virtual reality headset will make claims to innovation, ignoring the Amiga pioneering.

In December MikeB wrote:
I don't care too much about the bad press the PS3 is currently receiving, there will be plenty of nice things to report in the future.

I think the tide is already turning slowly, maybe next year we can all laugh looking back:

Neil Young, Vice President and General Manager, EA Los Angeles

"GameDaily BIZ: So first of all, since we literally just came from Phil Harrison's keynote, what did you think of what Sony presented?

"Neil Young: I was very, very impressed with the whole sort of Game 3.0 initiative. There are a lot of Sony haters out there right now and you just should never underestimate what that company is capable of doing. They've got a great platform and they showed some pretty cool and compelling software today. I think Home can change the way you feel about the platform and the way you feel about interface as the sort of default interface for the platform, so that's interesting. I've personally been a huge fan of SingStar, predominantly because I'm British and all British people strangely love karaoke. ... And LittleBigPlanet is amazing. I mean, amazing. That might be the first application that you could only do on the PS3. It's very physics intensive... it's just wonderful. And it makes me happy about the business; it makes me happy for Sony and Phil.

BIZ: I think there's huge marketing potential within Home because you can have these dedicated spaces. I mean, you could have your own EALA space dedicated to all your upcoming titles, constantly streaming trailers like a virtual E3 booth, or whatever...

NY: Oh yeah, definitely. Having a space that is sort of advertiser/partner/developer/customer- friendly is a brilliant creative move. At the end of the day Sony is going to do very well with the PS3 platform and that will probably be one of the largest economies in the world, outside of the web. "

Sony is "still the one to beat", says Epic Games boss

"The Wii is an impressive piece of hardware, but as you get the visually more impressive games coming out for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, as the marketing dollars get turned up to support the larger quantities of machines, with potential price drops and titles like Singstar which appeal to the larger market... Those machines will ignite, they'll take off, and they'll sell just fine."

Rein's comments came after Phil Harrison's GDC keynote speech, during which the Sony Worldwide Studios boss unveiled PlayStation Home and exclusive title LittleBigPlanet. "It looks like they've got some pretty cool stuff coming," Rein said.

"As the big titles come out, they're going to sell a bunch of machines. When PlayStation Home comes out, they'll sell a bunch of machines... Yeah, it's a high price, because it's a new, high-end piece of equipment, but history shows that price will come down. They'll sell lots of them, it'll be fine."

Rein questioned some of the criticisms which have been levelled at Sony in recent months, particularly with regard to the amount of PS3 stock currently available in US stores.

"So wait, if they don't have enough machines in stores, that's a bad thing? If they do have enough machines, that's a bad thing? Pick one!

"People just seem to want to take a smack at [Sony], and I can't figure it out. They're the leader, so I guess they have a target on their back."

He also had strong words for those who have accused Sony of following in others' footsteps. "I read on a developer forum, one of the guys who worked on PlayStation Home said they started designing it in 2004. So when people say things like, 'Oh, they announced this new piece of software! They just copied so-and-so!'. What, you think they just made it last week in their basement?"

According to Rein, there can be a tendency amongst industry professionals to take an insular perspective, and fail to recognise the attitudes of the typical consumer. "The gamers out there, they aspire to buy a new PlayStation," he concluded. "

Now we need an impressive firmware/GameOS update, a succeful European launch and then IMO the first big battle will be fought during Christmas 2007.

Last edited by MikeB on 14-Mar-2007 at 07:14 PM.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 14-Mar-2007 19:12:28
#167 ]
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From: Minneapolis, MN, USA


Europeans get PS3 gaming...sort of..
The Inquirer just got their PAL PS3 tried out 12 games and only found 1 to work... Here's hoping for updated firmware shortly after the European shipping.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 14-Mar-2007 19:17:23
#168 ]
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Actually I was quite surprized any PS2 game would work on the PS3 without the important March update. So this game probably already runs software emulated on US/Japan units.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 14-Mar-2007 19:24:32
# ]



I'd hardly call those Nintendo quotes mudslinging in any way. They're rather matter of factly. Most gameplay innovation has indeed come from Nintendo. Saying "any" is stretching it a bit far, but statistically it's close enough for jazz.

I don't see Singstar, Eyetoy, Dance Revolution Pad, Guitar Hero, etc on the Nintendo

Nor do they come from Playstation. These kinds of titles originated in arcades.

The Playstation's claim to fame is pretty much the dual analogue stick.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 14-Mar-2007 19:53:10
#170 ]
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Touchscreen gaming was also already implemented in arcade gaming and PDAs/smartphones before. Motion sensing gloves are often used in combination with virtual reality, the Eyetoy does motion sensing as well, but uses another method.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 14-Mar-2007 21:23:00
# ]



Yes. What you're saying is completely correct.

You may find this interesting. While some of it is only true for console gaming, some of it is generally true and they've even left the odd thing out.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 14-Mar-2007 22:25:49
# ]



It just shows how innovation is bound up with Nintendo's success and failure. You can tell Nintendo went off course between the N64/GBC and DS/Wii just by looking at the level of barrel scraping going on.

It's an impressive list, but it's really a mostly a list of hardware innovations, even if it is enabling technology. I suspect that a list of software innovation would belong to individuals and very small companies.


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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 14-Mar-2007 22:59:01
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it's really a mostly a list of hardware innovations

Yes and no.

I mean, two times Mario pretty much set the bar - first in 2D and then in 3D. Some would argue that Mario 64 is still unsurpassed in the 3D platformer realm.

Other huge Nintendo IPs that have delivered innovation: Zelda (Z-trigger, save games on consoles, much more...), Pokémon (all sorts of connectivity over the years), Nintendogs, Brain Training. Especially the latter two have opened up handheld gaming to the masses.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 15-Mar-2007 0:00:37
#174 ]
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With Donkey Kong and Super Mario they got into the spotlight.

Nintendo is a great company with a rich history, the Gameboy was unimpressive compared to for instance he Atari Lynx or Sega Game Gear, yet its batteries lasted long enough and the addictive Tetris wasn't much of a demanding game.

Some would argue that Mario 64 is still unsurpassed in the 3D platformer realm.

[Raising hand!]


Less than 3 hours of sleep until I have to wake up and ready myself for my trip to Cebit 2007! (My third year in a row)

Logitech Delivers Peripherals for PLAYSTATION 3 European Launch

CeBIT 2007

HANNOVER, Germany--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Today at CeBIT, Logitech (SWX:LOGN) (NASDAQ:LOGI) announced it will support the European launch of PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™) computer entertainment system with a line of products that includes the new Logitech® Cordless Precision™ controller for PLAYSTATION 3, the Logitech® ChillStream™ controller for PLAYSTATION 3, the Logitech® Cordless MediaBoard™ keyboard for PLAYSTATION 3, the Logitech® HDMI cable and the Logitech® USB Headset for PLAYSTATION — these products are specially designed to enhance gamers’ experience with Sony’s new gaming platform.


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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 15-Mar-2007 0:25:52
#175 ]
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With Donkey Kong and Super Mario they got into the spotlight.

And this was the first Game&Watch (java required)

Site admins are people too..pooff!

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 15-Mar-2007 0:36:53
#176 ]
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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 15-Mar-2007 11:39:30
#177 ]
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MikeB wrote:

With Donkey Kong and Super Mario they got into the spotlight.

Nintendo is a great company with a rich history, the Gameboy was unimpressive compared to for instance he Atari Lynx or Sega Game Gear, yet its batteries lasted long enough and the addictive Tetris wasn't much of a demanding game.

Some would argue that Mario 64 is still unsurpassed in the 3D platformer realm.

[Raising hand!]

So would you say then that software is what counts?
If so, then again - advantage Nintendo.
Fun software always wins out over powerful hardware.
The fun software you mentioned before on the PS2 were not developed by Sony but by 3rd parties who simply released their titles to the biggest platform to maximize profits. You'll note that DDR is coming to the Wii and I believe the GC had a Mario-enriched DDR game. Guitar Hero is also coming to the Wii. There is a rumored Mic-addon coming to the Wii also. I believe this wasn't announced at E3 because of the stock sale with the Japanese government that is currently in process. Otherwise, Nintendo would have to buy it back for even more money.

About Eyetoy and online gaming. The Famicon had an "online" network with downloadable game(s) services in Japan as did the SNES and N64. Also, the GBC Camera could be used with Mario Paint on the N64 to import your own pictures. Nintendo had done alot of firsts only to be superceded by implimentations with more corporate money behind them to make them better.

Prime example: Nintendo's N64 controller + rumble pak. The PS1 was on the market for a year when the N64 launched in Japan. By the time Nintendo did their US launch, Sony had already released the dual-analog version of their controller in the US and it seemed like Sony did it first here, which they didn't globally. It's a Mii-too approach... Oh, when was tilt-functionality announced on the PS3? 8 months after Nintendo unveiled their controller. Mii-too. However, this time Sony didn't have the time to copy the pointing functionality.

Let's not forget that the PS1 was originally conceived as just an addon to the SNES that gave it better 3d and added a CDROM. But Sony wanted a licensing fee for every game that ran on it. LOL! I think IBM deserves a licensing fee for every game that runs on the Cell, Xenos and Broadway if that's the case. Oh and so do NVidia and ATI...and NEC...and Philips...the list goes on.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 15-Mar-2007 15:37:41
#178 ]
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Lou wrote:

Let's not forget that the PS1 was originally conceived as just an addon to the SNES that gave it better 3d and added a CDROM. But Sony wanted a licensing fee for every game that ran on it. LOL! .

I think it hilarious that your anti-Sony bias has you making fun on this in particular, you do realize (as Nintendo does and has commented on) that if they had agreed to the royalties, Nintendo would have the entire game market and wouldnt have been competing (and losing) with Sony and Microsoft in the last generation, and being technically way behind in the current generation.

We played the first thing that came to our heads, it just happened to be the best song in the world.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 15-Mar-2007 15:51:56
#179 ]
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I don't see...Dance Revolution Pad.. on the Nintendo

DDR: Mario Mix came out for the Gamecube and had a pad. There's also an adapter so one can use PS2 pads on the Gamecube. I don't see Kongo Bongo on the PS2.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 15-Mar-2007 17:21:04
#180 ]
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Tigger wrote:

Lou wrote:

Let's not forget that the PS1 was originally conceived as just an addon to the SNES that gave it better 3d and added a CDROM. But Sony wanted a licensing fee for every game that ran on it. LOL! .

I think it hilarious that your anti-Sony bias has you making fun on this in particular, you do realize (as Nintendo does and has commented on) that if they had agreed to the royalties, Nintendo would have the entire game market and wouldnt have been competing (and losing) with Sony and Microsoft in the last generation, and being technically way behind in the current generation.

And you do realize that at that time, the Neo Geo, Sega Genesis, 3DO and Turbo Duo were on the market competing with Nintendo, right?

I find it hilarious that your pro-Sony bias ignores all other competition and fails to realize that from that era, we have survival of the fittest, Nintendo, and the spawn of the SNES CD-addon came to the market as new competition out of spite more than any other reason.

Sega just plain shot themselves in the foot. Now with Sammy's backing, they could easily release new hardware but the market really doesn't have room for a 4th pillar.

It's amusing that you think Nintendo lost to MS in the GC/PS2/XBOX generation. In consoles sold worldwide, no measurable difference. Profit/unit, Nintendo easily wins. In software sales, the GC had more million+ unit sales of software on the platform. People forget that looking at how well HALO did is nice, but Super Smash Brothers Melee sold just about as many units.

Infact, the 360 has more million+ unit sellers ALREADY because the Xbox was the most pirated platform.

Last edited by Lou on 15-Mar-2007 at 05:41 PM.
Last edited by Lou on 15-Mar-2007 at 05:27 PM.

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