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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 14-Jan-2007 1:10:41
#21 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 8-Jan-2003
Posts: 3270
From: Charlotte, NC


I would be willing to bet that after market controllers will become available from third parties for the rumble or force feedback stuff. Then games could be updated with a downloaded patch that installs on the hard disk.

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 14-Jan-2007 2:01:01
# ]



Rather than get a wall charger you *could* charge your controller using a computer (over night or something).

About games: Personally I like Full Auto. It's flawed technically, but the gameplay had me glued anyway - especially the Chase H.Q. style missions.

About game recommendations in general... it's tricky because it depends on what kind of games you're into. Here's a list of PS3 reviews but your mileage may vary.

Last edited by Trezzer on 14-Jan-2007 at 02:04 AM.

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 14-Jan-2007 3:28:13
#23 ]
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From: Scottsdale, AZ


(the usual suspects, so I have to be here, too )

Nice report. About what I'd expect. The PS3 is at the beginning, that's pretty obvious. However there's hope there'll be constant firmware upgrades to resolve some (if not all) issues.

I made about the same experience with availability, though (and I can't believe the reports about "in stock" PS3s). I had the opportunity twice since about 12/24 (once 12/24 Best Buy more by accident - I ran into a fresh pile of just delivered PS3s - and then a couple of days later at Target (7 pcs)), but hesitated to take one. But by next weekend I want one for sure (that's my birthday). However, I was looking around for the last two weeks, and there weren't any available since then (includes Best Buy, CC, Target and Wal Mart). I keep my fingers crossed Sony will make it happen for next weekend...darn.

Regarding games. I agree. I need at least one "E" title, something like Ratchet and Clank or such (and one which is not a race game - and not a sports game). If not, I'd go with one shooter (probably Resistance or Call of Duty) and a race game (don't know Need for Speed or Ridge Racer). Blazing Angels would be an alternative.

While for me all the available titles are great, they are not so much for my kids. Not that they wouldn't like Resistance or Full Auto, but I miss the usual PS2 blockbusters. We'll see. There's hope that my PS2 collection will still run. I also hope, that the "E" games will come for the PS3, too. However with a ongoing success of the PS2, there is still high competition to go PS2 with the "causal" stuff (from a publisher POV ?). At least Ratchet will come for the PS3...(OTHO, I'll buy a Wii later anyway).

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 14-Jan-2007 3:49:00
#24 ]
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From: a place & time long long ago, when things mattered.


Mike I know your excited about this, but your posts are looking like ads now.

"The system no longer works " -- Young Anakin Skywalker

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 14-Jan-2007 3:55:19
#25 ]
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From: a place & time long long ago, when things mattered.


Blu-Ray? Great technology. Will it win the format war? Of course not. Sony just can't seem to wrap their heads around the fact that companies simply will not pay their exorborant licensing fees. Betamax? Mini-disc/ATRAC? Blu-Ray.

I think Sony is screwing them selves with Blu-ray. Sony should just pull it from their system and make a lower end model, and cut the price of the PS3.

I also got to see the XBox HD-Player add on at CES, it looked good. Right now I've seen the new video screens for 2008, I'll wait till then.

"The system no longer works " -- Young Anakin Skywalker

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 14-Jan-2007 4:48:57
# ]



I can't believe the reports about "in stock" PS3s

One Danish guy who is currently traveling around the place (California, Nevada, Arizona) has been to EB/Gamestop stores on the lookout for certain GBA/DS titles and he says there were PS3s in stock in more than half of those stores. Two stores in Vegas even had what he described as huge piles.

As for Need For Speed or Ridge Racer - I'd have to go with Ridge Racer. It's not for everyone but in my opinion Need for Speed Carbon is (pardon my French) p*ss poor. I have no idea what kind of drugs IGN were on when they gave that 8+, but I'd like some of 'em so I could convince myself that the Jaguar was a must-have consoles with triple-A titles.

FWIW I've enjoyed Blazing Angels a lot. It's not for everyone for sure, and the whole WW2 theme is getting a bit long in the tooth (and has been for MANY years), but I liked that it had a fair bit of humour and a bit of a Wings feel to it. It's not technically amazing, but it's a solid enough game.

Call of Duty is a decent game as well, even if people who have played both 2 and 3 tend to find 2 superior to 3 because the sequel is even more linear and has some navigation issues (like being unable to move over tiny obstacles and such silliness).

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 14-Jan-2007 5:26:11
#27 ]
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From: West of Eden, VT USA



wegster wrote:
ok, finally finished downloading. Yay.

Don't think it can be installed to HD currently.

Yeah, I'll put Linux on it at some point...

I installed YDL on mine. Because of the fact I was first using a TV as my display, I had to take a couple of extra steps to get it to boot into graphical mode, but once I got that going everything was smooth. One current problem Terrasoft and Sony are working on is the ability to rip CD's to your HD or the supposed lack thereof.


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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 14-Jan-2007 10:48:24
#28 ]
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From: Europe


Mike I know your excited about this, but your posts are looking like ads now.

At other places I would have been rated "informative", but sadly not within the Amiga World like was once the case in the distant past, IMO what a sad bunch have we become... So many attacks. Lots of people going off topic adding no additional content.

Sure as made clear a majority of my message content has been personal opinions. But I have been in denial, no thank yous, almost no appreciation for any info or correction I provide.

I don't know what to think of the Amiga community anymore. I have tried to construct a majority of my messages with care and content, it seems I have failed, sure I see more potential in the PS3 than in your products, maybe this angers you... I don't understand why people like you are getting so angry though.

IMO the Amiga community as a whole like it is now lacks insight, cordialness, politeness, ambition and enthusiasm, nothing to be proud of like in our better years. I have invested many thousands of dollars in the Amiga community and was willing to invest quite a lot more, at some point in the distant future maybe even millions refoccusing our family businesses, but maybe it's not even worth a dime.

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 14-Jan-2007 11:03:42
#29 ]
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Joined: 29-Apr-2003
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From: Unknown


At other places I would have been rated "informative", but sadly not within the Amiga World like was once the case in the distant past, IMO what a sad bunch have we become... So many attacks. Lots of people going off topic adding no additional content.

Sure as made clear a majority of my message content has been personal opinions. But I have been in denial, no thank yous, almost no appreciation for any info or correction I provide.

I guess, Mike, I do see what those guys are saying. You do have a tendency of letting your enthusiasm maybe get the best of you. While at times you do acknowledge strengths and new information about Xbox 360, most of the time it does feel like you are cherry-picking information and even points which to respond to (mostly) make the PS3 look good.

Nothing wrong with that in itself (and its okay to be fan!), PS3 is probably a very good machine worthy of praise as well, I guess just the over-all tone and style of writing you employ does seem more reminiscent of marketing speech than informed, critical look at things.

I think the same could have been said of you comparing MorphOS and AmigaOS 4 back in the day. You do have your distinct style.

Last edited by jtsiren on 14-Jan-2007 at 11:04 AM.

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 14-Jan-2007 11:05:22
#30 ]
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From: Unknown


Thank you for the report. Interesting read. How would you compare it to Xbox 360 (if you have experience of that)?

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 14-Jan-2007 11:07:36
#31 ]
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From: Unknown



At least Ratchet will come for the PS3...

Whoppie !!! Thats the 1st good reason I heard for buying a PS3 ...........

................ in 2008 (sorry guys I'm just to skint for spending more than 300Euro on a console)

Last edited by Kronos on 14-Jan-2007 at 11:10 AM.

- We don't need good ideas, we haven't run out on bad ones yet
- blame Canada

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 14-Jan-2007 11:18:05
#32 ]
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From: Europe


You do have your distinct style

Yes, I saw by far more potential in AmigaOS4 (and the PS3) this is probably due to our family's background business and the things I learned from that.

The reason why I respond with positiveness against negativeness, I wanted to provide an alternative point of view which is IMO would be more moderate. The XBox 360 and MorphOS are nice efforts, but IMO will not push the Amiga community forward in any significant way. IMO the Amiga community is too fractured and seems to be lost.

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 14-Jan-2007 11:44:13
#33 ]
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Joined: 12-Jan-2004
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From: Larisa, Greece


More spam... I'm outta here.

And may the AmigaGuide you!

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 14-Jan-2007 12:07:23
#34 ]
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thanks for your view on things, but , i wonder if you have a ps2 review from the rev1 and up to latest rev times? , why i ask is because i found the ps2 to be painfully ackward to get online and far more bad games and niggles than the PS3... sure its evolved but it would be fun to see how they really compare..

All in all i do understand why there is so few people playing online with their PS2 and i hope this is changing with the PS3.

For the PSP, i see games with over 100 players in my region beeing online, thats great and i never saw anything like it on PS2 except for maybe hardware Arena Online.

As for the WIFI stuff, i found both the ps3 and psp to be slow via WIFI (transfer) but i also found out that the PS3 is much faster once i set it up vertically..might be my room design or something blocking or whatever.

btw on the PS2 and PSP: sick of seeing tons of french people playing online and no english ones....especially after playing games with headset :D

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 14-Jan-2007 12:20:57
#35 ]
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From: France, on an ADSL line


Enthusiasm is good, it's an admirable trait, it is what can carry a community forward in times when things seem hopelessly dire and the way is not clearly defined.

Objectivity is also important, to temper enthusiasm with cool facts.

You have added a lot with the information you have posted, look at how big the thread is you started! However you MUST realise that here on Forums, as in 'real life', people turn off when a 'Commercial Break' pops up. By letting your enthusiasm overwhelm you, you often do sound a bit like that.

People like to BUY things... no one EVER likes to be SOLD something.

Therefore, perhaps I could suggest this thread to be allowed to evolve with the subject as it was started by wegster, 'non-fanboy', which possibly means another point-of-view which will, of necessity, be different from your own.

How about we stay on topic?
Thank you

¤¤ Official Hyperion Zealot ¤¤

(No, I didn't type that with a straight face.)

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 14-Jan-2007 12:48:30
#36 ]
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From: Europe


IMO I tried to be pretty objective on most accounts, I never claimed to state the one and only truth unlike many others, degrading topics making Hitler-style comparisons with the mods just sleeping. And one thing is for sure I have never been a "fan" of playstation products. Yes, I admire the Cell effort, in a similar way as I admire some Rembrandt paintings, but never considered myself to be a Rembrandt "fan". I have been an Amiga enthusiast, yes that's for sure. Now I'm not sure anymore.

How about we stay on topic?

Totally agree, IMO it's a mod's job to keep things on track, sadly within this thread and others that hasn't been the case.

If you did reading within the other PS3 thread, I am mostly in agreement with Wegster here, I think his opinions will evolve as he sees more of the PS3 like I have.

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 14-Jan-2007 12:57:28
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I'm sorry for being abrupt - Yo and others put it better. Please don't use my tone as a metaphor for the Amiga community, who by and large have been very polite to you.

The question on pre-owned PS2 prices, if that's not off-topic? Can I expect much of a drop when the PS3 comes out here? I'm probably quibbling over a few quid, but it just seems too high to me right now.


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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 14-Jan-2007 13:06:32
#38 ]
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well i dont agree, i love to be sold something that i am fairly interested in.

Its just the usual "lets find something bad to say about MikeB" crap again.

You know, people READ reviews and buy magazines with reviews in...what is the point if they had slaughtered everything beeing released when there is no reviewer who likes the product?

PS:i do find it pretty weird to see the same faces appear in every thread Mike posts........

Last edited by Toaks on 14-Jan-2007 at 01:08 PM.

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 14-Jan-2007 13:07:17
#39 ]
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Joined: 21-Apr-2003
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From: Fargo, ND, USA


Here is a nice 15".

I'm not saying its not possible, I'm merely commenting on the odd cone size. I have a friend with a 18" Velodyne, its an experience.

Another curious thing about the PS3 is that from all accounts I've read thus far, its a b*tch to code for (much like the PS2 was) but doesn't have the same risk/reward ratio as its predecessor. ON the PS2 the 2 hopped-up vector processors made it worth the effort, but apparently there is no parallel on the ps3.


I just read an article that state the porn industry has chosen HD-DVD. Show's over, folks. Blu-ray is official DOA.

...wait... what?

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Re: A non fanboy look at the PS3
Posted on 14-Jan-2007 13:12:41
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But I have been in denial, no thank yous, almost no appreciation for any info or correction I provide.

It has been appreciated as part of the debate - especially when it hasn't been spiced up or slanted in one way or another. In spite of my objections to your style of argumentation and one-sidedness I have still appreciated the information you have provided - some things have indeed been informative. I just can't help but add the other side to things - and because of that sometimes I'm even provoked to take it further than that in spite of my best intentions.

Like others have pointed out it's the enthusiasm that drives you to do that. I've seen you do that about OS4 - including on OSnews back in the day where I - as an OS4 fan - wrote you and asked you to just tone it down a bit, because the extreme one-sidedness was hurting the platform rather than helping promote it in my opinion. You might not remember this or you may still have our exchange, but I hope this puts my comments into perspective.

Information is good, but how you present it means a lot.

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