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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 16-Jul-2012 13:45:14
#201 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-May-2010
Posts: 6393
From: Unknown


there is a lot of "promised" or "at the works" there so we should stay in reality and wait till "it is done" or in worst case "two more weeks"

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 16-Jul-2012 13:46:09
#202 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-May-2010
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From: Unknown


Good luck and again welcome

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 16-Jul-2012 14:03:56
#203 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 12-Jan-2005
Posts: 834
From: Murcia (Spain)


"there is apparently even a solution to run amiga 68k binaries on mac os from the shell or something."

What?. Where can i get it?. I wasn't aware of that piece of software.

Amiga 1200 desktop. Apollo 030/50 Mhz 8mb ram + ClassicWB + Wb 3.1
Amiga 500 + ACA500plus 8mb + 30gb CF
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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 16-Jul-2012 14:15:14
#204 ]
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Joined: 21-Jan-2008
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perhaps that?:

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 16-Jul-2012 14:16:43
#205 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 21-Jan-2008
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Multicore support scheduled for AmigaOS4.2 and it well known, I guess AROS developers are trying to get there before

like in "aros tries to get gallium implemented before os4 does"?

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 16-Jul-2012 14:48:56
#206 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 30-Sep-2003
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From: Minneapolis, MN, USA


I've supported many companies who have supported the Amiga. Make the products and you'll find a market. Though with the current size of the Amiga-base it'll be a fairly small group.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 16-Jul-2012 15:51:21
#207 ]
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Joined: 29-Jun-2010
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Cod3r wrote:

I wouldn't even know how to do that (the screencast demo) other than taking pics or filming with my camera phone.

Natami almost sounds like what I did, and I didn't know about it previously. I wonder how Natami owners speak of their systems, I can't find any reviews of it.

If Natami is like their site describes, there is almost no purpose of my project, because it duplicates an effort already realized.

The thing is although the NatAmi would be welcomed by almost everyone, there is very little news on it and whether it ever will ever actually appear on the market...

If you consider your project to be similar to the NatAmi then that's all the more reason for you to push ahead with it...

Reason being, It's a free market and if you can get a product out before the NatAmi which can basically do the same thing then that means in such a small potential marketplace your product stands to take the lions share of that market and become a success...

The reality of it all is basically down to yourself and how much time & effort you can afford to put in and if you think there's a chance of getting your boss/ employer to take up this project then it's best to put things in action as quickly as possible...

The NatAmi is something I've been waiting for eagerly in the two years I've know about it but sadly there is no sign of it yet, so anyone else who can produce something similar and get it to market first has me as a guaranteed customer and most likely a lot of others as well... :)


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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 16-Jul-2012 16:09:20
#208 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 9-Jun-2004
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From: Norway


I happy to admit AROS was first whit gallium, sometimes not having access to outdated source code, forces developers to move on to newer and better technology, same thing whit MorphOS, they are using TinyGL (faster then MiniGL), AROS/MorphOS has been testing what’s possible, and AmigaOS4.1 is soon to follow.

Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 16-Jul-2012 21:05:13
#209 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 22-Aug-2003
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Probably seems strange, but I actually think the diversity is good. Competition is always good. Mud slinging and snide remarks, however...

This weeks pet peeve:
Using "voltage" instead of "potential", which leads to inventing new words like "amperage" instead of "current" (I, measured in A) or possible "charge" (amperehours, Ah or Coulomb, C). Sometimes I don't even know what people mean.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 16-Jul-2012 23:00:38
#210 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 21-Jan-2008
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From: Unknown


well, doesnt seem strange to me.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 16-Jul-2012 23:06:03
#211 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 8-May-2007
Posts: 499
From: Jingo Fet is from "A Galaxy Far, Far Away"


You, being new here, have to understand the dynamic of a *miga community.

Cut down on sarcasm, it's not helping here.

Opi.. imo, yours is an important general observation.. So, let me give you a counter point of view..

As new members introduce themselves, we can't be telling them how they should change as they walk in the door. I mean, this community epitomizes sarcasm.. So, should we be surprised that we solicit that very response?

There is no question, the Amiga community is perceived (rightfully) as having a chip on its shoulder. We are the ones that need to change, and we are hardly in a position to demand change out of those who seek to join our ranks, as a prerequisite for admission.

Cod3r made no commitments to anyone. He simply asked a question and requested feedback in a friendly manner. He was meet with sarcasm and scorn (by a few), and a demand that HE change. And yet no one sees a problem with this?

We need to be introspective here. When someone as friendly in their opening as Cod3r can't introduce himself and his ideas to this community without being brought to a high level of frustration in a matter of hours, is shamed into unwillingness to show this thread, and is backed into a defensive stance from the outset.. Well, we need to stop asking what that says about them...

Perhaps we've all been members of this community too long, that we've forgotten what it is like to not know the history. Put yourself in the shoes of an outsider looking in. How reasonable is it for us to expect them to change and understand us before their first posting? Or else catch the wrath of the Amiga community for their "ignorance".

Last edited by jingof on 16-Jul-2012 at 11:52 PM.
Last edited by jingof on 16-Jul-2012 at 11:11 PM.

Vic-20, C-64, C-128
Amiga 1000, 3000
AmigaOne X1000

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 16-Jul-2012 23:19:40
#212 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 8-May-2003
Posts: 736
From: Norway


i'm sorry for the delay, im at work as a seaman, the network administrator has blocked and so much others, so using only gsm/edge when available.

yes.. back to the amiga stuff:)

im do not have any specific software apps that i need/want (at the moment)
but since i have come back too the amiga scene i would like to help the community the best i can, i don't have any coding skills.. only desktop OS hobby.. but did some raytracing and music back in the days..

having a new coder in the scene is god, and you said you did not have OS4 or NG amiga.. so if you did, maybe we all here can benefit from this.

have you looked at this sites?

here is plenty software demands..

and this site:

it's mainly for Aros.. but the OS4 could benefit for this too.

you see the Open Source Directory Magellan there.

i badly want DirectoryOpus Magellan on my os4.1 ppc.. but the bounty is not ready yet. Is this something you could do if it was ready? if you not know what kind of software Dopus is? it's a replacement for workbench,(like a launcher on android) you get a cool filelister system, with support for ftp and many other stuff.. the whole code is in 68k i heard it's based on C++ with some assembly code in it.. i'm not sure..

but, having a new coder with us is a good start.

maybe others care for some drivers and stuff.. right now i just can't remember what i need for my 460ex amiga.

nox's in the house!

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 16-Jul-2012 23:22:13
#213 ]
Joined: 30-Mar-2012
Posts: 41
From: Unknown

What franko said I agree 100 per cent.Whatever comes of this project well done.Interested to see what you come up with.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 17-Jul-2012 1:29:21
#214 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 12-Jul-2012
Posts: 201
From: Unknown

Okay everyone,

I have the verdict regarding the project.

Here's the story:

Today, before lunch I asked my immediate supervisor if I could take some pics of the prototype. He replied, "You can take pictures and video of the screen, but not the hardware, because that hardware is a special run for one of our clients. It is not intended to be marketed to the general public." I said okay, fine. I was going to wait until lunchtime, and then do the pics and video of the screen while the board was in operation. Lunch time arrived, but before I could do it, my supervisor asked me to come with him to talk with the president.

The president asked me about my project, and I told him that I made "an emulator for a 1980's computer from Commodore, based on the Motorola 68000." He asked me, "Is all of the code your own work?" I told him that the firmware and the bootstrap was all mine, the most of the FPGA code and some of the Aros code was mine, the rest was already there. He then asked, "What license is the source code available under? GPL? BSD?" I then told him that part of the FPGA code was GPL, while Aros was APL. He said, "Affero or Apache Public License?", I replied that Aros was a custom license.

He then replied, "Unfortunately, I cannot allow you to display our hardware running ANY code that isn't licensed under an OSI recognized license, for legal reasons." He then proceeded, "Imagine if an IBM engineer posted a video on YouTube of an IBM machine running OS X from Apple? Apple's legal team would file a lawsuit against IBM within 10 minutes of it going live."

He then went on to say that if I made my own OS or software of whatever, they would offer it on the company FTP for our customers, but it would have to be ALL my code or under an OSI license, no exceptions. He then said that he thought it was a nice concept and that I am a talented programmer, and perhaps I should consider making a project that I could call my own.

So now I have to find something GPL to run on the prototype, write my own OS (i'll be done when Hell is done freezing over) or scrap everything.

Any ideas or suggestions are welcome... I'm at a blank.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 17-Jul-2012 1:29:35
#215 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 21-Jan-2008
Posts: 6259
From: Unknown


Id rather let the guy do what he is interested in instead making demands from the start on.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 17-Jul-2012 1:39:55
#216 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 21-Jan-2008
Posts: 6259
From: Unknown


I feared that it was Not so Easy. But i think its Not all Lost. In respect to Licensing there was a discussion on aros dev list. And perhaps its Good to Confront them with a Real Life Situation, where a Company might want to use aros. Also there is nö legal threat in using aros, like it would be using Mac os. Thats misunderstanding. APL Even if i dont know the Details is an Open license.

Sorry for the capitalising. Waiting from an iPad with a Dumb spellcheck i dont know to Turn off.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 17-Jul-2012 1:43:07
#217 ]
AROS Core Developer
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 1477
From: Unknown


The APL is a MPL v 1.1 variant license.

Support AROS sponsor a developer.

"AROS is prolly illegal ~ Evert Carton" intentionally quoted out of context for dramatic effect

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 17-Jul-2012 1:53:34
#218 ]
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Joined: 12-Jul-2012
Posts: 201
From: Unknown


I have looked at several times in the past. I just was too lazy to really go about claiming anything, because my job is quite demanding. But honestly, I actually have completed a thing or two on that list a long time ago, just didn't feel like the amount there was worth it. Plus, I was just doing things to keep my skills up.

If anyone really cares about it, I guess I could probably just toss it out there.


noXLar wrote:

i'm sorry for the delay, im at work as a seaman, the network administrator has blocked and so much others, so using only gsm/edge when available.

yes.. back to the amiga stuff:)

im do not have any specific software apps that i need/want (at the moment)
but since i have come back too the amiga scene i would like to help the community the best i can, i don't have any coding skills.. only desktop OS hobby.. but did some raytracing and music back in the days..

having a new coder in the scene is god, and you said you did not have OS4 or NG amiga.. so if you did, maybe we all here can benefit from this.

have you looked at this sites?

here is plenty software demands..

and this site:

it's mainly for Aros.. but the OS4 could benefit for this too.

you see the Open Source Directory Magellan there.

i badly want DirectoryOpus Magellan on my os4.1 ppc.. but the bounty is not ready yet. Is this something you could do if it was ready? if you not know what kind of software Dopus is? it's a replacement for workbench,(like a launcher on android) you get a cool filelister system, with support for ftp and many other stuff.. the whole code is in 68k i heard it's based on C++ with some assembly code in it.. i'm not sure..

but, having a new coder with us is a good start.

maybe others care for some drivers and stuff.. right now i just can't remember what i need for my 460ex amiga.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 17-Jul-2012 2:00:19
#219 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 12-Jul-2012
Posts: 201
From: Unknown


No worries about the caps. They were more positive and supportive than I would have imagined, but that damned non-GPL license seems like it triggered a reaction in him. His facial expression even changed when I said it was a custom license. It went from a bright, inquisitive smile to a lawyer-like serious mood in 5 milliseconds.


wawa wrote:

I feared that it was Not so Easy. But i think its Not all Lost. In respect to Licensing there was a discussion on aros dev list. And perhaps its Good to Confront them with a Real Life Situation, where a Company might want to use aros. Also there is nö legal threat in using aros, like it would be using Mac os. Thats misunderstanding. APL Even if i dont know the Details is an Open license.

Sorry for the capitalising. Waiting from an iPad with a Dumb spellcheck i dont know to Turn off.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 17-Jul-2012 2:12:59
#220 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 12-Jul-2012
Posts: 201
From: Unknown


Thanks for saying that. A moderator of the site laying a heavy-handed smackdown on a new member, insisting that I "learn how to act 'round here" is out-of-pocket, if you ask me.

I'm an intelligent and civilized human being, I don't need lessons on how to act towards other human beings. Disagreements are part of human nature. It is how you handle them that is important.

I almost question if he's got the right job. If my responses were taken as I wrote them, I think most would agree that everyone had already sorted out our own issues and came under one accord before that message was even written.

I guess anyone else here can be sarcastic but the new guy...


jingof wrote:

You, being new here, have to understand the dynamic of a *miga community.

Cut down on sarcasm, it's not helping here.

Opi.. imo, yours is an important general observation.. So, let me give you a counter point of view..

As new members introduce themselves, we can't be telling them how they should change as they walk in the door. I mean, this community epitomizes sarcasm.. So, should we be surprised that we solicit that very response?

There is no question, the Amiga community is perceived (rightfully) as having a chip on its shoulder. We are the ones that need to change, and we are hardly in a position to demand change out of those who seek to join our ranks, as a prerequisite for admission.

Cod3r made no commitments to anyone. He simply asked a question and requested feedback in a friendly manner. He was meet with sarcasm and scorn (by a few), and a demand that HE change. And yet no one sees a problem with this?

We need to be introspective here. When someone as friendly in their opening as Cod3r can't introduce himself and his ideas to this community without being brought to a high level of frustration in a matter of hours, is shamed into unwillingness to show this thread, and is backed into a defensive stance from the outset.. Well, we need to stop asking what that says about them...

Perhaps we've all been members of this community too long, that we've forgotten what it is like to not know the history. Put yourself in the shoes of an outsider looking in. How reasonable is it for us to expect them to change and understand us before their first posting? Or else catch the wrath of the Amiga community for their "ignorance".

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