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Poll : How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Own one already (or will own one within the comings months)
Waiting for announced "killer" game or feature (PS3 Home, MGS, FF, etc)
Waiting for price drop or Slimline version
Only interested if AmigaOS4 (or an other OS woul be be ported)
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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 22-Mar-2007 13:46:05
#381 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 30-Sep-2003
Posts: 8111
From: Minneapolis, MN, USA


many problems seem to occur after warranty runs out.

Lauch 360 here never fixed nothing to fix. Looking at discs there are a couple odd scratches on a couple most likely the 6 year old nephew is more likely to blame. On the other hand I'm on my 3rd PS2. First one broke just out of warranty thus it's not like other consoles are prefect. The issue is it's hard to tell if the 360 issues are average for computing equipment/consoles since Microsoft holds those numbers. On returns I recall something around 3% claimed by Microsoft but 8% claimed by Best Buy. Now since we don't have data from other retailers it could be a bad week of manufacture that got shipped to mostly 1 vendor so both could be right.

It would be nice if the games used the new coating Blu-Ray enjoys which nearly eliminates scratching. I know you love this about Blu-Ray but DVDs use it too. I just got some 100 year archival quality DVDs this ensures I'll degrade before the DVD.

do you really think future high definition games will not grow past DVD storage limitations?

This is a poor arguement. Certainly HD games will grow past a DVD storage limit. However, with procedural analysis and tighter code writing the likelihood is small. FMV sucks like t-tops in cars, I'm gaming not watching a rendered movie get FMV out of games it's no longer the 1990s. We see Blue Dragon on 3 DVDs so there is a couple of swaps but in a 50+ hour game I don't know about you but I have to pee and sleep so will likely be walking by the console and can do a swap. What's your counter arguement here? It's easier to sit on the couch, not move, and pee in a jar for a few days? ICK!

Oblivion is a 200+ hour game that fits on a DVD. What did they do on Blu-Ray? Oh add multiple copies of the data to compenstate for slow Blu-Ray speeds. Neither of these approaches is unsettling to the end user. DVD limitation is an interesting point. But, hardly a stopping point from good HD games on the 360 the vast majority will still fit on 1 DVD.

Besides are we not Amigans? Isn't the point that our OS can function with less and do as much or more then the competition? Certainly, If you were a true Amigan you'd welcome being constrained by space limitations so the developers have to work smarter not sloppier.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 22-Mar-2007 13:47:30
#382 ]
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LOL, that was the best you could find in *all* my postings?

I didn't look for anything, that was one I remembered. You were the one flaming nit-picking. I just thought to remind you of that incident. I don't think the problem was the mistake. We all make mistakes. I think the problem is you accusing Xbox 360 fans picking on small problems with PS3 when you yourself discussed a power button... I thought it was ironic.

you could compliment me on actually investigating the device to greater depths before really joining in on the whole XBox 360 vs PS3 debate.

I could, but then I don't think you have ever treated Xbox 360 all that fairly. If you look at my postings about PS3 carefully, you see me acknowledging potential all the time. You gloss over Xbox 360 with much wider assumptions.

Anyways, tomorrow I will likely own both and put my money where my mouth is. I will let you guys know how I feel about it.

BTW: My launch day Xbox 360 is also working perfectly, just to add to the experiences.

Last edited by jtsiren on 22-Mar-2007 at 01:53 PM.
Last edited by jtsiren on 22-Mar-2007 at 01:48 PM.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 22-Mar-2007 13:51:33
#383 ]
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Oblivion is a 200+ hour game that fits on a DVD. What did they do on Blu-Ray? Oh add multiple copies of the data to compenstate for slow Blu-Ray speeds. Neither of these approaches is unsettling to the end user. DVD limitation is an interesting point. But, hardly a stopping point from good HD games on the 360 the vast majority will still fit on 1 DVD.

Yeah, but let us not forget that more space IS better. I don't think any of us is arguing that here. Whether or not it is really necessary this gaming generation (as in, not having more space for games would mean loosing something significant), that is at least not yet the case. But more space is better of course. As is protective coating.

But isn't this just details again... these things will not make or break either console or either gaming experience.

Last edited by jtsiren on 22-Mar-2007 at 01:52 PM.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 22-Mar-2007 13:52:48
#384 ]
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From: Good old Europe.


Besides are we not Amigans? Isn't the point that our OS can function with less and do as much or more then the competition? Certainly, If you were a true Amigan you'd welcome being constrained by space limitations so the developers have to work smarter not sloppier.

Please don't drag Amiga into this discussion. If you want to discuss Amiga topics and not PS3, please consider posting on the Amigaworld-forums instead since they are more focused on that topic.

Oh wait...

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 22-Mar-2007 13:57:23
#385 ]
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From: Minneapolis, MN, USA


Yeah, but let us not forget that more space IS better..

No doubt it is.


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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 22-Mar-2007 14:31:11
#386 ]
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From: Europe


I think the problem is you accusing Xbox 360 fans picking on small problems with PS3 when you yourself discussed a power button... I thought it was ironic

Actually I think I said it was a minor thing, not a major one.

Anyway maybe you experts can help with something useful.

There were a few things I didn't like about the XBox 360 and I had some problems with the DVD loading in some sections of games (which I couldn't pinpoint, as sometimes it happens most of the times it didn't).

My sister isn't in a hurry to pick up the 360, but I would like to fix a problem before returning the device. After updating the firmware for using XBox Live I have been experiencing random screen distortions which didn't happen before the update (within some games this happens constantly like every 15-30 seconds like the Rainbow Six Vegas Demo, but randomly at different instances, less often in DOA4). Basically when I played various games the screen suddenly distorts as if someone is pulling on the display connection, there's nothing wrong with the connection though (Component)! This only started happening after the firmware update! Can I restore the original firmware and is that really the problem or what else do you suggest?

This is a picture of the device:

Last edited by MikeB on 22-Mar-2007 at 03:05 PM.
Last edited by MikeB on 22-Mar-2007 at 03:01 PM.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 22-Mar-2007 15:12:00
#387 ]
Elite Member
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From: Minneapolis, MN, USA


After updating the firmware for using XBox Live I have been experiencing random screen distortions which didn't happen before the update

A picture of the console will help someone troubleshoot your console?

I too have the update and have played DOA4 on my console along with a friend's console and do not have any screen problems. I think it's unlikely to be the update alone.

Did you try calling the 800 Support line at Microsoft?

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 22-Mar-2007 15:19:02
#388 ]
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From: Europe


A picture of the console will help someone troubleshoot your console?

Don't know. Maybe the DVD drive tray provides pointers to which premium model I have here. I will call Microsoft if you guys don't have a clue neither, I am not sure if there's still warranty on the device.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 22-Mar-2007 15:54:37
#389 ]
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From: Minneapolis, MN, USA


Maybe the DVD drive tray provides pointers to which premium model I have here
I don't have my 360 with me at work but there is a manufacture date available. I believe it's on the serial bar code. Prolly a better way then DVD tray.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 22-Mar-2007 16:01:27
#390 ]
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From: Minneapolis, MN, USA


It appears Sony is now on update 1.6 for the PS3. See they surpassed Micrsoft who has only had 4 updates which were for their hardware. Microsoft is still slightly ahead if you count all updates as most are for a certain game only and not the console. Clearly the PS3 is winning the # console updates and looks to surpass the 360 on total updates soon.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 22-Mar-2007 16:06:35
#391 ]
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From: Good old Europe.



BrianK wrote:
It appears Sony is now on update 1.6 for the PS3. See they surpassed Micrsoft who has only had 4 updates which were for their hardware. Microsoft is still slightly ahead if you count all updates as most are for a certain game only and not the console. Clearly the PS3 is winning the # console updates and looks to surpass the 360 on total updates soon.

Do you have any graphs or charts on that? Looks like an interesting comparison. I wonder why nobody has done that yet? Another facinating facet of the console wars. Stunning. I could literally spend hours in this thread and hit the refresh button every few seconds.

Last edited by hatschi on 22-Mar-2007 at 04:09 PM.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 22-Mar-2007 16:27:27
#392 ]
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From: Minneapolis, MN, USA


Do you have any graphs or charts on that? Looks like an interesting comparison. I wonder why nobody has done that yet?

Not sure likely vgagraphs is falling down on the job. Though more likely Microsoft lied about their figures and has updated every 2 days. 6 updates since launch is one every two weeks vs 4 updates per launch is one every 6 months. How could Microsoft 360 suck so bad as to not update weekly too?

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 22-Mar-2007 16:46:22
#393 ]
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Trezzer wrote:

Well, that is easy. No-one because all consoles at this price point have flopped.

The Atari VCS sold for $199.00 in 1977 dollars, about $670 adjusted for inflation, Intellivision was released @ $299.00 in 1980 dollars, about $740 today.

Wow. inflation. Is it me or did people make more back then?

"If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you." - Oscar Wilde

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 22-Mar-2007 18:18:10
#394 ]
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PS3 is for PORN!

What about uploading porn from your PS3’s hard-disk to your private space? Phil Harrison's response -- if somebody feels uncomfortable about an encounter on Home, it’s very easy for them to ban that person from their friends list…

YEAH Sony gets porn and indirectly encourages it's use. But, also think about this concept. How easy is it going to be to publish such content on HOME? What about the ease in publishing copywrited content?

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 22-Mar-2007 18:41:26
# ]



You have the same model drive as I have, and I get no visual distortions. You should contact Microsoft about the issue.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 22-Mar-2007 18:47:00
#396 ]
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Final Fantasy 13 not a PS3 exclusive?

According to Sony's French VP Georges Fornay 'Enfin, pour Final Fantasy XIII, je peux vous dire que l'exclusivité est en discussion' Translated: Lastly, for Final Fantasy XIII, I can say to you that exclusiveness is under discussion.

HUH? Is what he saying true that exclusivenss is currently being discussed? Could be SquareSoft read my posting here and said yeah let's milk Sony hard for this they need us more then we need them! (Actually Square's smart they prolly figured it out before my posting.)

In the end, exclusivity only helps 1 company that which gets the console exclusivity.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 22-Mar-2007 18:57:41
#397 ]
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Eclusive contracts generally amount to a reduced licensing cost. I think GoW paid MS between $11 and $12 a copy. I thought the average last gen 3rd party title cost $5. Square-Enix doesn't seem to benefit much from keeping FF13 exclusive due to the current installed base of the PS3 even with reduced licensing costs. The 360 has about 5x the installed base.

Once in a great while, a 1st party will pay for losses if enough units aren't sold...for an exclusive title. It's all up to the lawyers...

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 22-Mar-2007 19:31:05
#398 ]
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Has anyone checked out the screenshots for the coming xbox 360 racing game Dirt?
I think the graphics on this images looks superior to motorstorm, as there is less jaggies and the textures seems sharper.

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 22-Mar-2007 19:45:43
#399 ]
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Wow. inflation. Is it me or did people make more back then?

I dunno T_Bone - or should I say Alan Greenspan?!

Here for the whimpering end

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Re: [Poll] How interested in the Sony Playstation 3 are you?
Posted on 22-Mar-2007 19:46:36
# ]



It's coming for PS3 too actually. It's the new Colin McRae.

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