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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 1:27:46
#441 ]
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Joined: 12-Jul-2012
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A.R. wrote:

It took quite a bit of time, but I finally read through this thread. As someone who may be new here, I will tread carefully, but I will also state the facts.

Cod3r is an excellent young developer. He is capable of the things he has mentioned. The ColdFire SBC does exist. How do I know? I know him personally. I even gave him pointers on creating the bootstrap.

He is a software developer by trade, and is quite talented at his craft. He is a graduate from the university that brought you the first graphical web browser. And I know talented developers when I see them, as I am a former Motorola employee.

I find it quite interesting and intriguing that people around the world are still interested in the technology created by Motorola. As an employee, my experience there was invaluable.

The work wasn't easy, but the reward (and pay) was well worth it. And to think that our work contributed to things that would ultimately change the technological world is a humbling experience.

To have worked at Motorola was not simply a job. It was a community and culture within itself. We had nearly everything you could imagine at our disposal within the company grounds.

So in short, I enjoy the banter, and am invigorated by the spirit of this community. However, do not hold hostility and contempt for those who wish to join your ranks.

For those who wish to join you, may be the very ones to save you.

Amigans, I truly understand you. In the beginning, I was a Commie

Thank you for the public show of support! You get a nice present this holiday season

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 1:44:29
#442 ]
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Franko wrote:


NutsAboutAmiga wrote:

They are free to do what ever they like, even if they do a AmigaOS3/680x0 based system they might or should talk to Hyperion considering they are the ones developing AmigaOS, or they can go the AROS route, that’s there choice, but AROS is slower because it written in C and not 680x0 Assembler.

There's no such thing as being free to do what you like when it comes to the Amiga (least not in a commercial sense) as sadly the vultures would soon be stuffing more cash into the lawyers pockets on anyone attempting to do so...

Hyperion only develop an Amiga OS for PPC based machines and as Cod3r has said he knows little about PPC anyway...

Whichever route Cod3r chooses to go can only be a good thing if something finally comes of it, so lets just wait and see...

About not being free to do things with Amiga (trademarks and such), certainly someone can re-implement a compatible solution with their own source code and hardware design. If the holders of Amiga IP want to attempt to sue, they can. But if the sources are original they will in turn be sued themselves for court fees and damages.

Obviously the solution is not to misuse trademarks or other Amiga IP, but to create a compatible new solution that can be enjoy and improved by generations to come. If one old company holds on to the same old stale source, the platform will become extinct.

Evolution is necessary. Ask a Tyrannosaur.

Last edited by Cod3r on 22-Jul-2012 at 01:48 AM.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 1:52:02
#443 ]
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Joined: 9-Jun-2004
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From: Norway


what do Amiga customers want?

I'm not the community.

* The classic (680x0) users probably wont a faster classic computer.

* The PowerPC users (AmigaOS4/MorphOS) miss not having the custom chipset, a PowerPC motherboard whit a FPGA that can hold all AGA, Paula, Denise, buster, chips.

* I think many people are a bit annoyed by configuration of Sam460, a more expandable version of a similar computer.

* 680x0 or PowerPC Laptop.

If you could make a dream machine what would it be?

The ultimate Amiga for me:
A fast PowerPC Laptop that runs AmigaOS4 whit the classic chipset,

Faster PowerPC computer is my 2en option.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 2:02:18
#444 ]
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Cod3r wrote:

About not being free to do things with Amiga (trademarks and such), certainly someone can re-implement a compatible solution with their own source code and hardware design. If the holders of Amiga IP want to attempt to sue, they can. But if the sources are original they will in turn be sued themselves for court fees and damages.

Obviously the solution is not to misuse trademarks or other Amiga IP, but to create a compatible new solution that can be enjoy and improved by generations to come. If one old company holds on to the same old stale source, the platform will become extinct.

Evolution is necessary. Ask a Tyrannosaur.

I've been hoping for that for years that people with the skills and knowledge would create their own source and hardware would re-create the Amiga, AROS is the closest thing to that so far but is still far from complete even after all the years of development...

PS: evolution is way overrated, ask the Loch Ness Monster...

PPS: If evolution had been allowed to play it's part, then you and I would most likely not be here and the Tyrannosaurs descendants would still be roaming this earth (something to do with a wee rock that fell here a long time ago)...


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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 2:05:43
#445 ]
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Joined: 9-Jun-2004
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From: Norway


I think its better to work a deal, whit right people then it is to split this community up in even smaller parts then there already is, you generate no revenue from that.

Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 2:11:57
#446 ]
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NutsAboutAmiga wrote:

what do Amiga customers want?

I'm not the community.

* The classic (680x0) users probably wont a faster classic computer.

* The PowerPC users (AmigaOS4/MorphOS) miss not having the custom chipset, a PowerPC motherboard whit a FPGA that can hold all AGA, Paula, Denise, buster, chips.

* I think many people are a bit annoyed by configuration of Sam460, a more expandable version of a similar computer.

* 680x0 or PowerPC Laptop.

If you could make a dream machine what would it be?

The ultimate Amiga for me:
A fast PowerPC Laptop that runs AmigaOS4 whit the classic chipset,

Faster PowerPC computer is my 2en option.

All those option can be done or equal solutions are already available.

1. Natami would have been the answer for that. Otherwise, implement a new CPU in FPGA. It could be faster and equally compatible than any 68k CPU available.

2. PPC with custom chips in FPGA... it could be done easily. Wait, AmigaOne x1000 is this already, isn't it? Xena could be considered a custom chip, right?

3. Not familiar with Sam460, can't speak on it.

4. 680x0 laptops have long been in existence (Apple, since 1993) and PPC laptop (Apple and others, since 1995 or so). There was recently (2-3 years ago) a PPC laptop marketed by CherryPal (?) that was only about $199 USD. Sold in Africa and Asia. That model or similar was likely (or maybe still is) to be the PPC laptop marketed to the Amiga community. Some dude on eBay sells PPC stuff right now (LimePC or something like that).

See, all the options are already there in one form or another.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 2:20:42
#447 ]
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Joined: 2-Oct-2003
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From: Atlanta

@ A.R.

Welcome aboard. You'll certainly find many Motorola fans here. It's part of the reason a path to coldfire was sought so hard over x86 choices and PPC remains prominent.

I wish you and Cod3r success in any attempt to further Amiga products or possibly bring momentum to existing projects. Here's hoping.


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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 2:25:52
#448 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 9-Jun-2004
Posts: 12892
From: Norway


Xena could be considered a custom chip, right?

Its more like MPU signal processor, whit not a lot storage for emulate anything I'm afraid, but it might be used as a bright chip maybe to a more complicated logic card on Xzorro, or to simulate simple logic.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 22-Jul-2012 at 02:30 AM.

Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 2:27:52
#449 ]
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Franko wrote:


Cod3r wrote:

About not being free to do things with Amiga (trademarks and such), certainly someone can re-implement a compatible solution with their own source code and hardware design. If the holders of Amiga IP want to attempt to sue, they can. But if the sources are original they will in turn be sued themselves for court fees and damages.

Obviously the solution is not to misuse trademarks or other Amiga IP, but to create a compatible new solution that can be enjoy and improved by generations to come. If one old company holds on to the same old stale source, the platform will become extinct.

Evolution is necessary. Ask a Tyrannosaur.

I've been hoping for that for years that people with the skills and knowledge would create their own source and hardware would re-create the Amiga, AROS is the closest thing to that so far but is still far from complete even after all the years of development...

PS: evolution is way overrated, ask the Loch Ness Monster...

PPS: If evolution had been allowed to play it's part, then you and I would most likely not be here and the Tyrannosaurs descendants would still be roaming this earth (something to do with a wee rock that fell here a long time ago)...

Well, my friend-Consider this an open dialog for interested parties to come up with something new. Something that satifies everyone.

And yes... good old Nessie... she is a perfect metaphor in this, as like many Amiga projects, she has been photographed and witnessed but never proven to exist LOL!

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 2:28:28
#450 ]
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Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


There was recently (2-3 years ago) a PPC laptop marketed by CherryPal (?) that was only about $199 USD. Sold in Africa and Asia. That model or similar was likely (or maybe still is) to be the PPC laptop marketed to the Amiga community. Some dude on eBay sells PPC stuff right now (LimePC or something like that).

2 issues there, the warning that it was a scam would be top on the list...and considering it came from Bill who claimed:
Genesi is managing the technology side-of-things for Cherrypal and THTF.

The political side of that is quite another story.

CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 2:33:55
#451 ]
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From: Norway


(LimePC or something like that).

only 400mhz whit old VGA on the back side, I pay more for better computer.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 2:41:48
#452 ]
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NutsAboutAmiga wrote:

I think its better to work a deal, whit right people then it is to split this community up in even smaller parts then there already is, you generate no revenue from that.

I'm going to tell you something, in front of everyone...

I am trying to bring a deal with the "right people", not for my benefit as I don't have a company or anything.

I am bringing attention to people who have the means to make things happen, but if there is going to be a long, drawn-out process just to get things happening, I may as well save my time. Every moment the Amiga community waits, another cheap ARM computer is rolling out and it DOES NOT run AmigaOS.

But wait, hey... we Amigans can make another "Special Edition" 10 mhz quadruple core that runs XYZ OS (NOTE: half of listed features are supported at the current time), and includes six year old ports of Linux software all for an unbelievable $9,999,999.99 with FREE SHIPPING! One dozen boing ball condoms included (only while supplies last)!

Ok, now seriously... That's why I ask publicly "Who are the right people?"

The "right people" have to want to make something new happen and now, not five years from now while they milk their current investment from a tired and wounded community that has no alternative.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 2:45:04
#453 ]
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NutsAboutAmiga wrote:

Xena could be considered a custom chip, right?

Its more like MPU signal processor, whit not a lot storage for emulate anything I'm afraid, but it might be used as a bright chip maybe to a more complicated logic card on Xzorro, or to simulate simple logic.

Oh, see... I know nothing about it. I've been schooled. Thanks man.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 2:49:45
#454 ]
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Cod3r wrote:

Well, my friend-Consider this an open dialog for interested parties to come up with something new. Something that satifies everyone.

And yes... good old Nessie... she is a perfect metaphor in this, as like many Amiga projects, she has been photographed and witnessed but never proven to exist LOL!

Well here's my perfect Amiga wish list...

I'm not concerned which CPU or chipsets are used to achieve it as long as it has these features for me the user and can allow me to do the following...

100% backwards compatibility with the vast library of Amiga Software (Would settle for 99.99% though)...

Must be able to code all my software for it using Motorola 68K Assembly language... (that's the most important feature to me)...

A few new gfx modes to be added in the same style as is used on original Commodore Amiga hardware ( Some form of Super AGA)...

Full CD Quality Sound... (heck even if it still only had 4 channels I'd be happy if they played CD quality sound as standard)...

A fast enough processor so that whether it's in plain old 68000 mode or 68060 mode that it can easily play DVD quality video and not stuggle...

Built in SATA and USB ports...

And wee button on the front or in handy place to reach that allows you switch the machine off without reaching down under your desk to find the power brick...

PS: If you can have it ready by Tuesday that would be great...

PPS: I'll say hello to Nessie for you tommorow when I see her... (think it's a her, I've never asked to be honest)...


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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 2:49:50
#455 ]
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number6 wrote:

There was recently (2-3 years ago) a PPC laptop marketed by CherryPal (?) that was only about $199 USD. Sold in Africa and Asia. That model or similar was likely (or maybe still is) to be the PPC laptop marketed to the Amiga community. Some dude on eBay sells PPC stuff right now (LimePC or something like that).

2 issues there, the warning that it was a scam would be top on the list...and considering it came from Bill who claimed:
Genesi is managing the technology side-of-things for Cherrypal and THTF.

The political side of that is quite another story.

CherryPal -- Amiga OS4?


Okay, I didn't know about that thread. I will research into it.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 2:58:33
#456 ]
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NutsAboutAmiga wrote:

(LimePC or something like that).

only 400mhz whit old VGA on the back side, I pay more for better computer.

I guess you can see it that way, but ColdFire chips are not running at much higher of a speed. So I can't understand the interest in a ColdFire if 400mhz PPC is slow. Isn't the Sam board only 600mhz, or am I getting confused?

I am not all about the specs, but the performance. Raspberry Pi's little processor in MIPS really isn't up to par with its clock speed, but it sold like hotcakes.

What happened to AmigaOS being a resourceful and fast OS? 400mhz isn't enough on a platform that started with 7mhz?

If that's the case, it's time to open the source and let me and couple of Aros developers have a crack at it. I'm sure we'll tune it up

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 2:59:21
#457 ]
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From: Norway


Well most of every one that spend time in this forum has a day job doing some thing else, I love to work on Amiga projects if some one payed me for doing it, but rally, there is no capital to leap frog AmigaOS in too the future, I can tell you right now that after my day job, I go home make food, I clean up, spend some time whit family or friends, so there is hardly any time to work on anything Amiga related, then I'm tiered and go to bed, and this how every day is, and I expect that to be the reality for most hobby programmers like my self.

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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 3:00:40
#458 ]
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Cod3r wrote:

Ok, now seriously... That's why I ask publicly "Who are the right people?"

Serious answer from me (which is a rarity)...

When it come to the Amiga, copyright, IP, trademarks etc...

There are no "right people" anymore to talk to (seriously)...

All you would do is get drawn into Legal disputes and most likely ripped off if you got involved with any of those currently trying to lay claim to all things Amiga...

That is the sad truth of it and looks set to remain that way until the lawyers have taken all their money from all sides and there are no more vultures left to fight amongst themselves...

The only way to go is like you said, write the source from scratch so that none of them can even attempt to lay claim to anything and same with the hardware, it would be easy enough to get your product details to Amiga fans without even using the Amiga name...


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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 3:03:47
#459 ]
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NutsAboutAmiga wrote:

then I'm tiered and go to bed, and this how every day is, and I expect that to be the reality for most hobby programmers like my self.

So what you doing up at 4:am Norway time then... get some sleep my man...


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Re: Would you support a company that decided to support Amiga?
Posted on 22-Jul-2012 3:04:44
#460 ]
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From: Norway


And how do you know that?

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