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Re: Amiga History taken down
Posted on 29-Aug-2010 13:17:05
#1 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 6-Sep-2004
Posts: 589
From: Rossendale

Um, Im not sure how this would be taken, but is it possible that each offer, from different continents etc, could be collated using Intranet type methods and available software, to form a distributed server that has auto fall forward, back, over, backup, etc, so the load isnt concentrated on a single offer?

Is it possible that a form of noncommon code could be used, for security etc, where only the information is common, like CVS files?

Just that this being a Amiga History, have to look more of it as an Extreme persistant database which you have to expect to be supported over extreme changes in future hardware and code?

The older and more respected a scientist is, the longer it takes to prove him wrong.

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