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Re: The Future for Amiga users
Posted on 5-Jun-2015 9:48:15
#201 ]
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Joined: 12-Jun-2013
Posts: 437
From: Unknown

Speaking of which Trevor mentioned in an interview
that A-Eon has acquired licenses to AmigaOS 4 and
AmigaOne brand from Hyperion.

Maybe a little clarification on the subject would be
great as (not native english speaker here) "acquire
license" would imply that rights were bought and
are now independent from Hyperion's fate while
"paying for license" or "licensing" would mean the
same situation that is now.

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Re: The Future for Amiga users
Posted on 5-Jun-2015 9:59:48
#202 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 1-Sep-2003
Posts: 2090
From: Czech Republic


@wawa, Yes, I do think that you spread rumors and false information. I also think that you attack (in many different ways) Amiga inspired choices and decisions that you don't agree with, instead of allowing others to enjoy the choices they have made.

+1. It seems like no day passes without this guy getting at somebody who has chosen differently. Few developments or news from the Amiga NG world go without his usual put-down.

The Rear Window blog

AmigaOne X5000/020 @ 2GHz / 4GB RAM / Radeon RX 560 / ESI Juli@ / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition
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Re: The Future for Amiga users
Posted on 5-Jun-2015 10:54:07
#203 ]
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I'm one step away from going Franko all the way myself.

Here's some rumors : Trevor is making his new "Magic Pack"
that will go with his x5000 dream and "June Bug" "Breezin" and
stuff like that.People that will buy it will just add x5000 to their
signature as well as x1000 and go on to Blog and Blog until
all internet is convinced that Amiga was PPC machine to begin
with.We will get new sound (sorry MP3) cards from A-Eon and
a lot new useful software (that was once on Aminet) and the
dream and party will never end.Hints and easter eggs (as well
as paid firmware , drivers , c:nversion for classic and ppc etc).

I will say that unlike AmigaDave I think Trevor has no clue how
hardware works or what hardware and software is needed to
make "content,content,content".Webkit is maintained by one
person (maybe more) , Mozilla port is not even mentioned , SMP
support (that many said won't work EVER) is far , Gallium is just
a dream so far but let's not be negative.

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Re: The Future for Amiga users
Posted on 5-Jun-2015 12:32:11
#204 ]
AROS Core Developer
Joined: 8-Mar-2003
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+1. It seems like no day passes without this guy getting at somebody who has chosen differently. Few developments or news from the Amiga NG world go without his usual put-down.

Well to be fair at least he's open about his position. Some people hide in a private IRC channel and crap talk anyone who doesn't kiss ssolies arse. ;)

Support AROS sponsor a developer.

"AROS is prolly illegal ~ Evert Carton" intentionally quoted out of context for dramatic effect

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Re: The Future for Amiga users
Posted on 5-Jun-2015 14:34:36
#205 ]
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From: South Wales, UK



OlafS25 wrote:

Topic is Amigadave wants to have his fun with 68k platforms in future and not waiting till one of the "NG" platforms will take over the world. He is not the first one coming to this conclusion and he will be not the last one.

Yep, agreed. And you can add me to the list AmigaDave is on, because our views are very well aligned on this.

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Re: The Future for Amiga users
Posted on 5-Jun-2015 14:35:56
#206 ]
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From: South Wales, UK



klx300r wrote:
well said, +1 We're still here because of the 'doers' in all camps so congrats to all who do

I'll drink to that! Cheers!

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Re: The Future for Amiga users
Posted on 5-Jun-2015 14:51:20
#207 ]
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Joined: 4-Jan-2003
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From: South Wales, UK



IMO: World with only Microsoft offering is almost like "hell on top of earth", for (nerdy) people that try to have fun with IT (beside games).

I agree that a world with only Microsoft running the show would be a pretty poor state of affairs, but I would have awarded the trophy for least-fun operating systems to Apple, not Microsoft. Personally I've had lots of fun programming on Windows. At least Microsoft don't make blanket up-front assumptions that all their users are dumb-asses and need protecting from themselves. Okay, so there are lots of privacy and security options which are set by default, but if you come along and say "I understand the risks, and I really do want to play with the OS" then you're allowed to do basically whatever you want. Contrast that to Apple devices (particularly their phone OS) where they wrap their users in cotton wool and tell them what they can and can't do with the OS, for "their own safety".

A little story about that last point: When the iPhone first came out, Apple of course revolutionised the mobile phone market. Now everyone is doing what Apple did. At that time I bought an iPhone, and I thought it was great! But after a while I started to get really annoyed that I wasn't allowed to do this, and I wasn't allowed to do that. As an example I bought a C64 emulator for the iPhone. The emulator included the BASIC interpreter you get when you first turn a C64 on. Some time later Apple forced the author of the C64 emulator to pull the BASIC interpreter from it, because they didn't want their users to have the ability to run unapproved (not safety-vetted) code. I mean, as if you could do anything silly inside a C64 emulator.

Apple OS is for users who just want to point, click, and do work. If you plan on getting underneath the bonnet and tinkering, which is what most Amiga users like to do, Apple is by the far the least fun OS to use.

20 GOTO 10.

Last edited by BrianHoskins on 05-Jun-2015 at 02:54 PM.

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Re: The Future for Amiga users
Posted on 5-Jun-2015 15:00:18
#208 ]
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Joined: 12-May-2010
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that is the attitude of Apple

they know best what customer wants

Example was introducing USB and removing the rest. They were a small monopolist nobody looked at except some "creatives", then they started to sell iPhone and iPad and became a big monopolist. Not much different to Microsoft in its best days. There is a ad video where they sell themselves as the good in opposite to the bad monopolist (Microsoft). Almost funny today.

Because of that and the silly star cult around the products I dislike the company and all related products.

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Re: The Future for Amiga users
Posted on 5-Jun-2015 15:55:01
#209 ]
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Joined: 22-Dec-2004
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From: Freedom world



Contrast that to Apple devices (particularly their phone OS) where they wrap their users in cotton wool and tell them what they can and can't do with the OS, for "their own safety".

Apple is very restrictive with their software policy but their iOS is very smooth and responsive. I cant say same about Android what is sluggish even on decent phone. Or Windows Phone what is good software to reboot your phone.

In fact I was quite surprised how bad Windows Phone OS is when I was forced to downgrade from Samsung S3 to Lumia.

For developers Windows is great choice. But the OS and especially Windows Phone OS looks like it was done by engineers and nerds for engineers and nerds.

Amiga Developer
Amiga 500, Efika, Mac Mini and PowerBook

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Re: The Future for Amiga users
Posted on 5-Jun-2015 15:57:52
#210 ]
Elite Member
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From: Freedom world


Apple is just as bad as Microsoft is. But Microsoft is stuck in 90s when the customers were tech oriented while Apple is targetting larger group ignoring the tech oriented minority.

Amiga Developer
Amiga 500, Efika, Mac Mini and PowerBook

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Re: The Future for Amiga users
Posted on 5-Jun-2015 16:10:39
#211 ]
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Joined: 4-Jan-2003
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From: South Wales, UK



itix wrote:
For developers Windows is great choice. But the OS and especially Windows Phone OS looks like it was done by engineers and nerds for engineers and nerds.

And that was really my point:


KimmoK wrote:
IMO: World with only Microsoft offering is almost like "hell on top of earth", for (nerdy) people that try to have fun with IT (beside games).

KimmoK said Microsoft are like hell on earth for nerdy people that try to have fun with IT. I say I agree in some respects, but there's something worse for nerdy people who like to tinker. A lot worse. That something is Apple.

I would agree with you, though, that Apple devices are good if you're just a general user who wants to use the product in its out of the box experience. The user experience is very good - that's why the iPhone was so successful in the first place.

But for Amiga users, who have grown up with a tinkering culture, restrictive operating systems like these are the "hell on Earth" that KimmoK was referring to.

As for Android, I find it to be a very smooth user experience on my Galaxy S4. I think you're probably right, though: iOS probably out performs it in this regard. Apple have the advantage of controlling both the hardware and the software, so they don't need as many abstraction layers as Android does.

Android is much better if you're a tinkerer, although it's not great if I'm honest. I don't know if there are any Android programmers in the house, but I've had a little dabble and I found it a pretty awkward platform to develop on. It has some awkward workflows that you need to get used to.

I think an Amiga-like OS optimised for a phone experience would be beautiful! As much as I criticised AmigaDE when it was first mentioned, I look back on it now and realise that they were right all along. Poor execution for sure, but their idea was sound.

[edit] Their idea was sound AT THE TIME. It would make no sense now, because Apple and Google already flooded the market.

Last edited by BrianHoskins on 05-Jun-2015 at 04:12 PM.

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Re: The Future for Amiga users
Posted on 5-Jun-2015 16:31:59
#212 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 1-Sep-2003
Posts: 2090
From: Czech Republic


Well to be fair at least he's open about his position.

We all know wawa's position very well after all these years, and nobody denies him the right to see things his way. But he doesn't seem to grant the same privilege to others. Something is announced in the OS4 quarters: right away there goes wawa with his party-poop comment! While I appreciate healthy scepticism (which is needed in the pipe-dreaming Amiga land), such attitude is insensitive, intolerant and uncalled for. If there's something that doesn't really interest me or I don't subscribe to, I reserve my personal opinion and stick it up my arse. I don't run about forums telling others they're wrong because I don't consider myself so motherfreaking important.

The Rear Window blog

AmigaOne X5000/020 @ 2GHz / 4GB RAM / Radeon RX 560 / ESI Juli@ / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition
SAM440ep-flex @ 667MHz / 1GB RAM / Radeon 9250 / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition

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Re: The Future for Amiga users
Posted on 5-Jun-2015 17:24:06
#213 ]
Joined: 20-May-2010
Posts: 36
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itix wrote:


Contrast that to Apple devices (particularly their phone OS) where they wrap their users in cotton wool and tell them what they can and can't do with the OS, for "their own safety".

Apple is very restrictive with their software policy but their iOS is very smooth and responsive. I cant say same about Android what is sluggish even on decent phone. Or Windows Phone what is good software to reboot your phone.

In fact I was quite surprised how bad Windows Phone OS is when I was forced to downgrade from Samsung S3 to Lumia.

For developers Windows is great choice. But the OS and especially Windows Phone OS looks like it was done by engineers and nerds for engineers and nerds.

Its true about Android. I don't know how it is in the EU, but any droid phone you pick up here is absolutely chock full of crap applications, sometimes 3 different layers of the same functional app. Sometimes the manufacturer makes it easy to root, sometimes they dont.

I typically always rip off the stock ROM and install cyanogenmod, which always seems to double my running battery life as well. The only thing its becoming very hard to do is to not install google apps. It used to be all you needed was google location services. Now its an all or nothing affair.

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Re: The Future for Amiga users
Posted on 5-Jun-2015 18:54:08
#214 ]
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I reserve my personal opinion and stick it up my arse. I don't run about forums telling others they're wrong because I don't consider myself so motherfreaking important.


Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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Re: The Future for Amiga users
Posted on 5-Jun-2015 20:11:22
#215 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 18-Dec-2007
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From: N-Space


It is hard to tell what would bring Former Amiga users back, but improvements to any of the NG Amiga systems that would allow most users to do 99% of what they already use computers for, and do it just as well as the Windows/Mac/Linux systems they are using now, might bring some of those former Amiga users back, but we can't expect them to give up using their Windows/Mac/Linux systems any time in the future, as no Amiga inspired system will ever be able to offer the amount and quality of software that already exists for those other platforms.

I can't speak on behalf of Windows or OS X users (having no desire to be a thrall to either Microsoft or Apple), but I think it would be nearly impossible to get back former Amiga users like myself who have moved to Linux (or BSD) based systems. The areas where Linux and BSD are weak -- user applications and games, for example -- Amiga is even weaker. The only advantage it has is that it is much simpler than other systems.

About the only way I see us making any progress in getting outside users and programmers to join us, is by making it fun and easy to use and to program for.

There's an opening there, although maybe not a large one. For example, there are not nearly enough non-professional games available nowadays. Humble Bundle is about it. I want my Fred Fish disks back!

I also think that someone will eventually do the "Amiga-In-A-Joystick" someday, and that it will be a commercial success, if marketed the right way.

That seems like a good idea. Or maybe an Amiga Compute Stick, similar to what Intel just introduced for Windows and Ubuntu.

"Unix is supposed to fix that." -- Jay Miner

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Re: The Future for Amiga users
Posted on 5-Jun-2015 20:30:37
#216 ]
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From: South Wales, UK



TheBilgeRat wrote:

I typically always rip off the stock ROM and install cyanogenmod, which always seems to double my running battery life as well. The only thing its becoming very hard to do is to not install google apps. It used to be all you needed was google location services. Now its an all or nothing affair.

I do exactly the same. I have been running cyanogenmod ROMs for a couple of years now. I consider it almost essential on Samsung handsets because they shove tons of bloatware on it.

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Re: The Future for Amiga users
Posted on 5-Jun-2015 23:27:10
#217 ]
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It is hard to tell what would bring Former Amiga users back

the thing is why one considers his duty to promote the platform of choice and try to convince former amiga users to something, they dont do of their own free will or interest. is that for their good, or is it because one expects something from them?

Yes, I do think that you spread rumours and false information.

i understand your anger, but if i was spreading rumours and false information then probably it would be me be today leaving disappointed, because mine expectation would have been proven wrong.

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Re: The Future for Amiga users
Posted on 5-Jun-2015 23:32:41
#218 ]
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because mine expectation would have been proven wrong.

Please, don´t leave us!

Edit: Time to sleep, I´m writting nonsenses...

Last edited by pavlor on 05-Jun-2015 at 11:33 PM.

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Re: The Future for Amiga users
Posted on 5-Jun-2015 23:45:18
#219 ]
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Yes you do (I already realized that )

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Re: The Future for Amiga users
Posted on 6-Jun-2015 0:00:39
#220 ]
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On Windows it is basically the same. You have more problems because of virus and trojans but you also have tons of useful software, partly even free of charge and of course lots of commercial software including development tools. Dropping Windows in favor of anything Amiga-related is impossible when you have to earn your living with it. Using my preferred choice is lots of fun and I like the simplicity without needing registry and basically doing everything with simple prefs files and text editors but going back is no alternative. I want to help to improve the situation and I do not see it as impossible but it is not easy either. To really attract users we would need really new services, slightly updated and for PPC recompiled old 68k software will not do the job, the same is true for hardware... it must be affordable. Most important is new software that is interesting outside the community. But that is of course easier to say than really to do

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