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Re: Other than for fun, does Amiga do anything Better ?
Posted on 2-Feb-2011 21:36:46
#61 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 14-Mar-2003
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From: Ylikiiminki, Finland


Photo with whole setup & screens would be nice to see...

- KimmoK
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Re: Other than for fun, does Amiga do anything Better ?
Posted on 2-Feb-2011 23:14:40
#62 ]
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Joined: 12-Nov-2007
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From: Unknown


Daedalus wrote:
I'm also finding more and more Windows applications without a standard menubar. They tend to be hidden behind a single button in some cases, and as it's not in a standard position, it's a matter of trial and error to even find the File menu. Maybe it's being "progressive" or something, but I can't for the life of me figure out why that's done. It's not like there isn't enough screen real-estate these days, perhaps they should've done it that way back in the days of 640x480 and Windows 3.1...

Just to let you know, you can bring up the standard File menu when it's hidden by pressing the Alt key on your keyboard. This shortcut has worked for all Windows programs I've tried it with (all the ones with the main menu hidden).

For what it's worth, I'm posting this using a beta version of Firefox 4, and though I was unsure of the UI changes at first, I've gotten to liking the new layout (some minor UI tweaks on my part, but mostly stock) which clearly attempts to minimise the space taken up by the interface. It's implemented in a good way IMO, for instance if the Firefox screen is maximised then tabs are on the same line as the minimise/resize/close controls. If you resize the Firefox window (i.e. not maximised) then the tabs move down so that you have a bar to grab hold of to move the window about.

Anyway, this is all OT, I'm enjoying reading about the Amiga experiences in this thread, keep them coming.

Last edited by HenryCase on 02-Feb-2011 at 11:16 PM.
Last edited by HenryCase on 02-Feb-2011 at 11:15 PM.

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Re: Other than for fun, does Amiga do anything Better ?
Posted on 2-Feb-2011 23:34:47
#63 ]
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@opi Quote:
My problem with Amiga users is their unhealthy ignorance about computer world.

Unlike you, I'm not going to claim to speak for anyone else. However I can say you are totally wrong about me. I'm still looking for something to replace the Amiga... and nothing does.

Oh sure, the alternatives have lots of plus points, but they still manage to do some things maddenly stupidly (e.g. Window's click-to-front, but don't argue, it's just an example). Windows makes me want to gouge my eyes out sometimes (blame it on backwards compatibility if you want, but it still sucks); Windows 7 is not totally annoying though. Mac OS is kinda nice, but it's still dumbed down & does not encourage you to use the Shell, and there are some stupid design choices. Ubuntu Linux comes closest for me, but still misses some important things. Haiku (BeOS) sounds nice in principle, but the klunky GUI puts me off. Syllable copies a few nice Amiga-like things, but it's still far too niche to be usable today. etc, etc.

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: Other than for fun, does Amiga do anything Better ?
Posted on 2-Feb-2011 23:38:58
#64 ]
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@Daytona675x Quote:
Actually that's not much different to other OSes: you can perfectly just turn off a windows machine, if your timing is right and/or if you can live with a scandisk run or some data-loss...

Nope. If you timing is wrong (I've seen it happen enough) then the entire registry is FUBARed, and Windows won't boot. Plus Windows expects to be shutdown properly, and some things may be wrong if you don't (depends on the installed software & drivers).

Amiga is the only system which expects to NOT be shutdown, and therefore does not rely on that fact. All you need to do is ensure the HD light is off for a few seconds, and you are home free (unless you bizarely use it as a server).

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: Other than for fun, does Amiga do anything Better ?
Posted on 2-Feb-2011 23:43:31
#65 ]
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@opi Quote:
Lowest memory and CPU footprint (resource consumption) of any existing OS.


Ah, I never expected a logical argument from you! It's so much easier to just insult someone. (BTW, he was doubtless talking about *desktop* OSes, and usable non-toy ones at that. For example, QNX does not count, even if they did briefly try to make it a desktop contender.)


Logical organization of OS files.


LOL. Yes, it makes so much more sense to store (nearly) all system files in C:\Windows\system32\ using cryptic filenames typically 8 characters long (plus extension).

Linux is *marginally* better, but it typically has several places for the same thing. Someone made a Linux with an "Amiga-like" folder structure, and then used folder sym-links to make the files appear in the places expected by Linux software. And it (apparently) actually worked! But then was dropped by the guy doing it. If only Ubuntu would do it like this, it would be soooo much more usable.

Last edited by ChrisH on 03-Feb-2011 at 12:02 AM.
Last edited by ChrisH on 03-Feb-2011 at 12:01 AM.

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: Other than for fun, does Amiga do anything Better ?
Posted on 2-Feb-2011 23:47:03
#66 ]
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@opi Quote:
This is exactly what I'm talking about, how long you could mount NTFS partition in disk structure? Since forever.

And so what? This is NOT the way that Windows mounts disks by default. Joe Plumber will not be mounting NTFS partitions in the disk structure, but on the Amiga he would have a chance. (Of course there are lots of other reasons why Joe Plumber won't be using the Amiga, but we are not arguing about them.)

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: Other than for fun, does Amiga do anything Better ?
Posted on 2-Feb-2011 23:51:17
#67 ]
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@opi Quote:

Draggable screens are "unintuitive"?

Do an experiment: get 30 people, sit them in front of Amiga, see how many will drag screen.

Almost nothing on a desktop computer is "intuitive" until you've been shown it at least once. How many people would use Mac OS's Expose thingy? Or any of the desktop switching schemes used by Linux (most of which require a qualifier key to be pressed, or clicking on tiny unidentifiable rectangles in the corner of the screen).

P.S. Congratulations on getting me to waste my time on these forums :( . Going back to programming now...

Last edited by ChrisH on 02-Feb-2011 at 11:57 PM.

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: Other than for fun, does Amiga do anything Better ?
Posted on 2-Feb-2011 23:57:48
#68 ]
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Joined: 12-Jun-2005
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From: Belgrade, Serbia


Composing engine is OS 4.1 looks quite unique, handy, useful and eye candy to me ...

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Re: Other than for fun, does Amiga do anything Better ?
Posted on 3-Feb-2011 0:06:34
#69 ]
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Joined: 11-Mar-2003
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From: Stockholm, Sweden


Transparent windows with shadows are available for Linux.

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Re: Other than for fun, does Amiga do anything Better ?
Posted on 3-Feb-2011 7:41:17
#70 ]
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Joined: 5-Jan-2011
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From: Germany

Composing engine is OS 4.1 looks quite unique

Window composition is also used by MorphOS, Windows and OSX.

AmigaOS 4.1 FE (sam460ex Radeon 9200 / RadeonHD), MorphOS 3.8 (PowerMac G4 733MHz Radeon 9000), AROS (x86), A1200 (060 80MHz Indivision MK2), A500, A600, CDTV
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Re: Other than for fun, does Amiga do anything Better ?
Posted on 3-Feb-2011 8:02:57
#71 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 1-Sep-2003
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From: Czech Republic


Other than for fun, does Amiga do anything Better?

No, it's just the fun factor. And an extremely big one at that

Last edited by Trixie on 03-Feb-2011 at 08:03 AM.

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Re: Other than for fun, does Amiga do anything Better ?
Posted on 3-Feb-2011 8:40:38
#72 ]
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Joined: 14-May-2003
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From: Sweden


Draggable screens are "unintuitive".

All features cannot be thrown "intuitively" into the face of the user. It just doesn't work. Look at what Windows, especially 95/98/ME, when they shoved everything into the face of the user on a new install. Extremely annoying.

Do you expect a handle on the screen, apart from the title bar? Would you opt to remove the screend dragging completely just because Joe PC-user doesn't know about it "intuitively"? Arguing like this, the entire Linux kernel and all the commands would have to be removed from the world too. Because all of that is extremely unintuitive, yet very powerful when you know about it.

Screen dragging are not less intutitive than the hand/parking brake in a car. Would you even notice it or know what it was for if nooen ever told you such a thing existed? You learn what it is and how to use it and you get a better experience. Simple as that.

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Re: Other than for fun, does Amiga do anything Better ?
Posted on 3-Feb-2011 9:14:28
#73 ]
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Of all the other posts Ive read, I havent noticed any one mentioning, the fact that on amigayou can control the mouse pointer using only the keyboard, down to a single pixel. That is some times extremely usefull.. :)


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Re: Other than for fun, does Amiga do anything Better ?
Posted on 3-Feb-2011 9:16:53
#74 ]
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I see, but I don't think one can compare the Amiga to a PC or Mac. In your analogy you'd have to compare a MOS with an OS4 machine.
Going back to the cars or real cars analogy, if the implications of what you said would be fully true then, at least in most parts if not all of Europe, the asian models should long have overwhelmed the local industry.

Well, no, I was making the point mainly that it's just a hobby, and once you're happy paying what it costs then that's fine. The thing is with modern cars is that there are several choices, and people choose their cars for different reasons. Some people say I'm crazy for not buying a Kia for their 7 year warranty. I say those people are crazy for buying a Kia because it feels cheap and horrible to drive (IMHO of course). To me it's worth my while putting around ¤1000 worth of parts a year into my 16 year old, 250,000km Golf GTI, because I love driving it, and every day driving to work it puts a smile on my face, even after driving it for 4 years. How many Kia drivers can say that? ;) It's about what *I* want from a car, regardless of how many people say I'm crazy.

Of course, where that falls down is that my car can also outperform any of these new Kias, whereas the X1000 can't hold a candle to a modern PC for raw power. But if your Amiga makes you happy, then fine. So I guess fun is one big thing that's better on the Amiga for many people, but that's totally subjective, and as the topic says, doesn't really count...


Nice one, it does indeed work for IE here (though I use Chrome)... I'll check it out when I get home in some other software.

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Re: Other than for fun, does Amiga do anything Better ?
Posted on 3-Feb-2011 10:33:41
#75 ]
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Let me prefix that with a short paragraph about Amiga users. This is generalization, so take it with a grain of salt

Uh, I never said I'm talking about you. Let me quote myself: Quote:
Let me prefix that with a short paragraph about Amiga users. This is generalization, so take it with a grain of salt

I'd never put you into "ignorant Amigans" category. We often disagree, but on merits.

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Re: Other than for fun, does Amiga do anything Better ?
Posted on 3-Feb-2011 10:40:08
#76 ]
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From: Sweden


Of all the other posts Ive read, I havent noticed any one mentioning, the fact that on amigayou can control the mouse pointer using only the keyboard, down to a single pixel. That is some times extremely usefull.. :)

I use this A LOT when the battery runs out in the wireless optical mouse (never get the combination wireless+optical, it's incredibly stupid).

- Don't get fooled by my avatar, I'm not like that (anymore, mostly... maybe only sometimes)
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Re: Other than for fun, does Amiga do anything Better ?
Posted on 3-Feb-2011 10:49:24
#77 ]
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Of all the other posts Ive read, I havent noticed any one mentioning, the fact that on amigayou can control the mouse pointer using only the keyboard, down to a single pixel. That is some times extremely usefull.. :)

Er, care to elaborate on how this is accomplished? Ignorant me never has been aknowing this, but eager to learn anytime.


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Re: Other than for fun, does Amiga do anything Better ?
Posted on 3-Feb-2011 10:51:23
#78 ]
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No, it's just the fun factor. And an extremely big one at that


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Re: Other than for fun, does Amiga do anything Better ?
Posted on 3-Feb-2011 10:53:32
#79 ]
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From: Germany

Of all the other posts Ive read, I havent noticed any one mentioning, the fact that on amigayou can control the mouse pointer using only the keyboard, down to a single pixel. That is some times extremely usefull.. :)

Yes, quite useful - but not unique. I use that same feature under Windows myself.

AmigaOS 4.1 FE (sam460ex Radeon 9200 / RadeonHD), MorphOS 3.8 (PowerMac G4 733MHz Radeon 9000), AROS (x86), A1200 (060 80MHz Indivision MK2), A500, A600, CDTV
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Re: Other than for fun, does Amiga do anything Better ?
Posted on 3-Feb-2011 11:07:13
#80 ]
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