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Is it me or all is boring...
Posted on 26-Jun-2018 12:19:25
#1 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 2-Nov-2009
Posts: 270
From: Paris


Each day I read several Amiga forums & Web sites
But for some time I have begin to think "so boring..." :-/

Tabor: some hopes for a new low cost machine but nothing really realeased. For people that already have a fast Amiga NG nothing new here
X5000: released but so fat so noisy finally I prefer the Sam460 after all the X5000 is "only" faster it dont provide anything new or sexy
VampireV4: ditto as Tabor
Libre Office: still waiting...
Aros: had bring fresh air when Mesa/Gallium appears but then fall asleep
Morphos: ditto last time it got my interest was when support for G4 PowerBook and G5 appears then a big sleep
OpenGL,Nova,Shaders & 3D on OS4: evolve slowly... But since all the BSzili/Huno ports were done nothing really new or great that use 3D was released
Amiga brand,logo,copyright: so boring to follow and understand/ You must be a lawyer to truly knows what it will imply in the future

Last edited by thellier on 26-Jun-2018 at 12:20 PM.

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Re: Is it me or all is boring...
Posted on 26-Jun-2018 12:29:48
#2 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 26-Sep-2005
Posts: 3514
From: Unknown


I have to agree. It's not about boredom, but it's about that nothing really changed as far as i remember.

Many, many missed opportunity.


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Re: Is it me or all is boring...
Posted on 26-Jun-2018 12:59:07
#3 ]
Joined: 8-Dec-2006
Posts: 77
From: Unknown


since I'm in Hollywood I'm not bored anymore (... a lot less)

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Re: Is it me or all is boring...
Posted on 26-Jun-2018 13:02:24
#4 ]
Super Member
Joined: 3-Mar-2010
Posts: 1970
From: Waterbury, Connecticut (USA)


nope, that about sums it up, really. there are occasional releases that are somewhat exciting software-wise, but that's rather rare these days.

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."

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Re: Is it me or all is boring...
Posted on 26-Jun-2018 13:13:17
#5 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 1-Sep-2003
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From: Czech Republic


X5000: released but so fat so noisy

What do you mean by the X5000 being noisy? I've just installed one last week, and it is almost as silent as my Sam440ep-Flex system. One fan on the CPU, one inside the case (SilverStone Grandia GD09) and that's it - the gfx card (Sapphire Radeon R5 230) is passively cooled. Of course there would be more noise if I went for a more powerful card that requires more cooling, but that would be the case with any other computer; I don't think you can blame that on the X5000 specifically.

The Rear Window blog

AmigaOne X5000/020 @ 2GHz / 4GB RAM / Radeon RX 560 / ESI Juli@ / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition
SAM440ep-flex @ 667MHz / 1GB RAM / Radeon 9250 / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition

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Re: Is it me or all is boring...
Posted on 26-Jun-2018 14:06:52
#6 ]
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Aros: had bring fresh air when Mesa/Gallium appears but then fall asleep

well for me it was rather exciting at times, at least till two weeks ago. gallium 10 has actually been already ported, along other stuff, only that our main dev had his project sitting on defect hardware and then discussion about funding replacement escalated due some dumb accusations.

one way or the other ppc support had been reintroduced last few months (at leas sam series should work now), gcc-8.1 is still being worked on to an extent, the system already compiles with it, c++11 had been improved, im still working on odyssey for x86/m68k/ppc.

stuff like that..

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Re: Is it me or all is boring...
Posted on 26-Jun-2018 14:15:38
#7 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2654


Last week we hosted a long working weekend for team members of the Amiga Developer Network. Four solid days of Amiga coding and a few obligatory curries and beers along the way too :)

It was great fun whilst we worked on the next version of the Enhancer Software. It was fantastic to have so many talented Amiga developers here working together and sharing ideas in 2018.

For me the Amiga is about getting together and having fun. It is so quiet here now that everyone has gone back home.

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
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Re: Is it me or all is boring...
Posted on 26-Jun-2018 14:56:07
#8 ]
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Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


I understand and can relate.

When I first arrived here (I mentioned this before), I was asked to do a little survey on behalf of the developers just to create some basic understanding.
Long story short, developers almost in unison simply wanted a little recognition for their work and certainly not averse to making a little income through whatever means possible.

2007-2009 changed some of that thinking, since it interjected the very possibility that most , if not all AmigaOS (NG) work might come to an end with an unfavorable result from the Amiga Inc. vs Hyperion V.O.F. lawsuit.
In addition, those key people in the community who became involved in said lawsuit were worn down in a way that one can only say adversely affected motivation.
We lost a lot of developers and a lot of users during this period.

The CUSA affair which followed was more disturbing when taken from the standpoint of how it affected the Amiga websites with its vile diatribes.
We lost somewhat less people during this period, but losses nonetheless.

Those who were here long before me can recount similar stories and results going back to the 90s.

Here we are again. Although we have had minor conflagrations since 2011, it is obvious that almost every principal (NG or classic excuse the terms) has been drawn into the current mess directly and other "camps" indirectly.

To me this is the only issue. I'm not saying success for any Amiga flavor would have occurred regardless of events. But I am saying that when you lose people you lose from all the categories you mentioned.
Infrastructure, regardless of whether it is website staff or developers or management or...
all falls away with the loss of people.

This does not mean people can not continue to do what they feel is necessary in order to progress nor does it negate enjoyment of what one currently has as a hobby.
But (back to top) remaining developers and users are not oblivious to this current mess and therefore motivation is continuing to plummet.
And I'll add that from knowing many people, this lack of motivation extends beyond the AmigaOS and classic hemispheres to what AmiWest would term the more extensive Amiverse. That's a fact.

Although I appreciate the opinions offered and pleas from developers for all parties to settle their differences, I hold an unpopular opinion on this topic.

We've gone through settlements and backdoor dealings followed by (my term, so please don't object) gag orders to never discuss the truth. I see obvious results of this as being non constructive. Each unfortunate event just serves to lay groundwork for the next.

Now for the unpopular opinion....a court needs to decide these issues once and for all, for the sake of all the various Amigalike communities or what's left of them.


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: Is it me or all is boring...
Posted on 26-Jun-2018 15:03:17
#9 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 10-Jul-2005
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From: Unknown


Don´t waste your life on forums, use Amiga instead!

Last weekend, I managed to convert all Arcade games I ever wanted to play to be xMame 1.06 compatible. Good time.

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Re: Is it me or all is boring...
Posted on 26-Jun-2018 15:08:41
#10 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 10-Jul-2005
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From: Unknown


a court needs to decide these issues once and for all, for the sake of all the various Amigalike communities or what's left of them

I´m not sure this is exactly what the related parties really want...

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Re: Is it me or all is boring...
Posted on 26-Jun-2018 15:18:02
#11 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 25-Mar-2005
Posts: 11716
From: In the village


I´m not sure this is exactly what the related parties really want...

I never said it was...


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: Is it me or all is boring...
Posted on 26-Jun-2018 16:45:13
#12 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 26-Sep-2005
Posts: 3514
From: Unknown


We've gone through settlements and backdoor dealings


Any eventual Amiga real rebirth depends on the parties will to achieve a common goal.

Anyone can check my initial enthusiasm trying to support the Amiga platform, as well as the enthusiasm and passion of others that vanished during time.


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Re: Is it me or all is boring...
Posted on 26-Jun-2018 17:18:54
#13 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 14-May-2003
Posts: 4238
From: Sweden


Oh how I wish I had a lot more time to bring nice updates to my software, and possibly work on a new version of Odyssey - the most needed software update right now.

But 3 kids and a big house and full-time job leave basically nothing left. I have currently zero time AND money left for anything else than "life" unfortunately.

- Don't get fooled by my avatar, I'm not like that (anymore, mostly... maybe only sometimes)
> Amiga Classic and OS4 developer for OnyxSoft.

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Re: Is it me or all is boring...
Posted on 26-Jun-2018 17:52:13
#14 ]
Elite Member
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and possibly work on a new version of Odyssey - the most needed software update right now

i dont know if this is most needed update. it always seems we most lack things that aint there, and delivered they simply go unnoticed and people start to want something even more remote.

that said feel invited to cooperate on that matter. im at least trying to work towards bringing latest deadwood branch back to ppc (based on sam emulated in qemu) and my favourite big endian platform which of course is amiga (68k). however its been colported that morphos is getting serious update in this field soon so maybe this effort is just a waste of time and the easiest would be simply to switch to their system, for whowever may be still bothered with such transition.

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Re: Is it me or all is boring...
Posted on 26-Jun-2018 18:33:14
#15 ]
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Joined: 3-Mar-2010
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From: Waterbury, Connecticut (USA)


however its been colported that morphos is getting serious update in this field soon so maybe this effort is just a waste of time and the easiest would be simply to switch to their system, for whowever may be still bothered with such transition.

true... but you're assuming the code would be shared.

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."

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Re: Is it me or all is boring...
Posted on 26-Jun-2018 18:41:12
#16 ]
Joined: 29-Sep-2013
Posts: 44
From: Unknown


As for me, I was functional computer-less for about a month. I am back at it 90% or so. I have just added a few new things to Workbench Explorer and fixed a few bugs. My ToDo List gets shorter, then longer again. I am far from calling it "done". Send me your ideas/requests.

I now own 2 X5000s (long story) and have been tweaking the new one to my liking. That has kept me busy for the month. I will post some info later.

But yes, waiting for the new Enhancer Pack video driver and network driver. Hopefully Matthew made some good progress at his programming party. I already have a new video card waiting.

Keep optimistic about Tabor being a good low price. The whole idea is to bring old-school Amiga users up to OS4, and bring in totally new users (from Windows and/or Linux) to try out Amiga OS. Then with a larger user base, the greater the chance of more new programmers coming in to the fold. Then, more new software.

My biggest wish is for Hyperion to do more updates. Use AmiUpdate for what it is intended: regular updates for gadget classes, libraries, etc. I have been waiting for the new listbrowser.gadget to be released so it fixes an issue that makes WEx look bad. I hate waiting 1-2 years for an update. Not cool!

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Re: Is it me or all is boring...
Posted on 26-Jun-2018 18:48:07
#17 ]
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Joined: 22-Oct-2013
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Morphos: ditto last time it got my interest was when support for G4 PowerBook and G5 appears then a big sleep

What can we do to provide more entertainment value to you?

however its been colported that morphos is getting serious update in this field soon so maybe this effort is just a waste of time

You might want to wait and see what will end up being released before you get demotivated.

One huge obstacle to getting more people involved is likely the lack of a turn-key development environment. There are experienced developers who might like to help but simply lack the time and / or motivation to set up the necessary tools to compile a large project such as Odyssey. If one could download an OS image that featured everything needed to compile the web browser (even if only for AROS x86), that might help to get some folks interested and enable them to focus on much needed and perhaps more fun tasks.

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Re: Is it me or all is boring...
Posted on 26-Jun-2018 18:54:35
#18 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 21-Jan-2008
Posts: 6259
From: Unknown


true... but you're assuming the code would be shared.

i dont.. :/

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Re: Is it me or all is boring...
Posted on 26-Jun-2018 19:00:26
#19 ]
Elite Member
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If one could download an OS image that featured everything needed to compile the web browser (even if only for AROS x86), that might help to get some folks interested and enable them to focus on much needed and perhaps more fun tasks.

actually its almost as simple. with aros build system you can simply compile the os or external source within two grips. and personally i consider it easy to set up. i could actually share my image of a vmware linux cross compile development environment, if only it didnt grow too big and a bit too old by now. however it wouldnt be a problem to prepare a ready to go fresh smaller one everybody could grow at will with gparted.

all it needs is time.

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Re: Is it me or all is boring...
Posted on 26-Jun-2018 19:16:23
#20 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 11-Aug-2005
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From: UK


Yes, the forums have been boring for a while. Unless you actually use your Amiga there is nothing really to comment on IMHO. I still can't get a straight answer as to whether you can use a Rapid Road with the Prisma Megamix card clock port. Just makes you want to get on and use the machine rather than ask questions that only ever get answered with "When it's done " or silence .....

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