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Intelligent Energy saving Box and Life duration prolonger for Devices for 10 Bucks!
Posted on 24-Oct-2023 14:11:40
#1 ]
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Joined: 15-Jun-2018
Posts: 474
From: Unknown

I found a youtube Commercial for an intelligent Energy Saving Box to plug in the Wall that ought to save 50% of Energy costs based on a Tesla Patent. for 10 Bucks. I am willing to pay that Learning Money. I sometimes Play Lotto. so.. I will invest the 9,09 € for a Box for my Place. and one for the Place of my first Girl Friend!

That`s a absolutely low Risk with a huge Promise!

Last edited by QBit on 24-Oct-2023 at 03:07 PM.
Last edited by QBit on 24-Oct-2023 at 03:04 PM.
Last edited by QBit on 24-Oct-2023 at 03:01 PM.

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Re: Intelligent Energy saving Box and Life duration prolonger for Devices for 10 Bucks!
Posted on 24-Oct-2023 17:11:23
#2 ]
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Joined: 11-Jul-2005
Posts: 276
From: finland


Potentially dangerous ‘energy-saving boxes’ on Amazon and eBay as energy price crisis bites

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Re: Intelligent Energy saving Box and Life duration prolonger for Devices for 10 Bucks!
Posted on 24-Oct-2023 18:40:06
#3 ]
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Joined: 10-May-2004
Posts: 253
From: UK


Sorry, couldn't tell if you were being serious or joking, but as per the previous reply, also check something like to see what these boxes really do (worse than nothing, generally) with a more technical teardown.

Last edited by Futaura on 24-Oct-2023 at 06:40 PM.

IBrowse, AmiSSL and Warp Datatype Developer

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Re: Intelligent Energy saving Box and Life duration prolonger for Devices for 10 Bucks!
Posted on 24-Oct-2023 21:10:03
#4 ]
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From: Unknown


I got the Impression that there is a real working one.. and the World SPAMs with Bullshit again!

Anyway if it doesn`t work it is a minor loss! I already played Lotto for 200 €!

Lotto,, 1 is happy the others are unhappy .. that`s the way it goes!

Last edited by QBit on 24-Oct-2023 at 09:23 PM.
Last edited by QBit on 24-Oct-2023 at 09:20 PM.
Last edited by QBit on 24-Oct-2023 at 09:17 PM.

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Re: Intelligent Energy saving Box and Life duration prolonger for Devices for 10 Bucks!
Posted on 25-Oct-2023 8:49:39
#5 ]
Super Member
Joined: 19-Jun-2005
Posts: 1714
From: Melbourne, Australia


I got the Impression that there is a real working one

If there were a way of providing the same amount of useful power to your house while drawing only half as much power from the grid, which cost 10 Euros, the electricity companies would have integrated it into the meter years ago --- on the grid side of the metering, of course, so that they'd still charge you for the same amount of useful power, while having to put in considerably less power in at their end.

The fact that that hasn't happened tells you everything you need to know about those snake oil peddlers.

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