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Poll : Would you be interested in buying a new PPC card for your classic Amiga?
Re: [Poll] If new PPC cards were available to buy, would you be interested?
Posted on 19-Aug-2008 6:19:43
#61 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 30-Dec-2004
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From: Wellington

I forgot to say, I voted yes (quite a while ago).


No, I don't need no reason, I'm just breezin'

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Re: [Poll] If new PPC cards were available to buy, would you be interested?
Posted on 19-Aug-2008 10:23:39
#62 ]
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Joined: 31-Jan-2006
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so I would expect nothing older than a G5...

oh yeah, and with his huge watercooling device !

Last edited by SoundSquare on 19-Aug-2008 at 10:24 AM.


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Re: [Poll] If new PPC cards were available to buy, would you be interested?
Posted on 20-Aug-2008 5:45:33
#63 ]
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Joined: 24-Mar-2003
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From: Cologne * Germany



Greypatch wrote:

I have a 2000, but I can't upgrade it to have enough memory to run all my HD installed games (plus the hard drive crashed on me, my first ever major crash). Now I have a desktop 3000, which runs great, but no CD drive in it so I have to get a SCSI CD just to install 3.5, ...

You coould as well take an ordinary IDE CD drive and connect it via Acard IDE -> SCSI adaptor.


Greypatch wrote:

AND the current PPC cards not only need mods to work in the thing, they all sell for $500+ USD on eBay.

I have no experience in fitting an PPC accelerator into an A3000.
But I have an A4000 with CSPPC - no modification required there.

Last edited by Dandy on 20-Aug-2008 at 05:46 AM.


If someone enjoys marching to military music, then I already despise him.
He got his brain accidently - the bone marrow in his back would have been sufficient for him!
(Albert Einstein)

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Re: [Poll] If new PPC cards were available to buy, would you be interested?
Posted on 7-Feb-2009 16:09:26
#64 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


Just for fun with current totals:

Poll : Would you be interested in buying a new PPC card for your classic Amiga?
58 % (277)
27 % (131)
14 % (69)
Total Votes: 477
Total Voters: 477

Poll : Would you purchase an Amy Developer MB for $300-350 US /227 Euro?
42 % (108)
27 % (70)
30 % (78)
Total Votes: 256
Total Voters: 256

Seems if there was no action on the item with greater interest (for YEARS), that the latest numbers we see from the current Troika thread would have even less motivation behind it.
Of course, that's if we were talking "sales/revenue", as opposed to some other reasoning.


Last edited by number6 on 07-Feb-2009 at 04:12 PM.

This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: [Poll] If new PPC cards were available to buy, would you be interested?
Posted on 7-Feb-2009 16:21:16
#65 ]
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Joined: 20-Mar-2003
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From: S.Wales


Do you think the Troika poll would have had more votes if they'd shown it running OS4.

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Re: [Poll] If new PPC cards were available to buy, would you be interested?
Posted on 7-Feb-2009 16:26:14
#66 ]
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Yes I would. But it would have to be a G3 and preferably with an 68k-processor on it too, maybe as a FPGA.

Last edited by Niolator on 07-Feb-2009 at 04:26 PM.

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Re: [Poll] If new PPC cards were available to buy, would you be interested?
Posted on 7-Feb-2009 16:26:36
#67 ]
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From: In the village


Do you think the Troika poll would have had more votes if they'd shown it running OS4.

I have no idea.
But I *bumped* this one because it's been a neglected opportunity for 10 years and we're having our weekly thread about this on

And by "10 years", I mean since the idiotic statement "classic is dead" was made.


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: [Poll] If new PPC cards were available to buy, would you be interested?
Posted on 7-Feb-2009 16:31:52
#68 ]
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I'd buy IF it were about half the price you mention,presuming it would be comparable specs to the cards selling on ebay.

Which is also why I've yet to get one of those cards:it just isn't worth $600+ USD to me .
That much money will buy a lot more performance in intel or AMD hardware.

Reminds me of my 1973 Opel GT;it was fun to drive,to have something different.But after someone borrowed and wrecked mine,it had to become a fond memory because new ones weren't available here ,the used ones available here needed lots of work or were overpriced.So I opted for the affordable,common-place sedan.It does everything the Opel GT did except garner comments.(Or go 110 mph!)I COULD get another Opel GT IF I was willing to pay premium collector price.

I understand the realities of being in business,but the sad fact is darn near everything Amiga related is horribly over-priced and now without any clear advantage over other platforms.

Without NewTek and the Video Toaster, Amiga would have faded even earlier.

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Re: [Poll] If new PPC cards were available to buy, would you be interested?
Posted on 7-Feb-2009 16:38:51
#69 ]
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That's another interesting fact about this [poll]'s results, since it IS based on the numbers from post #1:

£280 UKP
$580 USD
¤390 EUR
$657 AUS
$576 CAD

If it was cheaper, how high would these "yes" votes go?


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: [Poll] If new PPC cards were available to buy, would you be interested?
Posted on 8-Feb-2009 6:34:19
#70 ]
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average price of a CyberstormPPC with 060 was about 1000 EUR when still in production.

What make you think it would cost less now?


Because all other computers ,hard drives,etc. have dropped drastically in price ?

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Re: [Poll] If new PPC cards were available to buy, would you be interested?
Posted on 8-Feb-2009 17:06:14
#71 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


average price of a CyberstormPPC with 060 was about 1000 EUR when still in production.
What make you think it would cost less now?

good question.


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: [Poll] If new PPC cards were available to buy, would you be interested?
Posted on 8-Feb-2009 17:14:40
#72 ]
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Joined: 30-Jul-2005
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But I *bumped* this one because it's been a neglected opportunity for 10 years and we're having our weekly thread about this on

No faith anymore, everyone needs to see a video.

Troika NG progress reports & news releases will be released as such, from my office.
ttp:// Amy, A NEW HOPE
Opinions I might express are mine alone,and do not represent those of Troika

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Re: [Poll] If new PPC cards were available to buy, would you be interested?
Posted on 8-Feb-2009 19:16:28
#73 ]
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Joined: 10-Aug-2006
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Forget the 68060-I mean,really,why do we need it?

THe Amiga has a built in 68xxx chip for the old stuff;the PPC chip is needed for the new stuff.

Or might we ask for an empty socket to plug in a 68030 or 68040 available from old Mac or the Amiga mb?

I'd be happy as a clam if I could buy a nice little board that plugged into one of my Amiga and simply had a socket to accept one of the common (and cheap) Sonnet PPC accelerator cards originally sold for Macs.Better have some drivers either downloadable or on CD,as well.Price that package at $99 to $149 and lots of Amiga users would be able to join the 4.0/4.1 world.

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Re: [Poll] If new PPC cards were available to buy, would you be interested?
Posted on 8-Feb-2009 19:29:42
#74 ]
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From: Alpha Centauri


Compatibility, whats the point of a classic without the classic?

C= Amiga addict
Couldn't care less what other people think, seeing that there's concrete evidence they don't.

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Re: [Poll] If new PPC cards were available to buy, would you be interested?
Posted on 8-Feb-2009 19:50:01
#75 ]
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Joined: 10-Sep-2007
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From: Somewhere in Spain


Yes I have a Mikronik Amiga 1300 in Murcia-Spain apparently managed by ASB-Computer (AMIGA SUPER BIT) and this year reaches the fourth year of waiting.
My vote is maybe because this strange management from the staff of this shop.
Does someone knows is ASB operates now on its shop or webpage?

If they send my beloved Amiga 1300 on good state and repaired I will go for sure for a new PPC card to enjoy more power.

My preference is the Shark PPC from Elbox but AmiTroika and PowerVixxen could be excellent purchases in features and responsiveness.

PowerPC is the best nothing comes close to this including my new Windows Visa adquired 13 days ago exactly.

AMIGA 500 1.5 MB ACA500/ACA1232 accelerators
AMIGA 500 German
CD32 unexpanded
Amiga 1200 Tower on AmigaKit since years
AMIGA 1300 030/50 Mhz/32 MB WB 3.9 with lots of games&demos

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Re: [Poll] If new PPC cards were available to buy, would you be interested?
Posted on 8-Feb-2009 19:57:28
#76 ]
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My preference is the Shark PPC from Elbox but AmiTroika and PowerVixxen could be excellent purchases in features and responsiveness.

Elbox doesn't have a whole lot of confident believers behind them here.
They are free to prove us wrong, though.

All you have atm is a thread on AW indicating a possible ng box. I wouldn't put that in the same category as a classic accelerator.

Also not to be viewed as a classic accelerator.

Specifically the PVLT. No. Never manufactured. Developer not active atm.


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Re: [Poll] If new PPC cards were available to buy, would you be interested?
Posted on 8-Feb-2009 19:59:12
#77 ]
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BigC wrote:


average price of a CyberstormPPC with 060 was about 1000 EUR when still in production.

What make you think it would cost less now?


Because all other computers ,hard drives,etc. have dropped drastically in price ?

and what a custom (and still unique) Amiga CPU card would compare with "computers ,hard drives,etc" in term of design/production cost?

FYI the old CSPPC design is obsolete (in term of components) and it would require a full re-design.


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Re: [Poll] If new PPC cards were available to buy, would you be interested?
Posted on 9-Feb-2009 6:21:41
#78 ]
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Then it becomes a question of how many are willing to pay $1000 to put a PPC board into aging ,obsolete hardware ?

Before spending $1000 on such a card better to buy a NEW SAMflex and case,OS,etc.

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Re: [Poll] If new PPC cards were available to buy, would you be interested?
Posted on 17-Feb-2009 22:48:12
#79 ]
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Joined: 3-Jul-2003
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From: Santa Fe, Argentina - San Jose Costa Rica


Hum.. US$ 550 are ¢ 328280 (Colones) Costa Rica Money--
or $1705¨ (Pesos) Argentina Money..

Sound a little Expensive..

But maybe.. Yes

Last edited by Drummerboy on 17-Feb-2009 at 10:53 PM.

Amiga 1000, 500, 600, 2000, 1200, 4000...

C= VIC 20 / 64 / SX64/ 128

Atari 600XL (SIC Cartdridge)
Atari 800XL (SIO2SD Unit)

Jay Miner`s Atari 2600 - Wood front -

"Amiga, this Computer have a Own Live"

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Re: [Poll] If new PPC cards were available to buy, would you be interested?
Posted on 17-Feb-2009 23:19:02
#80 ]
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Sadly, I think this is less about the product itself or the price than it is about the current demands of the OS.
The powers that be are free to contact me if I'm wrong about that.


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