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A1200 AGA Connect to PC LCD VGA Monitor?
Posted on 11-Feb-2013 0:03:20
#1 ]
Joined: 21-Jan-2013
Posts: 19
From: North Bend, Oregon USA

I bought the Adapter Rgb to Vga No Video any ideas!

Thanx in Advance


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Re: A1200 AGA Connect to PC LCD VGA Monitor?
Posted on 11-Feb-2013 0:08:44
#2 ]
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Joined: 11-Jan-2007
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From: Northern Ireland


VGA needs 31khz signal. Amiga outputs 15khz signal.
Your screen cannot display the 15khz signal = no display.

You need a scan doubler like the indivison AGA or a SCART lead if your screen has a SCART socket.

Last edited by ddni on 11-Feb-2013 at 12:09 AM.

AmigaOne X1000

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Re: A1200 AGA Connect to PC LCD VGA Monitor?
Posted on 11-Feb-2013 0:48:21
#3 ]
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From: Norway


You need to use DBPAL or DBNTSC screen modes, a simple adapter does not work whit standard monitor and PAL / NTSC screen modes, you need an multisync monitor.

The best thing you can get is a scan doubler.

There is a plug on A1200 thats composit video, I think it black and white, maybe its color on A1200 don't remember, but then you need to connect it to a TV.

and you can upgrade to PC graphic card.

Note: you need scan doubler to install the drivers or else you wont se what your doing.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 11-Feb-2013 at 12:53 AM.

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Re: A1200 AGA Connect to PC LCD VGA Monitor?
Posted on 11-Feb-2013 2:32:51
#4 ]
Joined: 31-Mar-2008
Posts: 10
From: Unknown



Go to Ebay and buy a ,CGA EGA YUV TO VGA arcade video converter they sell for about $33 to $38, then buy a 23 pin adapter so you can plug it into your Amiga. Make sure you buy the right gender for your 23 pin plug.

I put one of these on my Amiga, it works very well with the Amiga video outputs, and I really like using my lcd monitor with my Amiga.


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Re: A1200 AGA Connect to PC LCD VGA Monitor?
Posted on 11-Feb-2013 3:07:56
#5 ]
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From: Woodstock, Ontario, Canada


I would not recommend :

A.K.A Indivision AGA MK II. At least until the non-beta core and config utility are released in the year 2189 (sarcasm).

If he can find the MK I on ebay or Amibay, I would recommend that.


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Re: A1200 AGA Connect to PC LCD VGA Monitor?
Posted on 11-Feb-2013 3:29:10
#6 ]
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From: Houston, Texas USA


smerf wrote:

Go to Ebay and buy a ,CGA EGA YUV TO VGA arcade video converter they sell for about $33 to $38, then buy a 23 pin adapter so you can plug it into your Amiga. Make sure you buy the right gender for your 23 pin plug.

Do not under any circumstances buy that! It is total complete junk garbage!

It is missing 16.7 MILLION of the A1200's colors. The pictrue therefore looks horribly ugly and ruins everything!

Yes it makes a picture. But it is the WRONG picture so it is useless.

Don't give free money to scammers!


I put one of these on my Amiga, it works very well with the Amiga video outputs

It most certainly does no such thing!


, and I really like using my lcd monitor with my Amiga.

I think you must be the guy who sells those adapters, trying to make a quick buck off an unsuspecting victim.

Wanna try a wonderfull magical Amiga strategy game?
Total Chaos AGA

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Re: A1200 AGA Connect to PC LCD VGA Monitor?
Posted on 11-Feb-2013 3:45:26
#7 ]
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From: Australia


Settle down. If you spoke to people like that in real life you'd be constantly walking around with a broken nose.

Yes, there's some truth to what you say, but there's no need to say it like a rude, arrogant prick, nor is there a need to insult someone who's offering the OP an option (even if there are reasons you'd advise against his suggestions).

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Re: A1200 AGA Connect to PC LCD VGA Monitor?
Posted on 11-Feb-2013 3:47:39
#8 ]
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From: Woodstock, Ontario, Canada


Well, His nick is ChaosLord ;)


Last edited by Drewlio77 on 11-Feb-2013 at 03:48 AM.

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Re: A1200 AGA Connect to PC LCD VGA Monitor?
Posted on 11-Feb-2013 3:50:41
#9 ]
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From: Wisconsin, USA


If you use the double ntsc/pal screenmodes, you'll end up with a nice, crisp display (and multiscan productivity/super72 will enable 640x480 and 800x600 screens as well). Only drawback is alot of games will choke on it, some with rather spectacular looking/sounding random garbage. Oh, and It might just be me, but I noticed a bit of a general slow-down when doing that.

The indivision thing is a really nice piece of h/w, but requires cracking open the 1200 to install, not sure if AmigaKit does installation service or not, but that would require shipping the thing in to get it installed (I'm in the US, so fed-ex/ups to the UK and back is a bit steep for me).

There's a bunch of scandoubler/scalers/etc that take composite (analog NTSC/PAL) and convert it to VGA/HDMI/etc.., though the result would probably be kind of muddy. If you go that route, I'd recommend getting one from a vendor that would allow returns (In case is looks like crap).

Personally, I'm using a homebrew doubler that takes RGB->VGA, but it was actually designed for an Atari (16-bit colo, vs. AGA's 24 bit), and there's a slight green-shift involved. Plus the multiple analogdigital conversions make it a bit muddy, but it works fine for low res stuff (320x200,320x256). Plus ECS (Amiga 16-bit) screens don't suffer from the green-shift. Would be perfect for non-AGA systems. Can't remember the guys contact info, but I think he posted about it on here a few years back. On my Tower, I have a LCD TV-set with a VGA input, but thats because I have the VGA for my RTG card, and the composite input is connected to the A501(I think, the beige colored RGB->Composite adapter), which works well except for PAL games (Missing the lower chunk of the screen, and the image jumps a bit, if anybody knows a good cheap pal->ntsc scaler, like the Atlona CDM-660, or enven one that outputs to HDMI, please don't be shy about it.).


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Re: A1200 AGA Connect to PC LCD VGA Monitor?
Posted on 11-Feb-2013 11:38:22
#10 ]
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From: wales

check your pm


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Re: A1200 AGA Connect to PC LCD VGA Monitor?
Posted on 11-Feb-2013 17:48:05
#11 ]
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Joined: 10-Jul-2005
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From: Unknown


I use similar adapter on my A1200. Works with DblPAL/DblNTSC modes so most games can´t be displayed on my TFT. Best solution is some sort of scandoubler or RGB to SCART adapter (if your TV supports SCART input).

and of course...


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Re: A1200 AGA Connect to PC LCD VGA Monitor?
Posted on 11-Feb-2013 23:40:06
#12 ]
Joined: 4-Oct-2012
Posts: 34
From: Hungary, Budapest


I'd wait a couple of days!
In fact, two days later, ready for final ScanJuggler XAGA software!
And the process of production!

I have seen and used the prototype in action!
Now, there's no better Amiga hardware!
Crystal-clear, sharp picture!
Million feature!
And will not be forgetting the hardware!
Softvare regular updates!
And now even other secret features!

The Hungarian Amiga users have all been pre-ordered!

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Re: A1200 AGA Connect to PC LCD VGA Monitor?
Posted on 11-Feb-2013 23:51:10
#13 ]
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Joined: 22-Feb-2007
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From: Unknown

I got a Dell 2001FP, really nice monitor.
20", 1600x1200, got VGA, DVI, Composite and Svideo inputs.

Actually I have 2 of them, one displays Amiga image even via VGA with a "stupid" adapter (while the other doesn't), but then the other syncs properly to PAL60... No idea what is causing these differences Different version perhaps?

Anyway, nice monitors for "retro use".

Also attachable Dell Soundbar has surprisingly good sound, better than most built-in speakers on monitors.

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Re: A1200 AGA Connect to PC LCD VGA Monitor?
Posted on 12-Feb-2013 0:35:32
#14 ]
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From: Wisconsin, USA


Wow, that looks pretty cool, actually. Hmm.. Tax returns....


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Re: A1200 AGA Connect to PC LCD VGA Monitor?
Posted on 12-Feb-2013 1:29:00
#15 ]
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Joined: 16-Apr-2008
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From: Melbourne (Australia)


Looking good, can you (or someone else) do a review?


Last edited by NovaCoder on 12-Feb-2013 at 01:29 AM.

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Re: A1200 AGA Connect to PC LCD VGA Monitor?
Posted on 12-Feb-2013 2:02:05
#16 ]
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Joined: 2-Jan-2008
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From: Woodstock, Ontario, Canada


Finally I can escape the Indivision AGA MKII blues and get something that has actual support and development :)


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Re: A1200 AGA Connect to PC LCD VGA Monitor?
Posted on 12-Feb-2013 3:15:49
#17 ]
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From: Houston, Texas USA



AmigaMania wrote:

I'd wait a couple of days!
In fact, two days later, ready for final ScanJuggler XAGA software!
And the process of production!

I have seen and used the prototype in action!
Now, there's no better Amiga hardware!
Crystal-clear, sharp picture!
Million feature!
And will not be forgetting the hardware!
Softvare regular updates!
And now even other secret features!

The Hungarian Amiga users have all been pre-ordered!

ScanJuggler XAGA FTW!!!!!!!

Wanna try a wonderfull magical Amiga strategy game?
Total Chaos AGA

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Re: A1200 AGA Connect to PC LCD VGA Monitor?
Posted on 12-Feb-2013 4:41:25
#18 ]
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Joined: 14-Apr-2003
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From: nyc


Once again where do you get this stuff? Do you just guess or is it based on actual expreiences. That GB scandoubler for $35 works quite well from what i've read on the forums.

I have an MK2 and cant believe that the core isnt out yet. I'm lucky that I have an hdmi tv that works with it but the borders are all messed up and the centering is off. Works nice in the new modes though like Highgfx and Superplus as far as filling the screen properly.

I'm very excited for this new scanjuggler.

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Re: A1200 AGA Connect to PC LCD VGA Monitor?
Posted on 12-Feb-2013 4:47:36
#19 ]
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Joined: 2-Jan-2008
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From: Woodstock, Ontario, Canada


Me too. Very Excite!

The Indvsion AGA MK II has not favored me as well as youl I'm afraid. I am hoping the The ScanJuggler will reverse this trend of Hardware mayhem.


Last edited by Drewlio77 on 12-Feb-2013 at 04:48 AM.

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Re: A1200 AGA Connect to PC LCD VGA Monitor?
Posted on 12-Feb-2013 5:56:58
#20 ]
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From: Houston, Texas USA



realize wrote:

Once again where do you get this stuff?

I am sorry. I do not know exactly which specific stuff u r referring to.


Do you just guess or is it based on actual expreiences.

All my knowledge of flickerfixers is based on experience, reading the instructions, and reading the msgs of others on the forums.
I have been using flickerfixers since 1980s. Remember the original Microway Flicker Fixer for the A2000? Remember those plastic shields they made to hang over your Amiga 1080 monitor? I was there. I used those. My 1990 Amiga 3000 flickerfixer was a GIANT step up.


That GB scandoubler for $35 works quite well from what i've read on the forums.

I don't know precisely 100% what one you are reffering too.

The one I was originally referring to had the following problems:
1. Doesn't work on an Amiga.
2. Oh wait, it does work if you buy a special custom cable for it. But then it doesn't cost $35.00 any more.
3. Oh wait, it still doesn't work because the 24-bit color support only works on the VGA port, which DOES NOT ALLOW AMIGA 15.75 Khz mode to work..
4. So u can only use the thing with composite input which is garbage.
5. Or u can use the RGB input and lose over 16.7 million colors. Garbage.

There were various other flickerfixers I researched over the years that just flat out had no 24-bit color period. Not on composite. Not on VGA 31.5 Khz. They just didn't believe in letting your gfx look correct and beautiful.

I have no way of knowing if the one you are talking about is the one I investigated or if it is a new one. Sorry. Why don't u tell me?

Can u connect the one you are talking about up to an Amiga 1200 ON THE VGA PORT with 16.7 million color ouptut?

If not then how much does the special custom cable cost you?

If not then what input do u use?

How many colors do u lose?

How much did a case for it cost?
(That was one of the complaints on the forums was that you really need a case for it and a case costs a ton of money so ur just better off buying a proper $150.00 model)

Which Amiga gfx modes and games refuse to work on it?
(That was another complaint from the forums, many Amiga modes did not work and produced garbage output.)


I'm very excited for this new scanjuggler.

So am I. It is made by real Amiga video engineers who understand all the complexities of video output, especially AMIGA Video Output since Amiga does all kinds of fancy tricks with RGB output that other simple little computers cannot do.

So I have high hopes for the Scanjuggler XAGA (the FULL version not the light one).

Although I must admit that the flickerfixer in my current A1200 has never let me down even though it is from the 1990s. Still works great in every Amiga mode including 1280x512 and has all 16.7 million colors. It allows my A1200 to work on a wide variety of CRT monitors. I have not yet found an LCD monitor worthy of my $$$. My 19" monitors are CRT for speed and good color and my giant monitor is a DLP since it was massively larger, massively cheaper and massively better than any LCD available at the time. Plasmas are awesome when they are new but the plasma degrades with time after a few years of use its not as awesome any more. I went with DLP because I could reasonably expect it to last 10 years with 0 burned out pixels and super fantastically bright picture and super saturated colors.

Wanna try a wonderfull magical Amiga strategy game?
Total Chaos AGA

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