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Dopus Magellan Unstable
Posted on 12-May-2024 12:57:33
#1 ]
Super Member
Joined: 30-Sep-2008
Posts: 1072
From: Unknown

I'm trying to use Dopus Magellan (V5.82) on my A4000 (060 CPU, Picasso IV, 256mb RAM).

It runs perfectly when I launch it from AmigaOS 3.9, but when I try to run it in Workbench replacement mode it turns into an unstable mess, constatly locking up the system and Guru errors when just opening listers or clicking icons.

I have removed everything from WBStartup and the only 'extra' program I am running is AmiDock from OS3.9.

Again, when launching Dopus from Workbench it is rock solid, has anyone else come across this, or any ideas why it could be? I'd love to use it in full WB replacement mode, it's really slick.

Last edited by danwood on 12-May-2024 at 01:00 PM.

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Re: Dopus Magellan Unstable
Posted on 12-May-2024 14:52:25
#2 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 21-Aug-2003
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From: Trondheim, Norway


How do you start it? LoadDB?

Also, just saying "guru messages" is kinda moot, if you want help you must specify _what_ guru messages - they’re not totally random…


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Re: Dopus Magellan Unstable
Posted on 12-May-2024 14:58:55
#3 ]
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I would remove all from wbstartup amd all patches (user-startup, startup-sequences) and then integrate it again component by component and check if problems still arise. That is time consuming but from my experience only chance to find the reason

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Re: Dopus Magellan Unstable
Posted on 12-May-2024 21:13:31
#4 ]
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From: Trondheim, Norway

From what I recall… when launching from Workbench it does things like reading from tooltypes etc. which needs to be provided as arguments if started with LoadDB. Also.. is screenmode set to use Workbench screen, or to set up its own screen? In Workbench replacement mode it should use Worbench screen.


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Re: Dopus Magellan Unstable
Posted on 13-May-2024 12:31:18
#5 ]
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Thanks for the replies,

Apologies for the lack of Guru error information, it is a 80000004 error (illegal instruction).

I set it to replace workbench from the installer, it looks like it's replaced my LoadWB command with it's own loader.

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Re: Dopus Magellan Unstable
Posted on 13-May-2024 12:32:43
#6 ]
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Thanks, I've had a look, the tooltypes are all commented out so it doesn't appear to be anything there.

It's set to open on it's own screen (a clone of Workbench screen mode).

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Re: Dopus Magellan Unstable
Posted on 13-May-2024 15:16:33
#7 ]
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Any new video in the making?

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Re: Dopus Magellan Unstable
Posted on 13-May-2024 18:48:15
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Yes :) This week, finally! Not Amiga related I'm afraid, but I'm also working on an X5000 video...

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Re: Dopus Magellan Unstable
Posted on 13-May-2024 22:28:22
#9 ]
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From: Trondheim, Norway


Dare I ask what icon.library you use? Also it’s probably a good idea to configure it to use Workbench screen when you use it as a replacement.


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Re: Dopus Magellan Unstable
Posted on 13-May-2024 22:58:21
#10 ]
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I'm using but does Dopus even use that? I thought it had its own icon library (hence why it can't display PNG icons).

I didn't see an option to use Workbench screen when running it was a WB replacement, I guessed as it was because Workbench is never loaded? So I just ran it on it's own screen that is a clone of WB. (A Picasso 96 800x600 screen).

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Re: Dopus Magellan Unstable
Posted on 14-May-2024 0:08:04
#11 ]
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on aros 68k at least you can indeed combine DOpus and icon library very well. Scalos makes there more problems

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Re: Dopus Magellan Unstable
Posted on 14-May-2024 8:09:39
#12 ]
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There was something with icon.libraries and Magellan2, but it's too long to remember anything for sure :)

But if I'm trying to guess according to what I remember, some icon.library (replacements) try to patch Workbench functions, but when you're running DOpus as a Workbench replacement, they fail. And this could probably cause stability issues.

There was some issue when OS3.5 was released, but it was fixed in DOpus 5.81 and that's why you should always update from 5.80 to 5.82 whenever you install the original Magellan2. Magellan2 updates also provided an icon.library for 3.5+, but I don't think I've been using it since 5.82 + 3.9... I can access a backup of my old A1200 setup and it looks that I have icon.library 45.4 in use there.. can't remember where that version is from.

But in any case DOpus uses OS libraries/functions mostly and should be stable and compatible in that way, but there are some situations where you can have issues with some patches.

I would try with different icon.library versions... the one provided with Magellan updates (in Opus5/OS3.5/libs/ dir), with the latest OS3.9 (BB2) version, or newer like I had, but test if/where it breaks at some point.

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Re: Dopus Magellan Unstable
Posted on 14-May-2024 9:58:06
#13 ]
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From: Trondheim, Norway

I agree with last speaker :)

Yes, icon.library is used, and yes there has been issues with DOpus and icon.library in the past, but they should be mostly solved by now. It might be that opening Workbench "settle" something that remains "unsettled" when just opening DOpus.

And again, I suggest using Workbench screen when running as Workbench replacement. :)


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Re: Dopus Magellan Unstable
Posted on 14-May-2024 10:23:35
#14 ]
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Ahh that seems to have fixed it! I restored the original icon.library from my OS3.9 CD and it seems stable now.

It seems Dopus Magellan has issues with IconLib_46.4 (at least on my machine.)

I can definitely notice the slowdown in icons loading now though, I'll try some alternatives.

Thanks for the help!

Last edited by danwood on 14-May-2024 at 10:24 AM.

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Re: Dopus Magellan Unstable
Posted on 14-May-2024 11:34:29
#15 ]
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it also seems to depend on what Magellan you use. Original was up to 5.82, the new version is 5.90. I tested both and there seem to be differences because some of the software not worked depending on if you used old Magellan or new Magellan. But if your problems are sorted out, all is well.

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Re: Dopus Magellan Unstable
Posted on 14-May-2024 12:34:08
#16 ]
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From: .fi



danwood wrote:

I can definitely notice the slowdown in icons loading now though, I'll try some alternatives.

Interesting... do you have icon caching turned on from the Magellan's icon settings?

But I probably wouldn't have noticed, because I never use listers in the icon mode anyway. The name mode is so much more powerful for everything that seeing some pretty images isn't that important anymore :)

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Re: Dopus Magellan Unstable
Posted on 14-May-2024 20:50:29
#17 ]
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From: Belgrade, Serbia


Try newer one, many bugs were squashed (just replace exe)

Thanks to kas1e and friends!

Last edited by vox on 14-May-2024 at 08:52 PM.
Last edited by vox on 14-May-2024 at 08:52 PM.

Future Acube and MOS supporter, fi di good, nothing fi di unprofessionals. Learn it harder way!

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Re: Dopus Magellan Unstable
Posted on 14-May-2024 22:18:52
#18 ]
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Yes that setting is on, tbh I'll probably use it more in lister mode any as I get used to it again. I used to be a heavy user in the late 90s but am learning my way around it again.


Thanks, I remember this coming out but all the web links I found were dead. I'll upgrade and try it out.

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Re: Dopus Magellan Unstable
Posted on 18-May-2024 16:08:29
#19 ]
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v5.92 running great on a fresh OS3.2 install, thanks for the links.

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Re: Dopus Magellan Unstable
Posted on 18-May-2024 18:23:55
#20 ]
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Joined: 12-Jun-2005
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From: Belgrade, Serbia


Magellan is easy to love, maximally configurable, making WB experience way more modern.

Again, thanks to kas1e and rest of guys that have kept it updated.

Best file manager AND WB replacement, hope some of its feat will become OS standard :D

Dopus still lives on Windows and is great file manager, way better then e,g, Total Commander,
a bit expensive though. However it feels more like Dopus 4 onward then Magellan.

Last edited by vox on 18-May-2024 at 06:25 PM.

Future Acube and MOS supporter, fi di good, nothing fi di unprofessionals. Learn it harder way!

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