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AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 8-Aug-2008 17:47:25
#1 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2577

We have added AmigaOS 4.1 to our webstore:

We ship in the USA, UK, Europe and worldwide

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
Links: | New Products | A600GS

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Re: AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 8-Aug-2008 17:52:10
#2 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 30-Sep-2005
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From: Quattro Stelle




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Re: AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 8-Aug-2008 17:53:56
#3 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 19-Jun-2004
Posts: 5009
From: Sweden


is it ?

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Re: AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 8-Aug-2008 18:04:54
#4 ]
Super Member
Joined: 3-Sep-2003
Posts: 1467
From: Canada


So let me ask you a question, if I order that can I use it?

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Re: AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 8-Aug-2008 18:16:02
#5 ]
Cult Member
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Provided you have something to run it on, of course



Comments made by me on any public fora are not representative of, or on behalf of, any company I may have, or assumed by the reader to have, any association with.

Any comments are a personal opinion, and should be accepted as such.

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Re: AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 8-Aug-2008 18:28:58
#6 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 9-Jun-2004
Posts: 12892
From: Norway


Do you have an AmigaONE-XE / AmigaONE-SE or an MicroA1?

if the answer is no, then you can't run it.

Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS

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Re: AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 8-Aug-2008 18:31:29
#7 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 30-Aug-2003
Posts: 5120
From: Right here...


The Euro vs the USD changes all the time. Just wondering if your price for 4.1 will reflect any major changes in euro vs dollar. I do understand a small markup to cover shipping from Europe plus US shipping.


Buy it if you have an A1, forget it if you don't.

Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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Re: AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 8-Aug-2008 18:33:43
#8 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 1-Nov-2003
Posts: 574
From: UK


What is showing on DVPlayer? Is that Apocalypse Now!?

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Re: AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 8-Aug-2008 19:25:08
#9 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2577


US price is consistent with the suggested retail price:

AmigaOS 4.1 $165.90:

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
Links: | New Products | A600GS

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Re: AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 8-Aug-2008 19:31:15
#10 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 23-Jul-2006
Posts: 756
From: UK


I thought that too...

Or maybe Black Hawk Down?

Looks too old to be that though...


A1200, 68060/64MB/1.2GB/WiFi/AGAtoCRT/OS3.9 Pegasos I, G3 600Mhz/512/9200SE/80GB WinUAE, Ryzen 5 2400G/Vega11, 8GB DDR4, 256GB SSD,Win 10 Pro x64 Amiga Forever !

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Re: AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 8-Aug-2008 19:36:59
#11 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 30-Aug-2003
Posts: 5120
From: Right here...


Thanks for the clarification.

Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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Re: AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 8-Aug-2008 19:48:47
#12 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 23-Apr-2003
Posts: 647
From: England, UK


What is showing on DVPlayer? Is that Apocalypse Now!?

I think so


A1200T - OS4.0,OS3.9: 603e PPC 200mhz,060 50mhz, 256mb ram, FastATA MK-III, BVision, 160gb,20gb HDDs

A1200 - OS3.1: Blizzard IV 030, 64mb ram, 400mb HDD

OS4.x - Flying the AMIGA flag

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Re: AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 8-Aug-2008 20:57:25
#13 ]
Super Member
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From: Canada


Then I guess this OS nothing more than a forbidden candy hidden behind an invisible field. Nothing more than a major tease for me.

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Re: AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 9-Aug-2008 0:13:37
#14 ]
OS4 Core Developer
Joined: 14-Jul-2003
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I guess that is your way of saying "I don't have an AmigaOne".

Seriously, if you want to contact me do not bother sending me a PM here. Write me a mail

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Re: AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 9-Aug-2008 0:50:26
#15 ]
Super Member
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From: Canada


You are understanding my language

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Re: AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 9-Aug-2008 1:18:26
#16 ]
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From: Unknown

Last edited by retro on 09-Aug-2008 at 01:38 AM.

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Re: AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 9-Aug-2008 1:26:35
#17 ]
Super Member
Joined: 16-Dec-2003
Posts: 1049
From: Unknown

doobble post..

is ther any thing going on about the emolation issue. euae is tooo sloow

Last edited by retro on 09-Aug-2008 at 01:39 AM.
Last edited by retro on 09-Aug-2008 at 01:27 AM.

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Re: AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 9-Aug-2008 2:21:49
#18 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 9-Jun-2004
Posts: 12892
From: Norway


"euae is tooo sloow"

I disagree, most old games are for Amiga500, AmigaONE/EUAE emulates an A500 where well, you just need to fine tune the .uaerc file...

System friendly A1200 programs I can be run on AmigaOS4/JIT, so no need for EUAE.

Generally its better to use native PowerPC software when possible.

Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS

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Re: AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 9-Aug-2008 3:18:07
#19 ]
Super Member
Joined: 2-Feb-2004
Posts: 1246
From: Pennsylvania, USA


We ship in the USA, UK, Europe and worldwide

And I can recommend your excellent service.

Probably due to my own ineptitude, I was unable to complete the online order form for OS 4.1 and left a message with Amigakit. Imagine my surprise when I received a transatlantic phone call upon returning from work offering to take my order over the phone! If the caller hadn't had a distinct British accent, I wouldn't have believed that it was actually Amigakit calling

Thanks Amigakit.

X1000 with 2GB memory & OS4.1FE

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Re: AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on 9-Aug-2008 10:24:07
#20 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 4-Nov-2006
Posts: 117
From: Denmark



Benji wrote:

What is showing on DVPlayer? Is that Apocalypse Now!?

But is it the original or a pirated copy ? :P

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