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Txt file of dir drawers. How ?
Posted on 13-Feb-2011 5:56:05
#1 ]
Super Member
Joined: 28-Jan-2007
Posts: 1396
From: French


I would like to create a txt file of drawers directories.

For example, on your roms drawer, you have mame drawer and inside you have all the mame roms.

the result on the file should be:

green beret
bubble bobble

No need to have sub drawer of name of files inside green beret or bubble bobble.

- How can I do that with a dir command or third party dir replacements ?
- Maybe a database program should do that and filter/remove easily additionnal result of a dir scan by the database program ?


dir VotreRépertoire: ALL DIRS >Liste.txt

give a good example but all all the sub-drawers and I just need N and N-1 drawer on the list.

BTW, what you have done for the amiga today ????

-SAM440EP-667mhz-on MapowerKC3000+AOS4.1

Amiga Docs Disks Preservation Project

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Re: Txt file of dir drawers. How ?
Posted on 13-Feb-2011 7:21:37
#2 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 16-Jul-2004
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From: Germany


LIST Work:something TO RAM:xyz.txt QUICK NOHEAD

or maybe


for a sorted list, or

LIST Work:something TO RAM:xyz.txt QUICK NOHEAD PAT=~(#?.info) SORT=NAME

for a sorted list, but without .info files in it.

Last edited by ZeroG on 13-Feb-2011 at 07:28 AM.

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Re: Txt file of dir drawers. How ?
Posted on 13-Feb-2011 9:49:27
#3 ]
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Shouldn't that List command include "dirs" if that's all he wants to see?


list quick sort dirs nohead Work:something to RAM:xyz.txt


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Re: Txt file of dir drawers. How ?
Posted on 13-Feb-2011 12:14:37
#4 ]
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From: French


LIST Work:something TO RAM:xyz.txt QUICK NOHEAD

work but that just use the drawers under work:something

dir work:something ALL DIRS >Liste.txt

work but take all the drawers and sub-drawers

In fact the best is to a a dir with, example:

dir VotreRépertoire: ALL DIRS LEVEL=2 >Liste.txt

like that just drawers and just the first level of sub-drawers only on liste.txt

I need:

accept- discograhy
russian roulette
metal heart
Iron maiden - discography
iron maiden
piece of mind
the number of the beast

Because I have main drawers with name of band and subdrawers, name of the albums.

no third party program or database program who could take drawers exist ?

BTW, what you have done for the amiga today ????

-SAM440EP-667mhz-on MapowerKC3000+AOS4.1

Amiga Docs Disks Preservation Project

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Re: Txt file of dir drawers. How ?
Posted on 13-Feb-2011 15:53:59
#5 ]
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From: Germany


Shouldn't that List command include "dirs" if that's all he wants to see?

Yes, i have some problems to understand what Mrodfr writes...


dir Work:#?/#? dirs >ram:liste.txt

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Re: Txt file of dir drawers. How ?
Posted on 13-Feb-2011 17:08:59
#6 ]
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From: French


Work and give another solution to have the result I would like to see
(drawer and subdrawer are on the same line) but with dir no possibility to have the result sorted like LIST command previously.

This is not the result I have expected to see but It's the nearest one, thanks..

If I could write something on the AOS4 bugzilla I will add, as feature request, a level command/argument on dir and list.

Last edited by Mrodfr on 13-Feb-2011 at 05:10 PM.
Last edited by Mrodfr on 13-Feb-2011 at 05:09 PM.

BTW, what you have done for the amiga today ????

-SAM440EP-667mhz-on MapowerKC3000+AOS4.1

Amiga Docs Disks Preservation Project

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Re: Txt file of dir drawers. How ?
Posted on 13-Feb-2011 18:19:55
#7 ]
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From: Germany


...but with dir no possibility to have the result sorted like LIST command previously.

dir Work:#?/#? dirs >T:temp
sort T:temp ram:liste.txt

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Re: Txt file of dir drawers. How ?
Posted on 13-Feb-2011 21:38:59
#8 ]
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Just on the off chance this is what you could use, check out Visualguide on Amimet. It will create an amigaguide file of directories/partitions. It's 68k, but still works with OS4.1.2, some options fail, but no GR.

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Re: Txt file of dir drawers. How ?
Posted on 14-Feb-2011 19:11:33
#9 ]
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From: Gloucestershire UK



ZeroG wrote:

dir Work:#?/#? dirs >T:temp
sort T:temp ram:liste.txt

I just use:

Dir all dirs >ram:temp

Then use cygnused to strip off the " (dir)" endings and replace each block of 5 spaces with a tab to shrink the filesize eg. from 19,107 bytes down to 13,065 bytes. It's very easy to write a macro to do it, just load the file press one key and the file is converted and saved. Don't forget to save the macro.

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Re: Txt file of dir drawers. How ?
Posted on 14-Feb-2011 20:53:29
#10 ]
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Joined: 14-May-2003
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From: Sweden


I would recommend that you tried some things with MultiRen

- Add files recursive to the list from your directory. (Yes files, we will filter this later.)
- In the menu Visible columns: Select Path.

- Open the RenPlacer tool.
- For Source: Enter '*' and select Path.
- For Target: Enter '*' and select New name.
- Click Rename (in the Renplacer window!) All paths should be copied to file name now.

- Open the Prefs and go to Duplicates. (I know, an odd place for this...)
- Click Delete duplicates.
- Click Use to close the window.

- In the menu List: Select Export list as text.
- Select Exclude Old name.
- Select Filename with path.
- Click Save as...
- Done

Now you should have your list, if I understood your requiest correctly

Edit: There is of course also sorting functionality!

Few tools beat MultiRen when it comes to deal with lists of files and their directories. There may be a few steps to get what you want, but then you also get what you want.

Last edited by Deniil715 on 14-Feb-2011 at 08:56 PM.

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Re: Txt file of dir drawers. How ?
Posted on 14-Feb-2011 21:07:04
#11 ]
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Joined: 11-Jan-2006
Posts: 717
From: Ingle land

How about

list #?/#?/#? dirs nohead quick LFORMAT %F > ram:text.txt
sort ram:text.txt ram:sorted.txt

Then remove the duplicates. I could knock up a CLI command to do that if nothing else exists and that's what you need.

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Re: Txt file of dir drawers. How ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2011 17:12:45
#12 ]
Super Member
Joined: 28-Jan-2007
Posts: 1396
From: French


This is strange but with your suggestions, not all the content of the drawer are on the text.txt file.

With your suggestion, all are on the same line (main drawer and sub-drawer and with the complete path.


Dir all dirs >ram:temp

this one is interesting because well formatted and give the good result but make all the sub-drawers. I just need the first sub-drawer level.

Also after using the sort command, the result isn't good at all.

Apparently, not possible to have the result I wish with DOS commands.


good program and make more or less the result I Need. Just need to remove all the amigaguide extra-parts on the result file.

This is the tool I need but the result must be a txt file.

Last edited by Mrodfr on 15-Feb-2011 at 05:35 PM.
Last edited by Mrodfr on 15-Feb-2011 at 05:24 PM.
Last edited by Mrodfr on 15-Feb-2011 at 05:21 PM.
Last edited by Mrodfr on 15-Feb-2011 at 05:18 PM.

BTW, what you have done for the amiga today ????

-SAM440EP-667mhz-on MapowerKC3000+AOS4.1

Amiga Docs Disks Preservation Project

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Re: Txt file of dir drawers. How ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2011 18:41:24
#13 ]
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Joined: 17-Dec-2007
Posts: 1816
From: Gothenburg, THE front side of Sweden ;), (via Finland), EU


So to make this clear, if your dirs look like this:

-Iron maiden
+-piece of mind
+-the number of the beast
-Artist 2
+-Album 1
+-Album 2
-Artist 3
+-Album 1
+-Album 2

You want an output that looks like following, or?
Iron maiden
piece of mind
the number of the beast

Artist 2
Album 1
Album 2

Artist 3
Album 1
Album 2

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Re: Txt file of dir drawers. How ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2011 19:23:27
#14 ]
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Joined: 28-Jan-2007
Posts: 1396
From: French


Yes, this is what I wish.

one another example


Iron maiden - discography

1980-iron maiden
1983-piece of mind

Wished list:
Iron maiden - discography
1980-iron maiden
1983-piece of mind

Of course, my datas are all on a same main drawers and lots of drawers inside

This is for creating a list of my datas with a simple scan with a command or a tool in a few seconds.

This tool or dos commands can be used with rom directory, movies, pictures, etc... For this case, I don't need the list of the files.

I'm trying to explain deeply in case someone would like to create this tool.

BTW, what you have done for the amiga today ????

-SAM440EP-667mhz-on MapowerKC3000+AOS4.1

Amiga Docs Disks Preservation Project

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Re: Txt file of dir drawers. How ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2011 20:30:00
#15 ]
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From: Gothenburg, THE front side of Sweden ;), (via Finland), EU


Oki got it I *might* implement a LEVEL option (or something) for the ALL/SUBDIRS/RECURSIVE equivalent in DisplayFiles in *future*.

But that won't happen before I've implemented ALL and DIRS equivalent options, and a few other things on the TODO list already to fix...

But in any case I have put this on the SUGGESTIONS list for DF.

Last edited by marko on 15-Feb-2011 at 08:30 PM.

AmigaOS 4.1 FEu2 on Sam440ep-flex 800MHz 1GB RAM
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Re: Txt file of dir drawers. How ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2011 21:43:58
#16 ]
Elite Member
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From: Gloucestershire UK


Here's a little script written in an interpreted basic that should do what you want... I've included the basic interpreter. Check the readme for info.

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Re: Txt file of dir drawers. How ?
Posted on 15-Feb-2011 22:06:14
#17 ]
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Joined: 22-Jan-2004
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From: City of Lost Angels, California.


If you grab BrowserII from Aminet, in the C drawer there's a "For" command which will do just what you need with the following syntax:

For #? type=dir do echo %s, list dirs %s quick nohead

That For command is really handy for countless other purposes too.

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Re: Txt file of dir drawers. How ?
Posted on 16-Feb-2011 13:11:41
#18 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 14-May-2003
Posts: 4237
From: Sweden



Wished list:
Iron maiden - discography
1980-iron maiden
1983-piece of mind

Oh you wanted it that way??
Much easier with MultiRen.
I'm at work now so don't know it completely in my head but something like this:
- Load you files.
- Use the Sort tool to sort the list by path.

- Open the File Comment tool.
- Select Custom format.
- Pick something that is called "little path" from the drop-down list.
- Set target to New name.
- Click the button that will apply this (not one of the bold buttons!).

- Open prefs and remove duplicates as before.
- Select menu Export as text and save as described before.

Last edited by Deniil715 on 16-Feb-2011 at 01:13 PM.

- Don't get fooled by my avatar, I'm not like that (anymore, mostly... maybe only sometimes)
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Re: Txt file of dir drawers. How ?
Posted on 16-Feb-2011 17:17:17
#19 ]
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From: French


- Click the button that will apply this (not one of the bold buttons!).

I have followed your explanations and, on the quoted part, I have stopped because the remaining time is 8 mins with 100% CPU. I need a tool who do the thing in some seconds . Thank for the help.


strange but for work only for the main boot partition. If I open a shell and CD the drawer I would like to create the txt and launch your example, list isn't found (but a path and assign to C exist). Even if I copy list to ram: the same.

Btw, the list created withthe main boot partition show me that for list and take all the files, even the .info.

For my case, I need a list with the main drawers and just one level subdrawers.


Installed and followed the little readme.

bx dirscan.bas DONNEES:dst/ >ram:text

Not working because the first line of text is created but after a basic error 5.


Thanks for taking my explanation as a good idea to implement on df.

If you implement that My example need just all the main drawers and one level of sub-drawers only because the main drawer are the name of the band and the subdrawer the name of the album.

This is interesting to have a tool that allow to create easily list of music, movies, mame roms or whdload game by just checking the name of drawers and/or subdrawers or files.

Last edited by Mrodfr on 17-Feb-2011 at 06:46 AM.
Last edited by Mrodfr on 16-Feb-2011 at 05:38 PM.
Last edited by Mrodfr on 16-Feb-2011 at 05:31 PM.
Last edited by Mrodfr on 16-Feb-2011 at 05:28 PM.

BTW, what you have done for the amiga today ????

-SAM440EP-667mhz-on MapowerKC3000+AOS4.1

Amiga Docs Disks Preservation Project

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Re: Txt file of dir drawers. How ?
Posted on 16-Feb-2011 20:07:23
#20 ]
Elite Member
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From: Gloucestershire UK


try "bx dirscan.bas DONNEES:dst >ram:text" I put in an untested check for a trailing slash. another thing that might mess it up is if you have [ or ] in the drawer names.

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