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New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 18-Feb-2006 19:38:50
#1 ]
Super Member
Joined: 16-Jun-2003
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From: Croatia

Read this on AmigaOrg

Post: Phantom: According to Eyetech Group, new AmigaOne motherboards will be ready for sale in the next few months (telephone conversation). That's all


Orginal link ->


Amiga x5000 ı o2o ı 4GB RAM ı RadeonRX580 | SBlaster Audigy Fx - AmigaOS4.1 FInal Edition

A1200 sandwich :)

Croatian Amiga portal

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 18-Feb-2006 19:48:22
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The Amigaone cures cancer?!?!?!
/me runs off to buy more Amiga's

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 18-Feb-2006 19:51:04
#3 ]
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Joined: 21-Apr-2003
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From: Fargo, ND, USA


If the Troika board beats them to market, there won't be much point. Comparable specs for $200 to $300 cheaper.

...wait... what?

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 18-Feb-2006 20:01:18
# ]



He doesn't get any details out of the telephone call, so maybe Eyetech is
releasing those Micro-I's or another form of "High-End-Boards" which puts them
in the state of dictating the price ... again!?

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 18-Feb-2006 20:04:03
#5 ]
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This is good news. Even if the Troika board is similar in spec and cheaper we need more hardware to be available - so the more the merrier!!

Perhaps this will slay the doom mongers who say Eyetech have walked away from the Amiga scene, they forget that the boards have been built and are just waiting for processors - and how silly it would be to throw away all the money that has been tied up in them.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 18-Feb-2006 20:37:41
#6 ]
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From: Michigan

There needs to be an Amiga in every home!

Go Eyetech! (The more they sell the better.)

Let´s hope they do a nice big batch this time so they can bring the price down a bit.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 18-Feb-2006 20:39:49
#7 ]
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From: USA


Not this time. Before, they were the only game in town so everyone in the OS4 "camp" deferred to them. There might have been some grumbling but they were saving the platform so they got cut a lot of slack. Now, we have two other competing boards, and I bet neither of the two groups are going to just roll over after all the R&D they've put in. Eyetech will be forced to either price their boards to match the offerings from Ack and Troika, or else look for a niche that is not covered by these two. Either way, the days of the $1K cover charge to get into Club Amiga are over

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 18-Feb-2006 20:40:15
#8 ]
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From: Canada


According to Eyetech Group, new AmigaOne motherboards will be ready for sale in the next few months

(let's just say I will be very surprised if this happens)

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 18-Feb-2006 20:43:05
#9 ]
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From: Yorkshire Dales, United Knigdom


Either way, the days of the $1K cover charge to get into Club Amiga are over


If they do release some boards again they still will be the 'only game in town'. The situation hasn't changed just because two ideas for possible new hardware have since been mentioned.


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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 18-Feb-2006 21:09:24
#10 ]
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From: Charlotte, NC


by Legion on 18-Feb-2006 14:51:04


If the Troika board beats them to market, there won't be much point. Comparable specs for $200 to $300 cheaper.

I would say more of a margin than that. Troika announced that their board could come in at under $400USD. Concidering that Eyetechs boards were being offered by dealer for $975USD, That's over half as cheap. I could have dual Troika Amiga's here in my setup for the cost of a single Eyetech one. That is, unless Alan has struck some magic number and gotten those prices down.

And to be fair, we haven't seen the end product of Troika, but if they can stay within that $400US price or less, they should sell a bundle of boards and systems.

One other note... AmigaOne's have upgradeable CPU's and the legacy ports some people want. Now if he is talking about bringing around another full size board with AGP, then I might be tempted, but once again, not if it's $1000USD.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 18-Feb-2006 21:09:39
#11 ]
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From: The Netherlands, Europe

A couple of facts:

- Eyetech's AmigaOne has been the only hardware so far. I haven't seen any other hardware and let's face facts; untill I have seen it, the AmigaOne SE, XE, micro is the only existing hardware;

- the onboard sound of the XE WORKS!

In my opinion; the bugs in the AmigaOne hardware are greatly exagerated. It's shame we didn't find out any sooner.

If this is true; I hope it's XE's!!!

I have a micro and an XE and the XE is simply much better. I hope it was the "onboard sound works" thingy which made them reconsider.

AmigaOne-XE G3 OS 4.
A4000 PPC
A1200 PPC

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 18-Feb-2006 21:22:14
#12 ]
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From: Copenhagen, Denmark

- the onboard sound of the XE WORKS!

Yeah, well, if you are lucky enough to have a board from a period where Eyetech still believed it would ever work. On my board they simply left out the chip

Best regards,


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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 18-Feb-2006 21:43:47
#13 ]
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From: USA


If we're talking vapour, then all three of them are rather vaporous

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 18-Feb-2006 21:47:53
#14 ]
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From: The Netherlands, Europe


That was not Eyetech's fault! Eyetech always believed it would work.

It was the bloody crap spouted over severall forums by severall persons that caused the chip to be removed.

It was removed under political pressure.

AmigaOne-XE G3 OS 4.
A4000 PPC
A1200 PPC

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 18-Feb-2006 22:30:01
#15 ]
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Joined: 30-May-2003
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From: Auckland, New Zealand


I wonder if the ack a1 cpu upgrades have been held off waiting for the arrival of new amigaones?

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 18-Feb-2006 22:44:11
#16 ]
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Joined: 20-Aug-2003
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From: County Yakima, WA State, USA



nbache wrote:
- the onboard sound of the XE WORKS!

Yeah, well, if you are lucky enough to have a board from a period where Eyetech still believed it would ever work. On my board they simply left out the chip

Is this chip unobtainable for you to replace?

I must be fortunate for my XE has the chip. What is the secret to making it work?

AmigaOne X1000
AmigaOne XE G4
I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 18-Feb-2006 22:53:58
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Take a look here!

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 18-Feb-2006 23:00:26
#18 ]
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Joined: 10-Mar-2003
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From: Figueira da Foz - Portugal



I would say more of a margin than that. Troika announced that their board could come in at under $400USD.

I thought it was £400...

Q What is the price of the Amy'05 motherboard?

The price of Amy'05 is dependent upon country: local taxes, shipping etc. We released a highly cautious, conservative estimate of less than £400 in the UK . Amy'05 will be priced for high volume production and availability.

We can manufacture Amy'05 in Asia, the US , or Mexico, and ship worldwide from the US or Canada. Depending on volume, hypothetically Amy'05 could retail at an estimated price of $400 US which of course would greatly reduce the price in other currencies (such as Euro or Sterling ).

Checked the site, and although it is aimed at $400, their first numbers are indeed £400, roughly ¤585 or $695.

On a side note, I find it strange that two currencies are made as estimate for the same product... they could give a much more easier way to show the fall in price brought by mass production, or the overall estimations...

Last edited by pixie on 18-Feb-2006 at 11:00 PM.

Indigo 3D Lounge, my second home.
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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 18-Feb-2006 23:21:28
#19 ]
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Joined: 27-Apr-2003
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From: Farther upstate than Upstate NY


Go to OS4Depot and download the VIA 686B drivers.

Tony T.

People who generalize are always wrong.

1989 - 500 / 1991 - 3000 / 1997 - Genesis Flyer 1200T / 2003 - A1XE

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Re: New AmigaOne in the next few months???!!
Posted on 18-Feb-2006 23:52:11
#20 ]
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Joined: 26-Dec-2004
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I'm sure Alan gets many phonecalls every week about the A1.
I guess it's just his defense to say "a few more months". He
knows the caller will spread it on every forum out there and
noone will nag Alan for "a few more months".

Don't sit around waiting for this shipment. It won't arrive.

If it does, I'll eat my hat.

JeffShepard: Are you still talking about lack of CPU's?
Haha, there are PowerPC CPUs everywhere including G3!
It's just a matter of payment.

Last edited by ironfist on 18-Feb-2006 at 11:53 PM.

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