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Re: Official AW.Net X1000 Q and A Thread
Posted on 21-Jan-2010 0:08:19
#41 ]
Super Member
Joined: 28-Mar-2003
Posts: 1236
From: Harbor Gateway, Gardena, Ca.


In regards to the CPU. It seems as though many different ones are possible. The little "Not Yet" on the MB pic is small. Is there a MEGARAY connector there?


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Re: Official AW.Net X1000 Q and A Thread
Posted on 25-Jan-2010 12:28:56
#42 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 14-Mar-2003
Posts: 5211
From: Ylikiiminki, Finland


To me it seems that the CPU is soldered on the board. I'm 100% sure the connection is far more advanced than MEGARRAY.

But another question:
If the CPU happens to be a PA6T bought from Apple's factory, is it bought in enough quantity to fill all the possible X1000 CPU needs of the next 5 years?

(10 000+ CPUs, otherwise I see Apple as a very risky CPU parner)

UPDATE, another ...:
Is x1000/nemo (system) planned to be one of the developer kits available at ?

(if so, we would get some worldwide attention amongs electronics/robotics developers)

Last edited by KimmoK on 25-Jan-2010 at 12:33 PM.

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
// Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?

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Re: Official (?) AW.Net X1000 Questions Thread
Posted on 26-Feb-2010 12:25:54
#43 ]
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Joined: 26-Aug-2003
Posts: 382
From: Switzerland


Not really a question, but an opinion :

We all are impatient to have the X1000, (maybe X1200, X600, X2000, X4000, or XC=64, or XCMB ( well, just kidding )) but I think that if we really want to give a blow in the ant-hill it should be delivered with a "finished" compatible softwares bundle.

As you probably already noticed, in articles treating of Amiga NG there is always a negative point : there are no compatible, stable softwares which should compete with the PC/Mac/Linux world.

This new hardware should be the start point for porting great softwares like OpenOffice or FireFox (known as TimberWolf ) or some Linux apps like Abiword, Gnumeric, Konqueror etc...


Last edited by unimon on 26-Feb-2010 at 01:27 PM.
Last edited by unimon on 26-Feb-2010 at 12:27 PM.

RedOneX (SAM 460ex) and an A1 which now rests quite.
Amiga OS 4.1.6 and CinemaWare games.
Classic and NG softwares.

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Re: Official (?) AW.Net X1000 Questions Thread
Posted on 10-Mar-2010 18:57:56
#44 ]
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Joined: 10-Apr-2009
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From: Dschörmännie

Abiword and Gnumeric: Done and already working! (needs Cygnus) Konquerer: Already done in native version using same engine: Called OWB. Gimp: in progress.(for Cygnus) Amiga-native killer application not available for Windows/MacOSX/Linux: Hollywood 4.5. Really great software!
I think we are on the right way and the current situation is the best since more than 10 years.

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Re: Official (?) AW.Net X1000 Questions Thread
Posted on 10-Mar-2010 19:03:49
#45 ]
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Joined: 24-Oct-2003
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From: Maryland, USA

Amiga-native killer application not available for Windows/MacOSX/Linux: Hollywood 4.5. Really great software!

Hollywood IS available for Windows.

All glory to the Hypnotoad!

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Re: Official (?) AW.Net X1000 Questions Thread
Posted on 10-Mar-2010 20:36:46
#46 ]
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Joined: 5-Dec-2007
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From: Moers - Germany


As you probably already noticed, in articles treating of Amiga NG there is always a negative point : there are no compatible, stable softwares which should compete with the PC/Mac/Linux world.

Yes, they are right. From my point of view we do need a native office suite, which also runs fluently on a SAM.... BUT, I REPEAT IT AGAIN (AS ON OTHER THREADS):

Letting SAM/A-One 1000X/OS4.x compete with PC/MAC/LINUX would be a desaster.... I think the envolved parties must not intend to do this.

Startpoint should be a "killer app" / "unique selling point" (Alleinstellungsmerkmal in German). We need an application/software which isn't available anywhere else for the given price/performance ratio. Wether we will be a good target group for that is in question. I doubt it. Nevertheless the unique selling point has to be the whole package (unique Hardware - stable/responsive OS + "killer app"). This means, A-Eon/Hyperion has to find a new target group.
Maybe this produces a sort of kickoff, and maybe the new package will attract more developers and more general attraction - maybe an massive opensource community (like Linux) can then be build around it, and we will see some sort of competing Office products.

Here are some ideas for unique selling point packages:
- kiosk systems incl. Hollywood (which is probably the most modern and best application at the moment for productivity - people are already making money whit this)
- bundled with personal erogtrainer soft+and hardware like seen on (I wouldn't care wether there is a WIN or a AMIGA PC behind my ergocycle trainer.... I have to buy a new PC anyway for this setup).

Just a few ideas, to show what I mean / far from beein analyzed properly....

greetings gerograph

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Re: Official (?) AW.Net X1000 Questions Thread
Posted on 10-Mar-2010 21:17:15
#47 ]
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Joined: 20-Mar-2003
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From: S.Wales


rom my point of view we do need a native office suite, which also runs fluently on a SAM...

I've just suggested an OS4 native port of Ignition spreadsheet on Amiga Bounty.

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Re: Official (?) AW.Net X1000 Questions Thread
Posted on 16-Mar-2010 10:48:56
#48 ]
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Joined: 14-Mar-2003
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From: Ylikiiminki, Finland

Has these questions been sent to A-EON ?

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
// Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?

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Re: Official (?) AW.Net X1000 Questions Thread
Posted on 16-Mar-2010 12:21:28
#49 ]
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Joined: 7-Jun-2007
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From: Perth, Western Australia


Yes. I have pm'd TrevorDick and also submitted the URL in an email to the A-Eon questions email, as listed in the FAQ page.

I'm sure Trevor would have seen it already, but you can't be too helpful now

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Re: Official (?) AW.Net X1000 Questions Thread
Posted on 16-Mar-2010 14:18:15
#50 ]
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Joined: 7-Dec-2005
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From: Naples, Italy

I am curious to know the purpose of the FPGA Xilinx 500 present on the motherboard of X1000 as spotted by various people.

It has been stated (in the Puzzle pages of AEON site, or by Rogue in one thread here on -I do not remember exactly where-) that this FPGA chip is programmed to drive the two legacy PCI slots @ 33MHz, but seems me strange this legacy driver is not embedded in the CPU SoC controller bridges as long as USB, PCI express BUS + slots and RAM DDR2 BUS controllers...

Any chance that FPGA XilinX 500 could be programmed to perform various other tasks rather than driving the 2 old legacy PCI slots?

(At least could Xilinx 500 be used for other purposes by renouncing using these extra slots?)

Last edited by Raffaele on 16-Mar-2010 at 02:21 PM.
Last edited by Raffaele on 16-Mar-2010 at 02:20 PM.
Last edited by Raffaele on 16-Mar-2010 at 02:18 PM.

"When the Amiga came out, everyone [at Apple] was scared as hell." (J.L. Gassée, former CEO of Apple France and chief of devs of Mac II-fx, interviewed by Amazing Computing, Nov 1996).

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Re: Official (?) AW.Net X1000 Questions Thread
Posted on 16-Mar-2010 15:52:52
#51 ]
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Joined: 14-Jul-2009
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From: Unknown


And there are a dozen other Mac and PC apps that do the same thing as Hollywood. A killer app is one that provides a reason to buy a particular computer over a competitor. Even if Hollywood weren't available for Windows it wouldn't be a killer app....

And ported Linux software that may or may not e up-to-date isn't "killer app" either. When the Amiga came out some truly creative people were recruited and they developed apps that didn't exist elsewhere. But that was a different age.

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Re: Official (?) AW.Net X1000 Questions Thread
Posted on 16-Mar-2010 18:46:41
#52 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 20-Mar-2003
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From: S.Wales


seems me strange this legacy driver is not embedded in the CPU SoC controller

PA6T-1682M doesn't have an PCI bus but I don't know if it is the only PPC SOC that doesn't. I'm not sure why the board designers would choose an FPGA over an existing PCI-E to PCI bridge chip.

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Re: Official (?) AW.Net X1000 Questions Thread
Posted on 17-Mar-2010 13:41:32
#53 ]
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Joined: 14-Mar-2003
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From: Ylikiiminki, Finland

@Raffaele @Rob

x1000 does have a bridge chip. AMD/ATI SB600 can be seen in the nemo board picture.

So, I think rogue's guess was incorrect, because SB600 has PCI "out".

Then, I thought that the xilinx is connected to the PCI bus of the SB600 and would handle the xena connection.
In the AEON Q&A it was said that xena is connected to the CPU local bus. So, it seems that xena I/O does not go through SB600. And it could be that xilinx is also for something else.

(grazy idea... perhaps xena can program the xilinx FPGA ...grazy idea)

(possible idea ... xilinx could anyway serve some xena/xorro purposes ...possibnle idea)

Last edited by KimmoK on 17-Mar-2010 at 02:07 PM.
Last edited by KimmoK on 17-Mar-2010 at 02:04 PM.
Last edited by KimmoK on 17-Mar-2010 at 01:47 PM.
Last edited by KimmoK on 17-Mar-2010 at 01:46 PM.
Last edited by KimmoK on 17-Mar-2010 at 01:43 PM.
Last edited by KimmoK on 17-Mar-2010 at 01:42 PM.

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
// Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?

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Re: Official AW.Net X1000 Q and A Thread
Posted on 18-Mar-2010 12:57:54
#54 ]
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Are the PCI slots 3.3V and 5V ?

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Re: Official AW.Net X1000 Q and A Thread
Posted on 18-Mar-2010 13:18:42
#55 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 14-Mar-2003
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From: Ylikiiminki, Finland


SB600 should be able to handle both voltages.
(unless I'm mistaken when reading x86 boards specs)

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
// Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?

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Re: Official (?) AW.Net X1000 Questions Thread
Posted on 20-Mar-2010 16:58:08
#56 ]
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Joined: 9-Mar-2003
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From: Ilvesheim, Germany

on march 3rd in the x1000 faq trevor wrote:
To keep the community informed until then, we'll be maintaining a small web presence with information summaries, updates, media, features and so on. Expect that to go live in about a week.

any news on that? the "about a week" is no definitely over ...

thanks and regards...

Michael Merkel
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Member of Amiga-Freunde Pfalz, OS4 Welt

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Re: Official (?) AW.Net X1000 Questions Thread
Posted on 20-Mar-2010 20:12:36
#57 ]
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Joined: 5-Dec-2007
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From: Moers - Germany


A killer app is one that provides a reason to buy a particular computer over a competitor.

yep, exactly, this should be the "official" definition of "killer app". Even thought hollywood is an excellent program !

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Re: Official AW.Net X1000 Q and A Thread
Posted on 20-Mar-2010 21:08:46
#58 ]
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From: UK.......Sol 3.


I plan to use the Xmos to make a mouse/serial port so I can use Tornado3d with the Dongle.


Last edited by Wol on 31-Mar-2010 at 08:06 PM.

It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.~Albert Einstein

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Re: Official AW.Net X1000 Q and A Thread
Posted on 1-Apr-2010 0:39:31
#59 ]
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Saw this link for YouTube video:

AmigaOne X1000 - What is X?

In it a Trevor Dick asks if OK to use this video on their about done web site.

So, does that mean the web site with more data is about to hit the waves?

I am sure ready for something new!


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Re: Official AW.Net X1000 Q and A Thread
Posted on 1-Apr-2010 1:45:55
#60 ]
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From: Norway


Nice video

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