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Poll : So who is definitely buying the AmigaOne X1000 when it comes out?
Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 26-Sep-2010 4:09:10
#61 ]
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Joined: 14-Jul-2009
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From: Unknown


They have an Amino project!

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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 26-Sep-2010 5:13:50
#62 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 6-May-2007
Posts: 11320
From: Greensborough, Australia


So that's 2

Wow! This is unbelievable. I struggled with the decision to buy one. The unknowns about the price, seemingly going up and up. The I applied for the beta program. And found what it cost to get in. Really that cost by itself wasn't much compared to my A1 and I still had to talk myself into it. But it's only half of the picture which made the decision for me even worse. But I figured, either way, it's gotta be better than the full price. And I always wanted to be a beta tester for the first time OS4 came out with the first AmigaOne. So, now was my chance. And isn't there a cost for every exclusive membership?

I even come across people who already decided it. Without a blink in the eye to be seen. And that just phases me out.

But planning to buy two? Well man, my hat goes off to you. That makes the X1000 project more worthwhile.

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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 26-Sep-2010 5:30:09
#63 ]
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Joined: 6-May-2007
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From: Greensborough, Australia


Then I could stick in one of these

The Amiga on a PCI card was spoken about years ago but this could be an AmigaOne on a PCI card! My A1 could do with one of these cards, and have a G4 again. Bring back PowerUP again! My A1 could have a dual CPU like the real PPC Amigas.

This would be very interesting also.

Now we're talking. But what does it plug into?

Last edited by Hypex on 26-Sep-2010 at 05:38 AM.

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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 26-Sep-2010 5:35:43
#64 ]
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From: Greensborough, Australia


A 1.3GHz MPC745x combined with some audio-visual hardware like ACube's EyeMotion would make a nice portable solution, although not demonstrably better than a 1.1GHz AMCC460 with EyeMotion onboard, like the Sam460.

Actually I think it would better for one reason, a full G4 core with AltiVec. Does the AMCC460 have a full PPC core compatible to G3/G4? Without alignment issues. Or even AV?

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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 26-Sep-2010 13:27:11
#65 ]
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@T-J They have an Amino project!

Yes, I spotted that too.

It seems to be some sort of 'TCP/IP stack on chip', which is itself interesting. Isn't the slightly superannuated state of the TCP/IP stack one of the problems of AmigaOS? Could this configuration on Xena, or on a Xena-controlled expansion card, solve that issue in hardware?

I don't know. It'd be brilliant if it could.


Actually I think it would better for one reason, a full G4 core with AltiVec. Does the AMCC460 have a full PPC core compatible to G3/G4? Without alignment issues. Or even AV?

As I understand it, the AMCC460 is less powerful and lacks AltiVec, but it has faster memory bus and integrated support for various peripherals, which reduces the cost of the board. Plus it runs cooler.

Doing a bit more reading, I guess a G4 based portable would be quite a bit more powerful, but I'm not convinced it would be a better solution all-round as a portable. I'm leaning towards the products of AMCC in that area, especially theAPM 801xx range, which offers 1 watt power use at 800MHz. The Titan is interesting too, offering 1.5GHz dual core while remaining fairly cheap.

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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 26-Sep-2010 14:18:31
#66 ]
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I'm going to buy an XMOS development kit, it looks like it'll be fun to play with.

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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 26-Sep-2010 16:48:52
#67 ]
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An XK-1, I presume? That's probably the way to explore the concepts XMOS are using before you buy anything bigger, if its just the XMOS side of things you're interested in.

Reading through the development kit information on, I wonder about the XS1-G kit. It seems to be meant to speed the development time for handheld or embedded projects, but could it be of any use to X1000 users? Or perhaps it would be better to put an XS1-G4 chip (or more than one...) on a little PCB plugged into the Xorro slot and using Xena's link to the main system to display on the monitor.

Last edited by T-J on 26-Sep-2010 at 04:55 PM.

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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 26-Sep-2010 17:05:49
#68 ]
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@ T-J
@ Hypex

I guess the point of the links I supplied was more to emphasize that Varisys
(and Xmos) are going companies that are actually doing stuff. ( and they have
real postal addresses. ) Like you guys, just browsing around their sites can feed
imagination. Makes me wonder what their people may be thinking up.

As far as affording 2 X1000 I have MS to thank for that. I have enough put aside
for 1 plus soon ( 5-8 months) will be close enough to a second. People are most
willing to donate decent money to fix/reload their *problem* and avoid the migraine
of doing it themselves.

Exciting times ahead.

T-J. you posted this while I was busy with the above.


Or perhaps it would be better to put an XS1-G4 chip (or more than one...) on a little PCB plugged
into the Xorro slot and using Xena's link to the main system to display on the monitor.

Having a hard time turning 'IT' off?


I'm going to buy an XMOS development kit, it looks like it'll be fun to play with.

Keyword: FUN.

Last edited by Mechanic on 27-Sep-2010 at 12:44 PM.

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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 26-Sep-2010 19:06:58
#69 ]
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Yeah, US$99. Would give me a chance to play with the technology with a pocket change budget. What do you need to create stand alone systems?

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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 26-Sep-2010 19:18:19
#70 ]
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Joined: 23-Mar-2004
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From: Cambridge

I have no plans to get an X1000.

Although I spend an inordinate amount of time on Amiga forums I don't actually use them. I recently powered up my A1200 for the first time for 10 years. For the software I occasionally fire up UAE. But even that's rare. If I buy anything it'll be the FPGA Acrade, but even that's doubtful. Hell, I'm even um-ing and ah-ing over getting a CF adaptor for the A1200..

It does sounds like it'll be a nice piece of hardware, faster than any other Amiga type system (other than the G5 Macs with MorphOS). Certainly it'll be the fastest for OS4 users. I also expect it'll be rather better quality hardware then the original A1s.

I'm quite surprised at the number of people saying yes, I thought the price would have put off more people. I still think something cheaper would be better, that way you might be able to grow the market. The Sam 460 looks likely to fill that niche but even that is quite pricy compared on non-Amiga systems. I guess thats the cost of doing niche hardware, though maybe the 2 companies should be working together.

That said, I just blew a small fortune on a new Mac and it cost rather more than an X1000.


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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 26-Sep-2010 19:47:31
#71 ]
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From: Unknown



minator wrote:
That said, I just blew a small fortune on a new Mac and it cost rather more than an X1000.

Yeah, but if it's what you want.................

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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 27-Sep-2010 1:38:50
#72 ]
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Plus I bet it's got more cores running at a faster rate! You can't even get a Mac as slow as an X1000, the slowest Mac is a Intel Core 2 Duo T6600 running at 2.4 GHz and selling for the sum of US$649, about 1/3 of the price of an X1000....

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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 27-Sep-2010 3:43:28
#73 ]
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From: Australia


Over here in SkipLand, cost more then the price you mentioned,

MAybe it depends on what country your in and wha shop you get your Mac from, if you go to Toorak in Victoria it'll be more expensive(rich people live there) versus going down to Knox for example?

Anyway, Not my Beef,

I want a complete system, So this'll be on order.


Courtesy of SAM440Flex & Amiga OS4.1 only
Flex is 800mhz
A1000 with Classic 520 Amiga OS3.2.1
AmiKit 12
MorphOS PowerBook G4 (which can play youtube vids)

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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 27-Sep-2010 3:45:29
#74 ]
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From: Australia


Noticed some people on here mentioning Beta Tester, thats not good, this is supposed to remain quiet on what users have become Beta testers, AFAIK.

Oh well, none of my business I suppose.


Courtesy of SAM440Flex & Amiga OS4.1 only
Flex is 800mhz
A1000 with Classic 520 Amiga OS3.2.1
AmiKit 12
MorphOS PowerBook G4 (which can play youtube vids)

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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 27-Sep-2010 13:25:34
#75 ]
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I'm still undecided, whether to buy an AmigaOne X1000 or upgrade my SAM-Flex to a 460 (and then miss any cool and quirky Xena apps that will eventually come out)..

Vesalia will sell the SAM 460ex mobo for ¤773,9, add OS4.x and 1Gb of RAM and you're at ¤917,7, so I assume a complete system will easily reach ¤1K. So I guess the difference between the two (460 vs. X1000) will not be that much..

Having said that, my Flex is serving me well, so.. Maybe I'll wait for the OS to fully exploit A-EON's hardware.

Any piece of advice?


Last edited by Shufflepuck on 27-Sep-2010 at 01:26 PM.

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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 27-Sep-2010 13:30:58
#76 ]
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From: Sweden


wait and see :)

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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 27-Sep-2010 14:32:45
#77 ]
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I buy mine from Apple at a discount, but I'm in the same situation as the X1000 beta testers, I can't reveal how much I pay. I deliberately used US street prices because Australian prices tend to be high as they are not based on the current AU$1 = US$0.96, but rather a much lower exchange rate and then have GST added on top of that.

Last edited by persia on 27-Sep-2010 at 02:36 PM.
Last edited by persia on 27-Sep-2010 at 02:33 PM.

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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 27-Sep-2010 15:38:26
#78 ]
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I'm quite surprised at the number of people saying yes, I thought the price would have put off more people.

Still don't get the price issue people have, unless they simply can't really afford it, being student, unemployed, having other expensive hobbies or just a big house and kids that cost a lot of money. Well, guess that counts a lot of people...

What I'm trying to say is that I recently spent about the same amount as the X1000 will cost on my third bicycle that I really don't need, and it was 2 years old and used! Why?! Because I really wanted it and it is so much fun with downhill biking

As I also said earlier, I will of course buy the X1000 as well, just because I love Amiga

Last year I would have had to live with my old bike and hardly been able to afford the X1000, but I would have found a way of getting it anyway.

- Don't get fooled by my avatar, I'm not like that (anymore, mostly... maybe only sometimes)
> Amiga Classic and OS4 developer for OnyxSoft.

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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 27-Sep-2010 16:52:48
#79 ]
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But again for relatively old technology (in the real world) £1,150 for a mother board is a lot of money. You can get so much faster equipment with blue ray drives and the like for so much less.

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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 27-Sep-2010 17:20:05
#80 ]
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From: Grimsby, UK


That runs AmigaOS? Wow thats amazing!


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