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Poll : So who is definitely buying the AmigaOne X1000 when it comes out?
Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 27-Sep-2010 19:40:29
#81 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 27-Jul-2003
Posts: 2007
From: Unknown



persia wrote:

But again for relatively old technology (in the real world) £1,150 for a mother board is a lot of money. You can get so much faster equipment with blue ray drives and the like for so much less.

How come you've never mentioned anything about price before???

We don't ALL need, the absolutely, positively, most assuredly, fastest, TODAY S bleeding
edge, mega-giga-terra hyper overdrive, super-duper pooper scooper, here now obsolete next
week, can't live without, prime time advertised, latest and greatest, desired by soccer
stars, megacorp approved, get yours while they last, hurry before wal mart puts it in the
dumpster, super discount, chunk of plastic covered silicon zippy drive machine.

X1000 is, what it is. If you started to build a custom computer system today using
the latest and greatest chip of your choice, would that be cutting edge by the time
you got it to market? Or would people poo it saying 'relatively old technology' ?

The most modern automobiles use relatively old technology. Some are fun, most are not.

You mentioned Blu-ray drives. Yeah, they will last until sales forcasts start to dip
and then it will be Orange-Ray, and then, and then.......and then you toss out every-
thing and buy again and again. However,, if that's your idea of fun...........

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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 27-Sep-2010 21:19:50
#82 ]
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Joined: 30-Jan-2005
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@Shufflepuck Quote:
SAM 460ex ... complete system will easily reach 1K [Euros]. So I guess the difference between the two (460 vs. X1000) will not be that much..

X1000 is supposed to cost "north of £1500" (inc VAT I assume), which translates into north of 1500 Euros (excl. VAT/tax).

That would mean the X1000 cost 50% more, for up to 2-4 times the processing power. Whether that justifies the X1000's expense is something everyone has to decide. (For me personally, while I suspect the X1000 will be overkill for most stuff I'll want to do, it would also be nice to not have to worry about processing power on an Amiga for once! Only time I previously didn't was when I had a 40MHz 68040 many years ago.)

Last edited by ChrisH on 27-Sep-2010 at 09:33 PM.

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 27-Sep-2010 21:28:31
#83 ]
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From: Unknown

Your anti-X1000 propoganda is getting quite tiring. Could you please knock it off?

Yes, we know you aren't interested, there's no need to keep reminding us all the time. It would be nice to enjoy (positive) discussions on for once, without someone feeling the need to p**s all over it repeatedly.

Last edited by ChrisH on 27-Sep-2010 at 09:33 PM.
Last edited by ChrisH on 27-Sep-2010 at 09:30 PM.

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 27-Sep-2010 21:39:15
#84 ]
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As much as I agree with you, just enjoy the "yes" votes & ignore the trolls, don't start a war by replying.

Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 28-Sep-2010 0:32:12
#85 ]
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Yeah, US$99. Would give me a chance to play with the technology with a pocket change budget. What do you need to create stand alone systems?

There's a group on for those intending to build custom boards, if you want to do that yourself. You can also get the XDK XS1-G development kit I mentioned before, which is an integrated box with a quad-core XMOS chip, a small touchscreen and some other inputs and peripheral connectors. I think that the XS1-G is probably for after you've worked out the basics of your idea on the XK-1, since it will set you back US$999. Still, its better than doing custom hardware design the old fashioned way.


Also @persia

But again for relatively old technology (in the real world) £1,150 for a mother board is a lot of money. You can get so much faster equipment with blue ray drives and the like for so much less.

Granted, its pricey. But judging from this poll, it seems that the market will bear the price of the X1000, at least for the initial 250 machines. Bear in mind that although you can have other machines for less, you don't get the possibility of being able to integrate a powerful parallel processing machine into your desktop computer with those other machines. We don't know if that's useful yet, but its certainly worth exploring and exploration is sometimes expensive.

Last edited by T-J on 28-Sep-2010 at 12:39 AM.

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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 28-Sep-2010 5:01:46
#86 ]
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I find I'm am becoming more interested in XMOS as I hear more about it. A US$99 investment is nothing. I've downloaded the SDK that's there and I need to work through it, but it would be fun to build some sort of remote control device, maybe with a 3G SIM card attached for communication. I need to play with programming it before I decide on a project.

You've convinced me, I'm plunking down US$99 now and if I really get into it then I can buy the XDK XS1-G at a later date. So many toys, so little time....

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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 28-Sep-2010 6:56:20
#87 ]
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From: Poland


keep reminding us all the time

You keep reminding us how cool is. Persia's opinion is well known, so what? We know opinions of most users around here. Maybe we should stop discussing because of that?


For escapism exit stage left, --- no one said anything bad or untrue about X1000 but you had to overreact.

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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 28-Sep-2010 6:57:14
#88 ]
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From: Kumla, Sweden


the most important thing about the X1000 is it's CPU: 1.8Ghz dual-core (and fast memory bus to match)

What's the latest update concerning 64bit and SMP support in OS4? IMHO it doesn't make much sense to use an expensive dual-core 64bit CPU if the OS is only single-core and 32bit...

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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 28-Sep-2010 7:13:04
#89 ]
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Joined: 18-Dec-2003
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From: Slayton, MN, USA

It's kind of a toss up as to which will occur first: The implosion of the World Economy, or the X1000 being released for sale! I'm betting that the X1000 will be the first sign of the implosion! :>(


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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 28-Sep-2010 8:42:03
#90 ]
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From: Zaragoza (Aragonian State)


I won't buy it, it's over the price range I am interested. Features are ok for Amiga market but I don't think it has a good price/performance ratio. ATM since my desktop amiga needs are well suited with a Mac Mini and MorphOS I'll keep my eye on alternatives like powerbook to see if OS4/MorphOS Team support it and if I got tired of waiting I'll probably try to get an AROS compatible netbook.

The only spanish amiga news web page/club: CUAZ

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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 28-Sep-2010 9:35:00
#91 ]
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From: Lake Shastina, Northern Calif.



AmiDog wrote:

the most important thing about the X1000 is it's CPU: 1.8Ghz dual-core (and fast memory bus to match)

What's the latest update concerning 64bit and SMP support in OS4? IMHO it doesn't make much sense to use an expensive dual-core 64bit CPU if the OS is only single-core and 32bit...

That is the $200,000+ question! I think that the already announced SMP (of some kind) for OS4 was extremely premature, but I am interested to hear or read about any new information regarding what their plans and progress are in this part of their plan.

Amiga! The computer that inspired so many, to accomplish so much, but has ended up in the hands of . . . . . . . . . .

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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 28-Sep-2010 9:35:13
#92 ]
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From: Germany


Maybe we should stop discussing because of that?

Hmm, interesting approach. Maybe we should try to - just as a proof of concept, maybe for a week? Only to see, wether we can or can't.


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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 28-Sep-2010 11:33:44
#93 ]
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From: Sweden



That runs AmigaOS? Wow thats amazing!

Agree, that is amazing!

- Don't get fooled by my avatar, I'm not like that (anymore, mostly... maybe only sometimes)
> Amiga Classic and OS4 developer for OnyxSoft.

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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 28-Sep-2010 15:07:38
#94 ]
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I'm ore a state of the art person than an OS loyalist. I do appreciate the information about XMOS and am giving some attention to that. I don't do "garden parties" but I do wish those who do a lot of luck, to paraphrase the late Ricky Nelson.

XMOS looks like a lot of fun, the US$99 basic entry fee is pretty reasonable and all the tools are in place (if you have an OS X, MS Windows or Linux box). There's plenty of room to expand to the more professional XDK XS1-G at US$999 and I'm still in for less than an X1000 motherboard.

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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 28-Sep-2010 17:25:49
#95 ]
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@opi Quote:
You keep reminding us how cool is.

These posts are yours are getting ridiculous & laughable:

I've pointed out before how wrong you are with these wierd fantasy claims, yet you ignored my attempts to discuss it reasonably, so I have to conclude you just wish to bash me (or otherwise have some wierd obession with me or The fact you brought up without me even mentioning it should prove the point. Please PM me privately, or drop it *permanently*, because I'm not going to play your childish bullying game.

no one said anything bad or untrue

Sundown would seem to disagree with you.

you had to overreact

You are the one who seriously over-reacts to what I say. Pity you can't see it.

For escapism exit stage left,

First you invented that I left for (in another thread), and now you back-track suggest I leave for . Make up your mind!

Last edited by ChrisH on 29-Sep-2010 at 09:46 AM.
Last edited by ChrisH on 28-Sep-2010 at 06:25 PM.

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 28-Sep-2010 17:31:10
#96 ]
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@AmiDog Quote:
What's the latest update concerning 64bit and SMP support in OS4? IMHO it doesn't make much sense to use an expensive dual-core 64bit CPU if the OS is only single-core and 32bit...

It's a bit difficult to add SMP to an OS when there is no hardware to test it on! Therefore the SMP hardware (X1000) has to come before SMP support is added to OS4.

64-bit vs 32-bit is mostly irrelevant: Most x86 chips have been 64-bit capable for many years, yet most Windows installations have been 32-bit until this year. And for good reason: There's no real advantage, unless you have more than 3GB of RAM. I hope that OS4 does NOT go 64-bit, because it would only add software incompatibility, without any advantage.

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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 28-Sep-2010 18:22:21
#97 ]
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From: Poland

It's a bit difficult to add SMP to an OS when there is no hardware to test it on! Therefore the SMP hardware (X1000) has to come before SMP support is added to OS4..

that's correct. Trevor mentioned recently the x1000 is treated as a prototype machine for Hyperion to work on SMP

"Marxism must abhor nothing so much as the possibility that it becomes congealed in its current form. It is at its best when butting heads in self-criticism, and in historical thunder and lightning, it retains its strength" - Rosa Luxemburg.

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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 28-Sep-2010 18:57:49
#98 ]
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From: Kumla, Sweden


Unless I remember wrong, the Friedens had a dual-G4 CPU board for the A1. If it actually worked or not I don't know. I agree that writing the lowlevel kernel parts would require actual hardware, but getting all other parts SMP compatible (by getting rid of Forbid() or whatever) could be done in advance.

As for no advantage of going 64bit, well, as OS4 only has a single address space, it would probably benefit more from going 64bit than other operating systems as you can't map more than 4GB, which should include everything, PCI-address space, actual RAM, and whatever you want to be able to page out to disk ("Virtual memory").

They can always include both 32bit and 64bit versions, as you get if you buy Windows for example.

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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 29-Sep-2010 11:31:44
#99 ]
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marko wrote:


So that's 2...

Are you gonna run them in dual mode?

As Quad-Core, so to say...


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Re: [Poll] AmigaOne X1000 - Are you buying it?
Posted on 29-Sep-2010 17:40:49
#100 ]
Joined: 17-Apr-2010
Posts: 19
From: Faroe Islands

I voted no. I probably wont buy one, because the last thing i want is a tower, sometimes called desktop. Give me a laptop, netbook, tablet, anything that doesn't take up an entire room and i am all in. The price isn't a dealbreaker for me, so much as the form is. I might buy a Sam 460, if it is smaller and more portable.


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