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So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 10-Jun-2013 1:37:07
#1 ]
Super Member
Joined: 14-Apr-2003
Posts: 1797
From: nyc

Ok so still til this day not one pic or anything of the so called os4 laptop. All you guys who ridiculed me and banned me and called me a troll owe me an apology... lol

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 10-Jun-2013 6:26:20
#2 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Jun-2005
Posts: 3797
From: Belgrade, Serbia


Ok so still til this day not one pic or anything of the so called os4 laptop. All you guys who ridiculed me and banned me and called me a troll owe me an apology... lol

Officially in between on hold and cancelled.

Turned out to be underpowered / expensive and will remain another "blame Hyperion" thing until we have OS4 nettop/laptop.

Future Acube and MOS supporter, fi di good, nothing fi di unprofessionals. Learn it harder way!

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 10-Jun-2013 7:25:10
#3 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
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there was announced an laptop??????

i know of a netbook that was hyped and announced on Amiwest some years back, sadly that project seems to have been nothing else than a pure "lets just announce it to make us look like a bunch of fools again" project.

See my blog and collection website! .

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 10-Jun-2013 7:31:12
#4 ]
Super Member
Joined: 4-Jun-2004
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From: Aberystwyth, Wales

I think the makers just stopped making it while they were developing OS4 for it, so the price is now too high and the outlay too large to make it worthwhile. No-one wants to pay 500 quid for a limited 400MHz machine.

It's not their fault, these things happen.

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 10-Jun-2013 7:39:14
#5 ]
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Considering this has been debated to heck and beyond already, I think it's safe to call you a troll again.

Besides, there never was a LAPtop in the first place.

This weeks pet peeve:
Using "voltage" instead of "potential", which leads to inventing new words like "amperage" instead of "current" (I, measured in A) or possible "charge" (amperehours, Ah or Coulomb, C). Sometimes I don't even know what people mean.

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 10-Jun-2013 8:34:25
#6 ]
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Joined: 14-Mar-2003
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From: Ylikiiminki, Finland


The netbook has been in the works "for a while":

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 10-Jun-2013 9:15:09
#7 ]
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Joined: 28-Jul-2012
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From: Amiga land

Guys i think the only one company capable to do this hardware
is the Acube ... because for make the laptop they have only to reigerize a little the Sam 440 itx ... and on this hw everything is woking ... warp3d, audio, lan, Sata dma...
they have only to upgrade the max ram to 1 gb and swap the pci slot with a gsm/gps reciver and sim reader and put an atheos 5000 wifii (now we have the driver) :P :P :P

and because the partnership with Mas elettronica they can make this easy if they can, wanna, have the money for investment.

I love Amiga and new hope by AmigaNG
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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 10-Jun-2013 9:39:59
#8 ]
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From: CRO


NASA bought all Limebooks for the Mars mission, leaving Hyperion without any stock.


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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 10-Jun-2013 9:46:26
#9 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 23-Feb-2010
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From: Victoria, Australia


What surprises me about this is the fact that they (Hyperion) said at the time of announcement they had a working functional netbook, yet it still failed to be a delivered project?

If this was the case and they have decided to can the project that is cool they may have there reasons, but why could they not release some photos and videos as proof of concept for us to look at?

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 10-Jun-2013 10:40:22
#10 ]
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@all people interested in an Amiga netbook

I'll repeat this once again: why bothering? People really interested in an "Amiga" notebook or netbook, being perfectly able to run legacy applications and to give users actual Amiga look'n'feel already exsisted for years, since MorphOS and AROS can both run on portable computers. I guess accustoming to those "2nd choice" solutions would be far better than waiting, probably forever, for costy and underpowered solutions like a custom, rebranded 400 MHz Limebook or so.

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 10-Jun-2013 10:45:38
#11 ]
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i want a 68k 3ghz dual core laptop!

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 10-Jun-2013 10:49:45
#12 ]
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You are right but for "true" (AmigaOS) fans Amiga is AmigaOS, nothing else. They would never even look at alternatives because it is "emotional" not Amiga for them. 100% brand loyality, every producer elsewhere could only dream of that. So they will not use a Powerbook with MorphOS or a Laptop/Notebook with AROS even when these alternatives are much cheaper and already available. I do not moan about that (just not understanding) and only saying how I see it.

That is the part I will never understand... there are plenty of choices now with different hardware supported and very good alternatives and most people seem to stick to one platform and not even look at the alternatives. But perhaps I am not long enough here again to understand it...

Last edited by OlafS25 on 10-Jun-2013 at 10:57 AM.

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 10-Jun-2013 10:50:16
#13 ]
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hi wawa

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 10-Jun-2013 11:01:01
#14 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 14-Mar-2003
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From: Ylikiiminki, Finland

For me... I most likely will try AROS on laptop one day. Or a G4 MosBook.
And, if I totally loose it, I build my SAM440ep-mini into a luggage.

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
// Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 10-Jun-2013 11:11:33
#15 ]
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good ideas

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 10-Jun-2013 11:33:18
#16 ]
Amiga Developer Team
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From: Portsmouth England


Being as it's 'Mystical' you must truly belive in it before you can see it, you clearly are an unbeliever....

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 10-Jun-2013 12:17:08
#17 ]
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@wawa hi wawa

whats up?

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 10-Jun-2013 12:18:25
#18 ]
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nothing special. Just saying hallo

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 10-Jun-2013 12:25:36
#19 ]
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Joined: 4-Jun-2004
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From: Aberystwyth, Wales


The netbook was always fully functional, but I believe the OS4 drivers were still in progress. Before they finished, supply had dried up.

Most companies don't release photos and video of work-in-progress things as they can give wrong impressions.

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Re: So Where is the Mystical OS4 Laptop??:
Posted on 10-Jun-2013 12:55:40
#20 ]
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From: Norway


The worst part of this is that it seems they might be lying, there is no proof is any work being done at this at all, they keep users and fans waiting for something never comes, it is frustrating to wait and wait and wait, and nothing.

They should not have announced it at all if they were not series about it, and we who are interested in this we are left wondering what happened, is project dead, way is dead, did they lie, way did they lie. When you take this in to account it should be better to give some progress report, at least show that product exists, and that they are making some progress, or they should never have talked about it.

I think personally it was unrealistic whit resources available.

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