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Re: Giggledisk
Posted on 17-Jun-2008 16:43:53
#21 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 6-May-2007
Posts: 11320
From: Greensborough, Australia


I have a GUI based tool some where that might be helpful, I might upload it OS4 depot if you’re interested.

That sounds lovely. I would be interested, if I had a working OS4 machine to run it on.

And I know I uploaded a tool to read PC partition tables, OS4Depot is blocked at work, so I can’t check the name of file right now.

Take your time, no need to rush...

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Re: Giggledisk
Posted on 17-Jun-2008 16:57:39
#22 ]
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Joined: 31-Oct-2003
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From: Finland

OS3.x version now added:

I haven't tested this version (I crosscompiled it on OS4) so it would be good if someone could report back whether it works or not.

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Re: Giggledisk
Posted on 17-Jun-2008 17:08:39
#23 ]
Joined: 11-Dec-2007
Posts: 22
From: Germany


Perhaps you could give some hints on how you got it to work?

First, I made a mountlist using Giggledisk that worked with the m68k cybppc.device in OS3.x.
Then I started td64patch in OS4 and mounted the previously created mountlist. That was all I had to do...

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Re: Giggledisk
Posted on 23-Jun-2008 5:13:30
#24 ]
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Joined: 6-May-2007
Posts: 11320
From: Greensborough, Australia



First, I made a mountlist using Giggledisk that worked with the m68k cybppc.device in OS3.x.
Then I started td64patch in OS4 and mounted the previously created mountlist. That was all I had to do....

Thanks. I can look forward to using it once my A1 is up and running again. I wonder if giggledisk works?

I tried one of these programs on my basic A1200 and it crashed badly, not sure which one.

Last edited by Hypex on 23-Jun-2008 at 05:16 AM.

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Re: Giggledisk
Posted on 23-Jun-2008 8:31:09
#25 ]
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Joined: 25-Aug-2003
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From: Lecco, Italy


GiggleDisk work on OS4, but in my case some linux partitions are not found,
maybe I made too many extended partitions

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Re: Giggledisk
Posted on 23-Jun-2008 8:46:22
#26 ]
Joined: 13-May-2003
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From: France

Last edited by Sodapop on 23-Jun-2008 at 08:46 AM.

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Re: Giggledisk
Posted on 24-Jun-2008 14:10:35
#27 ]
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Joined: 14-Apr-2004
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From: Copenhagen, Denmark


For all os slow-minded users a step by step guide would be nice

.... still strugelig to get my Linux partitions mounted on OS4.0 classic

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Re: Giggledisk
Posted on 24-Jun-2008 14:52:45
#28 ]
Joined: 11-Dec-2007
Posts: 22
From: Germany


So mounting the EXT3 partitions on OS 3.9 (with OS3.x td64patch and giggledisk_aos68k) worked in the meantime?

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Re: Giggledisk
Posted on 24-Jun-2008 14:56:52
#29 ]
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From: Copenhagen, Denmark


Havn't tried that. I understood the post the way that you used OS4.0 classic.

How precisely did you do that under 3.9?

Sorry if this is a simple question. I have been focusing on PC for the last couple of years.

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Re: Giggledisk
Posted on 24-Jun-2008 16:37:56
#30 ]
Joined: 11-Dec-2007
Posts: 22
From: Germany


No problem! I tried it on OS 3.9 first, as this was easier with my setup (CSPPC and UWSCSI).

The EXT2FileSystem uses TD64 for supporting partitions above the 4 GB barrier. If you're using scsi.device, you have to start td64patch first, as scsi.device only talks NSD and no TD64.
Once done, let GiggleDisk create mountfiles with 'giggledisk_aos68k scsi.device 0 TO RAM:'.
You should then be able to mount the partition by doubleclicking the corresponding mountfile.

If it still doesn't work, then please post the created mountfile here.

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Re: Giggledisk
Posted on 25-Jun-2008 5:33:58
#31 ]
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From: Copenhagen, Denmark


Well it did'nt work out of the box.

I extract tdpatch and giggledisk to ram.

I cd to the tdpach directory and write:

Run NIL: tdpatch_68k scsi.device

I then cd to the giggledisk bin directory and write:

giggledisk_aos68k scsi.device 0 TO RAM:

i get a lot of small mount files as I should. When I doubleclick the linux file (see linked files) I get an activation error saying that

"=" is not a valid keyword (file 'Linux', row 9, colum 18).

You can get the mount files here.

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Re: Giggledisk
Posted on 25-Jun-2008 12:12:52
#32 ]
Joined: 11-Dec-2007
Posts: 22
From: Germany


The DOSType of your Linux partition isn't set correctly for EXT2/EXT3, so GiggleDisk doesn't know what FileSystem to use...

Start HDToolBox or MediaToolbox (the program that you used for partitioning your HD) and change the DOSType of your Linux partition to 'EXT2' (0x45585432).

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Re: Giggledisk
Posted on 26-Jun-2008 5:25:26
#33 ]
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From: Copenhagen, Denmark


I used this guide to prepare my HD. Debian sees the partitions fine but apparantly giggledisk do not. Bummer.

The reason I used this guide is that when I tried to prepare the HD on OS3.9 I got a message saying that all my partitions would be erased if I made the partitions/changed the drives. Maby it is just me not reading the error correctly but it scared me off. And since Debian used the partitions created on OS4.0 fine I did not think anymore of it.

Unfortunately you can not use the DOStypes form your guide on MediaToolbos in OS4.0 classic. When I chose special filesystem and start to enter the DOStype it refuses to accept the letters after the letter 0. Strange but thrue at least on my system.

So there a two ways now.

1. Mount the linux partitions on OS 4.0 classic.
2. Taking the chance with HDtoolbos on OS3.9 and reinstalling.

Unless anybody can help me with road nr- 1 I will proberbly chose road nr. 2.

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Re: Giggledisk
Posted on 26-Jun-2008 5:38:02
#34 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 31-Oct-2003
Posts: 2707
From: Finland



Unfortunately you can not use the DOStypes form your guide on MediaToolbos in OS4.0 classic. When I chose special filesystem and start to enter the DOStype it refuses to accept the letters after the letter 0. Strange but thrue at least on my system.

You shouldn't input the "0x" part, only the stuff that comes after it (the "0x" just says that it's hexadecimal).

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Re: Giggledisk
Posted on 26-Jun-2008 7:22:38
#35 ]
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From: Copenhagen, Denmark



I will give it a try.


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Re: Giggledisk
Posted on 30-Jun-2008 5:29:30
#36 ]
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Joined: 14-Apr-2004
Posts: 103
From: Copenhagen, Denmark


Well changing the dos-types for the linux-partitions did'nt do the trick. Samme error.

The mounts files are here..

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Re: Giggledisk
Posted on 30-Jun-2008 9:19:55
#37 ]
Joined: 11-Dec-2007
Posts: 22
From: Germany


The DOSType ist still wrong: It's set to FFS Intl. (DOS\3) with 0x444F5303 in your Lnx-Boot mountfile.
Depending on your HD partitioning tool, you may have to add EXT2FileSystem as new filesystem with DOSType 0x45585432 first.

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Re: Giggledisk
Posted on 30-Jun-2008 9:46:56
#38 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 6-May-2007
Posts: 11320
From: Greensborough, Australia


I confirmed it last night. I am surprised giggledisk works all on OS4. Because last night I tested it on my basic A1200 4MB OS3.9 machine and it crashed badly. The extracted archives seems to have icons but none for the programs so I ran it from WB with Show->All.

It crashed badly. The screen went all funny. Forcing a hard reset. Honestly, as testy as this program is, I honestly don't know how it works at all on your machines.

Did any of you find it easily crashes with no arguments? Infact, repeat what I've done above and please tell me, does it crash badly for you?

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Re: Giggledisk
Posted on 1-Jul-2008 3:09:03
#39 ]
Joined: 11-Dec-2007
Posts: 22
From: Germany


The version of GiggleDisk on Aminet (V1.17) is a little bit buggy... Try V1.19 from

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Re: Giggledisk
Posted on 1-Jul-2008 7:29:52
#40 ]
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Joined: 14-Apr-2004
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From: Copenhagen, Denmark


Well I tried to add the ext2 filesystem to the linux partition with HDtoolbox in 3.9.

At first it did'nt seem to make any difference but after a reboot there was a result: My system wont boot - at all

I think a reinstall of OS 4.0 etc. is required to get things gooing againg.

After the reinstall I will give it a last try to mount the linux drives in OS.40 and copy the files over from there but if that dos not work I think I will give this project a rest.

Many, many thanks for all your help.

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